Walker caves.

MADISON, Wis. — Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker has offered to keep certain collective bargaining rights in place for state workers in a proposed compromise aimed at ending a nearly three-week standoff with absent Senate Democrats, according to e-mails released Tuesday by his office.

Wis. governor proposes union compromise - Politics - More politics - msnbc.com

Looks like Walker is just another typical politician after all....

Told ya he would. The GOP always caves. Of course, it's also a demonstration of leadership. He recognizes he is getting the bulk of what he wants and so he is accepting that rather than continuing to drag out a political football that is ripping the state apart.

On the other hand, Walker probably has nothing to lose by sticking to his guns and continuing not to compromise. You can be assured the recall efforts are still going to go forward and the unions will do everything in their power to defeat him for reelection as well as the Republican reps next year who voted for it. In that respect, they may as well stick it out at this point.
Pretty typical of the left.

They SCREECHED for weeks that Walker wouldn't COMPROMISE.

Then when he thinks about it they turn around and call it CAVING IN.

Yeah. He can't be trusted especially after he spilled the beans during that crank phone-call where he thought he was speaking to the Koch bro' & got punked LOL.
That's a shame.

A good man forced to do what he hopes is the lesser of 2 evils.
Since the flee party pussies won't return, he had to face the fact that he will have to lay-off 1500 people.
Being to humane to do that, since the flee party pussies didn't come back.

He now has to deal with criminals like they are upstanding citizens.

I hope it is a trap to put those pussies in jail and force them to vote. They were willing to piss on 1500 of thier own citizens instead of do thier job.

And the libs here are cheering for them.

Telling, very telling indeed.
Compromise. When did that become a dirty word? The problem with politics today is the inability to compromise. It is the only way to get things done, to discuss and work toward something that everybody can support.

When people do not compromise the losing party feels left out or injured and bitter feelings arise and this is what has happened on the national level and is filtering down to the states. We are all in this thing together so why can we not work together and find solutions instead of name calling and "if your not with me your my enemy" mentality.
Well someone FORGOT to teach the 14 Democrat FLEEBAGGERS how to Compromise.

But Now as we see, the LEFT will hold them up as CHAMPIONS for abandoning their JOBS and their constituents WHO WEREN'T IN A UNION.

pathetic if you ask me. No wonder so many people have no morals or ethics anymore.
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Depends on how you look at it. From one perspective, he caves. From another, he's playing the polls, by appearing to have offered compromises, thus making the Dems look bad.

He is losing in the polls. Repugs in Wisconsin are facing recall.

Walker the Wanker is caving pure and simple.

So much for the threads about Wanker and the Repugs winning.
LOL, Republicans are facing recall...WELL so are the Demorats Fleebaggers.
Compromise. When did that become a dirty word? The problem with politics today is the inability to compromise. It is the only way to get things done, to discuss and work toward something that everybody can support.

When people do not compromise the losing party feels left out or injured and bitter feelings arise and this is what has happened on the national level and is filtering down to the states. We are all in this thing together so why can we not work together and find solutions instead of name calling and "if your not with me your my enemy" mentality.

Well said. It has been said that politics is the art of compromise. Lately in America politics has become the act of posturing. Too bad so many on this thread fail to grasp this.
If it is a trap, and Walker simply says "Fuck You" when the runaways return.....how quickly will they try to claim the moral high ground?
Exactly. The governor has proven beyond all reasonable doubt that he cannot be trusted.

He has? How is that exactly? Walker has openly stated what he wants from day one. It was the cowardly Dems who took flight and went into hiding...

For saying he thought about planting troublemakers in the crowd for starters. For publicly saying he wouldn't negogiate while privately doing so for seconds.
Don't forget for looking for his bonus trip to California paid for by the Koch brothers.
In the article it says the compromise is inadequate for the Dems.
MADISON, Wis. — Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker has offered to keep certain collective bargaining rights in place for state workers in a proposed compromise aimed at ending a nearly three-week standoff with absent Senate Democrats, according to e-mails released Tuesday by his office.

Wis. governor proposes union compromise - Politics - More politics - msnbc.com

Looks like Walker is just another typical politician after all....

Dishonest ameoba like MORON, first you bitch cause Walker was UnCompromising and now you bitch cause he is compromising. you need to eat some worm poop.
oh brother.

Compromise is for people who don't actually believe what they claim to believe, Stephanie. Sorry, but I'm not interested in seeing any more candidates with phony-bologna, plastic banana, good-time rock & roll campaign platforms that they don't actually believe in and aren't actually willing to live up to. If your BIOGRAPHY and VOTING RECORD can't stand up to you CAMPAIGN PLATFORM get the hell out of the way and let someone who can actually WALK the TALK take the reins.

That's why I couldn't vote for McShame and his Alaskan Teddy Bear in 2008. Hell, given only the choices of McShame and Obimbo, and forced to vote for one I'd have chosen Obimbo. At least HE was honest about who and what he was, unlike McShame and the Alaskan Teddy Bear. I ended up voting for Chuck Baldwin of the Constitution Party instead.
oh brother.

Compromise is for people who don't actually believe what they claim to believe, Stephanie. Sorry, but I'm not interested in seeing any more candidates with phony-bologna, plastic banana, good-time rock & roll campaign platforms that they don't actually believe in and aren't actually willing to live up to. If your BIOGRAPHY and VOTING RECORD can't stand up to you CAMPAIGN PLATFORM get the hell out of the way and let someone who can actually WALK the TALK take the reins.

That's why I couldn't vote for McShame and his Alaskan Teddy Bear in 2008. Hell, given only the choices of McShame and Obimbo, and forced to vote for one I'd have chosen Obimbo. At least HE was honest about who and what he was, unlike McShame and the Alaskan Teddy Bear. I ended up voting for Chuck Baldwin of the Constitution Party instead.

vewy intelligent decision. how's that working out for ya? huh? :eusa_eh:
Depends on how you look at it. From one perspective, he caves. From another, he's playing the polls, by appearing to have offered compromises, thus making the Dems look bad.

He is losing in the polls. Repugs in Wisconsin are facing recall.

Walker the Wanker is caving pure and simple.

So much for the threads about Wanker and the Repugs winning.

Democrats are facing recall as well and I would hardly call this a win for the Democrats or the unions. Walker is still getting the bulk of what he wants. Nobody has really "won" here, but objective and rational people are able to see that, unlike the petty partisan drones out there.

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