wall is negotiable

Cut all benefits and they'll leave on their own.
Says the simplton... Keep dreaming buddy

You'd rather go house to house huh.
No work,no school,no welfare,no snap...they'll leave.

right----good idea------illiterate children-----dead from illness-----more crime----

They can go back to where they came from and go to school,see the doc and rob their fellow countrymen.

your answer is not realistic

They dont have the ability to walk south?
they need to be screened CAREFULLY---------I believe that "the Donald" would

Their numbers need to be curtailed drastically and we only let in those who have something to offer.

How about we only let those in who qualify to immigrate here legally under the law? Which would be none of them by the way.

I wouldnt be opposed to a ten year ban on all immigration.
You are such an elitist dipship. I hope you thank your lucky stars you were fortunate enough to be born in America. You deserve to be a starving African or an impoverished Mexican. Gain some fucking perspective before you pollute is with more of your idiocracy. I support laws and enforcing legal immigration but the shit you and your kind sling out is a joke

What part of $19 trillion in debt and spiraling out of control don't you understand? We can't afford to bring in half the worlds poor people, maybe you can find a 5th grader to explain it to you.
You blame the Mexicans for our debt instead of the banks?? Maybe you need to go back to fifth grade and learn how things work. Don't put words in my mouth. I never said bring half the world over. I support immigration reform and enforcement. How much money do you think it will cost to deport 11 million people? How much time. It's unrealistic and a complete waste.
Their numbers need to be curtailed drastically and we only let in those who have something to offer.

How about we only let those in who qualify to immigrate here legally under the law? Which would be none of them by the way.

I wouldnt be opposed to a ten year ban on all immigration.
You are such an elitist dipship. I hope you thank your lucky stars you were fortunate enough to be born in America. You deserve to be a starving African or an impoverished Mexican. Gain some fucking perspective before you pollute is with more of your idiocracy. I support laws and enforcing legal immigration but the shit you and your kind sling out is a joke

What part of $19 trillion in debt and spiraling out of control don't you understand? We can't afford to bring in half the worlds poor people, maybe you can find a 5th grader to explain it to you.
You blame the Mexicans for our debt instead of the banks?? Maybe you need to go back to fifth grade and learn how things work. Don't put words in my mouth. I never said bring half the world over. I support immigration reform and enforcement. How much money do you think it will cost to deport 11 million people? How much time. It's unrealistic and a complete waste.

No, I'm saying we don't have the money to be caring for the worlds poor or the 11 million loser illegals who are already here. We already deport half a million a year so much for your we can't deport them propaganda lies. Secure the border and begin deportations and they will all be gone in short order. And we'll save billions of dollars a year each and every year after they are gone. No more $4 billion in fraudulent tax refunds, that alone is over $40 billion in the next 10 years. No more welfare, free healthcare, education. No more illegals driven drugs and crime. We can stop housing them in prisons. No more dead Americans. Tell me how many Americans have to murdered before people like you agree to kick these illegals out of the country? How many Americans have to be raped, robbed, and strung out on Meth which the illegals own in the U.S.? I'm sure we'd all like to see you pick a number.
How about we only let those in who qualify to immigrate here legally under the law? Which would be none of them by the way.

I wouldnt be opposed to a ten year ban on all immigration.
You are such an elitist dipship. I hope you thank your lucky stars you were fortunate enough to be born in America. You deserve to be a starving African or an impoverished Mexican. Gain some fucking perspective before you pollute is with more of your idiocracy. I support laws and enforcing legal immigration but the shit you and your kind sling out is a joke

What part of $19 trillion in debt and spiraling out of control don't you understand? We can't afford to bring in half the worlds poor people, maybe you can find a 5th grader to explain it to you.
You blame the Mexicans for our debt instead of the banks?? Maybe you need to go back to fifth grade and learn how things work. Don't put words in my mouth. I never said bring half the world over. I support immigration reform and enforcement. How much money do you think it will cost to deport 11 million people? How much time. It's unrealistic and a complete waste.

No, I'm saying we don't have the money to be caring for the worlds poor or the 11 million loser illegals who are already here. We already deport half a million a year so much for your we can't deport them propaganda lies. Secure the border and begin deportations and they will all be gone in short order. And we'll save billions of dollars a year each and every year after they are gone. No more $4 billion in fraudulent tax refunds, that alone is over $40 billion in the next 10 years. No more welfare, free healthcare, education. No more illegals driven drugs and crime. We can stop housing them in prisons. No more dead Americans. Tell me how many Americans have to murdered before people like you agree to kick these illegals out of the country? How many Americans have to be raped, robbed, and strung out on Meth which the illegals own in the U.S.? I'm sure we'd all like to see you pick a number.
Sounds like you got it all figured out... Good luck with that. Maybe we can give them all unicorns to ride out on as a parting gift and we can then change the name of America to Magicland. I'm starting to like this idea of yours!
I wouldnt be opposed to a ten year ban on all immigration.
You are such an elitist dipship. I hope you thank your lucky stars you were fortunate enough to be born in America. You deserve to be a starving African or an impoverished Mexican. Gain some fucking perspective before you pollute is with more of your idiocracy. I support laws and enforcing legal immigration but the shit you and your kind sling out is a joke

What part of $19 trillion in debt and spiraling out of control don't you understand? We can't afford to bring in half the worlds poor people, maybe you can find a 5th grader to explain it to you.
You blame the Mexicans for our debt instead of the banks?? Maybe you need to go back to fifth grade and learn how things work. Don't put words in my mouth. I never said bring half the world over. I support immigration reform and enforcement. How much money do you think it will cost to deport 11 million people? How much time. It's unrealistic and a complete waste.

No, I'm saying we don't have the money to be caring for the worlds poor or the 11 million loser illegals who are already here. We already deport half a million a year so much for your we can't deport them propaganda lies. Secure the border and begin deportations and they will all be gone in short order. And we'll save billions of dollars a year each and every year after they are gone. No more $4 billion in fraudulent tax refunds, that alone is over $40 billion in the next 10 years. No more welfare, free healthcare, education. No more illegals driven drugs and crime. We can stop housing them in prisons. No more dead Americans. Tell me how many Americans have to murdered before people like you agree to kick these illegals out of the country? How many Americans have to be raped, robbed, and strung out on Meth which the illegals own in the U.S.? I'm sure we'd all like to see you pick a number.
Sounds like you got it all figured out... Good luck with that. Maybe we can give them all unicorns to ride out on as a parting gift and we can then change the name of America to Magicland. I'm starting to like this idea of yours!

Just leave the critical thinking to me, its not your strength obviously. If these idiots do not stop this train to insolvency, if we continue to pile up debt by the trillions at this accelerated rate this spending party WILL come to an end and then you will know real pain and suffering.
calm down folks-----we cannot deport hundreds of thousands of Mexicans----
they are HUMAN BEINGS too.
Another PC police . THEY ARE ILLEGAL, they got to go home.
But one good thing, maybe they can stop at border on there way home and help build the wall, that way Mexico can get it built for less than 8 billion by using cheap labor. Everyone wins!

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how much time and money do you think it would take to deport 11 million? Give it a guess

The cost doesn't matter, how much will it cost if they stay.

If someone breaks into your house , eats your food, does your yard work,and so on. Then you see one of them hit your family member,and you say ok that's it you got to go now. So you call the police and they get there and you say get them out ,but police says they can't it cost to much to remove them. How would you fill then, same thing isn't it.
They broke into our house(USA) they take jobs we feed and give medical (free of charge to them NOT US). Ok now how much does it cost for them to stay. OH AND Don't FORGET THERE HERE ILLEGALLY. What other laws should we not enforce?

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
calm down folks-----we cannot deport hundreds of thousands of Mexicans----
they are HUMAN BEINGS too.
Another PC police . THEY ARE ILLEGAL, they got to go home.
But one good thing, maybe they can stop at border on there way home and help build the wall, that way Mexico can get it built for less than 8 billion by using cheap labor. Everyone wins!

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
how much time and money do you think it would take to deport 11 million? Give it a guess

The cost doesn't matter, how much will it cost if they stay.

If someone breaks into your house , eats your food, does your yard work,and so on. Then you see one of them hit your family member,and you say ok that's it you got to go now. So you call the police and they get there and you say get them out ,but police says they can't it cost to much to remove them. How would you fill then, same thing isn't it.
They broke into our house(USA) they take jobs we feed and give medical (free of charge to them NOT US). Ok now how much does it cost for them to stay. OH AND Don't FORGET THERE HERE ILLEGALLY. What other laws should we not enforce?

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

we stole Texas from them----and california
Their numbers need to be curtailed drastically and we only let in those who have something to offer.

How about we only let those in who qualify to immigrate here legally under the law? Which would be none of them by the way.

I wouldnt be opposed to a ten year ban on all immigration.
You are such an elitist dipship. I hope you thank your lucky stars you were fortunate enough to be born in America. You deserve to be a starving African or an impoverished Mexican. Gain some fucking perspective before you pollute is with more of your idiocracy. I support laws and enforcing legal immigration but the shit you and your kind sling out is a joke

What part of $19 trillion in debt and spiraling out of control don't you understand? We can't afford to bring in half the worlds poor people, maybe you can find a 5th grader to explain it to you.
You blame the Mexicans for our debt instead of the banks?? Maybe you need to go back to fifth grade and learn how things work. Don't put words in my mouth. I never said bring half the world over. I support immigration reform and enforcement. How much money do you think it will cost to deport 11 million people? How much time. It's unrealistic and a complete waste.

Yep...mexican alright.
calm down folks-----we cannot deport hundreds of thousands of Mexicans----
they are HUMAN BEINGS too.
Another PC police . THEY ARE ILLEGAL, they got to go home.
But one good thing, maybe they can stop at border on there way home and help build the wall, that way Mexico can get it built for less than 8 billion by using cheap labor. Everyone wins!

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
how much time and money do you think it would take to deport 11 million? Give it a guess

The cost doesn't matter, how much will it cost if they stay.

If someone breaks into your house , eats your food, does your yard work,and so on. Then you see one of them hit your family member,and you say ok that's it you got to go now. So you call the police and they get there and you say get them out ,but police says they can't it cost to much to remove them. How would you fill then, same thing isn't it.
They broke into our house(USA) they take jobs we feed and give medical (free of charge to them NOT US). Ok now how much does it cost for them to stay. OH AND Don't FORGET THERE HERE ILLEGALLY. What other laws should we not enforce?

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

we stole Texas from them----and california

What a load of horse shit. :lmao:
You might want to brush up on your history and stop getting your info at your LA RAZA meetings.:itsok:
Rick Perry, governor of Texas, also expressed his opposition saying that instead of closing the border it should be opened more and through technology support legal and safe migration.
Rick Perry, governor of Texas, also expressed his opposition saying that instead of closing the border it should be opened more and through technology support legal and safe migration.

Sorry, but Perry's useless. Just another Politician spewing tired platitudes and no specifics. We've heard it all before. Nothing ever gets done. Illegal Immigration has to end. Period, end of story. And Trump's the only one willing to seriously tackle the issue. It's time for real change. I hope Trump gets a chance.
The only thing 'negotiable' is how Mexico's gonna contribute to paying for seriously enhanced border security. Up till now, it's done nothing to help in that regard. In fact, it's done the exact opposite. It's flooded our nation with its poor and criminals. It's time to pay up. Go Trump!

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