Walker's voters' suppression in WI ?

When it comes to Welfare Royalty suckin' on the State Teat... the fewer at the voting booths, the better...
For a bunch of moronic right wingers who whine about "too much government intrusions"......How come you don't mind an idiot and Koch puppet like Walker demanding voters' ID THROUGH the government?

After all, WI has NOT had even one provable case of voter fraud..........A bit of hypocrisy there, right wingers?
For a bunch of moronic right wingers who whine about "too much government intrusions"......How come you don't mind an idiot and Koch puppet like Walker demanding voters' ID THROUGH the government?

After all, WI has NOT had even one provable case of voter fraud..........A bit of hypocrisy there, right wingers?
Whatever it takes, to keep away from the polls, as many Freeloaders as the traffic will bear...

Next batter, please...
Even low information lefties have to know that a drivers license is a "photo I.D. issued by the state". Do lefties allege that there are 300,000 voting age cheese heads who don't have drivers licenses and don't know how to get a state issued photo I.D. if they don't have one? How freaking absurd and insulting.
If there was any truth that voter ID laws disenfranchised people from voting mornoic left wingers would not have to start threads like this with two year old data that does not even support the claim they are trying to make.
What is more warped is HIS attack on open records he would like to get rid of it and the GOP in Wisconsin has tried to do that. They are sneaky slimy. Scary.

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