Walker takes lead { with 55 % in }

You don't have a clue how the steal operates. Or maybe you do, and you just won't admit it.
Because it does not exist. You don't have any "clue" either, or you would walk your "clues" down to the proper authorities. Instead all you have is hot air.

The steal comes in when the reporting number gets well into the 90's.... it's not like we haven't seen this movie before, several dozen times.

That animal that poured piss on the 12-year old campers at his "christian" bible camp (for wetting the bed) and ran over his wife wins in the end. Apologies to those that haven't seen the movie yet.... but I did issue a spoiler alert.
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The steal comes in when the reporting number gets well into the 90's.... it's not like we haven't seen this movie before, several dozen times.
Here’s another conspiracy theorist retard.

They don’t wait for evidence and they don’t even wait until they lose anymore. Sad.
The Democrats may not be able to pull off a steal with a singular race such as this. Too many people got wise to the fraud that happened during the midterms, and are are watching the results under a close eye. If the Democrats are going to steal this one, it will happen late in the count and suddenly.

Guess I better go turn on RAV News and watch the tallies.
The Democrats may not be able to pull off a steal with a singular race such as this.
Oh I guarantee you guys will be claiming otherwise if you lose.

Any time you guys lose, you whine fraud. You don’t deal with facts. You deal with feelings.
Maybe they’re so good at cheating without getting caught.

Or maybe you’re just a retarded conspiracy theorist who can’t handle losing without thinking something nefarious happened.

The second option looks far more likely.
They are blatant about cheating. Enemy democrats no longer care if they are caught. They have a compliant press.
I take back that Fulton County was in an hour ago_Only
half of Fulton county reporting,.
The fact that these races are this close means this country is doomed. How many millions of people voting for evil, Marxist radicals like Warnock means we are eventually headed for a civil war.
The fact that these races are this close means this country is doomed. How many millions of people voting for evil, Marxist radicals like Warnock means we are eventually headed for a civil war.

what are you waiting for?

personally I am really tired of you pussies on here doing nothing but talking about civil war and the shooting starting.

Fucking shit or get off the pot!
There's a chance dems stand down and don't steal this one to give the appearance of secure elections. Democrats will still control the senate.
Not a chance in Hell.Democrats virtually don't know how
to be honest and fair.Not even a licks worth.
Blatant about cheating and don’t even care about getting caught. Hmmmm. Then why can’t you catch them?

Reality must be very confusing for people like you.

I know right, shows how fucking stupid the Repubs are, blatant, open cheating and they cannot find any evidence of it happening at all.
Still a lot of votes coming from Fulton, Cobb, Dekalb counties.

Warnock is going to get a lot of those votes.
The fact that these races are this close means this country is doomed. How many millions of people voting for evil, Marxist radicals like Warnock means we are eventually headed for a civil war.

It's a spiritual war. A war not against flesh and blood, but remember, "against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

There is such a thing as evil. 100,000 people died from fentanyl overdoses in Biden's first year alone, while we have a President who refuses to even go to the border and make a stand for the integrity of this country's borders. That should be a testament that evil does exist in this country.
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