Walmart boycott campaign launches after outcry over 'Impeach 45' clothing


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Poor business decision even as it supports free speech. Businesses of this size roll the dice when they engage at all in any political theatre. At very least if they do, the message has to be positive.

Walmart boycott campaign launches after outcry over 'Impeach 45' clothing

Walmart drew outrage Monday after it was discovered that the superstore was selling “Impeach 45” apparel on its website.

The outcry sparked a #BoycottWalmart trend on Twitter as users expressed their distaste for Walmart promoting the impeachment of President Trump, echoing someCongressional Democrats.

Ryan Fournier, chairman of the group Students for Trump, was one of the first to discover Walmart was selling the clothing item, according to the International Business Times. He asked the company in a tweet, “What kind of message are you trying to send?”
You'll never impeach my .45

Poor business decision even as it supports free speech. Businesses of this size roll the dice when they engage at all in any political theatre. At very least if they do, the message has to be positive.

Walmart boycott campaign launches after outcry over 'Impeach 45' clothing

Walmart drew outrage Monday after it was discovered that the superstore was selling “Impeach 45” apparel on its website.

The outcry sparked a #BoycottWalmart trend on Twitter as users expressed their distaste for Walmart promoting the impeachment of President Trump, echoing someCongressional Democrats.

Ryan Fournier, chairman of the group Students for Trump, was one of the first to discover Walmart was selling the clothing item, according to the International Business Times. He asked the company in a tweet, “What kind of message are you trying to send?”

they can sell what they want.
Can you imagine the leftist outrage if they had sold an Impeach 44 shirt during the last administration? ... :cool:
Lol if the rubes boycott Wal Mart then what family trips will they ever have on weekends again?
He asked the company in a tweet, “What kind of message are you trying to send?”

He asked that? Of a shirt labeled "Impeach 45"?

Not too bright, sounds like.

Maybe it's a job lot of shirts with various slogans, from China, and it slipped thru the buyer. I can't imagine it's much of a propaganda attempt, given that so many of Wal*Mart customers are Trump supporters.
Poor business decision even as it supports free speech. Businesses of this size roll the dice when they engage at all in any political theatre. At very least if they do, the message has to be positive.

Walmart boycott campaign launches after outcry over 'Impeach 45' clothing

Walmart drew outrage Monday after it was discovered that the superstore was selling “Impeach 45” apparel on its website.

The outcry sparked a #BoycottWalmart trend on Twitter as users expressed their distaste for Walmart promoting the impeachment of President Trump, echoing someCongressional Democrats.

Ryan Fournier, chairman of the group Students for Trump, was one of the first to discover Walmart was selling the clothing item, according to the International Business Times. He asked the company in a tweet, “What kind of message are you trying to send?”

they can sell what they want.

Yes they can. Consumers will decide what businesses to support also. Do you think shareholders are giddy about this?
Can you imagine the leftist outrage if they had sold an Impeach 44 shirt during the last administration? ... :cool:
Tell us, snowflake
You would've been the first to call racism. Me, I think they can sell what they want, snowflake.
Nah, since I’m not a crying little bitch like Trump supporters. Everything is so unfair, huh snowflake?
Like I said wal mart can sell what they want.
Poor business decision even as it supports free speech. Businesses of this size roll the dice when they engage at all in any political theatre. At very least if they do, the message has to be positive.

Walmart boycott campaign launches after outcry over 'Impeach 45' clothing

Walmart drew outrage Monday after it was discovered that the superstore was selling “Impeach 45” apparel on its website.

The outcry sparked a #BoycottWalmart trend on Twitter as users expressed their distaste for Walmart promoting the impeachment of President Trump, echoing someCongressional Democrats.

Ryan Fournier, chairman of the group Students for Trump, was one of the first to discover Walmart was selling the clothing item, according to the International Business Times. He asked the company in a tweet, “What kind of message are you trying to send?”

they can sell what they want.

I agree and people can pressure them to stop, their free speech doesn’t stop others to objecting, commenting or boycotting over their message.

It happens all the time.
Why not positive political messages from Wal Mart? Like "America the Beautiful" shirts, or "protect America from Chinese exploitation and cheap exports"...oh THAT shirt might not work so well.

Regardless. Negative political messages only create problems for themselves, especially at smaller stores or those in Trump Country. Just as the NFL Owners are wishing they didn't allow the kneeling of the anthem, Wal Mart is bringing unnecessary heat to their shareholders, and for what purpose?

How many 10's of billions does a guy need before he says "you know, Trump is right, it might be time to stand up to China"? Instead some clown allows such a shirt to be sold?

I will say it again, just as not baking a cake for a gay couple is bad for business in general, so is selling such a shirt.
To me, this kind of thing is no different than a store selling shirts with different sports teams on them or not just the music of one singer. They are only trying to gain as many customers as possible. In my opinion, the best way to get out there your thoughts on a product is to leave what offends you right where you find it and if enough of the product remains on the shelves because not enough people think that its worth buying, maybe the store will then get the picture and eventually discard the item. What store hasn't discontinued something because it didn't sell enough?

God bless you always!!!

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