Wake up, dufus! It's TRUTH TIME!

Karl Marx was a hero! :mad:

Karl Marx was a lazy, half assed sloth that never worked a day in his life and hardly ever completed anything. All the writings he "undertook" were finished by Engels. Engels, along with Mark's father, also paid his way through most of his entire life.

He's a hero to the zeros, that's for sure.

To this day he still has the best response to the laziness argument I quote...:

"According to this, bourgeois society ought long ago to have gone to the dogs through sheer idleness; for those of its members who work acquire nothing, and those who acquire anything do not work."

Why do we need an army? Can't defend yourself? Pussy.

Yo bastage! :poke:

Defending the country is in the Constitution.

Our administration is about making the populous equal.
If the prior statement is correct why are companies exempt from ACA until 2015, yet individuals are not?
That is not equal treatment of the populous by our Administration.

Batter up!

But....taxation is nothing but armed robbery! I say we put donation buckets on 7-11 counters for funding the military. It should be optional. Our freedom to not be defended must be maintained.

I have no problem being taxed to support our defense

I, however, DON'T want my tax dollars to pay for your insurance plan
Do you want to debate why this would be the right time to adopt a whole new system in this nation.

We have communism and Marxism. Both would work.

Although I prefer Marxism as our first option.

This country as a whole is leaning towards that path.

It started with the housing crisis.
Apparently, you Don'tKnow that Marxism and communism are utter failures.

And no, they won't work in America. Ever.
Oh please, taxes again? Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Yes, taxes...the liberal's tool to beat the public into slaves! Some taxation is required to maintain an army and a governing body...but the maintenance of lazy assholes should not be a burden on the taxpayers.
Preamble to the Constitution:
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

I am curious! What do you think the phrase "...promote the general welfare, . . ." means? Seems to me that helping people who are starving promotes the general welfare. Helping people who could not get medical insurance also seems like promoting the general welfare. Building a federal highway system qualifes as promoting the general welfare. FDA, FAA, DOT, etc are examples of promoting the general welfare. And the list goes on.
Oh, and one other thing, just because a person does not have a job DOES NOT mean that they are lazy. Some people don't have jobs for the simple reason there are no jobs to be had! If you want people to have jobs start bitching at the gop. Rather than passing jobs bills they spend their days repealing the ACA. To date they have voted to repeal it 41 times.
41 repeals of ACA. 0 jobs bills. Does that make any sense to you?
Perhaps (but I doubt) this will make sense to you. When governments tax businesses to the point that making a profit is overly difficult, businesses DO NOT GROW AND CREATE MORE JOBS. That is a major factor in today's job market.

Promoting "the general welfare" is coupled with "secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity". Our liberty and prosperity was gained by a successful fight (The Revolutionary WAR) to get out from under TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION imposed by the King of England. A fight against TAXATION! Do you get the gist?

BTW, Harry Reid has killed over 200 bills from the House by sending them to committees to die. Does that make any sense to you?

Prosperity breeds charity. Prosperity breeds NEW JOBS! Making a profit on one's efforts puts money in the pockets.

Our government today is just too damn big and too damn intrusive. Too many people crave "cradle to grave" care from Mother Government because they have become used to it as a result of others being overtaxed. The excessive taxes are imposed by government employees seeking to remain in power by buying votes from those who receive a free ride.
Do you want to debate why this would be the right time to adopt a whole new system in this nation.

We have communism and Marxism. Both would work.

Although I prefer Marxism as our first option.

This country as a whole is leaning towards that path.

It started with the housing crisis.
Apparently, you Don'tKnow that Marxism and communism are utter failures.

And no, they won't work in America. Ever.

Marxism-Socialism will be our future.
Obamacare is going to tax you into bankruptcy!

Money Morning

Get ready to be blindsided by a barrage of new taxes. $1 trillion worth...

They'll be coming courtesy of the Affordable Care Act, otherwise known as Obamacare.

And they won't just be affecting those who make over $250,000. The bulk of these taxes will be passed on directly to the middle class.

That's because while a majority of these "stealth taxes" were designed to be taxes on businesses, they're actually transferred directly to ordinary citizens.

Your state and federal income taxes will eventually need to be raised to pay for ObamaCare, too.
Karl Marx was a hero! :mad:

Karl Marx was a lazy, half assed sloth that never worked a day in his life and hardly ever completed anything. All the writings he "undertook" were finished by Engels. Engels, along with Mark's father, also paid his way through most of his entire life.

He's a hero to the zeros, that's for sure.

To this day he still has the best response to the laziness argument I quote...:

"According to this, bourgeois society ought long ago to have gone to the dogs through sheer idleness; for those of its members who work acquire nothing, and those who acquire anything do not work."


And like most of Marx assessments, he's completely off base and totally wrong. Marx understanding of economics and praxeology are twice as lazy as the rest of his understandings.
Oh please, taxes again? Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Yes, taxes...the liberal's tool to beat the public into slaves! Some taxation is required to maintain an army and a governing body...but the maintenance of lazy assholes should not be a burden on the taxpayers.
Preamble to the Constitution:
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

I am curious! What do you think the phrase "...promote the general welfare, . . ." means? Seems to me that helping people who are starving promotes the general welfare. Helping people who could not get medical insurance also seems like promoting the general welfare. Building a federal highway system qualifes as promoting the general welfare. FDA, FAA, DOT, etc are examples of promoting the general welfare. And the list goes on.
Oh, and one other thing, just because a person does not have a job DOES NOT mean that they are lazy. Some people don't have jobs for the simple reason there are no jobs to be had! If you want people to have jobs start bitching at the gop. Rather than passing jobs bills they spend their days repealing the ACA. To date they have voted to repeal it 41 times.
41 repeals of ACA. 0 jobs bills. Does that make any sense to you?

People who are starving get welfare and Medicaid.
Do you want to debate why this would be the right time to adopt a whole new system in this nation.

We have communism and Marxism. Both would work.

Although I prefer Marxism as our first option.

This country as a whole is leaning towards that path.

It started with the housing crisis.
Apparently, you Don'tKnow that Marxism and communism are utter failures.

And no, they won't work in America. Ever.

Marxism-Socialism will be our future.

Right! :cuckoo:

THIS TIME it's gonna work! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
ACA repeal crusade over, 'delusional folks' notwithstanding By Steve Benen Mon Oct 14, 2013 2:16 PM EDT.

The Affordable Care Act's open-enrollment period is now two weeks old, and any fair assessment would say the rollout has been difficult. Indeed, Ezra Klein caused a stir this morning with an unflinching piece calling the launch a "failure" and a "disaster," which is harsh but fair.

The larger context and circumstances certainly matter. As we discussed last week, similar rollouts for Medicare Part D and Romneycare in Massachusetts faced similar problems in their infancy, and like them, there's every reason to believe the Affordable Care Act will get its act together. It's also worth considering how and why these problems have plagued the new system, and how much smoother the process might be with some modicum of Republican cooperation.

But it's the larger political irony that's hard to miss. "Obamacare" is off to a rough start, but it's become more popular, not less. Instead of Republicans capitalizing on the bad news surrounding the law, they're effectively being forced to give up on their repeal crusade altogether.

Sen. Bob Corker, R-TN, said on Fox News Sunday that the GOP's "overreach" in trying to defund Obamacare should be a warning to Democrats as they fight to undo the devastating spending cuts known as sequestration.

"Republicans started off in a place that was an overreach, to defund a law that was central to the president's agenda was not achievable," he said.

Rep. Paul Ryan's (R-Wis.) much-discussed Wall Street Journal op-ed last week ignored the health care law; Rep. James Lankford (R-Okla.) said last week that going after the Affordable Care Act is "currently off the table"; Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) has told his party it's time to move on; and Rep. Kevin Brady (R-Texas) has characterized the Republican efforts to defund the law "a bridge too far."

A Senate Republican aide told TPM this morning, "Outside a few borderline delusional folks, no one believes there's a viable strategy to stop Obamacare."

The air is clearly escaping this balloon.

ACA repeal crusade over, 'delusional folks' notwithstanding - The Maddow Blog
Your state and federal income taxes will eventually need to be raised to pay for ObamaCare, too.

Whose numbers are you using, and if it is the CBO, which year? Be careful here.
Do you want to debate why this would be the right time to adopt a whole new system in this nation.

We have communism and Marxism. Both would work.

Although I prefer Marxism as our first option.

This country as a whole is leaning towards that path.

It started with the housing crisis.
Apparently, you Don'tKnow that Marxism and communism are utter failures.

And no, they won't work in America. Ever.

Marxism-Socialism will be our future.
Yes, taxes...the liberal's tool to beat the public into slaves! Some taxation is required to maintain an army and a governing body...but the maintenance of lazy assholes should not be a burden on the taxpayers.

Talking point bumper sticker slogans like this deserve contempt

Contempt given

I would take offense had a sensible person shown contempt. Coming from you, it is welcomed.

I do enjoy your narcissism. Other than that, you have no redeeming value. :lol:

methinks [MENTION=23991]daveman[/MENTION] has a bad case of asshole-itis when he trolls tbe boards looking to thank all posts like this one slamming Dante. :lmao:

Talking point bumper sticker slogans like this deserve contempt

Contempt given

I would take offense had a sensible person shown contempt. Coming from you, it is welcomed.

I do enjoy your narcissism. Other than that, you have no redeeming value. :lol:

methinks [MENTION=23991]daveman[/MENTION] has a bad case of asshole-itis when he trolls tbe boards looking to thank all posts like this one slamming Dante. :lmao:
Hey, I was watching a program on the Hubble last night, and they said the damnedest thing -- turns out you're NOT the center of the universe! WTF?!

Meanwhile, it looks like your mention of me proves asaratis is right -- you're a narcissist.

And one with precious little to be narcissistic about, actually.
Why do we need an army? Can't defend yourself? Pussy.

Yo bastage! :poke:

Defending the country is in the Constitution.

Our administration is about making the populous equal.
If the prior statement is correct why are companies exempt from ACA until 2015, yet individuals are not?
That is not equal treatment of the populous by our Administration.

Batter up!

But....taxation is nothing but armed robbery! I say we put donation buckets on 7-11 counters for funding the military. It should be optional. Our freedom to not be defended must be maintained.

See, you liberals just don't understand the conservative view which is understandable since your world view comes from MSNBC. We have no problem with taxation for those things that are in the US Constitution......like defense. It's having to pay ever increasing taxes from our hard earned money to keep your lazy ass in EBT Cheetos while you cruise the interwbs on your free Obama phone year after year. Those are the taxes we oppose.
I would take offense had a sensible person shown contempt. Coming from you, it is welcomed.

I do enjoy your narcissism. Other than that, you have no redeeming value. :lol:

methinks [MENTION=23991]daveman[/MENTION] has a bad case of asshole-itis when he trolls tbe boards looking to thank all posts like this one slamming Dante. :lmao:
Hey, I was watching a program on the Hubble last night, and they said the damnedest thing -- turns out you're NOT the center of the universe! WTF?!

Meanwhile, it looks like your mention of me proves asaratis is right -- you're a narcissist.

And one with precious little to be narcissistic about, actually.


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