Wall of Moms

Strange times we're living in. I question their strategy but I admire their bravery.

they nauseate me. -----THEY QUESTION NOTHING but. happily, dive into a cesspit. Whoever invented the "mother" idea is a maudlin pile of manure. The girls are just looking for a summer evening diversion and a fake sense of "feel good"

PS---where are the "kids" MOTHERS? who is taking care of them whilst you GALAVANT? Long
ago I lived in the epicenter of a big riot for several days----with my nine year old kid. I didn't join the "revelers"-----
I stayed home and a friend nailed the windows shut
and I turned off the lights. They were hot august
summer days. We survived ----but there was a

Where are the kids of these mothers?...BEHIND THE WALL OF MOMS
PS---where are the "kids" MOTHERS? who is taking care of them whilst you GALAVANT? Long
Also, where are the absentee fathers?

most of the rioters can name their mother

but their father?

I bet half of the violent thugs come from broken homes or unwed mothers
Its admirable what they are doing.

I think they are nuts considering the Feds are wisking people away, shooting them with rubber bullets, using chemical agents, etc... Locking arms and forming a human barrier in the face of such brutality; its bravery in it's purest form.
Its admirable what they are doing.

I think they are nuts considering the Feds are wisking people away, shooting them with rubber bullets, using chemical agents, etc... Locking arms and forming a human barrier in the face of such brutality; its bravery in it's purest form.

And I think they, and all the "protesters" are nuts and irresponsible to be doing this in the middle of a pandemic.
Standing in defense of the First Amendment, the right to free speech, and the right to free expression is always a winning strategy.

Standing in defense of arson, theft, looting, assault, carnage, and murder.
No standing in defense of protestors against federal agents who are using authoritarian tactics to take protestors off the street and throwing them in unmarked vans. Your wet dream is it not?
No standing in defense of protestors against federal agents who are using authoritarian tactics

I'm not sure if you know how law enforcement works. But, if people are breaking laws (destroying public and private property, looting, assaulting, etc) then it's the job of law enforcement to arrest them in order to bring them before a court. If they don't respond to 'please stop throwing bricks and come with me', then it's perfectly legal to use 'authoritarian' tactics to effect the arrest. Including holds, pain compliance, handcuffs, OC spray, and tasers.

There is no Constitutional requirement for police officers to use marked vehicles or even be in uniform. Unmarked vehicles and plain clothes police have been part of policing since America first instituted organized policing.

State requirement vary but, in most states, a police officer need only identify himself as a police officer and provide his badge number if requested. A police officer isn't required to give his name when effecting an arrest.

Organized assaults on police with lethal weapons can legally be met with deadly force. Police departments across the country have shown phenomenal levels of restraint in dealing with protesters who attack police and civilians with the intent to inure, maim, and take life.

Strange times we're living in. I question their strategy but I admire their bravery.

So just to point out the stupidity.... the first two photos on that website, not a single one was black, but they were holding BLM signs.

That should tell us something.... Black people are getting killed, because the withdraw of police as resulted in more rape and murder throughout the area.

But instead of these mom's caring about people getting killed, they are standing around protesting the court house, where protesters attempted to set the court house on fire.

No standing in defense of protestors against federal agents who are using authoritarian tactics

I'm not sure if you know how law enforcement works. But, if people are breaking laws (destroying public and private property, looting, assaulting, etc) then it's the job of law enforcement to arrest them in order to bring them before a court. If they don't respond to 'please stop throwing bricks and come with me', then it's perfectly legal to use 'authoritarian' tactics to effect the arrest. Including holds, pain compliance, handcuffs, OC spray, and tasers.

There is no Constitutional requirement for police officers to use marked vehicles or even be in uniform. Unmarked vehicles and plain clothes police have been part of policing since America first instituted organized policing.

State requirement vary but, in most states, a police officer need only identify himself as a police officer and provide his badge number if requested. A police officer isn't required to give his name when effecting an arrest.

Organized assaults on police with lethal weapons can legally be met with deadly force. Police departments across the country have shown phenomenal levels of restraint in dealing with protesters who attack police and civilians with the intent to inure, maim, and take life.
As I understand it, the mandate of federal agents is to protect federal property. They are going beyond that mandate. Federal agents in Portland have “have snatched protesters off the streets and thrown them into unmarked vehicles without explaining why they were being detained or arrested, according to some of those who have been seized”.

Where you are wrong is that there is a constitutional requirement that there be “probable cause” before you take someone into custody. You may recall we have something called the 4th Amendment.

Trump is using this unlawful use of the federal police for political purposes. These cities do not want them. Until these states ask for assistance the federal government has an obligation to stand down.

The best way to stop the tremendous crime in these big city shitholes is to get rid of the incompetent Democrat leadership.
These cities do not want them.

Believe me. The citizens of these cities do want them.

They are sick to death of their cities being trashed and citizens injured by rioters while the city officials they elected tell the police to stand down.

When the smoke clears from this, you're going to see a lot of city officials fighting for their political lives when they come up for reelection.

The average citizens of these cities are going to remember who let the rioters and looters have a free hand while their cities burned.
snatched protesters off the streets and thrown them into unmarked vehicles without explaining why they were being detained or arrested, according to some of those who have been seized

It's called an arrest. They will get taken to the police stations, identified, questioned, and given bail, when they are handed their bail paperwork, they know, in writing, precisely why they have been arrested.
These cities do not want them.

Believe me. The citizens of these cities do want them.

They are sick to death of their cities being trashed and citizens injured by rioters while the city officials they elected tell the police to stand down.

When the smoke clears from this, you're going to see a lot of city officials fighting for their political lives when they come up for reelection.

The average citizens of these cities are going to remember who let the rioters and looters have a free hand while their cities burned.

The current issue in Portland is whether these federal agents are now exacerbating a bad situation. I would presume that local and State authorities know how to handle the unrest. As I posted, if these authorities thought federal agents or troops were necessary they would call for them. That Is the protocol. I agree with the remaining portion of your post that if these state and local officials are not handling this situation properly they will and should be held to account by the electorate.
These cities do not want them.

Believe me. The citizens of these cities do want them.

They are sick to death of their cities being trashed and citizens injured by rioters while the city officials they elected tell the police to stand down.

When the smoke clears from this, you're going to see a lot of city officials fighting for their political lives when they come up for reelection.

The average citizens of these cities are going to remember who let the rioters and looters have a free hand while their cities burned.

The current issue in Portland is whether these federal agents are now exacerbating a bad situation. I would presume that local and State authorities know how to handle the unrest. As I posted, if these authorities thought federal agents or troops were necessary they would call for them. That Is the protocol. I agree with the remaining portion of your post that if these state and local officials are not handling this situation properly they will and should be held to account by the electorate.

by the results we have seen this is clearly not the case. They don't know how to handle shit.
snatched protesters off the streets and thrown them into unmarked vehicles without explaining why they were being detained or arrested, according to some of those who have been seized

It's called an arrest. They will get taken to the police stations, identified, questioned, and given bail, when they are handed their bail paperwork, they know, in writing, precisely why they have been arrested.
Where you are wrong is that these protestors are taken into these vehicles and held. They are not told why they are being held. Seems to me, these federal agents are not engaging in law enforcement but in political intimidation.

I would also question why the federal police are targeting journalist. The federal police are doing what Trump is directing the to do: Ratchet up tensions for political purposes.


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