Walker Signs Bill Undercutting Incoming Democrat Governor

America: YOU have the power to change this. When you speak to your Senators, they either listen, or they get replaced. Don’t stop. Keep FIGHTING. And make your voices heard!

Wow! A real poke in the eye to the guy who won the midterms.

And, remember this, while Walked signed the law, it was started and passed by the state legislature.

Wisconsinites deserve a government that works for them, and they deserve their officials to be willing to set aside partisanship,” he said at a brief news conference.

The Wisconsin bills, which passed the legislature on Dec. 5 largely along party lines, will limit the governor’s ability to pass administrative rules and block him from killing a work requirement for Medicaid recipients.

The legislation also allows lawmakers, rather than the attorney general, to decide whether to withdraw the state from lawsuits. That will prevent Evers and the incoming Democratic attorney general, Josh Kaul, from fulfilling a campaign promise to end Wisconsin’s challenge to the Affordable Care Act, known as Obamacare.

More @ Lame-duck Wisconsin governor signs bill undercutting incoming Democrat | One America News Network
This is how Republicans rule nowadays.

Working their way to making the GOP the party of banana republics.
In Wisconsin, the Dems won 54% of the votes, but the GOP holds a 63-36 advantage in the Assembly and in the Senate the GOP actually gained a seat. And now this bullshit. Of course our un-American Little Trumpsters think it's great. And they call themselves "Patriots". What a bunch of shitheads.
Un-American? Socialism is un-American. And anyone who slows it's progress is indeed a Patriot.

If you don't like the way our forefathers designed our democratic process, why not move to one of the countries that has authoritarian leaders, you know the ones that Trump loves more than democracies.
In Wisconsin, the Dems won 54% of the votes, but the GOP holds a 63-36 advantage in the Assembly and in the Senate the GOP actually gained a seat. And now this bullshit. Of course our un-American Little Trumpsters think it's great. And they call themselves "Patriots". What a bunch of shitheads.
Un-American? Socialism is un-American. And anyone who slows it's progress is indeed a Patriot.

If you don't like the way our forefathers designed our democratic process, why not move to one of the countries that has authoritarian leaders, you know the ones that Trump loves more than democracies.

So you want to scrap a free country our forefathers tried to protect to create Uber Cuba, and then you are telling people if you don't want Cuba, you need to move? Riiightt.
In Wisconsin, the Dems won 54% of the votes, but the GOP holds a 63-36 advantage in the Assembly and in the Senate the GOP actually gained a seat. And now this bullshit. Of course our un-American Little Trumpsters think it's great. And they call themselves "Patriots". What a bunch of shitheads.
Un-American? Socialism is un-American. And anyone who slows it's progress is indeed a Patriot.

If you don't like the way our forefathers designed our democratic process, why not move to one of the countries that has authoritarian leaders, you know the ones that Trump loves more than democracies.
Our forefathers did not include spying on political opponents in the democratic process. If that's what you support, maybe YOU should move to one of those socialist countries you want us to become.
In Wisconsin, the Dems won 54% of the votes, but the GOP holds a 63-36 advantage in the Assembly and in the Senate the GOP actually gained a seat. And now this bullshit. Of course our un-American Little Trumpsters think it's great. And they call themselves "Patriots". What a bunch of shitheads.
Un-American? Socialism is un-American. And anyone who slows it's progress is indeed a Patriot.

If you don't like the way our forefathers designed our democratic process, why not move to one of the countries that has authoritarian leaders, you know the ones that Trump loves more than democracies.
Our forefathers did not include spying on political opponents in the democratic process. If that's what you support, maybe

Do have demonstrated that you are clueless was socialism actually is? You twerp.
In Wisconsin, the Dems won 54% of the votes, but the GOP holds a 63-36 advantage in the Assembly and in the Senate the GOP actually gained a seat. And now this bullshit. Of course our un-American Little Trumpsters think it's great. And they call themselves "Patriots". What a bunch of shitheads.
Un-American? Socialism is un-American. And anyone who slows it's progress is indeed a Patriot.

If you don't like the way our forefathers designed our democratic process, why not move to one of the countries that has authoritarian leaders, you know the ones that Trump loves more than democracies.

So you want to scrap a free country our forefathers tried to protect to create Uber Cuba, and then you are telling people if you don't want Cuba, you need to move? Riiightt.

How did you, in your mindless analysis of my post, did you fetch Cuba? :happy-1: I was referring to Trump's butt buddies, Kim, Putin, Duterte and bin Salman. We all know Trump hates Cuba a bit more than US's most constant and loyal allies, which happen to be democracies. Try grasp things a bit better, Gomer.
In Wisconsin, the Dems won 54% of the votes, but the GOP holds a 63-36 advantage in the Assembly and in the Senate the GOP actually gained a seat. And now this bullshit. Of course our un-American Little Trumpsters think it's great. And they call themselves "Patriots". What a bunch of shitheads.
Un-American? Socialism is un-American. And anyone who slows it's progress is indeed a Patriot.

If you don't like the way our forefathers designed our democratic process, why not move to one of the countries that has authoritarian leaders, you know the ones that Trump loves more than democracies.
Our forefathers did not include spying on political opponents in the democratic process. If that's what you support, maybe

Do have demonstrated that you are clueless was socialism actually is? You twerp.
Tell ya what, stupid, when you can put together a coherent post, get back to me. I have no idea what you're attempting to say there.
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I was referring to Trump's butt buddies, Kim, Putin, Duterte and bin Salman.
Why is it that you "gay friendly" leftists always use homosexual slurs to insult people? Doesn't that make you like, well, hypocrites?
You mean stick it to democracy .

The gop is truly disgusting . They do anything to get their way . True scum .

All’s fair in Love and War, and Politics falls directly under the definition of War.

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