Walking with the Enemy

A Holocaust Survivor's Story - Introduction

My father was a prominent attorney in Wiesbaden from an assimilated German Jewish family. I had an older brother -- killed at Mauthausen in the Spring of 1945, just weeks before that camp complex was liberated by the US Third Army, after he had earlier experienced years in Theresienstadt, Auschwitz, Sachsenhausen, [and] Buchenwald concentration camps. My brother and my plans to study law and to follow my father's and uncle's footsteps came to naught when all education for Jewish children was canceled.

I spent my teenage years as a prisoner of the Nazis. My father initially declined opportunities to leave the country, stating that he had to help his clients and the members of the congregation first. When these efforts had been largely successful (more than half our membership emigrated to freedom), the situation had become much more difficult. In spite of extensive efforts and in spite of spending very large sums of money, we were unable to leave the country and, in due course, my entire family was sent to the concentration camps and ghettos in the East and killed--Auschwitz, Buchenwald, Mauthausen, Lodz, Riga, Theresienstadt and others.

By the end of 1942 there were only three Jewish families left in town, all others having been deported earlier. The local "Judenreferent" (Jew specialist) at the Gestapo informed my father that all of us would be deported to Frankfurt. We had a few days notice. We were sent to a collection point in Frankfurt where to-be-deported Jews were gathered prior to the actual transport.

I was 17 years old when we were arrested and deported.

I was terrified when we entered Theresienstadt. I knew a little bit about this camp, because several weeks earlier when my grandfather and all of our friends and my father's clients were deported there, my father had sent a courageous Christian friend and colleague to travel there and report back what he could observe from the outside and, if possible, to make contact with prisoners. I also knew that any concentration camp meant death. I did not know how we would die, however.

Our entire family was deported together, but we were not together for long. My father and brother were re-deported to Auschwitz. My father was killed upon arrival; my brother survived many subsequent death march re-deportations. He was seen at KZ Buchenwald, listed on the roster of KZ Oranienburg and, finally, killed at KZ Mauthausen just before the liberation of that camp.

continue reading on link above.......

I believe we should ask ourselves. How would we feel if this had happened to us and people of this generation were denying it ever happened? Can you imagine the mental anguish to have people claiming that what you suffered never happened? That is the nature of evil. It's only desire is to inflict suffering by any means. An interesting thing about evil. It shows no gratitude. Those who assist it in it's efforts learn this too late. Had they considered that gratitude is a virtue and that evil has no virtues perhaps they would have realized it sooner. What is it for evil to deceive, trick, lie and con you so long as it gains your assistance? But in the end? You'll perish just the same. That is the truth about evil. It spares no one. Not even it's workers.
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It's always about the Jews with you people. Jooz, Jooz, Jooz, and more Jooz. It's kind of pathetic actually. I mean you people put "Judeo" before "Christian" now, LOL.

Jealous much ?

Don't you put Christian before Jew ? ? ? ? :eusa_boohoo: :eusa_boohoo:
Very interesting. I have a feeling brave people will need to be doing this all over again. Anti-Semitism is on the rise all over Europe.

The good news is, at least it isn't government-sanctioned...at least, not yet.

It was in the UK when the neo Marxists were in power, and they allowed violent attacks on Jews in the name of political correctness
This is the story of one courageous man who risked his life to save one Jew and then later many more! How he managed to do this will fascinate the reader! I have always believed that one person could make a difference and this mans story proves the point! His decision to do something is truly inspirational! Truly an amazing story of how saving the life of one friend led to saving the lives of many! He was literally risking his life every hour of the day to save his people. His name was Pinchas Rosenbaum and he was a Jew. A righteous Jew!

Walking with the Enemy

His Most Dangerous Mission

In an interview with Aish.com, Pinchas’ son Moshe described his father’s most dangerous mission. Pinchas heard from Nazi soldiers that they had orders to arrest Frankle, a prominent Jewish leader, that very day. Fankle and Pinchas knew each other from their B’nei Akiva days as children. That would pose a risk of the acquaintance inadvertently revealing Pinchas’ true identity. It would be especially hard to avoid with such a short time window.

Pinchas was forced to make a decision. To save this one Jew, he would need to risk his life, and with it, the ability to save thousands of others.

He decided to go ahead with the mission to save this old friend. He arrived at the building in his Nazi uniform and asked the doormen for Frankle’s apartment number. “Where is the dirty Jew Frankle?” To Pinchas’ misfortune, another doorman was present when he knocked on Frankle’s door.

When Frankle opened the door, Pinchas was forced to play the part of a Nazi to the fullest. As he was being arrested, Frankle said, “Pinchas! What are you doing?”

With the non-Jewish, Hungarian doorman looking on, Pinchas thought his identity was blown. He yelled at his old friend, verbally abusing him until he understood to play along.

In another incident, Pinchas arrested a Hassidic family. The mother, father, and children cried hysterically with fear. The child of the family, a survivor still living in Brooklyn, says that Pinchas could not bear the sight of their misery. He broke character and whispered in Yiddish: “Ich bein a Yid--I am a Jew.”
Please read this amazing story...... In light of what has already taken place in the past, and looking at the rise of anti semitism in the world today, how can the average person be an adovocate to speak out against anti-semitism so that history does not repeat itself?

[MENTION=45621]1776[/MENTION] , [MENTION=36422]blackhawk[/MENTION] , [MENTION=49937]Daniyel[/MENTION] [MENTION=20411]ForeverYoung436[/MENTION] , [MENTION=42952]GISMYS[/MENTION] , [MENTION=17047]Godboy[/MENTION] [MENTION=46353]GreenBean[/MENTION] , [MENTION=20204]Kondor3[/MENTION] , [MENTION=35577]MJB12741[/MENTION] , [MENTION=45791]Mojo2[/MENTION] , [MENTION=20102]mudwhistle[/MENTION] , [MENTION=17668]Peach[/MENTION] , [MENTION=39618]proudveteran06[/MENTION] , [MENTION=26838]Ropey[/MENTION] , [MENTION=35716]SAYIT[/MENTION] , [MENTION=50178]Sgt_Gath[/MENTION] , [MENTION=40539]skye[/MENTION] , [MENTION=29246]The Irish Ram[/MENTION] , [MENTION=39069]toastman[/MENTION] , [MENTION=23239]westwall[/MENTION] [MENTION=36253]Sally[/MENTION] , [MENTION=20947]The Rabbi[/MENTION] , [MENTION=49464]teddyearp[/MENTION] [MENTION=49398]Slyhunter[/MENTION] [MENTION=13789]angel[/MENTION]icaT [MENTION=20204]Kondor3[/MENTION] [MENTION=40539]skye[/MENTION] [MENTION=46133]Indeependent[/MENTION] [MENTION=20854]Zander[/MENTION] [MENTION=36574]Lipush[/MENTION]@Phoenall,@Bloodrock [MENTION=15726]Hossfly[/MENTION],@GISMY, @RetiredGSgt [MENTION=20854]Zander[/MENTION] [MENTION=35553]aris2chat[/MENTION] [MENTION=50165]ChrisL[/MENTION],

Would say we have even more to worry about than Europe. At least there when ultra-nationalism or anti-semitism comes up everyone instantly flashes back to WW2. "This sounds familiar." But in the US we've only heard it when directed at blacks, Irish, Chinese, and other immigrants' ethnicities. But as a jew I see a rising tide of anti-semitism online from US sources.

As a way to rally your own side, directing annimosity towards 'the others' isn't a new strategy of course, and we're guilty of it too (Egyptians, Romans, etc.) So when viewed in the context of Us vs Them it's not all that surprising. But insofar as anti-semitism, or anti-immigrant propaganda goes, we're not at war with any of these people. Indeed, they're actually on our own side and we're turning against our own. That's rather curious.

They say evil will always turn in upon itself. So I hope the anti-semitism and anti-immigrant rhetoric we see increasing in the US doesn't mean we're evil.

I just read your response, Delta. I believe knowing history first hand through testimonies, videos, people who were there, the Holocaust Museums - is all excellent information to inform our fellow Americans with and especially this generation which seems not to know very much about the Holocaust.

With that said, I did take note to your comment that evil will always turn in upon itself and I must agree with that because the nature of evil is evil. Of course this is true. Just look at history and you see it is the truth.

How can evil show any virtue? Gratitude is a virtue. Honoring one's word is a virtue. Speaking truth is a virtue. Evil has no virtues, Delta. So you see, if someone is promised favor because of their agreement to assist evil - they have already fallen into deception which is how evil operates.

If evil were to walk up to you and say, hello, I am here to destroy everything you hold dear and after I am finished with that I am going to destroy you and your family too... you'd say no thank you!

You'd fight that evil with all of your might knowing that if you did not - you would perish! But evil does not come that way. Evil comes as a victim. Oh! Poor me, I must resort to violence because I am the victim here and if you will assist me I will spare you in my rise to power because my voice is more powerful than others realize and one day you and I will rule the world together! Come join me in my fight for justice! We'll work out the details later - realize it will be a bloody affair but the goal must be realised and the end justifies the means so don't concern yourself with how it gets done.

That is how Hitler rose to power. That is how Mao rose to power. That is how Stalin rose to power. That is how evil rises to power. It's called making a pact with the devil. Learn from history and do not do it. Fight it with everything you've got.
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Posting stories like this and anytime someone talks about genocide in Gaza post stories and pics of the Holocaust to remind people what true attempted genocide looks like.

Or show pictures of the aftermath of the genocides of the Kurds and Armenians, and for sheer graphical impact the pictures of the dead bodies in Yugoslavia at the hands of the muslims.
We need to examine every facet of what Rosenbaum was experiencing because this was a very complicated situation he was in - the propaganda of the Nazis - the deception - the level of evil it took to commit such crimes against the Jews. Just beyond human comprehension and yet? Today we have a new generation which says they do not know the history of WWII, the do not know about the Holocaust. How is this possible? What exactly are our schools teaching for History lessons these days?

It seems to me like our public schools have an agenda in some instances. I'm not sure what it is, but it seems like in some instances, education could take a back seat to political correctness.

It is neo marxist political correctness that sets out to protect the muslims from having to deal with the horrors of the holocaust because they are heading towards starting another one.
Propaganda Quotes from Hitler and his chief of Propaganda Joseph Goebbels

Through clever and constant application of propaganda, people can be made to see paradise as hell, and also the other way round, to consider the most wretched sort of life a paradise.
-Adolph Hitler

We have made the Reich by propaganda.
- Joseph Goebbels

What utterly sick and demented minds these men had. To think anyone has ever admired either of them is beyond human comprehension! They would have to be utterly void of any human conscience whatsoever!

I watched a programme last night on British tv that was about iconic cars, as you can expect the VW beetle was one of these cars. What was interesting was the German Nazi party fooled the people of Germany into paying 5 Riechmarks a week into a fund so that every German family could have a Car and a Holiday every year. This was a front for Germany outfitting for war, and the factory was used to build war machines like the kubelwagen.

That is how propaganda can twist peoples thoughts.
It's always about the Jews with you people. Jooz, Jooz, Jooz, and more Jooz. It's kind of pathetic actually. I mean you people put "Judeo" before "Christian" now, LOL.

Yup. A Christian is a follower of Christ. No prefix or suffix necessary. The term "Judeo" represents the teachings of Judaism. Judaism denies Christ. So the term "Judeo-Christian" is an oxymoron in its purist form. It would be along the lines of blending Islam with Christianity and coming up with Chrislam or Islam-ianity. Nope ... I follow the tenets of Christianity ... not the tenets of Judaism.

One and the same thing, and as an enlightened Christian I can see the similarities in the two religions. From the head coverings worn by women inside houes of worship to the role of men as preachers of the gospels.
It's always about the Jews with you people. Jooz, Jooz, Jooz, and more Jooz. It's kind of pathetic actually. I mean you people put "Judeo" before "Christian" now, LOL.

It's almost like they worship them. Seriously, how many Protestants here would literally take a bullet for a Jew, just because they're a Jew? I bet Jeremiah would.

Are you NF or COMBAT 18............
It's always about the Jews with you people. Jooz, Jooz, Jooz, and more Jooz. It's kind of pathetic actually. I mean you people put "Judeo" before "Christian" now, LOL.

Yup. A Christian is a follower of Christ. No prefix or suffix necessary. The term "Judeo" represents the teachings of Judaism. Judaism denies Christ. So the term "Judeo-Christian" is an oxymoron in its purist form. It would be along the lines of blending Islam with Christianity and coming up with Chrislam or Islam-ianity. Nope ... I follow the tenets of Christianity ... not the tenets of Judaism.

Anyone with an ounce of common sense would hear alarm bells ringing once they read or heard Judeo-Christian with reference to culture and society. It's the Jews' way of infiltrating European culture, as if to say, 'hey, we helped you build it so we should be accepted without question'.

Neo Marxist or right wing idiot, or just one of the great unwashed rent a gang
We need to examine every facet of what Rosenbaum was experiencing because this was a very complicated situation he was in - the propaganda of the Nazis - the deception - the level of evil it took to commit such crimes against the Jews. Just beyond human comprehension and yet? Today we have a new generation which says they do not know the history of WWII, the do not know about the Holocaust. How is this possible? What exactly are our schools teaching for History lessons these days?

It seems to me like our public schools have an agenda in some instances. I'm not sure what it is, but it seems like in some instances, education could take a back seat to political correctness.

It is neo marxist political correctness that sets out to protect the muslims from having to deal with the horrors of the holocaust because they are heading towards starting another one.

Yeesh, I don't know if I could agree with all of that. I think that antisemitism is rampant in the Muslim community, but cannot agree that they have any real plans for any kind of genocide in the near future.
This is the story of one courageous man who risked his life to save one Jew and then later many more! How he managed to do this will fascinate the reader! I have always believed that one person could make a difference and this mans story proves the point! His decision to do something is truly inspirational! Truly an amazing story of how saving the life of one friend led to saving the lives of many! He was literally risking his life every hour of the day to save his people. His name was Pinchas Rosenbaum and he was a Jew. A righteous Jew!

Walking with the Enemy

His Most Dangerous Mission

In an interview with Aish.com, Pinchas’ son Moshe described his father’s most dangerous mission. Pinchas heard from Nazi soldiers that they had orders to arrest Frankle, a prominent Jewish leader, that very day. Fankle and Pinchas knew each other from their B’nei Akiva days as children. That would pose a risk of the acquaintance inadvertently revealing Pinchas’ true identity. It would be especially hard to avoid with such a short time window.

Pinchas was forced to make a decision. To save this one Jew, he would need to risk his life, and with it, the ability to save thousands of others.

He decided to go ahead with the mission to save this old friend. He arrived at the building in his Nazi uniform and asked the doormen for Frankle’s apartment number. “Where is the dirty Jew Frankle?” To Pinchas’ misfortune, another doorman was present when he knocked on Frankle’s door.

When Frankle opened the door, Pinchas was forced to play the part of a Nazi to the fullest. As he was being arrested, Frankle said, “Pinchas! What are you doing?”

With the non-Jewish, Hungarian doorman looking on, Pinchas thought his identity was blown. He yelled at his old friend, verbally abusing him until he understood to play along.

In another incident, Pinchas arrested a Hassidic family. The mother, father, and children cried hysterically with fear. The child of the family, a survivor still living in Brooklyn, says that Pinchas could not bear the sight of their misery. He broke character and whispered in Yiddish: “Ich bein a Yid--I am a Jew.”
Please read this amazing story...... In light of what has already taken place in the past, and looking at the rise of anti semitism in the world today, how can the average person be an adovocate to speak out against anti-semitism so that history does not repeat itself?

[MENTION=45621]1776[/MENTION] , [MENTION=36422]blackhawk[/MENTION] , [MENTION=49937]Daniyel[/MENTION] [MENTION=20411]ForeverYoung436[/MENTION] , [MENTION=42952]GISMYS[/MENTION] , [MENTION=17047]Godboy[/MENTION] [MENTION=46353]GreenBean[/MENTION] , [MENTION=20204]Kondor3[/MENTION] , [MENTION=35577]MJB12741[/MENTION] , [MENTION=45791]Mojo2[/MENTION] , [MENTION=20102]mudwhistle[/MENTION] , [MENTION=17668]Peach[/MENTION] , [MENTION=39618]proudveteran06[/MENTION] , [MENTION=26838]Ropey[/MENTION] , [MENTION=35716]SAYIT[/MENTION] , [MENTION=50178]Sgt_Gath[/MENTION] , [MENTION=40539]skye[/MENTION] , [MENTION=29246]The Irish Ram[/MENTION] , [MENTION=39069]toastman[/MENTION] , [MENTION=23239]westwall[/MENTION] [MENTION=36253]Sally[/MENTION] , [MENTION=20947]The Rabbi[/MENTION] , [MENTION=49464]teddyearp[/MENTION] [MENTION=49398]Slyhunter[/MENTION] [MENTION=13789]angel[/MENTION]icaT [MENTION=20204]Kondor3[/MENTION] [MENTION=40539]skye[/MENTION] [MENTION=46133]Indeependent[/MENTION] [MENTION=20854]Zander[/MENTION] [MENTION=36574]Lipush[/MENTION]@Phoenall,@Bloodrock [MENTION=15726]Hossfly[/MENTION],@GISMY, @RetiredGSgt [MENTION=20854]Zander[/MENTION] [MENTION=35553]aris2chat[/MENTION] [MENTION=50165]ChrisL[/MENTION],

Would say we have even more to worry about than Europe. At least there when ultra-nationalism or anti-semitism comes up everyone instantly flashes back to WW2. "This sounds familiar." But in the US we've only heard it when directed at blacks, Irish, Chinese, and other immigrants' ethnicities. But as a jew I see a rising tide of anti-semitism online from US sources.

As a way to rally your own side, directing annimosity towards 'the others' isn't a new strategy of course, and we're guilty of it too (Egyptians, Romans, etc.) So when viewed in the context of Us vs Them it's not all that surprising. But insofar as anti-semitism, or anti-immigrant propaganda goes, we're not at war with any of these people. Indeed, they're actually on our own side and we're turning against our own. That's rather curious.

They say evil will always turn in upon itself. So I hope the anti-semitism and anti-immigrant rhetoric we see increasing in the US doesn't mean we're evil.

Far too many Europeans have forgotten the atrocities of WW2 and ANTI SEMITISM is alive and well all over Europe. It is institutionalised and even Jewish politicians are only Jewish for what benefits it brings. They will throw any "judas goat" they have at the next NAZI's to safeguard their own sorry skins. We saw a period were any girl between 10 and 16 was at risk of being groomed and forced into prostitution with the governments full knowledge of what was happening. Open attacks of Jews by rent a mob gangs like hopenothate and ANL/UAF, the same groups that were pushing the BDS movement
What an amazing and brave man. He must have had nerves of steel too. When I think about the holocaust, I can't even believe that it is real sometimes. So horrible. It's really difficult to believe that people can treat one another like that.

My first recollection of the death camps was because an uncle of mine was one of the troops involved in liberating the prisoners, Bergen-Belsen, specifically. He had a whole box of pictures and we kids got into it. It was horrific. My uncle did his best to explain what all those pictures meant, but he choked up too badly.

I can imagine that it must be extremely emotional to remember those horrible times. Your uncle must have seen some really terrible things. It is really difficult to believe that all of those people were murdered in cold blood like that. HORRIBLE.

Another thing I think about when participating in these types of threads is why the hatred for the Jewish people? I don't understand where this hatred originated from or why some people feel such degrees of hatred.

You know, you always hear the left talking of "tolerance" and other such things, yet when it comes to the Jewish people (especially if they are Israelis), then it seems that tolerance goes out the window.
Propaganda Quotes from Hitler and his chief of Propaganda Joseph Goebbels

Through clever and constant application of propaganda, people can be made to see paradise as hell, and also the other way round, to consider the most wretched sort of life a paradise.
-Adolph Hitler

We have made the Reich by propaganda.
- Joseph Goebbels

What utterly sick and demented minds these men had. To think anyone has ever admired either of them is beyond human comprehension! They would have to be utterly void of any human conscience whatsoever!

I watched a programme last night on British tv that was about iconic cars, as you can expect the VW beetle was one of these cars. What was interesting was the German Nazi party fooled the people of Germany into paying 5 Riechmarks a week into a fund so that every German family could have a Car and a Holiday every year. This was a front for Germany outfitting for war, and the factory was used to build war machines like the kubelwagen.

That is how propaganda can twist peoples thoughts.

That is the first I have ever heard of that. I saw someone today talking about propaganda posters from WWII and I had seen news of that before. I thought there was a law prohibiting the sell of nazi material from WWII but perhaps whoever I heard that from was mistaken about that. I know I certainly would not want to own anything that had anything to do with it. I'd throw it in on a fire and burn it! To a crisp!
What an amazing and brave man. He must have had nerves of steel too. When I think about the holocaust, I can't even believe that it is real sometimes. So horrible. It's really difficult to believe that people can treat one another like that.

My first recollection of the death camps was because an uncle of mine was one of the troops involved in liberating the prisoners, Bergen-Belsen, specifically. He had a whole box of pictures and we kids got into it. It was horrific. My uncle did his best to explain what all those pictures meant, but he choked up too badly.

I can imagine that it must be extremely emotional to remember those horrible times. Your uncle must have seen some really terrible things. It is really difficult to believe that all of those people were murdered in cold blood like that. HORRIBLE.

Another thing I think about when participating in these types of threads is why the hatred for the Jewish people? I don't understand where this hatred originated from or why some people feel such degrees of hatred.

You know, you always hear the left talking of "tolerance" and other such things, yet when it comes to the Jewish people (especially if they are Israelis), then it seems that tolerance goes out the window.

It is very troubling. I hear in Germany there is a resurgence of the nazi groups and a glorifying Hitler and the nazis. I am not sure if that was what the Hungarian news video was referring to or not because I had never heard of the political party they mentioned in the story. I did read that Pinchas Rosenbaums family now resides in Israel. I was happy to learn of it. May they be blessed all the days of their life! Their father was a wonderful man!
My first recollection of the death camps was because an uncle of mine was one of the troops involved in liberating the prisoners, Bergen-Belsen, specifically. He had a whole box of pictures and we kids got into it. It was horrific. My uncle did his best to explain what all those pictures meant, but he choked up too badly.

I can imagine that it must be extremely emotional to remember those horrible times. Your uncle must have seen some really terrible things. It is really difficult to believe that all of those people were murdered in cold blood like that. HORRIBLE.

Another thing I think about when participating in these types of threads is why the hatred for the Jewish people? I don't understand where this hatred originated from or why some people feel such degrees of hatred.

You know, you always hear the left talking of "tolerance" and other such things, yet when it comes to the Jewish people (especially if they are Israelis), then it seems that tolerance goes out the window.

It is very troubling. I hear in Germany there is a resurgence of the nazi groups and a glorifying Hitler and the nazis. I am not sure if that was what the Hungarian news video was referring to or not because I had never heard of the political party they mentioned in the story. I did read that Pinchas Rosenbaums family now resides in Israel. I was happy to learn of it. May they be blessed all the days of their life! Their father was a wonderful man!

Unfortunately, we also have those same groups here in America too! The ignorance abounds!
I did not realize that, Chris L.. I knew there was the nazi Bund group in New York prior to Hitler and there was the great hurricane of 1938 that wiped them out - destroying the camp from photographs I saw in a book. That group was a break off of the nazi's in Europe prior to WWII as I understand it. They were busy spreading their propaganda in the USA.
Here is the history on that group, Chris.

NTEB: The New York Nazis Of 1938

Not officially part of the Nazi party, the Bund behaved as if it were. It operated on the Nazi leadership principle, which demanded absolute obedience to superiors. Like Germany’s Nazi party, the American Bund divided its territory—the United States—into regional districts, and created a youth program and a paramilitary Order Division. Members donned uniforms with brown shirts and jack boots eerily like those of Germany’s Nazis. Despite their foreign appearance, members considered themselves to be loyal, patriotic Americans who were strengthening their adopted homeland, protecting it from Jewish-communist plots and black cultural influences such as jazz music. The Midwestern regional leader George Froboese of Milwaukee described the Bund as “the German element which is in touch with its race but owes its first duty to America.” To avoid another clash between Germany and America, it urged US neutrality in European affairs.
(Read As America Has Done To Israel to see how our treatment of Israel is connected to natural and financial disasters that have come upon the United States.)

The Bund made far more enemies than friends in the United States. Socialists and communists immediately opposed it. So did Jewish Americans, who organized a boycott of products from Nazi Germany (the Bund, in turn, organized a boycott of Jewish merchants and harassed Jewish and communist groups). In Washington, Congressman Samuel Dickstein of New York began an investigation of Nazism in America. The Bund also attracted the attention of the House Un-American Activities Committee.

The German-American reaction to Hitler and the Bund was mixed. Most supported American neutrality, and many were glad to see the revival of Germany and were angry about the Jewish boycott of German goods. But they were also uneasy about Hitler. Some tried to be cautiously optimistic. The Milwaukee Sonntags-post argued in 1933, for example, that “the Hitler dictatorship represents for the moment the most efficient and expedient concentration of the united will of the German nation.” Any hopes German Americans may have placed in Hitler would soon be dashed. Nazi behavior overseas and the presence of the Bund in America would soon revive German Americans’ deepest fear: a repeat of World War I’s anti-German hysteria. Continue reading on link ........photos enclosed....

The book they reference I purchased and read some time ago. It speaks of the destruction of that camp during the great hurricane of 1938. That was the book I was referencing, Chris. The destruction from that hurricane was Massive! I mean Massive! The book is a great read because it goes point for point on every single time US leaders tried to divide Israeli land we were hit with natural disasters and financial disasters. John **** references dates with news articles and dates of disasters and bad decisions like OSLO peace accords, everytime Clinton met with Arafat - disasters - GWB Sr. his house was wiped off its foundation by the Storm made famous in movie, Perfect Storm, that was right after he tried to divide the Israeli land and so the evidence is all laid out.
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I can imagine that it must be extremely emotional to remember those horrible times. Your uncle must have seen some really terrible things. It is really difficult to believe that all of those people were murdered in cold blood like that. HORRIBLE.

Another thing I think about when participating in these types of threads is why the hatred for the Jewish people? I don't understand where this hatred originated from or why some people feel such degrees of hatred.

You know, you always hear the left talking of "tolerance" and other such things, yet when it comes to the Jewish people (especially if they are Israelis), then it seems that tolerance goes out the window.

It is very troubling. I hear in Germany there is a resurgence of the nazi groups and a glorifying Hitler and the nazis. I am not sure if that was what the Hungarian news video was referring to or not because I had never heard of the political party they mentioned in the story. I did read that Pinchas Rosenbaums family now resides in Israel. I was happy to learn of it. May they be blessed all the days of their life! Their father was a wonderful man!

Unfortunately, we also have those same groups here in America too! The ignorance abounds!

That is why they need to bring back the history lessons on it in schools. I do not know when that stopped but that was not a wise move at all. One good thing I have noticed that has worked concerning the hate group KKK is that when they were shunned they lost alot of power in the South. So in Europe if they had been shunning the anti-semitism in Hungary -instead of fostering it with the political party that must have took control even after war ( not sure ) they might not be having the resurgence and they could have skin head groups there too - which is a relatively new phenonema - that was not in existence in the 30's and 40's, Chris.
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I did not realize that, Chris L.. I knew there was the nazi Bund group in New York prior to Hitler and there was the great hurricane of 1938 that wiped them out - destroying the camp from photographs I saw in a book. That group was a break off of the nazi's in Europe prior to WWII as I understand it. They were busy spreading their propaganda in the USA.

Of course these are not political groups I'm referring too. I'm talking about such groups as the Aryan Nation, the Skin Heads, etc. For the most part, they are more like street gangs than anything else, but some of them are QUITE organized. They hold regular meetings, etc. Then there's the KKK, but I think they have taken a back seat to the newer type of groups. Seems the newer ones hate any minorities and not just Jewish people.

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