wall is negotiable

you want to HOLD a government "ACCOUNTABLE" ---by forcing it to use its very
limited public funds to build a wall? ----whilst its people STARVE????

No. We want the people of Mexico to stand up and fix their government so the nstional motto doesn't conflict with a Taco Bell ad campaign..... "Make a Run for the Border".

come of it.........have you met Mexicans? some are so undereducated or disadvantaged that your statement --SIMPLY MAKES NO SENSE
Paul-----your comment is very unfair ----kinda racist.

Now its Racist to claim thst people should fix their iwn country rather than illegally entering the United States? If so, sign me up as a Racist.

They'll never get it. Trump and millions of other Americans want to end 'Illegal' Immigration. That time has come. But it's about winning Elections. It's 'Party before Country.' So it's much more convenient for many to just throw the old stale 'Racist' label out there. But hopefully most Americans won't but that tired stuff this time around. I guess we'll see though.

yeah----ok we should be helping mexico too-----THEY IS OUR FELLOW AMERICANS---------and -------"western imperialism" (see? I said it------) is
at fault IN THE AMERICAS----for lots of problems

I don't completely disagree with you on the 'Western Imperialism' issue. But we can and should secure our border. It is time to end Illegal Immigration.
Paul-----your comment is very unfair ----kinda racist.

Now its Racist to claim thst people should fix their iwn country rather than illegally entering the United States? If so, sign me up as a Racist.

Mexican isn't a race.

as to HUMAN RACES------Mexican is just about the most "race" any people can be.
They are AZTEC ----intermingled with those damned CONQUISTADORE DOGS
Paul-----your comment is very unfair ----kinda racist.

Now its Racist to claim thst people should fix their iwn country rather than illegally entering the United States? If so, sign me up as a Racist.

They'll never get it. Trump and millions of other Americans want to end 'Illegal' Immigration. That time has come. But it's about winning Elections. It's 'Party before Country.' So it's much more convenient for many to just throw the old stale 'Racist' label out there. But hopefully most Americans won't but that tired stuff this time around. I guess we'll see though.

yeah----ok we should be helping mexico too-----THEY IS OUR FELLOW AMERICANS---------and -------"western imperialism" (see? I said it------) is
at fault IN THE AMERICAS----for lots of problems

I don't completely disagree with you on the 'Western Imperialism' issue. But we can and should secure our border. It is time to end Illegal Immigration.

ok,, rigid isolationist------you are not alone in your cold cold view of the world
try again-------those people are very afflicted people-------the government is not---
THE PEOPLE running from poverty. --------running from poverty is not the same
as drug trade and jihadist scum

We had similar problems here in 1775 and 1861. Both times Americans picjed up their rifles and attempted to fix the problem.

Apparently the Senors in Latin nations don't have the same cohones as us Gringos to do such things. See the Bay of Pigs in Cuba for proof of that.
Paul-----your comment is very unfair ----kinda racist.

Now its Racist to claim thst people should fix their iwn country rather than illegally entering the United States? If so, sign me up as a Racist.

They'll never get it. Trump and millions of other Americans want to end 'Illegal' Immigration. That time has come. But it's about winning Elections. It's 'Party before Country.' So it's much more convenient for many to just throw the old stale 'Racist' label out there. But hopefully most Americans won't but that tired stuff this time around. I guess we'll see though.

yeah----ok we should be helping mexico too-----THEY IS OUR FELLOW AMERICANS---------and -------"western imperialism" (see? I said it------) is
at fault IN THE AMERICAS----for lots of problems

I don't completely disagree with you on the 'Western Imperialism' issue. But we can and should secure our border. It is time to end Illegal Immigration.

ok,, rigid isolationist------you are not alone in your cold cold view of the world

Securing our border and ending Illegal Immigration does not = 'rigid isolationism.' And if you say something so damn stupid again, i will no longer continue conversing with you. Capisce?
Now its Racist to claim thst people should fix their iwn country rather than illegally entering the United States? If so, sign me up as a Racist.

They'll never get it. Trump and millions of other Americans want to end 'Illegal' Immigration. That time has come. But it's about winning Elections. It's 'Party before Country.' So it's much more convenient for many to just throw the old stale 'Racist' label out there. But hopefully most Americans won't but that tired stuff this time around. I guess we'll see though.

yeah----ok we should be helping mexico too-----THEY IS OUR FELLOW AMERICANS---------and -------"western imperialism" (see? I said it------) is
at fault IN THE AMERICAS----for lots of problems

I don't completely disagree with you on the 'Western Imperialism' issue. But we can and should secure our border. It is time to end Illegal Immigration.

ok,, rigid isolationist------you are not alone in your cold cold view of the world

Securing our border and ending Illegal Immigration does not = 'rigid isolationism.' And if you say something so damn stupid again, i will no longer continue conversing with you. Capisce.

I AM AWED at your "threat" ---------nothing stupid about the issue of ISOLATIONISM ON OUR TINY LITTLE PLANET ------it has never worked
out well for us and remains a very IDIOTIC policy
come off it.........have you met Mexicans? some are so undereducated or disadvantaged that your statement --SIMPLY MAKES NO SENSE

My wife is Puerto Rican. I spend more tine around Latinos of every nationality now thsn I do Caucasians. Between thst and the newspaper stories it seems to me thst most Senors are more than intellectuslly capable of wielding a firearm and doing so effectively.
They'll never get it. Trump and millions of other Americans want to end 'Illegal' Immigration. That time has come. But it's about winning Elections. It's 'Party before Country.' So it's much more convenient for many to just throw the old stale 'Racist' label out there. But hopefully most Americans won't but that tired stuff this time around. I guess we'll see though.

yeah----ok we should be helping mexico too-----THEY IS OUR FELLOW AMERICANS---------and -------"western imperialism" (see? I said it------) is
at fault IN THE AMERICAS----for lots of problems

I don't completely disagree with you on the 'Western Imperialism' issue. But we can and should secure our border. It is time to end Illegal Immigration.

ok,, rigid isolationist------you are not alone in your cold cold view of the world

Securing our border and ending Illegal Immigration does not = 'rigid isolationism.' And if you say something so damn stupid again, i will no longer continue conversing with you. Capisce.

I AM AWED at your "threat" ---------nothing stupid about the issue of ISOLATIONISM ON OUR TINY LITTLE PLANET ------it has never worked
out well for us and remains a very IDIOTIC policy

Again, securing our border and ending Illegal Immigration does not = 'rigid isolationism.' It's common sense and just. So please stop being so willfully ignorant and resorting to deflection and diversion.
Much of what Trump says is extreme and unrealistic. Of course he is going to walk back when it comes time for action. The time and expense to deport 11 million people makes it a wildly impossible proposition, its just rhetoric. He is proclaiming strong positions to start his "negotiations" which is how he is treating the whole political process. How many times have you heard him refer to policy as "Deals" He has a book "Art of the Deal" His whole strategy is in black and white.

The wall isn't rocket science. Mexico isn't going to write a check for 10 Billion but we can easily slap a tariff on goods that are traded with Mexico and use that to pay for the wall. This is why he keeps referring to the 58 Billion dollar trade deficit. Only problem is, that money is going to get passed onto the we the consumers and not come out of Mexico's bank account like he is implying.
you want to HOLD a government "ACCOUNTABLE" ---by forcing it to use its very
limited public funds to build a wall? ----whilst its people STARVE????
After Obama set records for 'monthly', 'annual', and 'total' deficit-spending while adding nearly $7 trillion in new debt in 4 years, forgive me if I find it funny that Liberals seem concerned about our 'limited funds' only when it suits their argument.

The cost of building a wall would have been far cheaper than the cost of illegal immigration to this nation over the last few decades - during which time the promise to build the wall was repeated over and over.

The cost of building a wall, securing the border, and STOPPING illegal immigration would be far cheaper than continuing to allow millions of illegals to break the law by coming into the US, than Obama bringing in hundreds of thousands of illegals and 'refugees' on his own, etc....

Americans are starving now, vets are waiting for health care and dying NOW while millions of illegals are here and more are coming, while Obama uses tax dollars to house / feed / clothe / provide medical care for illegals, while he brings in hundreds of thousands of 'refugees' (& terrorists) who want to and have killed Americans, while Obama is allowing Sanctuary Cities to continue to violate federal law and provide safe haven for violent illegals...

....so don't pretend like our 'precious limited resources' are not already being squandered on aiding, abetting, providing safe haven, and encouraging more tax dollar-draining illegal immigration. Time to take action to END it, not perpetuate it!
you want to HOLD a government "ACCOUNTABLE" ---by forcing it to use its very
limited public funds to build a wall? ----whilst its people STARVE????
After Obama set records for 'monthly', 'annual', and 'total' deficit-spending while adding nearly $7 trillion in new debt in 4 years, forgive me if I find it funny that Liberals seem concerned about our 'limited funds' only when it suits their argument.

The cost of building a wall would have been far cheaper than the cost of illegal immigration to this nation over the last few decades - during which time the promise to build the wall was repeated over and over.

The cost of building a wall, securing the border, and STOPPING illegal immigration would be far cheaper than continuing to allow millions of illegals to break the law by coming into the US, than Obama bringing in hundreds of thousands of illegals and 'refugees' on his own, etc....

Americans are starving now, vets are waiting for health care and dying NOW while millions of illegals are here and more are coming, while Obama uses tax dollars to house / feed / clothe / provide medical care for illegals, while he brings in hundreds of thousands of 'refugees' (& terrorists) who want to and have killed Americans, while Obama is allowing Sanctuary Cities to continue to violate federal law and provide safe haven for violent illegals...

....so don't pretend like our 'precious limited resources' are not already being squandered on aiding, abetting, providing safe haven, and encouraging more tax dollar-draining illegal immigration. Time to take action to END it, not perpetuate it!

Obama lowered the deficit from 1.4 trillion$ to .4 trillion$
you want to HOLD a government "ACCOUNTABLE" ---by forcing it to use its very
limited public funds to build a wall? ----whilst its people STARVE????
After Obama set records for 'monthly', 'annual', and 'total' deficit-spending while adding nearly $7 trillion in new debt in 4 years, forgive me if I find it funny that Liberals seem concerned about our 'limited funds' only when it suits their argument.

The cost of building a wall would have been far cheaper than the cost of illegal immigration to this nation over the last few decades - during which time the promise to build the wall was repeated over and over.

The cost of building a wall, securing the border, and STOPPING illegal immigration would be far cheaper than continuing to allow millions of illegals to break the law by coming into the US, than Obama bringing in hundreds of thousands of illegals and 'refugees' on his own, etc....

Americans are starving now, vets are waiting for health care and dying NOW while millions of illegals are here and more are coming, while Obama uses tax dollars to house / feed / clothe / provide medical care for illegals, while he brings in hundreds of thousands of 'refugees' (& terrorists) who want to and have killed Americans, while Obama is allowing Sanctuary Cities to continue to violate federal law and provide safe haven for violent illegals...

....so don't pretend like our 'precious limited resources' are not already being squandered on aiding, abetting, providing safe haven, and encouraging more tax dollar-draining illegal immigration. Time to take action to END it, not perpetuate it!

I made no such pretense------I commented on the DEMAND that MEXICO
accomplish the cure of the problem on its own
Mexico should contribute to its construction. It's done nothing to stop the Illegal Invasion. In fact, it's encouraged it. Mexico still refuses to take care of its own People. And it continues to ship its worst criminals across the border.

It is time for Mexico to be held accountable. I fully support Trump in his effort to end Illegal Immigration. And i dont care if that upsets the corrupt Mexican Government.
The Mexican government distributes comic books showing how to migrate North across the border without getting caught.

They send their criminals north.

In Mexico if you have been in prison it is almost impossible to get a job of any kind anywhere.
Employers will not hire an ex-con.
They are left to join the ranks of street beggars or to continue with their life of crime or go north.

That's the only three choices an ex-con has in Mexico.
Much of what Trump says is extreme and unrealistic.

Mush of what any and EVERY politician says is extreme and un-realistic! You telling me that even for a second you bought Obama's BS LIE about creating a govt program that would 'not cost a dime' and would 'pay for itself' when no such social program in our history has ever done that?

The wall is not extreme or unrealistic. Mexico, and may other countries, have them. Paying for it is not unrealistic. Cut Mexico's 'Foreign Aid' - not another dime - and use the money to build a wall. Instead of giving them the money to benefit them, we use it to benefit us. Is it extreme?

Is it extreme that we have an open border, millions of illegals - who we have no idea who they are - are in this country and continue to enter this country, and we use hundreds of billions to care for / reward criminals who don't respect this country, our citizens, and our laws?

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