wall is negotiable

The " wall " doesn't have to be physical steel or rocks or cement.

It can be technical. It could be minefields and / or towers with automachine guns that blast anything that moves within their field of fire.

Anything and everything that makes illegal crossing difficult counts.

We could even have a bounty on illegals caught within 100 ft of the fence. Sell hunting licenses and dedicate the fees to improving the " wall ".

Mexico shoots people crossing it's southern border and most nations do.

The U.S. and Canada are the only two modern industrial nations that DON'T have a wall or something to protect their border.

We spend billions training our troops how to patrol borders for OTHER countries but refuse to defend our own.

We should have OUR troops on the border as training for being sent to defend the borders of Iran / Iraq / Syria / etc. etc.
Are you for real?? Machine guns to shoot anything trying to cross?? This is probably the dumbest of all statements I've heard on this thread. Drug smuggling is one thing but the majority are poor desperate people looking for a chance, also human trafficking is a part of it. Do you get happy thoughts thinking of gunned down children and families at the boarder. You're sick.

Only those who refused to heed the warning shots.
Vaporize a dozen or so and your problems are solved and you'd actually be saving lives since way more die crossing the desert every year.
Do you have any family, friends or people you care about that have broken a law? Perhaps we should take your advice and Vaporize them or lynch them on the streets to set an example, make our country safer. Take one for the team to help the world out. You should run for office, sounds like you got all the bright ideas.

You sound like one of these iggits .....

If someone in my family gets shot committing a crime ....?
Play stupid games win stupid prizes.

Fired 5 times, hit twice. Not a good average. This is not how to bring down a bad guy. I am military trained and use double tap. Fire twice, check out your work. If the bad guy is still standing double tap again. Keeps bullet 3 through 5 from going wild. I don't see them training for that. A professional won't just empty the gun out or shoot more than twice without accessing the situation. Firing 5 shots in a hurry shows that person is NOT under control and can easily hit a bystander.

You want the right to carry a gun in public I suggest you get properly trained first.

Winner? The dude obviously posted in the wrong thread.
I'd face palm ya but thats getting pretty stale.
drug smugglers will go around a wall, or fly over a wall, or simply move operations to Canada.

Whats that got to do with towers every half mile?
And the only way they move operations to canada is to send the drugs by ship and sell them there or try and get them across the Canadian U.S. border.
This of course will increase the chance of them being caught and force the prices through the roof.
Now drugs are the problem?? You are so clueless. You think Mexicans are sneaking over here and forcing drugs down our throats? We buy the drugs and take the drugs and want the drugs. The major drug problem in the US is from prescription drugs which are made by our very own pharmaceutical companies... Instead of wasting billions of dollars wasting money on fighting a war on drugs we would be much better off investing in education and treatment.

Are ya fucken stupid?
Drugs are a problem as is illegal immigration,communicable diseases,terrorist incursion,crime,cost to the tax payer,stagnant wages,loss of sovereignty,loss of culture,loss of jobs.....etc...etc...
I could go on forever but you couldnt hear me.. you still have shit in your ears from having your head so far up your ass.
I'm well aware of the severity and complexities of the problems surrounding this issue. I've had good discussions with people on both sides of the issue about realistic solutions. I do not deny the seriousness of the problem and support the need to take action. You are the one talking about gunning people down... Move to the Middle East if you want to live in that kind of world, we are better than that.

I'm all for making it impossible for them to get any support whatsoever if they are here illegally.
No jobs,no school,no welfare...absolutely nothing!!!
Then they'll leave on their own.
But of course that does nothing about drug smuggling,terrorist and a host of other problems open borders bring.
You're not making anything impossible, you're just making noise. To actually make a different the conversation needs a much more intelligent tone than you're spouting out. Have fun on your soap box, maybe your dog is listening.
Whats that got to do with towers every half mile?
And the only way they move operations to canada is to send the drugs by ship and sell them there or try and get them across the Canadian U.S. border.
This of course will increase the chance of them being caught and force the prices through the roof.
Now drugs are the problem?? You are so clueless. You think Mexicans are sneaking over here and forcing drugs down our throats? We buy the drugs and take the drugs and want the drugs. The major drug problem in the US is from prescription drugs which are made by our very own pharmaceutical companies... Instead of wasting billions of dollars wasting money on fighting a war on drugs we would be much better off investing in education and treatment.

Are ya fucken stupid?
Drugs are a problem as is illegal immigration,communicable diseases,terrorist incursion,crime,cost to the tax payer,stagnant wages,loss of sovereignty,loss of culture,loss of jobs.....etc...etc...
I could go on forever but you couldnt hear me.. you still have shit in your ears from having your head so far up your ass.
I'm well aware of the severity and complexities of the problems surrounding this issue. I've had good discussions with people on both sides of the issue about realistic solutions. I do not deny the seriousness of the problem and support the need to take action. You are the one talking about gunning people down... Move to the Middle East if you want to live in that kind of world, we are better than that.

I'm all for making it impossible for them to get any support whatsoever if they are here illegally.
No jobs,no school,no welfare...absolutely nothing!!!
Then they'll leave on their own.
But of course that does nothing about drug smuggling,terrorist and a host of other problems open borders bring.
You're not making anything impossible, you're just making noise. To actually make a different the conversation needs a much more intelligent tone than you're spouting out. Have fun on your soap box, maybe your dog is listening.

Trump says wall is negotiable everything is.

Cant disagree with that.
I'd be just as happy,maybe more so,with towers every half mile with a couple of ma deuces in em.
That would negate the environmentalist concerns about animal migration...I mean the four legged kind.
The " wall " doesn't have to be physical steel or rocks or cement.

It can be technical. It could be minefields and / or towers with automachine guns that blast anything that moves within their field of fire.

Anything and everything that makes illegal crossing difficult counts.

We could even have a bounty on illegals caught within 100 ft of the fence. Sell hunting licenses and dedicate the fees to improving the " wall ".

Mexico shoots people crossing it's southern border and most nations do.

The U.S. and Canada are the only two modern industrial nations that DON'T have a wall or something to protect their border.

We spend billions training our troops how to patrol borders for OTHER countries but refuse to defend our own.

We should have OUR troops on the border as training for being sent to defend the borders of Iran / Iraq / Syria / etc. etc.
Are you for real?? Machine guns to shoot anything trying to cross?? This is probably the dumbest of all statements I've heard on this thread. Drug smuggling is one thing but the majority are poor desperate people looking for a chance, also human trafficking is a part of it. Do you get happy thoughts thinking of gunned down children and families at the boarder. You're sick.
I don't give a flying fuck who they are or why they are trying to come here.

If they refuse to come legally it is just like I have the right to defend my home and shoot intruders on sight.

The U.S.A. < is > my home and we have the right to defend it.

Many of the illegal crossers are armed and DO shoot at the Border Patrol.

You can't tell what the motivation is for crossing by looking at them. You can't separate the drug smugglers from the people smugglers or the people being smuggled.

You only have to shoot four or five and they will realize we are serious and they would stop coming.

I fully understand their reasons for coming.

But there is no valid reason to let the illegals come before the people who have paid the fees and jumped through the hoops, and waited their turn to come LEGALLY.

All I ask is that only people who have complied with our laws be allowed to come here. Anyone else that attempts to come in violation of our laws is eligible for immediate execution.

Tough Love.

We cannot take in the whole world and most of the 3rd world countries people would love to come here if they could. We have lots of Chinese and Japanese coming here illegally to give birth too.

And that needs to stop.

The 14th amendment was intended to cover the children of former slaves ... they had no concept at that time of millions of people flooding across our borders. Therefore the 14th amendment does not apply to people crossing the border to give birth to get an " anchor baby " .... and I don't give a damn whether they like that term or not.
When did trespassing become an executional offense? You're fucking delusional

believe it or not-----there are places in the USA ----in which TRESPASSING can
be a defense against murder
Cant disagree with that.
I'd be just as happy,maybe more so,with towers every half mile with a couple of ma deuces in em.
That would negate the environmentalist concerns about animal migration...I mean the four legged kind.
The " wall " doesn't have to be physical steel or rocks or cement.

It can be technical. It could be minefields and / or towers with automachine guns that blast anything that moves within their field of fire.

Anything and everything that makes illegal crossing difficult counts.

We could even have a bounty on illegals caught within 100 ft of the fence. Sell hunting licenses and dedicate the fees to improving the " wall ".

Mexico shoots people crossing it's southern border and most nations do.

The U.S. and Canada are the only two modern industrial nations that DON'T have a wall or something to protect their border.

We spend billions training our troops how to patrol borders for OTHER countries but refuse to defend our own.

We should have OUR troops on the border as training for being sent to defend the borders of Iran / Iraq / Syria / etc. etc.
Are you for real?? Machine guns to shoot anything trying to cross?? This is probably the dumbest of all statements I've heard on this thread. Drug smuggling is one thing but the majority are poor desperate people looking for a chance, also human trafficking is a part of it. Do you get happy thoughts thinking of gunned down children and families at the boarder. You're sick.
I don't give a flying fuck who they are or why they are trying to come here.

If they refuse to come legally it is just like I have the right to defend my home and shoot intruders on sight.

The U.S.A. < is > my home and we have the right to defend it.

Many of the illegal crossers are armed and DO shoot at the Border Patrol.

You can't tell what the motivation is for crossing by looking at them. You can't separate the drug smugglers from the people smugglers or the people being smuggled.

You only have to shoot four or five and they will realize we are serious and they would stop coming.

I fully understand their reasons for coming.

But there is no valid reason to let the illegals come before the people who have paid the fees and jumped through the hoops, and waited their turn to come LEGALLY.

All I ask is that only people who have complied with our laws be allowed to come here. Anyone else that attempts to come in violation of our laws is eligible for immediate execution.

Tough Love.

We cannot take in the whole world and most of the 3rd world countries people would love to come here if they could. We have lots of Chinese and Japanese coming here illegally to give birth too.

And that needs to stop.

The 14th amendment was intended to cover the children of former slaves ... they had no concept at that time of millions of people flooding across our borders. Therefore the 14th amendment does not apply to people crossing the border to give birth to get an " anchor baby " .... and I don't give a damn whether they like that term or not.
When did trespassing become an executional offense? You're fucking delusional

believe it or not-----there are places in the USA ----in which TRESPASSING can
be a defense against murder
You mean...a reason to kill.
Cant disagree with that.
I'd be just as happy,maybe more so,with towers every half mile with a couple of ma deuces in em.
That would negate the environmentalist concerns about animal migration...I mean the four legged kind.
The " wall " doesn't have to be physical steel or rocks or cement.

It can be technical. It could be minefields and / or towers with automachine guns that blast anything that moves within their field of fire.

Anything and everything that makes illegal crossing difficult counts.

We could even have a bounty on illegals caught within 100 ft of the fence. Sell hunting licenses and dedicate the fees to improving the " wall ".

Mexico shoots people crossing it's southern border and most nations do.

The U.S. and Canada are the only two modern industrial nations that DON'T have a wall or something to protect their border.

We spend billions training our troops how to patrol borders for OTHER countries but refuse to defend our own.

We should have OUR troops on the border as training for being sent to defend the borders of Iran / Iraq / Syria / etc. etc.
Are you for real?? Machine guns to shoot anything trying to cross?? This is probably the dumbest of all statements I've heard on this thread. Drug smuggling is one thing but the majority are poor desperate people looking for a chance, also human trafficking is a part of it. Do you get happy thoughts thinking of gunned down children and families at the boarder. You're sick.
I don't give a flying fuck who they are or why they are trying to come here.

If they refuse to come legally it is just like I have the right to defend my home and shoot intruders on sight.

The U.S.A. < is > my home and we have the right to defend it.

Many of the illegal crossers are armed and DO shoot at the Border Patrol.

You can't tell what the motivation is for crossing by looking at them. You can't separate the drug smugglers from the people smugglers or the people being smuggled.

You only have to shoot four or five and they will realize we are serious and they would stop coming.

I fully understand their reasons for coming.

But there is no valid reason to let the illegals come before the people who have paid the fees and jumped through the hoops, and waited their turn to come LEGALLY.

All I ask is that only people who have complied with our laws be allowed to come here. Anyone else that attempts to come in violation of our laws is eligible for immediate execution.

Tough Love.

We cannot take in the whole world and most of the 3rd world countries people would love to come here if they could. We have lots of Chinese and Japanese coming here illegally to give birth too.

And that needs to stop.

The 14th amendment was intended to cover the children of former slaves ... they had no concept at that time of millions of people flooding across our borders. Therefore the 14th amendment does not apply to people crossing the border to give birth to get an " anchor baby " .... and I don't give a damn whether they like that term or not.
When did trespassing become an executional offense? You're fucking delusional

believe it or not-----there are places in the USA ----in which TRESPASSING can
be a defense against murder

And what states would those be?
The " wall " doesn't have to be physical steel or rocks or cement.

It can be technical. It could be minefields and / or towers with automachine guns that blast anything that moves within their field of fire.

Anything and everything that makes illegal crossing difficult counts.

We could even have a bounty on illegals caught within 100 ft of the fence. Sell hunting licenses and dedicate the fees to improving the " wall ".

Mexico shoots people crossing it's southern border and most nations do.

The U.S. and Canada are the only two modern industrial nations that DON'T have a wall or something to protect their border.

We spend billions training our troops how to patrol borders for OTHER countries but refuse to defend our own.

We should have OUR troops on the border as training for being sent to defend the borders of Iran / Iraq / Syria / etc. etc.
Are you for real?? Machine guns to shoot anything trying to cross?? This is probably the dumbest of all statements I've heard on this thread. Drug smuggling is one thing but the majority are poor desperate people looking for a chance, also human trafficking is a part of it. Do you get happy thoughts thinking of gunned down children and families at the boarder. You're sick.
I don't give a flying fuck who they are or why they are trying to come here.

If they refuse to come legally it is just like I have the right to defend my home and shoot intruders on sight.

The U.S.A. < is > my home and we have the right to defend it.

Many of the illegal crossers are armed and DO shoot at the Border Patrol.

You can't tell what the motivation is for crossing by looking at them. You can't separate the drug smugglers from the people smugglers or the people being smuggled.

You only have to shoot four or five and they will realize we are serious and they would stop coming.

I fully understand their reasons for coming.

But there is no valid reason to let the illegals come before the people who have paid the fees and jumped through the hoops, and waited their turn to come LEGALLY.

All I ask is that only people who have complied with our laws be allowed to come here. Anyone else that attempts to come in violation of our laws is eligible for immediate execution.

Tough Love.

We cannot take in the whole world and most of the 3rd world countries people would love to come here if they could. We have lots of Chinese and Japanese coming here illegally to give birth too.

And that needs to stop.

The 14th amendment was intended to cover the children of former slaves ... they had no concept at that time of millions of people flooding across our borders. Therefore the 14th amendment does not apply to people crossing the border to give birth to get an " anchor baby " .... and I don't give a damn whether they like that term or not.
When did trespassing become an executional offense? You're fucking delusional

believe it or not-----there are places in the USA ----in which TRESPASSING can
be a defense against murder
You mean...a reason to kill.

yes-------a BIG FACTOR------all one needs is some sort of almost reasonable
"belief" that one is about to be harmed. ALMOST reasonable belief
The " wall " doesn't have to be physical steel or rocks or cement.

It can be technical. It could be minefields and / or towers with automachine guns that blast anything that moves within their field of fire.

Anything and everything that makes illegal crossing difficult counts.

We could even have a bounty on illegals caught within 100 ft of the fence. Sell hunting licenses and dedicate the fees to improving the " wall ".

Mexico shoots people crossing it's southern border and most nations do.

The U.S. and Canada are the only two modern industrial nations that DON'T have a wall or something to protect their border.

We spend billions training our troops how to patrol borders for OTHER countries but refuse to defend our own.

We should have OUR troops on the border as training for being sent to defend the borders of Iran / Iraq / Syria / etc. etc.
Are you for real?? Machine guns to shoot anything trying to cross?? This is probably the dumbest of all statements I've heard on this thread. Drug smuggling is one thing but the majority are poor desperate people looking for a chance, also human trafficking is a part of it. Do you get happy thoughts thinking of gunned down children and families at the boarder. You're sick.
I don't give a flying fuck who they are or why they are trying to come here.

If they refuse to come legally it is just like I have the right to defend my home and shoot intruders on sight.

The U.S.A. < is > my home and we have the right to defend it.

Many of the illegal crossers are armed and DO shoot at the Border Patrol.

You can't tell what the motivation is for crossing by looking at them. You can't separate the drug smugglers from the people smugglers or the people being smuggled.

You only have to shoot four or five and they will realize we are serious and they would stop coming.

I fully understand their reasons for coming.

But there is no valid reason to let the illegals come before the people who have paid the fees and jumped through the hoops, and waited their turn to come LEGALLY.

All I ask is that only people who have complied with our laws be allowed to come here. Anyone else that attempts to come in violation of our laws is eligible for immediate execution.

Tough Love.

We cannot take in the whole world and most of the 3rd world countries people would love to come here if they could. We have lots of Chinese and Japanese coming here illegally to give birth too.

And that needs to stop.

The 14th amendment was intended to cover the children of former slaves ... they had no concept at that time of millions of people flooding across our borders. Therefore the 14th amendment does not apply to people crossing the border to give birth to get an " anchor baby " .... and I don't give a damn whether they like that term or not.
When did trespassing become an executional offense? You're fucking delusional

believe it or not-----there are places in the USA ----in which TRESPASSING can
be a defense against murder

And what states would those be?

Are you for real?? Machine guns to shoot anything trying to cross?? This is probably the dumbest of all statements I've heard on this thread. Drug smuggling is one thing but the majority are poor desperate people looking for a chance, also human trafficking is a part of it. Do you get happy thoughts thinking of gunned down children and families at the boarder. You're sick.
I don't give a flying fuck who they are or why they are trying to come here.

If they refuse to come legally it is just like I have the right to defend my home and shoot intruders on sight.

The U.S.A. < is > my home and we have the right to defend it.

Many of the illegal crossers are armed and DO shoot at the Border Patrol.

You can't tell what the motivation is for crossing by looking at them. You can't separate the drug smugglers from the people smugglers or the people being smuggled.

You only have to shoot four or five and they will realize we are serious and they would stop coming.

I fully understand their reasons for coming.

But there is no valid reason to let the illegals come before the people who have paid the fees and jumped through the hoops, and waited their turn to come LEGALLY.

All I ask is that only people who have complied with our laws be allowed to come here. Anyone else that attempts to come in violation of our laws is eligible for immediate execution.

Tough Love.

We cannot take in the whole world and most of the 3rd world countries people would love to come here if they could. We have lots of Chinese and Japanese coming here illegally to give birth too.

And that needs to stop.

The 14th amendment was intended to cover the children of former slaves ... they had no concept at that time of millions of people flooding across our borders. Therefore the 14th amendment does not apply to people crossing the border to give birth to get an " anchor baby " .... and I don't give a damn whether they like that term or not.
When did trespassing become an executional offense? You're fucking delusional

believe it or not-----there are places in the USA ----in which TRESPASSING can
be a defense against murder

And what states would those be?


For no other reason than trespass?
I don't give a flying fuck who they are or why they are trying to come here.

If they refuse to come legally it is just like I have the right to defend my home and shoot intruders on sight.

The U.S.A. < is > my home and we have the right to defend it.

Many of the illegal crossers are armed and DO shoot at the Border Patrol.

You can't tell what the motivation is for crossing by looking at them. You can't separate the drug smugglers from the people smugglers or the people being smuggled.

You only have to shoot four or five and they will realize we are serious and they would stop coming.

I fully understand their reasons for coming.

But there is no valid reason to let the illegals come before the people who have paid the fees and jumped through the hoops, and waited their turn to come LEGALLY.

All I ask is that only people who have complied with our laws be allowed to come here. Anyone else that attempts to come in violation of our laws is eligible for immediate execution.

Tough Love.

We cannot take in the whole world and most of the 3rd world countries people would love to come here if they could. We have lots of Chinese and Japanese coming here illegally to give birth too.

And that needs to stop.

The 14th amendment was intended to cover the children of former slaves ... they had no concept at that time of millions of people flooding across our borders. Therefore the 14th amendment does not apply to people crossing the border to give birth to get an " anchor baby " .... and I don't give a damn whether they like that term or not.
When did trespassing become an executional offense? You're fucking delusional

believe it or not-----there are places in the USA ----in which TRESPASSING can
be a defense against murder

And what states would those be?


For no other reason than trespass?

no----for a PERCEPTION that one is in danger ------the trespass itself is not a
reason-------a THREAT is a good enough reason-----even a not particularly LETHAL
I agree with Rosie. Make crossing the border a death sentence if not done at designated places. A few dead folks will send the message.
When did trespassing become an executional offense? You're fucking delusional

believe it or not-----there are places in the USA ----in which TRESPASSING can
be a defense against murder

And what states would those be?


For no other reason than trespass?

no----for a PERCEPTION that one is in danger ------the trespass itself is not a
reason-------a THREAT is a good enough reason-----even a not particularly LETHAL

So stand your ground.
WTF does the left want? Do they want a wall or do they want open borders? They ridiculed Trump for wanting to build a wall and now they freaking hate him for suggesting that we can negotiate with Mexico on the construction. How can a wall be idiocy when we already support 12 million illegals? How about a well patrolled secure fence? Would that make nit picking lefties happy?
Are you for real?? Machine guns to shoot anything trying to cross?? This is probably the dumbest of all statements I've heard on this thread. Drug smuggling is one thing but the majority are poor desperate people looking for a chance, also human trafficking is a part of it. Do you get happy thoughts thinking of gunned down children and families at the boarder. You're sick.
I don't give a flying fuck who they are or why they are trying to come here.

If they refuse to come legally it is just like I have the right to defend my home and shoot intruders on sight.

The U.S.A. < is > my home and we have the right to defend it.

Many of the illegal crossers are armed and DO shoot at the Border Patrol.

You can't tell what the motivation is for crossing by looking at them. You can't separate the drug smugglers from the people smugglers or the people being smuggled.

You only have to shoot four or five and they will realize we are serious and they would stop coming.

I fully understand their reasons for coming.

But there is no valid reason to let the illegals come before the people who have paid the fees and jumped through the hoops, and waited their turn to come LEGALLY.

All I ask is that only people who have complied with our laws be allowed to come here. Anyone else that attempts to come in violation of our laws is eligible for immediate execution.

Tough Love.

We cannot take in the whole world and most of the 3rd world countries people would love to come here if they could. We have lots of Chinese and Japanese coming here illegally to give birth too.

And that needs to stop.

The 14th amendment was intended to cover the children of former slaves ... they had no concept at that time of millions of people flooding across our borders. Therefore the 14th amendment does not apply to people crossing the border to give birth to get an " anchor baby " .... and I don't give a damn whether they like that term or not.
When did trespassing become an executional offense? You're fucking delusional

believe it or not-----there are places in the USA ----in which TRESPASSING can
be a defense against murder
You mean...a reason to kill.

yes-------a BIG FACTOR------all one needs is some sort of almost reasonable
"belief" that one is about to be harmed. ALMOST reasonable belief
You're making a case that a impoverished father sneaking across the border to try and make a life for his wife and children is a "reasonable threat" and deserves to be shot dead? I'd swap you for the Mexican family in a heart beat. You should stop typing, you just embarrass yourself
I agree with Rosie. Make crossing the border a death sentence if not done at designated places. A few dead folks will send the message.
How about you take one for the team and go make a statement
I don't give a flying fuck who they are or why they are trying to come here.

If they refuse to come legally it is just like I have the right to defend my home and shoot intruders on sight.

The U.S.A. < is > my home and we have the right to defend it.

Many of the illegal crossers are armed and DO shoot at the Border Patrol.

You can't tell what the motivation is for crossing by looking at them. You can't separate the drug smugglers from the people smugglers or the people being smuggled.

You only have to shoot four or five and they will realize we are serious and they would stop coming.

I fully understand their reasons for coming.

But there is no valid reason to let the illegals come before the people who have paid the fees and jumped through the hoops, and waited their turn to come LEGALLY.

All I ask is that only people who have complied with our laws be allowed to come here. Anyone else that attempts to come in violation of our laws is eligible for immediate execution.

Tough Love.

We cannot take in the whole world and most of the 3rd world countries people would love to come here if they could. We have lots of Chinese and Japanese coming here illegally to give birth too.

And that needs to stop.

The 14th amendment was intended to cover the children of former slaves ... they had no concept at that time of millions of people flooding across our borders. Therefore the 14th amendment does not apply to people crossing the border to give birth to get an " anchor baby " .... and I don't give a damn whether they like that term or not.
When did trespassing become an executional offense? You're fucking delusional

believe it or not-----there are places in the USA ----in which TRESPASSING can
be a defense against murder
You mean...a reason to kill.

yes-------a BIG FACTOR------all one needs is some sort of almost reasonable
"belief" that one is about to be harmed. ALMOST reasonable belief
You're making a case that a impoverished father sneaking across the border to try and make a life for his wife and children is a "reasonable threat" and deserves to be shot dead? I'd swap you for the Mexican family in a heart beat. You should stop typing, you just embarrass yourself

try again disgusting dog. I am the guy who supports Mexican "illegals"-------you should learn how to read. I posted a TRUE statement---which is that there are places in the USA in which KILLING a trespasser CAN BE A DEFENSE AGAINST
A CHARGE OF MURDER-----I made no comment suggesting that I support the issue, YOU FUCKING PIMP, LUMP OF SHIT
believe it or not-----there are places in the USA ----in which TRESPASSING can
be a defense against murder

And what states would those be?


For no other reason than trespass?

no----for a PERCEPTION that one is in danger ------the trespass itself is not a
reason-------a THREAT is a good enough reason-----even a not particularly LETHAL

So stand your ground.

you have no idea what "my ground" is LUMP OF SHIT
I don't give a flying fuck who they are or why they are trying to come here.

If they refuse to come legally it is just like I have the right to defend my home and shoot intruders on sight.

The U.S.A. < is > my home and we have the right to defend it.

Many of the illegal crossers are armed and DO shoot at the Border Patrol.

You can't tell what the motivation is for crossing by looking at them. You can't separate the drug smugglers from the people smugglers or the people being smuggled.

You only have to shoot four or five and they will realize we are serious and they would stop coming.

I fully understand their reasons for coming.

But there is no valid reason to let the illegals come before the people who have paid the fees and jumped through the hoops, and waited their turn to come LEGALLY.

All I ask is that only people who have complied with our laws be allowed to come here. Anyone else that attempts to come in violation of our laws is eligible for immediate execution.

Tough Love.

We cannot take in the whole world and most of the 3rd world countries people would love to come here if they could. We have lots of Chinese and Japanese coming here illegally to give birth too.

And that needs to stop.

The 14th amendment was intended to cover the children of former slaves ... they had no concept at that time of millions of people flooding across our borders. Therefore the 14th amendment does not apply to people crossing the border to give birth to get an " anchor baby " .... and I don't give a damn whether they like that term or not.
When did trespassing become an executional offense? You're fucking delusional

believe it or not-----there are places in the USA ----in which TRESPASSING can
be a defense against murder
You mean...a reason to kill.

yes-------a BIG FACTOR------all one needs is some sort of almost reasonable
"belief" that one is about to be harmed. ALMOST reasonable belief
You're making a case that a impoverished father sneaking across the border to try and make a life for his wife and children is a "reasonable threat" and deserves to be shot dead? I'd swap you for the Mexican family in a heart beat. You should stop typing, you just embarrass yourself

Sure thing Senor..

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