Wake's Place

I wish you could take a pic of the bluebonnets too, Mertex. :)

When I wanted to stop and take a picture, it was nice and sunny but the hubs didn't want to stop......today, we could have stopped but it was drizzling, I forgot my phone at home, so another day and no pictures.....you have to drive out in the country side, and I don't know that I'm going to have another chance again before they all go to bluebonnet heaven....:)
I used to can but not any more. I can't stand for very long so don't do a lot that requires standing or walking.

I have trouble standing or walking for more than a minute, on a good day. A friend told me to get some cheap barstools to use in the kitchen and in the laundry room. It was great advice, I can do a lot of cooking and dishwashing now!
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I don't mind being +repped, but what I would like much more are your presences here. People in general are shaped and molded like clay from all of the people they're influenced by in life. Rep itself means little. If it were either being +repped or you sharing your own individual perspectives and time, I'd love the latter. :smiliehug:

Howsabout I do both?:D
Quote: Originally Posted by Wake
1) USMB's calendar's updated up to 2010. Do you think it's time for it to be updated? Does anyone have a birthday coming up?

2) Honestly, what would you say is your best feature?

3) True Facts About The Mantis Shrimp - YouTube

4) What is one of your weird quirks?

5) This is one of the recipes I used from Food in Jars for making Gingery Pickled Beets:

6) Haven't watched season 4 of The Walking Dead yet, but it looks like the Governor died. The 3rd season was my favorite so far. Are you a fan of the series?

1. Yes, it needs updated. My birthday comes later in the year. I never list my b-day on messageboards.

2. I don't know. My eyes?

3. How are they in egg rolls?

4. I'm a night person. Always have been,

5. I'm putting in a garden this year. With any luck I'll be needing canning recipes.

6. No, never watched it.
I used to can but not any more. I can't stand for very long so don't do a lot that requires standing or walking.

I have trouble standing or walking for more than a minute, on a good day. A friend told me to get some cheap barstools to use in the kitchen and in the laundry room. It was great advice, I can do a lot of cooking and dishwashing now!

A tall roller chair is awesome. If you have thick enough legs on the barstools, you can add the rollers. Zip all over the kitchen!!
I used to can but not any more. I can't stand for very long so don't do a lot that requires standing or walking.

I have trouble standing or walking for more than a minute, on a good day. A friend told me to get some cheap barstools to use in the kitchen and in the laundry room. It was great advice, I can do a lot of cooking and dishwashing now!

A tall roller chair is awesome. If you have thick enough legs on the barstools, you can add the rollers. Zip all over the kitchen!!


I'm laughing because my giant cat likes to jump up on the barstools and I'm getting this visual of her sailing across the room!:D

It is a great idea, though. Thanks!
lol..I just visualized that too!
I had those captain barstools...with the backs? Rounded. The legs were really thick and sturdy and the seat was carved in the shape of a butt. Had that little rise in the middle, you know? I put a pillow seat on it, hubby added the rollers and I slid from one side to the other in the kitchen. Chop veggies in the sink, push and slide to the stove to pop them in the wok, roll over to the fridge, etc etc. To reach high places, I have my extendo arm grasper thingy. And every doorknob in the house has been changed to lever knobs. And..I got a cool jar opener at the store that was originally 49 bucks but they made a mistake and marked it at 9.99, so that comes in handy too. But I loved my captain chairs. Had to sell them though when funds got low. Now all I have is two regular bar stools. But I don't need to do all the cooking any more. Sister in law does that.
lol..I just visualized that too!
I had those captain barstools...with the backs? Rounded. The legs were really thick and sturdy and the seat was carved in the shape of a butt. Had that little rise in the middle, you know? I put a pillow seat on it, hubby added the rollers and I slid from one side to the other in the kitchen. Chop veggies in the sink, push and slide to the stove to pop them in the wok, roll over to the fridge, etc etc. To reach high places, I have my extendo arm grasper thingy. And every doorknob in the house has been changed to lever knobs. And..I got a cool jar opener at the store that was originally 49 bucks but they made a mistake and marked it at 9.99, so that comes in handy too. But I loved my captain chairs. Had to sell them though when funds got low. Now all I have is two regular bar stools. But I don't need to do all the cooking any more. Sister in law does that.

Mine are kind of like that, but the legs are a bit too thin for wheels, I think. At least the seats swivel, it makes it a lot easier to toss laundry from the washer into the dryer.

I'll never sell those bar stools, I couldn't get much done without them.
Make a platform and attach to it..and the platform has 4 wheels underneath? Or...make a tube for each leg that has wheels attached? Kinda like a cast for the chair wheels.
Quote: Originally Posted by Wake
1) USMB's calendar's updated up to 2010. Do you think it's time for it to be updated? Does anyone have a birthday coming up?

2) Honestly, what would you say is your best feature?

3) True Facts About The Mantis Shrimp - YouTube

4) What is one of your weird quirks?

5) This is one of the recipes I used from Food in Jars for making Gingery Pickled Beets:

6) Haven't watched season 4 of The Walking Dead yet, but it looks like the Governor died. The 3rd season was my favorite so far. Are you a fan of the series?

1. I have one coming up in October.
2. My eyes, if physical.
3. Um. ok?
4. Talking to animals and bugs.
5. Ick on Beets.
6. I am SICK of zombies. Zombie this, Zombie that. So no. Haven't watched and have no desire to watch.
Oh yeah - the tube thing should work! I hadn't thought about doing it that way.
Maybe someone should make a set...then go to Shark Tank and see if they sell. All different colors to match a kitchen! Just slide them on like stockings, complete with rollers. Slider Chair For Arthritic Folks That Love To Cook. Nah. Too long of a name, lol.

Have you ever massaged your joints with Bagbalm? I swear by that stuff. Comes in bigger tins, too. Lasts forever. When I am aching really bad, I just rub it all over my wrists and hands...and continue to rub. I also apply it to my knees and ankles.

Bag Balm was originally used as an ointment to soften cows udders and protect them during milking. In 1937, an expedition to the North Pole proved just how useful this product could be for human skin as well. Bag Balm is made of only 3 ingredients: Lanolin, petrolatum, and 8 hydroxyquinoline sulfate. That last ingredient is an antibiotic which gives Bag Balm a healing property for cuts and scrapes. A tin of Bag Balm will last quite some time since it is so concentrated and can be cheaper than commercial lotions and antibiotic ointments.

Bag Balm

My doc said it has antiflamatory agents in it too, and I did well googling it and using it in my RA control routine.

Have you ever massaged your joints with Bagbalm? I swear by that stuff. Comes in bigger tins, too. Lasts forever. When I am aching really bad, I just rub it all over my wrists and hands...and continue to rub. I also apply it to my knees and ankles.

Bag Balm was originally used as an ointment to soften cows udders and protect them during milking. In 1937, an expedition to the North Pole proved just how useful this product could be for human skin as well. Bag Balm is made of only 3 ingredients: Lanolin, petrolatum, and 8 hydroxyquinoline sulfate. That last ingredient is an antibiotic which gives Bag Balm a healing property for cuts and scrapes. A tin of Bag Balm will last quite some time since it is so concentrated and can be cheaper than commercial lotions and antibiotic ointments.

Bag Balm

My doc said it has antiflamatory agents in it too, and I did well googling it and using it in my RA control routine.

So far I haven't used anything but 800 milligram ibuprofins. But this year the pain's worse than usual, so I'm going to have to look into alternatives.

Actually the other night I had my legs go numb. I was standing up just long enough to butter some toast and my lower spine started hurting, then the pain went over the top of my hip bones, like always, so I started to walk over to the bar stool, 4 steps away. My legs started tingling and I didn't think I'd make it to the stool. That's never happened before.

It could be a big problem, but maybe I just need some vitamins or calcium or something. I've been eating crappy junk lately. I don't know.

I'm going to look into the Bag Balm, I like sulfa drugs, they're a great all-purpose antibiotic.
RA sucks...got it in my knees and shoulder.
Cortisone shots helped in the knees, but not 100%.
When I walk up the stairs I sound like click and clack...bone on bone.
They want to wait a few years before replacing them (I am only 49)
I can't decide what I like best, the fire pit or the book shelves :)
Hi everyone! Hope ya'll had a good weekend. We went on a 2 hour horseback ride in Texas hill country (which is beautiful) followed up with a picnic at the ranch. It was awesome!!!

I hope you didn't get too wet....it was drizzling in my part of the Hill Country and rather cool...wish it had been rain, we need it so badly. The bluebonnets are in full bloom, I wish I could stop and take a picture sometime before they all fade away....:)

We got lucky Mertex . We didn't get rained on at all when we were there. After we finished our picnic at 7:30pm we got in the car and a few minutes later it started to rain. It worked out perfect :)

We headed towards the Salt Lick (1826) and it came down pretty hard. Btw don't go there on a Saturday night. There was a 2.5 hour wait! No we didn't wait :)

Everywhere you go in Austin you see people taking pictures among the bluebonnet's.......better hurry!!!
Hi everyone! Hope ya'll had a good weekend. We went on a 2 hour horseback ride in Texas hill country (which is beautiful) followed up with a picnic at the ranch. It was awesome!!!

I hope you didn't get too wet....it was drizzling in my part of the Hill Country and rather cool...wish it had been rain, we need it so badly. The bluebonnets are in full bloom, I wish I could stop and take a picture sometime before they all fade away....:)

We got lucky Mertex . We didn't get rained on at all when we were there. After we finished our picnic at 7:30pm we got in the car and a few minutes later it started to rain. It worked out perfect :)

We headed towards the Salt Lick (1826) and it came down pretty hard. Btw don't go there on a Saturday night. There was a 2.5 hour wait! No we didn't wait :)

Everywhere you go in Austin you see people taking pictures among the bluebonnet's.......better hurry!!!

Hell, there are even bluebonnet's here in the piney woods, who'd a thunk it?
1) USMB's calendar's updated up to 2010. Do you think it's time for it to be updated? Does anyone have a birthday coming up? :D

2) Honestly, what would you say is your best feature?

3) True Facts About The Mantis Shrimp - YouTube

4) What is one of your weird quirks?

5) This is one of the recipes I used from Food in Jars for making Gingery Pickled Beets:


6) Haven't watched season 4 of The Walking Dead yet, but it looks like the Governor died. The 3rd season was my favorite so far. Are you a fan of the series?
#1 I think [MENTION=27318]veraderock[/MENTION] should get right on that. Hey guy! I'd like 30 years shaved off my age while you're at it.
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