Walker recall campaign reaches key threshold


Gold Member
May 30, 2008
MILWAUKEE - With two weeks to go until the final deadline for gathering names, the labor-backed campaign to recall GOP Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin reached its needed minimum of 508,240 signatures.

But organizers want to send at least 720,277 names to the state by the deadline, Jan. 17, both as a show of strength and to provide a cushion should officials disallow some of the signatures. Organizers garnered the minimum in just over a month.

“Wow!” the Wisconsin State AFL-CIO said on its blog. “If everyone pitches in we will have the grassroots people power to combat Walker’s big moneyed corporate backers like the Koch Brothers.

“A new report released by the Institute for Wisconsin’s Future shows the ripple affects of Walker’s policies will cost Wisconsin over 18,000 full-time, private sector jobs a year. This report is a stark reminder of why we must recall Walker. In Wisconsin, we need jobs, not a governor who puts corporate special interests above the 99%.”

The effort to recall Walker began after he pushed through legislation destroying collective bargaining rights for 200,000 state and local government employees. Two Republican state senators who backed the anti-worker measure already have been recalled.

Walker and his allies have spent at least $3 million so far to fight the recall, according to media reports.

Welcome to Workday Minnesota, your leading source for labor news!
You guys have been harping about this since the democrats fled the state like chicken shits. At the rate your going you might get a recall election about the same time he's up for reelection anyhow.

Good use of resources.

Good to hear, hope they have enough in spite of the assholes signing it multiple times or giving fake names.
Lets say Walker is recalled, loses the election, his policies overturned.

Where does the money come from to pay for these public employees?

Aren't you just stuck in the same budgetary problems you started with before Walker?

Where's the win..win..for the taxpayers?
Lets say Walker is recalled, loses the election, his policies overturned.

Where does the money come from to pay for these public employees?

Aren't you just stuck in the same budgetary problems you started with before Walker?

Where's the win..win..for the taxpayers?

libtards don't think that far ahead.
Lets say Walker is recalled, loses the election, his policies overturned.

Where does the money come from to pay for these public employees?

Aren't you just stuck in the same budgetary problems you started with before Walker?

Where's the win..win..for the taxpayers?

They could reverse those corporate tax cuts they made working people pay for.
Lets say Walker is recalled, loses the election, his policies overturned.

Where does the money come from to pay for these public employees?

Aren't you just stuck in the same budgetary problems you started with before Walker?

Where's the win..win..for the taxpayers?

They could reverse those corporate tax cuts they made working people pay for.
Exactly. Walker came into office and immediately gave huge corporate tax breaks, then claimed the state was broke.
Lets say Walker is recalled, loses the election, his policies overturned.

Where does the money come from to pay for these public employees?

Aren't you just stuck in the same budgetary problems you started with before Walker?

Where's the win..win..for the taxpayers?

They could reverse those corporate tax cuts they made working people pay for.

you mean the ones Democarts called 'mostly symbolic'?
Scott Walker: Governor Scott Walker signs tax cut bill - WITI

Companies that relocate to Wisconsin won't have to pay income taxes for two years under a bill signed into law Monday by Gov. Scott Walker.
Even though the tax cut bill he signed Monday and other parts of his legislative agenda have garnered bipartisan support, Democratic critics say much of what Walker is doing is more symbolic than substantive.
For example, only $1 million in tax breaks are expected to be given out to qualifying businesses that relocate to Wisconsin under the bill Walker signed Monday. Another tax cut Walker is backing that's tied to every new job created would come with a tax benefit of only between roughly $90 and $315 per job.
Don't think there is enough there to cover it.
Im amazed you guys faked that many signatures. you know when they review the petitions they are going to eliminate every signature by Mickey Mouse right?
Scott Walker Recall: Democrats To Reveal Final Signature Total On Jan. 17
But Democrats made it clear Wednesday that no more updates were coming until Jan. 17

"Anyone who sees numbers before that date can rest assured that they are not viewing accurate numbers," the party said in a statement. "Various blogs and other outlets have, in the course of their reporting, received erroneous information that they believe has been leaked to them. Mostly, this is part of an earnest desire to report on an historic moment. But there also is extant games-playing by Scott Walker defenders who are seeking to manage expectations to their favor."

according to the Democrats in WI, your numbers are bogus.

Or, more accurately... according to HuffPo, HuffPo is lying :rofl:
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Posting this link for the second time:
Scott Walker | Fake Names | Recall Petition | The Daily Caller
State election officials must “take affirmative steps” to remove fake or duplicate names from recall petitions, a judge ruled Thursday, handing a victory to Republican officials who felt the Government Accountability Board wasn’t planning to be aggressive enough in vetting signatures.
The name Bugs Bunny has already been accepted on a previous recall petition. Kennedy acknowledged during the hearing that someone signed the cartoon character’s name last year on a petition seeking the recall of Democratic state Sen. Jim Holperin.
See? That's why they want 720,000 signatures because they know so many of them will be thrown out.

(No doubt disenfranchising Cartoon Characters all over Wisconsin) :D
Posting this link for the second time:
Scott Walker | Fake Names | Recall Petition | The Daily Caller
State election officials must “take affirmative steps” to remove fake or duplicate names from recall petitions, a judge ruled Thursday, handing a victory to Republican officials who felt the Government Accountability Board wasn’t planning to be aggressive enough in vetting signatures.
The name Bugs Bunny has already been accepted on a previous recall petition. Kennedy acknowledged during the hearing that someone signed the cartoon character’s name last year on a petition seeking the recall of Democratic state Sen. Jim Holperin.
See? That's why they want 720,000 signatures because they know so many of them will be thrown out.

(No doubt disenfranchising Cartoon Characters all over Wisconsin) :D
Now don't be calling the Fleabaggers cartoon characters!
Let's suppose for the sake of argument they actually DO have 508,240 signatures right now.

They want 720,277 names 'for a cushion'.

That would seem to indicate they expect over 212,000 names to be stricken... so, they 'really' only have 296,240 names they can count on... and only 8 days to get the rest.
Let's suppose for the sake of argument they actually DO have 508,240 signatures right now.

They want 720,277 names 'for a cushion'.

That would seem to indicate they expect over 212,000 names to be stricken... so, they 'really' only have 296,240 names they can count on... and only 8 days to get the rest.
I smell desperation and chicanery in the air... or is that just their breath?
Let's suppose for the sake of argument they actually DO have 508,240 signatures right now.

They want 720,277 names 'for a cushion'.

That would seem to indicate they expect over 212,000 names to be stricken... so, they 'really' only have 296,240 names they can count on... and only 8 days to get the rest.
I smell desperation and chicanery in the air... or is that just their breath?

Not surprising. We are talking about progressives here.
Lets say Walker is recalled, loses the election, his policies overturned.

Where does the money come from to pay for these public employees?

Aren't you just stuck in the same budgetary problems you started with before Walker?

Where's the win..win..for the taxpayers?

They could reverse those corporate tax cuts they made working people pay for.

So.. your saying.. raise the taxes on corporations and they pass that cost on to consumers, then the public employees retain their positions more than likely at a higher cost to taxpayers.

Soo. it follows that the consumer/taxpayers gets doubly screwed.. lose..lose... sheesh

Sorry, I don't have the actual figures but your solution seems to suck..
Lets say Walker is recalled, loses the election, his policies overturned.

Where does the money come from to pay for these public employees?

Aren't you just stuck in the same budgetary problems you started with before Walker?

Where's the win..win..for the taxpayers?

They could reverse those corporate tax cuts they made working people pay for.

you mean the ones Democarts called 'mostly symbolic'?
Scott Walker: Governor Scott Walker signs tax cut bill - WITI

Even though the tax cut bill he signed Monday and other parts of his legislative agenda have garnered bipartisan support, Democratic critics say much of what Walker is doing is more symbolic than substantive.
For example, only $1 million in tax breaks are expected to be given out to qualifying businesses that relocate to Wisconsin under the bill Walker signed Monday. Another tax cut Walker is backing that's tied to every new job created would come with a tax benefit of only between roughly $90 and $315 per job.
Don't think there is enough there to cover it.

One of the few ways states can compete (other than being right to work) is make sure their corporate tax burden is lower than surrounding states; think Illinois here. More corporations adding to their plant capacity in Wisconsin, means more jobs, and more income tax revenue paid into the state's treasury, a win win. for everybody, even the unions.
I suspect some blinders were singed on this thread.

... well, maybe just a hope...:lol:

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