wall is negotiable

Paul-----your comment is very unfair ----kinda racist.

Here is the PC police checking in.
Can we not say anything about anything now.
So what did he say that's racist? Just truth. I was taught that sometimes the truth hurts, that's life

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Spot On. It isn't 'racist' to want our border secured and end Illegal Immigration. It's common sense and just. We are a nation of laws.

It is racist to make general comments ---"THE MEXICANS ARE CRIMINALS"

If they come to my country illegally, they are. They must respect my country and its laws. If they're not willing to do that, i don't want them here. We have a legal process in place, it needs to be adhered to.

This Illegal Immigration chaos has to end. And i'm only gonna support candidates i feel will at least attempt to get it under control. The status-quo is unacceptable.

illegal immigration to the USA is not limited to MEXICANS------it is not even limited
to people of "3rd world countries". There is an ANTI-MEXICAN focus in the hearts of some persons--------I have a minor tender spot for Mexicans-----
they are AMERICANS

They generally pass through Mexico. So Mexico is the big problem. It doesn't respect our nation and its laws. It's time to change that. Secure the border and end Illegal Immigration. Period, end of story.
calm yourself PAUL-----mexico has limited means and huge social problems

Oh its Politicians are doing very well. The Mexican Government just refuses to take care of the People. It steals the money and ships its poorest and worst criminals across the border. It's a scam. It's time for the Mexican Government to be held accountable. And too bad if it doesn't like it.

Paul-----your comment is very unfair ----kinda racist.

Here is the PC police checking in.
Can we not say anything about anything now.
So what did he say that's racist? Just truth. I was taught that sometimes the truth hurts, that's life

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

the truth hurts sometimes-----I have dealt with painful TRUTHS all my adult life----
as a health care provider--------racism hurts people world wide-----the generalization
"THE MEXICAN GOVERNMENT" is corrupt is racist in that it is a very negative
generalization. ------the statement "they ship their criminals" ...'to the usa' ---is
very racist in that ---the Mexican government does not actually SHIP people
to the USA------people flee poverty in that country and LOTS AND LOTS of
them are very fine people

Then how do you explain this...

easy-----someone worried about loss of iife---wrote a comic book
Are you for real?? Machine guns to shoot anything trying to cross?? This is probably the dumbest of all statements I've heard on this thread. Drug smuggling is one thing but the majority are poor desperate people looking for a chance, also human trafficking is a part of it. Do you get happy thoughts thinking of gunned down children and families at the boarder. You're sick.
I don't give a flying fuck who they are or why they are trying to come here.

If they refuse to come legally it is just like I have the right to defend my home and shoot intruders on sight.

The U.S.A. < is > my home and we have the right to defend it.

Many of the illegal crossers are armed and DO shoot at the Border Patrol.

You can't tell what the motivation is for crossing by looking at them. You can't separate the drug smugglers from the people smugglers or the people being smuggled.

You only have to shoot four or five and they will realize we are serious and they would stop coming.

I fully understand their reasons for coming.

But there is no valid reason to let the illegals come before the people who have paid the fees and jumped through the hoops, and waited their turn to come LEGALLY.

All I ask is that only people who have complied with our laws be allowed to come here. Anyone else that attempts to come in violation of our laws is eligible for immediate execution.

Tough Love.

We cannot take in the whole world and most of the 3rd world countries people would love to come here if they could. We have lots of Chinese and Japanese coming here illegally to give birth too.

And that needs to stop.

The 14th amendment was intended to cover the children of former slaves ... they had no concept at that time of millions of people flooding across our borders. Therefore the 14th amendment does not apply to people crossing the border to give birth to get an " anchor baby " .... and I don't give a damn whether they like that term or not.
When did trespassing become an executional offense? You're fucking delusional

When it stopped being a simple matter of trespass and became an invasion force encouraged by the U.S. government,just as we're seeing in the U.K. with muslims.

If you dont think something hinky is going on you're a complete dolt.
I wish there was an exchange program where we could trade spoiled, privileged small minded idiots like you for some kind hearted, hard working Mexicans. People like you don't deserve to call yourself an American.
And a big hearty FUCK YOU to you too.

People like you deserve to be stripped of their citizenship and deported. You want to allow hordes of people to invade our country and take our jobs because you think you will get your Big Mac 5 cents cheaper.

In no way do I support that. Keep trying though... Maybe more CAPS will help you
Here is the PC police checking in.
Can we not say anything about anything now.
So what did he say that's racist? Just truth. I was taught that sometimes the truth hurts, that's life

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Spot On. It isn't 'racist' to want our border secured and end Illegal Immigration. It's common sense and just. We are a nation of laws.

It is racist to make general comments ---"THE MEXICANS ARE CRIMINALS"

If they come to my country illegally, they are. They must respect my country and its laws. If they're not willing to do that, i don't want them here. We have a legal process in place, it needs to be adhered to.

This Illegal Immigration chaos has to end. And i'm only gonna support candidates i feel will at least attempt to get it under control. The status-quo is unacceptable.

illegal immigration to the USA is not limited to MEXICANS------it is not even limited
to people of "3rd world countries". There is an ANTI-MEXICAN focus in the hearts of some persons--------I have a minor tender spot for Mexicans-----
they are AMERICANS

They generally pass through Mexico. So Mexico is the big problem. It doesn't respect our nation and its laws. It's time to change that. Secure the border and end Illegal Immigration. Period, end of story.

yes----they pass thru Mexico--------we should guard the border-------and do something FOR MEXICO to improve its situation and screen migrants from
that country
Paul-----your comment is very unfair ----kinda racist.

Here is the PC police checking in.
Can we not say anything about anything now.
So what did he say that's racist? Just truth. I was taught that sometimes the truth hurts, that's life

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Spot On. It isn't 'racist' to want our border secured and end Illegal Immigration. It's common sense and just. We are a nation of laws.

It is racist to make general comments ---"THE MEXICANS ARE CRIMINALS"

If they come to my country illegally, they are. They must respect my country and its laws. If they're not willing to do that, i don't want them here. We have a legal process in place, it needs to be adhered to.

This Illegal Immigration chaos has to end. And i'm only gonna support candidates i feel will at least attempt to get it under control. The status-quo is unacceptable.

illegal immigration to the USA is not limited to MEXICANS------it is not even limited
to people of "3rd world countries". There is an ANTI-MEXICAN focus in the hearts of some persons--------I have a minor tender spot for Mexicans-----
they are AMERICANS

south American,mexican,muslim ....they all need to follow the rules.
Here is the PC police checking in.
Can we not say anything about anything now.
So what did he say that's racist? Just truth. I was taught that sometimes the truth hurts, that's life

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Spot On. It isn't 'racist' to want our border secured and end Illegal Immigration. It's common sense and just. We are a nation of laws.

It is racist to make general comments ---"THE MEXICANS ARE CRIMINALS"

If they come to my country illegally, they are. They must respect my country and its laws. If they're not willing to do that, i don't want them here. We have a legal process in place, it needs to be adhered to.

This Illegal Immigration chaos has to end. And i'm only gonna support candidates i feel will at least attempt to get it under control. The status-quo is unacceptable.

illegal immigration to the USA is not limited to MEXICANS------it is not even limited
to people of "3rd world countries". There is an ANTI-MEXICAN focus in the hearts of some persons--------I have a minor tender spot for Mexicans-----
they are AMERICANS

south American,mexican,muslim ....they all need to follow the rules.

they need to be screened CAREFULLY---------I believe that "the Donald" would
Oh its Politicians are doing very well. The Mexican Government just refuses to take care of the People. It steals the money and ships its poorest and worst criminals across the border. It's a scam. It's time for the Mexican Government to be held accountable. And too bad if it doesn't like it.

Paul-----your comment is very unfair ----kinda racist.

Here is the PC police checking in.
Can we not say anything about anything now.
So what did he say that's racist? Just truth. I was taught that sometimes the truth hurts, that's life

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

the truth hurts sometimes-----I have dealt with painful TRUTHS all my adult life----
as a health care provider--------racism hurts people world wide-----the generalization
"THE MEXICAN GOVERNMENT" is corrupt is racist in that it is a very negative
generalization. ------the statement "they ship their criminals" ...'to the usa' ---is
very racist in that ---the Mexican government does not actually SHIP people
to the USA------people flee poverty in that country and LOTS AND LOTS of
them are very fine people

Then how do you explain this...

easy-----someone worried about loss of iife---wrote a comic book

Loss of what?
And shouldnt the mexican government be responsible for it's own people?
calm down folks-----we cannot deport hundreds of thousands of Mexicans----
they are HUMAN BEINGS too.
Another PC police . THEY ARE ILLEGAL, they got to go home.
But one good thing, maybe they can stop at border on there way home and help build the wall, that way Mexico can get it built for less than 8 billion by using cheap labor. Everyone wins!

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
how much time and money do you think it would take to deport 11 million? Give it a guess
Spot On. It isn't 'racist' to want our border secured and end Illegal Immigration. It's common sense and just. We are a nation of laws.

It is racist to make general comments ---"THE MEXICANS ARE CRIMINALS"

If they come to my country illegally, they are. They must respect my country and its laws. If they're not willing to do that, i don't want them here. We have a legal process in place, it needs to be adhered to.

This Illegal Immigration chaos has to end. And i'm only gonna support candidates i feel will at least attempt to get it under control. The status-quo is unacceptable.

illegal immigration to the USA is not limited to MEXICANS------it is not even limited
to people of "3rd world countries". There is an ANTI-MEXICAN focus in the hearts of some persons--------I have a minor tender spot for Mexicans-----
they are AMERICANS

south American,mexican,muslim ....they all need to follow the rules.

they need to be screened CAREFULLY---------I believe that "the Donald" would

Their numbers need to be curtailed drastically and we only let in those who have something to offer.
calm down folks-----we cannot deport hundreds of thousands of Mexicans----
they are HUMAN BEINGS too.
Another PC police . THEY ARE ILLEGAL, they got to go home.
But one good thing, maybe they can stop at border on there way home and help build the wall, that way Mexico can get it built for less than 8 billion by using cheap labor. Everyone wins!

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
how much time and money do you think it would take to deport 11 million? Give it a guess

Cut all benefits and they'll leave on their own.
It is racist to make general comments ---"THE MEXICANS ARE CRIMINALS"

If they come to my country illegally, they are. They must respect my country and its laws. If they're not willing to do that, i don't want them here. We have a legal process in place, it needs to be adhered to.

This Illegal Immigration chaos has to end. And i'm only gonna support candidates i feel will at least attempt to get it under control. The status-quo is unacceptable.

illegal immigration to the USA is not limited to MEXICANS------it is not even limited
to people of "3rd world countries". There is an ANTI-MEXICAN focus in the hearts of some persons--------I have a minor tender spot for Mexicans-----
they are AMERICANS

south American,mexican,muslim ....they all need to follow the rules.

they need to be screened CAREFULLY---------I believe that "the Donald" would

Their numbers need to be curtailed drastically and we only let in those who have something to offer.

How about we only let those in who qualify to immigrate here legally under the law? Which would be none of them by the way.
calm down folks-----we cannot deport hundreds of thousands of Mexicans----
they are HUMAN BEINGS too.
Another PC police . THEY ARE ILLEGAL, they got to go home.
But one good thing, maybe they can stop at border on there way home and help build the wall, that way Mexico can get it built for less than 8 billion by using cheap labor. Everyone wins!

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
how much time and money do you think it would take to deport 11 million? Give it a guess

Cut all benefits and they'll leave on their own.
Says the simplton... Keep dreaming buddy
If they come to my country illegally, they are. They must respect my country and its laws. If they're not willing to do that, i don't want them here. We have a legal process in place, it needs to be adhered to.

This Illegal Immigration chaos has to end. And i'm only gonna support candidates i feel will at least attempt to get it under control. The status-quo is unacceptable.

illegal immigration to the USA is not limited to MEXICANS------it is not even limited
to people of "3rd world countries". There is an ANTI-MEXICAN focus in the hearts of some persons--------I have a minor tender spot for Mexicans-----
they are AMERICANS

south American,mexican,muslim ....they all need to follow the rules.

they need to be screened CAREFULLY---------I believe that "the Donald" would

Their numbers need to be curtailed drastically and we only let in those who have something to offer.

How about we only let those in who qualify to immigrate here legally under the law? Which would be none of them by the way.

I wouldnt be opposed to a ten year ban on all immigration.
calm down folks-----we cannot deport hundreds of thousands of Mexicans----
they are HUMAN BEINGS too.
Another PC police . THEY ARE ILLEGAL, they got to go home.
But one good thing, maybe they can stop at border on there way home and help build the wall, that way Mexico can get it built for less than 8 billion by using cheap labor. Everyone wins!

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
how much time and money do you think it would take to deport 11 million? Give it a guess

Cut all benefits and they'll leave on their own.
Says the simplton... Keep dreaming buddy

You'd rather go house to house huh.
No work,no school,no welfare,no snap...they'll leave.
calm down folks-----we cannot deport hundreds of thousands of Mexicans----
they are HUMAN BEINGS too.
Another PC police . THEY ARE ILLEGAL, they got to go home.
But one good thing, maybe they can stop at border on there way home and help build the wall, that way Mexico can get it built for less than 8 billion by using cheap labor. Everyone wins!

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
how much time and money do you think it would take to deport 11 million? Give it a guess

Cut all benefits and they'll leave on their own.
Says the simplton... Keep dreaming buddy

You'd rather go house to house huh.
No work,no school,no welfare,no snap...they'll leave.

right----good idea------illiterate children-----dead from illness-----more crime----
illegal immigration to the USA is not limited to MEXICANS------it is not even limited
to people of "3rd world countries". There is an ANTI-MEXICAN focus in the hearts of some persons--------I have a minor tender spot for Mexicans-----
they are AMERICANS

south American,mexican,muslim ....they all need to follow the rules.

they need to be screened CAREFULLY---------I believe that "the Donald" would

Their numbers need to be curtailed drastically and we only let in those who have something to offer.

How about we only let those in who qualify to immigrate here legally under the law? Which would be none of them by the way.

I wouldnt be opposed to a ten year ban on all immigration.
You are such an elitist dipship. I hope you thank your lucky stars you were fortunate enough to be born in America. You deserve to be a starving African or an impoverished Mexican. Gain some fucking perspective before you pollute is with more of your idiocracy. I support laws and enforcing legal immigration but the shit you and your kind sling out is a joke
Another PC police . THEY ARE ILLEGAL, they got to go home.
But one good thing, maybe they can stop at border on there way home and help build the wall, that way Mexico can get it built for less than 8 billion by using cheap labor. Everyone wins!

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
how much time and money do you think it would take to deport 11 million? Give it a guess

Cut all benefits and they'll leave on their own.
Says the simplton... Keep dreaming buddy

You'd rather go house to house huh.
No work,no school,no welfare,no snap...they'll leave.

right----good idea------illiterate children-----dead from illness-----more crime----

They can go back to where they came from and go to school,see the doc and rob their fellow countrymen.
how much time and money do you think it would take to deport 11 million? Give it a guess

Cut all benefits and they'll leave on their own.
Says the simplton... Keep dreaming buddy

You'd rather go house to house huh.
No work,no school,no welfare,no snap...they'll leave.

right----good idea------illiterate children-----dead from illness-----more crime----

They can go back to where they came from and go to school,see the doc and rob their fellow countrymen.

your answer is not realistic
south American,mexican,muslim ....they all need to follow the rules.

they need to be screened CAREFULLY---------I believe that "the Donald" would

Their numbers need to be curtailed drastically and we only let in those who have something to offer.

How about we only let those in who qualify to immigrate here legally under the law? Which would be none of them by the way.

I wouldnt be opposed to a ten year ban on all immigration.
You are such an elitist dipship. I hope you thank your lucky stars you were fortunate enough to be born in America. You deserve to be a starving African or an impoverished Mexican. Gain some fucking perspective before you pollute is with more of your idiocracy. I support laws and enforcing legal immigration but the shit you and your kind sling out is a joke

What part of $19 trillion in debt and spiraling out of control don't you understand? We can't afford to bring in half the worlds poor people, maybe you can find a 5th grader to explain it to you.
south American,mexican,muslim ....they all need to follow the rules.

they need to be screened CAREFULLY---------I believe that "the Donald" would

Their numbers need to be curtailed drastically and we only let in those who have something to offer.

How about we only let those in who qualify to immigrate here legally under the law? Which would be none of them by the way.

I wouldnt be opposed to a ten year ban on all immigration.
You are such an elitist dipship. I hope you thank your lucky stars you were fortunate enough to be born in America. You deserve to be a starving African or an impoverished Mexican. Gain some fucking perspective before you pollute is with more of your idiocracy. I support laws and enforcing legal immigration but the shit you and your kind sling out is a joke

Pretty sure slade is a mexican.

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