Wal-Mart sued over denying health insurance to gay worker's wife

Sexist troll.

How is calling men pigs, discrimination?
Who said anything about discrimination and why would that be bad? You have a problem with men and women separate bathrooms? That's gender discrimination.

Sexist/sexism or gender discrimination is prejudice or discrimination based on a person's sex or gender. Calling men pigs isn't prejudice.
It's perfect sexism, sexist.
Wal-Mart sued over denying health insurance to gay worker s wife - Yahoo Finance

LOL....Wal Mart deserves whatever it gets I find this hilarious.
Dollars to donuts says that that homo couple could have solicited any number of health insurance companies without any interference from Wal-Mart.

More dollars to donuts the idea of suing Walmart didn't come from the gay couple, but was thought up by a bunch of straight, white liberals.

They're always behind shit like this. The Ferguson riots? Guess who was behind them? The lawsuit against the Christian baker? The protests against Chik-Fil-A?
Because people don't sue on their own behalf? Not our fault if you're the kind of guy who lets people roll over you all the time.
Thats the fault of the worker for working for Walmart. I avoid the stores at all costs. Do they even pay their employees? I would bet my life savings vs anyone they dont. The simple answer is DO NOT WORK THERE. Even if you are desperate. Not a chance.

Personally, I love Walmart. Where else can you go at 2:30 in the morning and buy ammunition, cigarettes, household items, and a whole array of the finest non-union goods this world has to offer?
If it is made in China, it is union made...

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