Wall Street and the GOP - An ugly divorce


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
When a marriage falls apart, the fights are never really about what they appear to be. Another late night at the office isn’t about the workload; it’s a statement about your priorities. Anger over the takeout order isn’t about the food; it’s about the fact that you don’t understand what your spouse actually likes. So it is with the crumbling, the century-long marriage of the Republican Party and the business community.

For decades, Republican lies about lazy, welfare sucking Liberals were covered up by Wall Street's cozy relationship with the GOP. Today many of the tech companies, and other growing business's are run by liberals, or left of center Independents. Many of these folks are well educated, Black, Hispanic, Gay, or Lesbian - and many are very successful! This begs an important question: How can all these people work 45 - 65 hour weeks, build successful enterprises, 6 - 8 figure incomes, while at the same time be lazy and on welfare?

The answer is - They can't. It was all one big lie!

The recent spat between leading Republicans and major corporations like Delta, Coca-Cola and Major League Baseball criticizing Georgia’s restrictive new voting law isn’t just about voting rights; it’s the sign of a deeper breakup that has been years in the making.

Another pillar of Conservative America has crumbled...

When Trump came along and made the Republican party an America first-worker first party, the corporations got pissed. Trump was tariffing them, closing our border and taking their slaves away. And even though he was giving them favorable tax rates, Democrats outbid him, throwing the American worker under the bus in the process. But this is what Democrats always do. Use taxpayer money to bribe voters with. And they really don't give two fucks what happens in the long run.

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