wall is negotiable

calm down folks-----we cannot deport hundreds of thousands of Mexicans----
they are HUMAN BEINGS too.
Terrorists are human beings too people!

not quite
Both have the same impact on our economy & debt.

I do not agree-------in part-----our economy is AIDED by-----migrants------both legal and "illegal"
Not even close to reality. Illegal aliens suck from the social systems and astronomical amount of money.
Mexico should contribute to its construction. It's done nothing to stop the Illegal Invasion. In fact, it's encouraged it. Mexico still refuses to take care of its own People. And it continues to ship its worst criminals across the border.

It is time for Mexico to be held accountable. I fully support Trump in his effort to end Illegal Immigration. And i dont care if that upsets the corrupt Mexican Government.
The Mexican government distributes comic books showing how to migrate North across the border without getting caught.

They send their criminals north.

In Mexico if you have been in prison it is almost impossible to get a job of any kind anywhere.
Employers will not hire an ex-con.
They are left to join the ranks of street beggars or to continue with their life of crime or go north.

That's the only three choices an ex-con has in Mexico.

Our Immigration System is appalling and insane. We have to end this Illegal Immigration madness. And like i said, i don't give a damn if it upsets the corrupt Mexican Government.
Much of what Trump says is extreme and unrealistic.

Mush of what any and EVERY politician says is extreme and un-realistic! You telling me that even for a second you bought Obama's BS LIE about creating a govt program that would 'not cost a dime' and would 'pay for itself' when no such social program in our history has ever done that?

The wall is not extreme or unrealistic. Mexico, and may other countries, have them. Paying for it is not unrealistic. Cut Mexico's 'Foreign Aid' - not another dime - and use the money to build a wall. Instead of giving them the money to benefit them, we use it to benefit us. Is it extreme?

Is it extreme that we have an open border, millions of illegals - who we have no idea who they are - are in this country and continue to enter this country, and we use hundreds of billions to care for / reward criminals who don't respect this country, our citizens, and our laws?
Trump is running as the anti-politician that will do what he says to make America Great again. He is just as full of shit as the others. If you could read more than one line you'd see that I was not referring to the Wall as I do think that is a very doable project, but think the costs are going to most likely come from the people and not the Mexican government, we shall see.
Now look at 2 of his biggest talking points... deporting 11 Million people = unrealistic/impossible/not gonna ever happen ; Banning all Muslims from entering the U.S - Unrealistic/not gonna happen ; These are nothing more than buzz topics he is using to rally a conservative base to win the primary.
Trump is running as the anti-politician that will do what he says to make America Great again. He is just as full of shit as the others. If you could read more than one line you'd see that I was not referring to the Wall as I do think that is a very doable project, but think the costs are going to most likely come from the people and not the Mexican government, we shall see.
Now look at 2 of his biggest talking points... deporting 11 Million people = unrealistic/impossible/not gonna ever happen ; Banning all Muslims from entering the U.S - Unrealistic/not gonna happen ; These are nothing more than buzz topics he is using to rally a conservative base to win the primary.

I agree deporting 11 million illegals is not realistic...but I also don't think you have to.

For those who have been here for decades, are law abiding, work to make them 'legal', but no citizenship - to include no voting.

- No Jobs if not a legal citizen.
- No driver's licenses.
- No food stamps, welfare, etc w/out proof of legal status / citizenship

They will go home on their own.
More con flip flop.....Cons were so proud when Raygun said, "Tear down this wall."....and now they want to build one here.

Wake the fuck up....they just dig under it! It's another con waste of money, like Iraq.
Trump is running as the anti-politician that will do what he says to make America Great again. He is just as full of shit as the others. If you could read more than one line you'd see that I was not referring to the Wall as I do think that is a very doable project, but think the costs are going to most likely come from the people and not the Mexican government, we shall see.
Now look at 2 of his biggest talking points... deporting 11 Million people = unrealistic/impossible/not gonna ever happen ; Banning all Muslims from entering the U.S - Unrealistic/not gonna happen ; These are nothing more than buzz topics he is using to rally a conservative base to win the primary.

I agree deporting 11 million illegals is not realistic...but I also don't think you have to.

For those who have been here for decades, are law abiding, work to make them 'legal', but no citizenship - to include no voting.

- No Jobs if not a legal citizen.
- No driver's licenses.
- No food stamps, welfare, etc w/out proof of legal status / citizenship

They will go home on their own.
I respect your opinion and appreciate an actual argument with points of action for a complex problem. Most people in these forums simply spout empty partisan talking points.

The counter arguments to your solutions are:
- If we make things hard for illegal immigrants they will not just go home. Most have family here.
- Making them legal with no voting rights is very transparent. The GOP needs them not to vote or else the Dems would win every election. It is not a practical proposition but rather a political one so it will always have conflict as both sides have a vested interest. Plus it is a form of amnesty that hardline conservatives, like Cruz, have vowed NEVER to support.
- Enforcing the laws... no jobs, licenses, or welfare, will drive more to break the laws, through either criminal activity, selling drugs, or working under the table for penny's on the dollar. The effects will be more crime.

I'm not in strong opposition to any of your points but also understand the counter arguments and to be honest I haven't decided what I feel is the right course... I respect laws and systems and think they should be followed but as I stated before it is a very complex problem and we are talking about the lives of many many many, real people.

The damn is leaking so bad it might not be repairable or worth repairing. We may just need a whole new solution

Regarding the 'no voting for illegals', for me the issue is not / should not be 'transparent'. In this country Felons can not - do not have the right to - vote. Illegals who are in this country illegally, in violation of our existing Immigration laws, are (and many people hate this term but it is a fact) 'criminals'. They had such little respect for this nation, our citizens, and - more importantly - our laws that they broke them rather than utilize the existing legal process to come here. Criminals should not be rewarded...IMO. If they want to vote they should have to leave the country, return home, and apply to come back and be a citizen. Otherwise, no voting...ever! They can take advantage of many other benefits as 'legal status' Americans but NOT the right to vote, which is reserved for American citizens. It's one of the things they forfeited when they came her, again, IMO.

This should not be left in the hands of / to the decisions of politicians who see them as nothing more than potential, desperately-needed voters. (Of course you and I know that is the only thing that matters to the politicians who will be hammering out any such legislative agreements.)

I also appreciate the discussion and debate and respect your opinion as well. Thanks.

Regarding the 'no voting for illegals', for me the issue is not / should not be 'transparent'. In this country Felons can not - do not have the right to - vote. Illegals who are in this country illegally, in violation of our existing Immigration laws, are (and many people hate this term but it is a fact) 'criminals'. They had such little respect for this nation, our citizens, and - more importantly - our laws that they broke them rather than utilize the existing legal process to come here. Criminals should not be rewarded...IMO. If they want to vote they should have to leave the country, return home, and apply to come back and be a citizen. Otherwise, no voting...ever! They can take advantage of many other benefits as 'legal status' Americans but NOT the right to vote, which is reserved for American citizens. It's one of the things they forfeited when they came her, again, IMO.

This should not be left in the hands of / to the decisions of politicians who see them as nothing more than potential, desperately-needed voters. (Of course you and I know that is the only thing that matters to the politicians who will be hammering out any such legislative agreements.)

I also appreciate the discussion and debate and respect your opinion as well. Thanks.
I think thats a fair idea, I wouldn't necessarily make them go home and come back but I would support making them go through a process to EARN legal status and perhaps another process to earn citizenship and the right to vote. I know many immigrants, one in particular left his family in Mexico for 5+ years while he worked his ass off to earn enough money to bring them over. They earned their citizenship through the process, which is crazy long and hard and in need of reform IMO. But he did it the right way and I very much respect that. Those who skip that process slap him in the face. On the other side of the coin, many people are living in disease ridden, cespool cities that are being run by druglords and a corrupt government. There is no safety or opportunity. We are so privileged here that we forget what many people are running from. I'd probably do the same to provide a better life for my family, It depends on how dire the situation is. We forget, many people die trying to get over hear because they feel like it is their only option to survive and to provide for their families... This applies to immigrants from countries all over the world. It is also part of the spirit of what our country was founded on. It's hard for me to coin them as criminals, although, they technically are breaking the law.
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Trump will walk back the majority of the promises he's made.
And the rubes will forget, since they have already repudiated everything they have professed to believe for the past seven years in order to support him.
. It steals the money and ships its poorest and worst criminals across the border.

"They bring crime. They're rapists."

European Garbage Ship:

calm yourself PAUL-----mexico has limited means and huge social problems

Oh its Politicians are doing very well. The Mexican Government just refuses to take care of the People. It steals the money and ships its poorest and worst criminals across the border. It's a scam. It's time for the Mexican Government to be held accountable. And too bad if it doesn't like it.

Paul-----your comment is very unfair ----kinda racist.

It isn't racist to point out truth & reality. The Mexican Government is one of the most corrupt on earth. It refuses to take care of its People. It needs to be held accountable. It will contribute and help build the wall one way or another.

you want to HOLD a government "ACCOUNTABLE" ---by forcing it to use its very
limited public funds to build a wall? ----whilst its people STARVE????

Yes, they will be held accountable. It's about time. Then hopefully the Mexican People will rise up and demand a better Government. That's the only way things will ever change there. It will be forced upon them.

Yep..just like forcing people off welfare that dont need it.
When they get hungry enough they'll come around.
Trump says wall is negotiable everything is.

Cant disagree with that.
I'd be just as happy,maybe more so,with towers every half mile with a couple of ma deuces in em.
That would negate the environmentalist concerns about animal migration...I mean the four legged kind.
The " wall " doesn't have to be physical steel or rocks or cement.

It can be technical. It could be minefields and / or towers with automachine guns that blast anything that moves within their field of fire.

Anything and everything that makes illegal crossing difficult counts.

We could even have a bounty on illegals caught within 100 ft of the fence. Sell hunting licenses and dedicate the fees to improving the " wall ".

Mexico shoots people crossing it's southern border and most nations do.

The U.S. and Canada are the only two modern industrial nations that DON'T have a wall or something to protect their border.

We spend billions training our troops how to patrol borders for OTHER countries but refuse to defend our own.

We should have OUR troops on the border as training for being sent to defend the borders of Iran / Iraq / Syria / etc. etc.
Trump says wall is negotiable everything is.

Cant disagree with that.
I'd be just as happy,maybe more so,with towers every half mile with a couple of ma deuces in em.
That would negate the environmentalist concerns about animal migration...I mean the four legged kind.
The " wall " doesn't have to be physical steel or rocks or cement.

It can be technical. It could be minefields and / or towers with automachine guns that blast anything that moves within their field of fire.

Anything and everything that makes illegal crossing difficult counts.

We could even have a bounty on illegals caught within 100 ft of the fence. Sell hunting licenses and dedicate the fees to improving the " wall ".

Mexico shoots people crossing it's southern border and most nations do.

The U.S. and Canada are the only two modern industrial nations that DON'T have a wall or something to protect their border.

We spend billions training our troops how to patrol borders for OTHER countries but refuse to defend our own.

We should have OUR troops on the border as training for being sent to defend the borders of Iran / Iraq / Syria / etc. etc.
Are you for real?? Machine guns to shoot anything trying to cross?? This is probably the dumbest of all statements I've heard on this thread. Drug smuggling is one thing but the majority are poor desperate people looking for a chance, also human trafficking is a part of it. Do you get happy thoughts thinking of gunned down children and families at the boarder. You're sick.

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