Wake's Place

1) USMB's calendar's updated up to 2010. Do you think it's time for it to be updated? Does anyone have a birthday coming up? :D

2) Honestly, what would you say is your best feature?

3) True Facts About The Mantis Shrimp - YouTube

4) What is one of your weird quirks?

5) This is one of the recipes I used from Food in Jars for making Gingery Pickled Beets:


6) Haven't watched season 4 of The Walking Dead yet, but it looks like the Governor died. The 3rd season was my favorite so far. Are you a fan of the series?
1) Once again, my birthday is coming up, so I guess the calendar's already updated.

2) Not my honesty, that's for sure.

4) I'll bend over in a parking lot to pick up a penny.
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I'm thinking of doing a few Meads....and I want to try a lager, but I don't have the refrigeration for it yet.
At some point I will venture in making a mead, I tried some that my copier guy makes...made me want to try it also.
As for lagers, I can make them if I wanted to. I converted a freezer into a fermentation chamber which I use during the summer to make ales which require ambient temps around 62 or a little cooler. But lagers are not my style, so I doubt I will ever make one.

We're still working on the last batch of mead we made. Really good, knock your socks off. You know its good when your friends ask you for a second bottle.

Something we enjoy doing is making special labels for our bottles.
My best feature...hmmm...honestly I give good advice. At least I must, because I am asked for it many times. I am not sure why people ask me all these things. I must be saying something right in return.
But then again, I am a good father. And that probably trumps anything else I can do.
I'm thinking of doing a few Meads....and I want to try a lager, but I don't have the refrigeration for it yet.
At some point I will venture in making a mead, I tried some that my copier guy makes...made me want to try it also.
As for lagers, I can make them if I wanted to. I converted a freezer into a fermentation chamber which I use during the summer to make ales which require ambient temps around 62 or a little cooler. But lagers are not my style, so I doubt I will ever make one.

We're still working on the last batch of mead we made. Really good, knock your socks off. You know its good when your friends ask you for a second bottle.

Something we enjoy doing is making special labels for our bottles.

Wait...are you my copier guy? :lol:
1) USMB's calendar's updated up to 2010. Do you think it's time for it to be updated? Does anyone have a birthday coming up? :D

2) Honestly, what would you say is your best feature?

3) True Facts About The Mantis Shrimp - YouTube

4) What is one of your weird quirks?

5) This is one of the recipes I used from Food in Jars for making Gingery Pickled Beets:


6) Haven't watched season 4 of The Walking Dead yet, but it looks like the Governor died. The 3rd season was my favorite so far. Are you a fan of the series?

1. no

2. could not say

3. interesting ( being polite )

4. I'm not weird. Everyone else is.

5. I love picked beets! Thanks for the recipe, Wake!

6. no
1) USMB's calendar's updated up to 2010. Do you think it's time for it to be updated? Does anyone have a birthday coming up? :D

2) Honestly, what would you say is your best feature?

3) True Facts About The Mantis Shrimp - YouTube

4) What is one of your weird quirks?

5) This is one of the recipes I used from Food in Jars for making Gingery Pickled Beets:


6) Haven't watched season 4 of The Walking Dead yet, but it looks like the Governor died. The 3rd season was my favorite so far. Are you a fan of the series?

1. Yes, but if I told you I would have to kill you!

2. See 1 above.

3. Whatever!

4. See 1 above.

5. See 3 above.

Please do not take these answers personally. :badgrin::badgrin:
1) USMB's calendar's updated up to 2010. Do you think it's time for it to be updated? Does anyone have a birthday coming up? :D

None. All family birthdays for 2014 are already past.

2) Honestly, what would you say is your best feature?

Voice - though no longer used professionally.

3) (Mantis shrimp link was here)

Favorite spot to look at the landscape and be thankful for what this prevented.


4) What is one of your weird quirks?

Clean-as-you-go cooking.

5) Favoritish recipes

Stuffed Quahogs- Portuguese Style Recipe

But only if you can get fresh quahogs. "Canned clams" are a waste of time.

6) Haven't watched season 4 of The Walking Dead yet, but it looks like the Governor died. The 3rd season was my favorite so far. Are you a fan of the series?

I would consider sticking a fork in my eye instead.
I'm thinking of doing a few Meads....and I want to try a lager, but I don't have the refrigeration for it yet.
At some point I will venture in making a mead, I tried some that my copier guy makes...made me want to try it also.
As for lagers, I can make them if I wanted to. I converted a freezer into a fermentation chamber which I use during the summer to make ales which require ambient temps around 62 or a little cooler. But lagers are not my style, so I doubt I will ever make one.
My biggest concern is the fact that lager yeast is a bottom fermentation yeast, and it needs to be kept between 50 and 60 degrees. I had heard that the 40's is better, but haven't found any good information on it yet.

I have about 5 pounds of honey right now, but haven't had a chance to replace my boil kettle. Mead doesn't' need to be boiled, but the kettle that I've been using is really small.
1) USMB's calendar's updated up to 2010. Do you think it's time for it to be updated? Does anyone have a birthday coming up? :D

2) Honestly, what would you say is your best feature?

3) True Facts About The Mantis Shrimp - YouTube

4) What is one of your weird quirks?

5) This is one of the recipes I used from Food in Jars for making Gingery Pickled Beets:


6) Haven't watched season 4 of The Walking Dead yet, but it looks like the Governor died. The 3rd season was my favorite so far. Are you a fan of the series?

1. Birthday for this year is a long way off. I've never used the forum calendar anyway.

2. This is a family friendly thread? :D Seriously, I don't have one...

3. Is it tasty?

4. I'm annal about putting things in the same place all the time. I detest hunting for things.

5. I'll have to get back to you, but I make a mean vegetable quiche.

6. I'm currently into Game of Thrones, but I am also following Continuum, Under the Dome, and Downton Abbey. I am a huge fan of Fringe and Star Trek and I'm indifferent about Star Wars. I don't really watch TV and catch these shows usually after they have gone off the air and watch them on Netflix or Amazon Prime.
I am fixing to paint some rocks. Was browsing BING for garden decor ideas and I have these river rocks now on my desk. They are placed in pots of flowers or on benches or around the yard and look just too cute...so that is my plan for tomorrow. Along with painting the dresser Hubby found for me to play with.

What colors did you decide to use?

For the rocks...yellow, red, pink. Maybe white hibiscus.
Thanks for the rep...

some resources.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AHzu-ITTTcQ]Tiny Door Project TV Spot | Keebler - YouTube[/ame]
The Tiny Door Project - Page 1 of 9
1) USMB's calendar's updated up to 2010. Do you think it's time for it to be updated? Does anyone have a birthday coming up? :D

2) Honestly, what would you say is your best feature?

3) True Facts About The Mantis Shrimp - YouTube

4) What is one of your weird quirks?

5) This is one of the recipes I used from Food in Jars for making Gingery Pickled Beets:


6) Haven't watched season 4 of The Walking Dead yet, but it looks like the Governor died. The 3rd season was my favorite so far. Are you a fan of the series?

1. in july

2. how I deal with people

3. ?

4. I'm a bit obsessive compulsive about some things

5. not much of a beet fan

6. never saw it
what made you want to write a book about it ?
The possible female to female, BOGO exploiting meiosis so each woman is mommy to one of the two daughters and "Daddy" to the other. (Ovaries that contain a Y chromosome, which sometimes do happen are non-functional.) $500,000 worth of offspring at a cost $250,000 plus procedure costs should cause a rather large surplus of straight women. That in turn should change the behavior of both men and women in interesting ways.

You will have to give us the link when you have your book on amazon :)
I compose on nook's pubit and while not legally required, if it does hit, I intend to give nook a six month exclusive. If you know any cartoonists and the girl I used last time from elance is not interested PM me with their contact site.

Also the hero likes to offer complete and expensive rebuilds to Great-grandmas or even more greats in return for entering his harem as physical low 20 year olds. He does this to maximize his political and economic power. I am not certain which way to go with the positive feedback loop thus created.
My Daughter will turn 17 this week, I have all kinds of weird querks and I eat TV dinners. No need for recepies.
Hi everyone! Hope ya'll had a good weekend. We went on a 2 hour horseback ride in Texas hill country (which is beautiful) followed up with a picnic at the ranch. It was awesome!!!

I hope you didn't get too wet....it was drizzling in my part of the Hill Country and rather cool...wish it had been rain, we need it so badly. The bluebonnets are in full bloom, I wish I could stop and take a picture sometime before they all fade away....:)

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