Wallingford police called after Nazi, Confederate merchandise found at flea market

="Marianne, post: 11813447, member:] [...]

Moore says he supports the caller who dialed up police and is sympathetic to what they felt. As a dealer of commodities with a controversial past, he can see both sides.

Well I don't support the whining, un-American sonofabitch. If he or she is offended by the sight of such items, so what? If thine eye offends thee, pluck it out -- don't call the police! I am not offended by any such items and I have a right to see them if I choose to.

The cockroach who called the police because he/she was "offended" by the historical items deserves to be tossed into an extermination camp. Because that mentality needs to be purged.
What they need is a taste of communism with Gulag

I read the book------communism did not have much TASTE-----Ivan Denisovich was all but STARVING up there. Gulag food was practically non-existent. calm yourself-----so many people are very stupid-----the poor jerky lady may very well have assumed that confederate stuff is now CONTRABAND-----nice lady---just stupid
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WALLINGFORD, Conn. (WTNH) — Over the weekend, Wallingford police were dispatched after someone called them to say there was a merchant selling Nazi and Confederate memorabilia at flea market, which some had found deeply offensive.

What I'd like to know is why police were dispatched in response to such a complaint. Don't the Wallingford cops have anything better to do than roll on such nonsense complaints? The cop or 911 dispatcher who took the call needs to attend a class on the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

His/her short answer should have been, "So what?"

for laughs? on the way to the donut shop???
WALLINGFORD, Conn. (WTNH) — Over the weekend, Wallingford police were dispatched after someone called them to say there was a merchant selling Nazi and Confederate memorabilia at flea market, which some had found deeply offensive.

What I'd like to know is why police were dispatched in response to such a complaint. Don't the Wallingford cops have anything better to do than roll on such nonsense complaints? The cop or 911 dispatcher who took the call needs to attend a class on the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

His/her short answer should have been, "So what?"
Probably it was called in that the merchant was selling some kind of armaments or some shit. They had to check it out (not that I agree with it) I still don't understand why the mayor's office is going to investigate. ... a bunch slugs what they are.
I bought a Confederate battle flag and displayed it for two reasons, one to piss off the left loons and two I will not be dictated by political correctness.
When will you be putting up a Nazi flag? That's what the OP is about after all. A Jewish man called the police to complain about Nazi memorabilia.
…living in the past… exploiting the tragedy what happened 60 years ago….
So somewhere in Wallingford, Connecticut, nothing happened. Great story.

You completely missed the point. It's not that nothing happened, something is happening and it's not good. With all the BS over flying the confederate flag people seem to think they can impose their beliefs on other people. The fact that someone was so ignorant of someone's else's Constitutional rights says a lot. The general consensus is that if it offends someone it should disappear. We are becoming Hyper sensitive.

I could take this a step further and say that liberals don't seem to think that they have to consider anyone else if it offends them and their agenda. It's a dangerous mindset. "I don't like that so you have to take it down" attitude is becoming prevalent and this article is an proof of that. Another example is the Confederate flag and Nazi' memorabilia bad and needs to be removed but fly gay pride flags and rainbow up the white house, regardless that a considerable amount of the country(mostly conservative) disagrees with it, that's OK fuck their feelings. What happens if a Conservative wins the White House in 2016? Do liberals want to be treated the same way they are treating conservatives? Could happen.
You are absolutely right. We have become hypersensitive -- and too goddam patronizing!

The decision to strike that Confederate flag should have been based on a consensus vote, not on some politician's idea of what is right or wrong.

I'm from New York and I have no special affection for rednecks, mainly because I know most of them despise me for being a "yankee" and because I once had a bad experience in Myrtle Beach, SC. But I am an American and I'm sufficiently covetous of my Constitutional freedoms to be seriously pissed off at anyone who seeks to subvert them.

That aside, I believe the pressure applied to strike that flag will be counterproductive. Because I am certain there are thousands of extremely resentful and pissed off rednecks who are planning to retaliate.
I bought a Confederate battle flag and displayed it for two reasons, one to piss off the left loons and two I will not be dictated by political correctness.
When will you be putting up a Nazi flag? That's what the OP is about after all. A Jewish man called the police to complain about Nazi memorabilia.

I have no interest in a Nazi flag and have explained my beliefs in the Confederate battle flag, if that gives you gas I am pleased
The decision to strike that Confederate flag should have been based on a consensus vote, not on some politician's idea of what is right or wrong.
I asked the question from the beginning: Why not referendum, why knee jerk reaction?
I bought a Confederate battle flag and displayed it for two reasons, one to piss off the left loons and two I will not be dictated by political correctness.
When will you be putting up a Nazi flag? That's what the OP is about after all. A Jewish man called the police to complain about Nazi memorabilia.
…living in the past… exploiting the tragedy what happened 60 years ago….
His grandmother was in a concentration camp and had the number tattoos to prove it. You should send him an e-mail scolding him for exploiting her.
I bought a Confederate battle flag and displayed it for two reasons, one to piss off the left loons and two I will not be dictated by political correctness.
When will you be putting up a Nazi flag? That's what the OP is about after all. A Jewish man called the police to complain about Nazi memorabilia.
…living in the past… exploiting the tragedy what happened 60 years ago….
His grandmother was in a concentration camp and had the number tattoos to prove it. You should send him an e-mail scolding him for exploiting her.

The Nazi flag is not banned in this nation. Again, I have no interest in it. I'm sorry if he was upset but we have freedoms and rights in the USA. If it bothers him so much the Nazi flag is banned in Germany, perhaps he should consider a move
I bought a Confederate battle flag and displayed it for two reasons, one to piss off the left loons and two I will not be dictated by political correctness.
When will you be putting up a Nazi flag? That's what the OP is about after all. A Jewish man called the police to complain about Nazi memorabilia.
…living in the past… exploiting the tragedy what happened 60 years ago….
His grandmother was in a concentration camp and had the number tattoos to prove it. You should send him an e-mail scolding him for exploiting her.
That was her grandmother, then were his parents then there he is living in the USA because in Israel it is not unique to have ancestors with CC number tattoos. Nobody is to exploit there, everybody is jewish, huh? Third generation and still whining about what practically none of us alive have anything to do with.
I bought a Confederate battle flag and displayed it for two reasons, one to piss off the left loons and two I will not be dictated by political correctness.
When will you be putting up a Nazi flag? That's what the OP is about after all. A Jewish man called the police to complain about Nazi memorabilia.
…living in the past… exploiting the tragedy what happened 60 years ago….
His grandmother was in a concentration camp and had the number tattoos to prove it. You should send him an e-mail scolding him for exploiting her.

The Nazi flag is not banned in this nation. Again, I have no interest in it. I'm sorry if he was upset but we have freedoms and rights in the USA. If it bothers him so much the Nazi flag is banned in Germany, perhaps he should consider a move

you are being PURPOSELY-----uhm.......sassified. Irish background is NO EXCUSE-------doing things just to HURT people is -------not nice even if you have a right to be a ..........uhm.........bi........ uhm NOT NICE PERSON ----------
I grew up amongst Irish people-----I would not----for the sake of nasty------put up
british banners------next to starving kids holding their little hands out for the ONE POTATO left in the village. -------or hang up historic signs (such signs exist) saying NO DOGS AND NO IRISH ALLOWED ------because I am a girl of
delicate sensibilities.
I bought a Confederate battle flag and displayed it for two reasons, one to piss off the left loons and two I will not be dictated by political correctness.
When will you be putting up a Nazi flag? That's what the OP is about after all. A Jewish man called the police to complain about Nazi memorabilia.
…living in the past… exploiting the tragedy what happened 60 years ago….
His grandmother was in a concentration camp and had the number tattoos to prove it. You should send him an e-mail scolding him for exploiting her.
That was her grandmother, then were his parents then there he is living in the USA because in Israel it is not unique to have ancestors with CC number tattoos. Nobody is to exploit there, everybody is jewish, huh? Third generation and still whining about what practically none of us alive have anything to do with.

BULL SHIT_-----you and yours have been doing it for almost 2000 years-------your-----PAST bullshit does not work just as ------slavery is all over and therefore lets pretend it never existed and has NO REMAINING effects is BULLSHIT
I bought a Confederate battle flag and displayed it for two reasons, one to piss off the left loons and two I will not be dictated by political correctness.
When will you be putting up a Nazi flag? That's what the OP is about after all. A Jewish man called the police to complain about Nazi memorabilia.
…living in the past… exploiting the tragedy what happened 60 years ago….
His grandmother was in a concentration camp and had the number tattoos to prove it. You should send him an e-mail scolding him for exploiting her.

The Nazi flag is not banned in this nation. Again, I have no interest in it. I'm sorry if he was upset but we have freedoms and rights in the USA. If it bothers him so much the Nazi flag is banned in Germany, perhaps he should consider a move

you are being PURPOSELY-----uhm.......sassified. Irish background is NO EXCUSE-------doing things just to HURT people is -------not nice even if you have a right to be a ..........uhm.........bi........ uhm NOT NICE PERSON ----------
I grew up amongst Irish people-----I would not----for the sake of nasty------put up
british banners------next to starving kids holding their little hands out for the ONE POTATO left in the village. -------or hang up historic signs (such signs exist) saying NO DOGS AND NO IRISH ALLOWED ------because I am a girl of
delicate sensibilities.

The Irish of this nation was discriminated against horribly. Maybe I should take a cue from the blacks and leftists, start screaming for my rights. Demand flags be taken down, where is my reparations? It's time for you all to be such whiny ass pissants, grow up and realize people are getting tired of your victim hood mentality
PS-----limey bastards are still limey bastards-----don't expect paddy to forget it
PS-----limey bastards are still limey bastards-----don't expect paddy to forget it

Read it and get back to me...and all of you stop being fucking butt hurt about everything, it's past old

I have no doubt the person filing the complaint was a libtard with a sense of entitlement. This country needs to have a national lesson on the Constitution because some people(mostly the left) don't seem to understand it.
It was probably Guano or some other USMB assclown.
I bought a Confederate battle flag and displayed it for two reasons, one to piss off the left loons and two I will not be dictated by political correctness.
When will you be putting up a Nazi flag? That's what the OP is about after all. A Jewish man called the police to complain about Nazi memorabilia.
…living in the past… exploiting the tragedy what happened 60 years ago….
His grandmother was in a concentration camp and had the number tattoos to prove it. You should send him an e-mail scolding him for exploiting her.
That was her grandmother, then were his parents then there he is living in the USA because in Israel it is not unique to have ancestors with CC number tattoos. Nobody is to exploit there, everybody is jewish, huh? Third generation and still whining about what practically none of us alive have anything to do with.
I'm sure Israeli's would be fine if someone opened up a Nazi memorabilia stand in Israel. They don't want to be whiners after all.

So somewhere in Wallingford, Connecticut, nothing happened. Great story.
Actually it's the fact that some idiot called the cops over ignorant bull shit. The OP is trying to make it out like the caller was a liberal. We have no idea if the caller was a liberal or not. :dunno:
PS-----limey bastards are still limey bastards-----don't expect paddy to forget it

Read it and get back to me...and all of you stop being fucking butt hurt about everything, it's past old


when it's YOUR past----and that which is your family legacy------it is never "old"-----
ask ELIA KAZAN--------you silly glib irish girl-----blarney from top to bottom......
I blame YOU that McCarthy persecuted him. -------and even CHARLIE CHAPLAN---------all your fault------take responsibility for your FAMILY

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