Wall Of Moms Protects Protesters

I think that was an interesting idea. Yesterday I read an article that a nude woman stepped in front of a fed who was attacking a protester and the fed stopped attacking. I think that's where the idea of the wall of moms may have come from.

The feds need to leave Portland. No one in Oregon asked for them to be there. All the state and city officials have asked for the feds to leave. The governor has said that the feds are making the situation worse.

trump has formed his own military police and has sent them to Portland. They are violating protester's rights. They are driving around at night in unmarked cars, just picking people up off the street and taking them away.

They beat and gas people, one a retired Navy officer.

This has to stop. People have a right to protest. People have a right to the 4th amendment.

It's very unconstitutional to just grab people off the street without telling them what's going on, take them away in unmarked cars and put them in a federal facility without any reason or explanation.

The attorney general of Oregon has filed suit to stop trump from violating people's rights and the law.

Next up you radical leftist terrorists will be using a wall of children as human shields. You have no idea . . . the "bad men" who are out there cruising for Antifa and BLM and other assorted Chinese and communist infiltrators/insurgents. What a busy weekend it was. You sow, we reap. Grind 'em up and bake some red commie bread.

They are more like Hamas and ISIS every day.
I think that was an interesting idea. Yesterday I read an article that a nude woman stepped in front of a fed who was attacking a protester and the fed stopped attacking. I think that's where the idea of the wall of moms may have come from.

The feds need to leave Portland. No one in Oregon asked for them to be there. All the state and city officials have asked for the feds to leave. The governor has said that the feds are making the situation worse.

trump has formed his own military police and has sent them to Portland. They are violating protester's rights. They are driving around at night in unmarked cars, just picking people up off the street and taking them away.

They beat and gas people, one a retired Navy officer.

This has to stop. People have a right to protest. People have a right to the 4th amendment.

It's very unconstitutional to just grab people off the street without telling them what's going on, take them away in unmarked cars and put them in a federal facility without any reason or explanation.

The attorney general of Oregon has filed suit to stop trump from violating people's rights and the law.

If federal property is being damaged, the feds will remain, much to your chagrin. Maybe call on your local and state officials to stop the madness, then they can leave. It’s actually a very simple concept.

And you have explained it to a very simple person.
"Wall of moms"? Surely you jest. It depends on your point of view whether it was a "nude woman" or a babe stoned out of her mind or whether the feds were attacking a protester or keeping the peace. Funny how prominent democrats are silent about the whole thing.

It's really sad why they are so quiet. Their silence under Obama was in part why I voted Stein. I've not heard a word from Biden over these actions. My bet is he would do similar.

Why would you bet that?

No other president has ever created his own personal military police then unleashed them on our people.

No other president has ever sent out that police force in unmarked cars to just pick up people off the streets and take them away.

Yes we've had a president attack peaceful protesters, nixon did it at Kent State in Ohio.

No American should ever think what trump is doing is the right thing. Nor should anyone believe that any other politician in our nation would.

Obama and Biden could have done the same thing with the teabaggers.

They didn't.

The governor of Michigan and other states could have done it to the weapons toting people who were protesting the shutdowns.

They didn't.

The bush boy could have done it with the protesters of the Iraq war and his war crimes.

The first george bush could have done it when people protested his Iraq war.

reagan could have done it when he was president. There were many protests in those years.

None of them did.

Only trump has done this.

Stop assuming everyone is like trump. They aren't.
The mayor and governor have supported 53 continuous nights of violence and destruction. They have assisted anarchists and seditionists in looting, burning down buildings and beating people. 53 nights of violence. According to democrats two nights of stopping the damage is responsible for all 53 nights of leftist mayhem.
Federal security personnel should only protect federal property. That is what the local authorities have requested. Elected local authorities are obviously the right ones to decide on and regulate local or state police. They can ask for national guard or even federal troops in emergencies. Simple as that.

It is not up to armed militias from conservative rural areas to sweep into the city to “help” the police, nor is it the job of militarized federal immigration or drug war “strike teams” to sweep through the city in unmarked vans making arrests. Actually they can only worsen the situation, especially since they are untrained in dealing with demonstrations, doing their thing in opposition to local authorities, and acting under direction of a President who is using them in a political stunt to get re-elected. They do not even wear badges like police.

On the other hand they apparently have, up to the present, made only token arrests, and most of those picked up were apparently just peaceful protesters and quickly released. The unrequested federal forces acting on city streets away from federal buildings are rightly being challenged in court by the local authorities — and in the streets by these peaceful protests of mothers from the community. This is just a stupid game of theatre by Trump, and hopefully will end soon and peacefully with guffaws from the audience.

It's up to the people. Let the states handle the issue and let the voters approve of their city being trashed and burned by rioters. or not.
This kind of violent conservative hysteria is why I advocate passing out free testosterone supplements to conservatives. If we could inject a little spine into them, we'd end conservativism almost instantly.

The authoritarian-follower nature of conservatives makes them easy prey for authoritarian leaders. Those authoritarian leaders use propaganda to terrify the authoritarian-followers into soiling themselves. Then they tell the authoritarian-followers that they'll save them from the terrors that they themselves created, but only if they pledge mindless obedience. Naturally, the conservative authoritarian-followers pledge mindless obedience.

On the plus side, it's a good history lesson, showing us all how the Nazis rose to power.

You are fake commentary
"Wall of moms"? Surely you jest. It depends on your point of view whether it was a "nude woman" or a babe stoned out of her mind or whether the feds were attacking a protester or keeping the peace. Funny how prominent democrats are silent about the whole thing.

It's really sad why they are so quiet. Their silence under Obama was in part why I voted Stein. I've not heard a word from Biden over these actions. My bet is he would do similar.

Why would you bet that?

No other president has ever created his own personal military police then unleashed them on our people.

No other president has ever sent out that police force in unmarked cars to just pick up people off the streets and take them away.

Yes we've had a president attack peaceful protesters, nixon did it at Kent State in Ohio.

No American should ever think what trump is doing is the right thing. Nor should anyone believe that any other politician in our nation would.

Obama and Biden could have done the same thing with the teabaggers.

They didn't.

The governor of Michigan and other states could have done it to the weapons toting people who were protesting the shutdowns.

They didn't.

The bush boy could have done it with the protesters of the Iraq war and his war crimes.

The first george bush could have done it when people protested his Iraq war.

reagan could have done it when he was president. There were many protests in those years.

None of them did.

Only trump has done this.

Stop assuming everyone is like trump. They aren't.
Name ONE monument torn down in all those prior protests.
I'm all for nude women protesting in public as long as there is a weight limit of 135 lbs.
They have to keep their legs spread too.
I'm sorry, remind me which side is burning cities, destroying historical monuments, attacking civilians and assaulting law enforcement again?

Your side is mainly behind the violence and assaults. You've just been propagandized to believe the opposite. Or it's possible you're deliberately using fascist tactics.

It was the same way in Nazi Germany. The Nazis made up stories of violent Jews, and then used that an excuse for more violence against jews. You'd have made a fine GoodGerman.

Unfortunately for you, most of America rejects your propaganda. And that leaves you with a problem. If your lies aren't working, what hope do you have?

No one on the right is doing a damn thing in Oregon. The left is responsible for Portland and Seattle and other west coast cities. I can't believe the BS that is taken as truth.
This kind of violent conservative hysteria is why I advocate passing out free testosterone supplements to conservatives. If we could inject a little spine into them, we'd end conservativism almost instantly.

The authoritarian-follower nature of conservatives makes them easy prey for authoritarian leaders. Those authoritarian leaders use propaganda to terrify the authoritarian-followers into soiling themselves. Then they tell the authoritarian-followers that they'll save them from the terrors that they themselves created, but only if they pledge mindless obedience. Naturally, the conservatives authoritarian-followers pledge mindless obedience.

On the plus side, it's a good history lesson, showing us all how the Nazis rose to power.

I'm sorry, remind me which side is burning cities, destroying historical monuments, attacking civilians and assaulting law enforcement again?

Then tell me more about "conservative authoritarianism".

What country before ever existed a century and a half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon, and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Thomas Jefferson.

What more do you need explained to you?

Somehow I think that whole rebellion thing was the peoples total rejection of Obama and his predecessors and the Election of Donald Trump.
The taking of arms to put down the rebellion was the attempted use of the Intelligence agencies to perform a coup.

In this case the rebellion won and the tree of Liberty is currently being refreshed.
I'm sorry, remind me which side is burning cities, destroying historical monuments, attacking civilians and assaulting law enforcement again?

Your side is mainly behind the violence and assaults. You've just been propagandized to believe the opposite. Or it's possible you're deliberately using fascist tactics.

It was the same way in Nazi Germany. The Nazis made up stories of violent Jews, and then used that an excuse for more violence against jews. You'd have made a fine GoodGerman.

Unfortunately for you, most of America rejects your propaganda. And that leaves you with a problem. If your lies aren't working, what hope do you have?

No one on the right is doing a damn thing in Oregon. The left is responsible for Portland and Seattle and other west coast cities. I can't believe the BS that is taken as truth.

That clown is comic relief, nothing more than that.
"Wall of moms"? Surely you jest. It depends on your point of view whether it was a "nude woman" or a babe stoned out of her mind or whether the feds were attacking a protester or keeping the peace. Funny how prominent democrats are silent about the whole thing.

It's really sad why they are so quiet. Their silence under Obama was in part why I voted Stein. I've not heard a word from Biden over these actions. My bet is he would do similar.

Why would you bet that?

No other president has ever created his own personal military police then unleashed them on our people.

No other president has ever sent out that police force in unmarked cars to just pick up people off the streets and take them away.

Yes we've had a president attack peaceful protesters, nixon did it at Kent State in Ohio.

No American should ever think what trump is doing is the right thing. Nor should anyone believe that any other politician in our nation would.

Obama and Biden could have done the same thing with the teabaggers.

They didn't.

The governor of Michigan and other states could have done it to the weapons toting people who were protesting the shutdowns.

They didn't.

The bush boy could have done it with the protesters of the Iraq war and his war crimes.

The first george bush could have done it when people protested his Iraq war.

reagan could have done it when he was president. There were many protests in those years.

None of them did.

Only trump has done this.

Stop assuming everyone is like trump. They aren't.

Why? Where has he come out to condemn this? While you can't completely paint a VP with the actions of a president, under his and Obama's administration they targeted and killed American citizens while dismissing their due process rights.
That clown is comic relief, nothing more than that.

That's nice. Meanwhile, you're all still lovingly tonguing the rectum of Trump for sending in federal brownshirts, something that no other president has ever done.

I'm just making it clear where we all stand. You're fascist ratfuks, while we support liberty. History will judge you the same way it judges other fascist groups from the past.
That clown is comic relief, nothing more than that.

That's nice. Meanwhile, you're all still lovingly tonguing the rectum of Trump for sending in federal brownshirts, something that no other president has ever done.

I'm just making it clear where we all stand. You're fascist ratfuks, while we support liberty. History will judge you the same way it judges other fascist groups from the past.

Comic Relief -
Keep it coming.

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