Walking with the Enemy

Have you ever wondered why the alleged majority of "peaceful" muslims are not up in arms, condemning these acts of pure evil in the name of their religion?

Not any more I don't. Wonder that is. Posted plenty, but proves my point:

anti semitism IS DEMON INSPIRED!!! Satan hates the JEWISH PEOPLE because he knows they are GOD'S PEOPLE and JESUS was born a JEW, anything GOD loves satan hates!
Posting stories like this and anytime someone talks about genocide in Gaza post stories and pics of the Holocaust to remind people what true attempted genocide looks like.

Yes, you know blackhawk, I am really weary of hearing Jews being called "nazis" and accused of commiting genocide against the Arabs living in Gaza because these people have no clue as to what a death camp is like, what a holocaust is like! They do not know - most of them - about what it is to encounter that kind of depravation and starvation, the torture, the experiments that were done on the Jewish children - the mothers and fathers separated from their children never to see them again! I have yet to see a starving arab in Gaza that even remotely looked like the Jews in the death camps that were walking skeletons! Stick thin! They have no idea! None! I sympathise with them for what Hamas has done to them and Arafat before them but make no mistake about it - that is not the fault of the Israelis! Not at all!

This is what the Jews do when they see their people suffering! They risk their lives like this man did! Like the other man in the video testimony did! They don't turn their face away while children are beheaded in the name of their own religion! This simply is not the way it should be! Someone over there ought to be speaking up, ought to be going undercover like this Jewish man did in order to save the lives of his people!

I commend the bravery of this Jewish man and those like him who risked it all to save lives! That is what righteous people do! Cowards never won heaven! Gurnall said so!
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The absolute nerve of people to compare Gaza with the holocaust! Look at that movie clip and tell me when the Israelis' ever, EVER acted like nazis?! Never I tell you! The Jews suffered something that these people cannot even fathom! Stick thin, skeletons, gas chambers, babies, children slaughtered by the millions! Oh! What nerve people have to compare themselves to that because they were deprived of a chocolate bar! Some of them could use a diet ! The nerve of such people to compare themselves to this and then to call the Jews nazis? HA! NEVER.
What an amazing and brave man. He must have had nerves of steel too. When I think about the holocaust, I can't even believe that it is real sometimes. So horrible. It's really difficult to believe that people can treat one another like that.
This is the story of one courageous man who risked his life to save one Jew and then later many more! How he managed to do this with fascinate the reader! I have always believed that one person could make a difference and this mans story proves the point! His decision to do something is truly inspirational! Truly an amazing story of how saving the life of one friend led to saving the lives of many!

Walking with the Enemy

His Most Dangerous Mission

In an interview with Aish.com, Pinchas’ son Moshe described his father’s most dangerous mission. Pinchas heard from Nazi soldiers that they had orders to arrest Frankle, a prominent Jewish leader, that very day. Fankle and Pinchas knew each other from their B’nei Akiva days as children. That would pose a risk of the acquaintance inadvertently revealing Pinchas’ true identity. It would be especially hard to avoid with such a short time window.

Pinchas was forced to make a decision. To save this one Jew, he would need to risk his life, and with it, the ability to save thousands of others.

He decided to go ahead with the mission to save this old friend. He arrived at the building in his Nazi uniform and asked the doormen for Frankle’s apartment number. “Where is the dirty Jew Frankle?” To Pinchas’ misfortune, another doorman was present when he knocked on Frankle’s door.

When Frankle opened the door, Pinchas was forced to play the part of a Nazi to the fullest. As he was being arrested, Frankle said, “Pinchas! What are you doing?”

With the non-Jewish, Hungarian doorman looking on, Pinchas thought his identity was blown. He yelled at his old friend, verbally abusing him until he understood to play along.

In another incident, Pinchas arrested a Hassidic family. The mother, father, and children cried hysterically with fear. The child of the family, a survivor still living in Brooklyn, says that Pinchas could not bear the sight of their misery. He broke character and whispered in Yiddish: “Ich bein a Yid--I am a Jew.”
Please read this amazing story...... In light of what has already taken place in the past, and looking at the rise of anti semitism in the world today, how can the average person be an adovocate to speak out against anti-semitism so that history does not repeat itself?

YES! speak out against anti-semitism so that history does not repeat itself?
BUT ALSO SPEAK OUT about how the attacks on CHRISTIANSworldwide is increasing day by day now=another sign of the very near end days just BEFORE JESUS RETURNS! GET READY!!!
Forget Superman and Superwoman and all such silliness! Let us tell them of the real super men and super woman! Men such as these! There were many women in there risking their lives too! These are the stories we should tell our children about!

'Walking with the Enemy' shines light on little-known World War II story | National Catholic Reporter

In Budapest, Hungary, head of state Regent Miklós Horthy (Ben Kingsley) was trapped between the Russians on the east and the Nazis from Germany on the west. He was forced to join the Axis in 1941. The first massacre of Hungarian Jews occurred in August that year. After a defeat on the Russian front in 1943, Hitler demanded that the regent punish the 800,000 still living in Hungary and insisted that 10,000 Jews be for supplied for slave labor. This is where "Walking with the Enemy" begins.

When the Nazi presence and anti-Semite law increase in Budapest, Jewish radio repair shop owner Jozsef (Simon Kunz) sends home the two young men who work for him, Elek Cohen (Jonas Armstrong) and Ferenc Jacobson (Mark Wells). They obtain forged baptismal certificates from a Catholic priest and urge their families to use them to escape Hungary when they are forced to join the Hungarian Nazi Arrow Cross labor forces.

Meanwhile, Carl Lutz (William Hope) runs the Swiss diplomatic office at the Glass House in Budapest. Supposedly, anyone with a Swiss passport can safely leave Hungary for Switzerland. He was given permission to issue 8,000 passes to individual Jews, but he interpreted this to mean families, so he printed and numbered the passes accordingly.

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Very interesting. I have a feeling brave people will need to be doing this all over again. Anti-Semitism is on the rise all over Europe.
You'd think Europe has learned it's lesson, and would do anything to avoid having history repeat itself. Those in power need to nip this in the bud and put a halt to any Anti-Semitism movement before it escalates to the point of no return. Thankfully Anti-Semites represent a small minority in Europe with no credibility. Nonetheless, their movement needs to be stopped.
Good to see you tonight, ChrisL! Here is a trailer from the 2014 release of the movie!

WALKING WITH THE ENEMY Official Trailer (2014) Ben Kingsley [HD] - YouTube

Walking with the Enemy" is based on the true story of Pinchas Tibor Rosenbaum (1923-1980), the son of a rabbi who was ordained a rabbi himself at the age of 18. I had never heard of Pinchas Rosenbaum before seeing director and co-writer Mark Schmidt's historical drama, and the actual story is even more intense than the film allows. Pinchas became so heavily involved in the Hungarian Jewish youth organization dedicated to saving Jews from the Nazis that by age 22, he was risking his life every hour of the day for the sake of his people.

'Walking with the Enemy' shines light on little-known World War II story | National Catholic Reporter

This is next Teddyearp - watch this video -

What was Pinchas Tibor Rosenbaum saving his people from? He was saving them from this:

Warning - Graphic photographs in video - Holocaust Documentary - More Pinchas and Esthers towards half way mark in this vid.

[ame=http://youtu.be/CKmUZprD3RA]Holocaust documentary - YouTube[/ame]
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[ame=http://youtu.be/3-OQIFvWBdM]Hitler's Holocaust 4 of 6 Death Factory - YouTube[/ame]
We need to examine every facet of what Rosenbaum was experiencing because this was a very complicated situation he was in - the propaganda of the Nazis - the deception - the level of evil it took to commit such crimes against the Jews. Just beyond human comprehension and yet? Today we have a new generation which says they do not know the history of WWII, the do not know about the Holocaust. How is this possible? What exactly are our schools teaching for History lessons these days?
We need to examine every facet of what Rosenbaum was experiencing because this was a very complicated situation he was in - the propaganda of the Nazis - the deception - the level of evil it took to commit such crimes against the Jews. Just beyond human comprehension and yet? Today we have a new generation which says they do not know the history of WWII, the do not know about the Holocaust. How is this possible? What exactly are our schools teaching for History lessons these days?

It seems to me like our public schools have an agenda in some instances. I'm not sure what it is, but it seems like in some instances, education could take a back seat to political correctness.
That is very sad, Chris. It also means it is left up to us to educate them and make sure they understand about the holocaust and why men such as Pinchas Rosenbaum risked his life every hour of the day in order to save the lives of his people. May the LORD raise up men and women like him in this hour. We need them desperately.. Things are not looking too good out there!
[ame=http://youtu.be/cbtWZH59HBM]The Rescuers: Heroes of the Holocaust Trailer - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://youtu.be/IDBC_fi7dqo]Israel Marks Holocaust Remembrance Day - YouTube[/ame]
Yad Vashem - World Center for Holocaust Research, Education, Documentation and Commemoration

Zvi Kopolovich

The Holocaust was the murder by Nazi Germany of six million Jews. While the Nazi persecution of the Jews began in 1933, the mass murder was committed during World War II. It took the Germans and their accomplices four and a half years to murder six million Jews. They were at their most efficient from April to November 1942 – 250 days in which they murdered some two and a half million Jews. They never showed any restraint, they slowed down only when they began to run out of Jews to kill, and they only stopped when the Allies defeated them.

There was no escape. The murderers were not content with destroying the communities; they also traced each hidden Jew and hunted down each fugitive. The crime of being a Jew was so great, that every single one had to be put to death – the men, the women, the children; the committed, the disinterested, the apostates; the healthy and creative, the sickly and the lazy – all were meant to suffer and die, with no reprieve, no hope, no possible amnesty, nor chance for alleviation.

Most of the Jews of Europe were dead by 1945. A civilization that had flourished for almost 2,000 years was no more. The survivors – one from a town, two from a host – dazed, emaciated, bereaved beyond measure, gathered the remnants of their vitality and the remaining sparks of their humanity, and rebuilt. They never meted out justice to their tormentors – for what justice could ever be achieved after such a crime? Rather, they turned to rebuilding: new families forever under the shadow of those absent; new life stories, forever warped by the wounds; new communities, forever haunted by the loss.

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