Walmart on Welfare: We support their employees so they don't have to.

It is not 400 posts it is one post, this post! You can't read the replies and see what was said? Why would I waste my time answering a question I already answered? Stop trolling and say something intelligent, read the entire post and the information provided before opening your mouth.

No, you did not answer my question in this post.
Try again?

Why don't you tell me specifically with points and highlights how I did not answer this question about the costs of welfare and Walmarts policies in previous replies. Come back with a detailed, articulated answer and I will address your points.

I don't care if you answered my question somewhere else in the thread.
If you want to discuss my post further, answer my question again.
Here it is. Highlighted even.
Those poor underpaid workers should quit and stay home.
If they did, would the government spend more or less on foodstamps and other programs for the poor?

Or else run away, Sir Robin.
You don't care that is great, you are lazy. I do not support companies that contribute to economic hardships Americans face, companies like Walmart can afford to pay more, employ more, give their workers more hours and make plenty of profit which it seems to me is that the Walton Family's 150 billion dollar combined worth is what you are really concerned about. Here is a link to an article by Fortune which i posted earlier which explains why Walmart can afford to pay its workers more.

Why Wal-Mart can afford to give its workers a 50% raise.
Why Wal-Mart can afford to give its workers a 50 raise - Fortune

WalMart's net income last year was less than 3.5% of sales.
What would a fair percentage be?

Yes, actually. I know of one. She worked at the company I work for currently, and she walked around trying to sell her EBT card to people at the work place. She specifically popped out kids to collect more welfare. She said so. The owner of my company got so ticked off about it, he called up the temp agency, to tell them to never send her to his company again.

By the way... it's people like that, that are the reason everyone now uses temp agencies, instead of hiring people. Democraps screw everyone over, not just the poor lady who has ruined her life to collect government assistance.

Hmmmm. This story sounds suspicious. So how long did she work there before your boss got "ticked off"?

And, no, the reason why companies use temp agencies is because they can lord it over the employee. Scumfuckers.

Less than a year. She got more and more out of control as time went on. I didn't mean to imply it was that one single thing she did. She was a worthless employee at best. But they still talk about her now, years later.

No, they do it because if you hire someone on, and they turn into a nut case, then you can't fire them without super detailed records and such, or you end up sued.

I've heard this from two CEOs. Nice thing about working in small business, the CEO eats lunch with you, works across the table from you, and they are all very willing to talk about how the business is run. CEOs are actually very nice people. You scum sucking human trash, known as leftists, who have never run so much as a lemonade stand, have your head shoved so far up your own ideology, to actually talk to a CEO and find out what they are really like.

and fyi.... that doesn't mean ALL CEO are perfect wonderful people. There are bad ones, just like there are bad people.... or leftists... which is redundant. But out of all the people I've worked for, only ONE was bad. (actually I don't think he was CEO. I think he was a manager who was put in a position he was not qualified for).
Socialism and communism are two completely different animals.

You are so naive.

Socialism and communism are both just different flavors of collectivism which puts the individual in a subservient relationship to the state.

I am naive? I have taken political science classes and know the different forms of governments that exists.

Here is a link to a page which highlights the many differences that exists between Communism and Socialism.

Communism vs Socialism - Communism vs Socialism - Difference and Comparison Diffen
It is not 400 posts it is one post, this post! You can't read the replies and see what was said? Why would I waste my time answering a question I already answered? Stop trolling and say something intelligent, read the entire post and the information provided before opening your mouth.

No, you did not answer my question in this post.
Try again?

Why don't you tell me specifically with points and highlights how I did not answer this question about the costs of welfare and Walmarts policies in previous replies. Come back with a detailed, articulated answer and I will address your points.

I don't care if you answered my question somewhere else in the thread.
If you want to discuss my post further, answer my question again.
Here it is. Highlighted even.
Those poor underpaid workers should quit and stay home.
If they did, would the government spend more or less on foodstamps and other programs for the poor?

Or else run away, Sir Robin.
You don't care that is great, you are lazy. I do not support companies that contribute to economic hardships Americans face, companies like Walmart can afford to pay more, employ more, give their workers more hours and make plenty of profit which it seems to me is that the Walton Family's 150 billion dollar combined worth is what you are really concerned about. Here is a link to an article by Fortune which i posted earlier which explains why Walmart can afford to pay its workers more.

Why Wal-Mart can afford to give its workers a 50% raise.
Why Wal-Mart can afford to give its workers a 50 raise - Fortune

Thanks for the link. That guy is an idiot.
It is not 400 posts it is one post, this post! You can't read the replies and see what was said? Why would I waste my time answering a question I already answered? Stop trolling and say something intelligent, read the entire post and the information provided before opening your mouth.

No, you did not answer my question in this post.
Try again?

Why don't you tell me specifically with points and highlights how I did not answer this question about the costs of welfare and Walmarts policies in previous replies. Come back with a detailed, articulated answer and I will address your points.

I don't care if you answered my question somewhere else in the thread.
If you want to discuss my post further, answer my question again.
Here it is. Highlighted even.
Those poor underpaid workers should quit and stay home.
If they did, would the government spend more or less on foodstamps and other programs for the poor?

Or else run away, Sir Robin.
You don't care that is great, you are lazy. I do not support companies that contribute to economic hardships Americans face, companies like Walmart can afford to pay more, employ more, give their workers more hours and make plenty of profit which it seems to me is that the Walton Family's 150 billion dollar combined worth is what you are really concerned about. Here is a link to an article by Fortune which i posted earlier which explains why Walmart can afford to pay its workers more.

Why Wal-Mart can afford to give its workers a 50% raise.
Why Wal-Mart can afford to give its workers a 50 raise - Fortune

WalMart's net income last year was less than 3.5% of sales.
What would a fair percentage be?

Obama buddy Mark Zuckerberg's company Facebook made 19%; and Obama buddy Warren Buffet's BRK-A made 11%. But I don't see the Left whinging that they made too much money.
Socialism and communism are two completely different animals.

You are so naive.

Socialism and communism are both just different flavors of collectivism which puts the individual in a subservient relationship to the state.

I am naive? I have taken political science classes and know the different forms of governments that exists.

Here is a link to a page which highlights the many differences that exists between Communism and Socialism.

Communism vs Socialism - Communism vs Socialism - Difference and Comparison Diffen

I highlighted your problem in your post. You took some (likely highly leftwing biased) PoliSci classes.

There's more to knowledge than what your leftwing professors teach you, kiddo.

Better yet, just not have welfare. Problem solved.

Here's the problem... the girl gets a job, end up pregnant, and then collects welfare.

How would you even enforce that system? What do you think government has? Spies all over the US? You think the USDA has enough people, throughout the entire country, to do pregnancy tests on 47 Million people?

Yup, these dastardly women are out there to cheat us out of $152.00 a week.

Someone's got issues with women.

I got issues with anyone who has the ability to work, but rather wants other people to pay them to not work. I don't care about their age, their gender, their color, their race, their anything.

I worked THREE jobs, when I was in college. Yeah... it sucked. But I had bills to pay, and I paid them. I didn't sit on my butt, and complain life wasn't what I wanted, and try and find people to blame for my situation.

The girl across the street from me, needed money. She opened a day care from her rented condo. I have HUGE respect for that. Not only because I can even imagine being stuck in a Condo with 5 screaming kids... but because she was decent enough, she didn't just sit on her butt, and wait for government to steal money from working class me, and give it to her. No, she got out there, and worked, and she was making more money than I was.

That's what adults do. Not loser democraps waiting for other people to fix their problems.
It is not 400 posts it is one post, this post! You can't read the replies and see what was said? Why would I waste my time answering a question I already answered? Stop trolling and say something intelligent, read the entire post and the information provided before opening your mouth.

No, you did not answer my question in this post.
Try again?

Why don't you tell me specifically with points and highlights how I did not answer this question about the costs of welfare and Walmarts policies in previous replies. Come back with a detailed, articulated answer and I will address your points.

I don't care if you answered my question somewhere else in the thread.
If you want to discuss my post further, answer my question again.
Here it is. Highlighted even.
Those poor underpaid workers should quit and stay home.
If they did, would the government spend more or less on foodstamps and other programs for the poor?

Or else run away, Sir Robin.
You don't care that is great, you are lazy. I do not support companies that contribute to economic hardships Americans face, companies like Walmart can afford to pay more, employ more, give their workers more hours and make plenty of profit which it seems to me is that the Walton Family's 150 billion dollar combined worth is what you are really concerned about. Here is a link to an article by Fortune which i posted earlier which explains why Walmart can afford to pay its workers more.

Why Wal-Mart can afford to give its workers a 50% raise.
Why Wal-Mart can afford to give its workers a 50 raise - Fortune

WalMart's net income last year was less than 3.5% of sales.
What would a fair percentage be?

The Walton Family owns over 50% of the shares of Walmart and has a combined worth of over 150 billion dollars. Don't talk to me about them wanting for anything. Did you read the article on why Wal-Mart can afford to pay its workers more? The journalist who wrote the article consulted with renowned economists when writing his article and this article come from Fortune magazine not some left wing liberal paper so keep that in mind as well.
Socialism and communism are two completely different animals.

You are so naive.

Socialism and communism are both just different flavors of collectivism which puts the individual in a subservient relationship to the state.

I am naive? I have taken political science classes and know the different forms of governments that exists.

Here is a link to a page which highlights the many differences that exists between Communism and Socialism.

Communism vs Socialism - Communism vs Socialism - Difference and Comparison Diffen

I highlighted your problem in your post. You took some (likely highly leftwing biased) PoliSci classes.

There's more to knowledge than what your leftwing professors teach you, kiddo.
So taking classes in political science and learning about different forms of governments and economic systems and the rule of law and KNOWING the differences is liberal? How radical.
See, you're learning something here already!
Proving that leftists are not able to do math.

Do tell... how exactly have we dismantled the middle class? Is it even possible, using 'math' to eliminate the middle class? Think for yourself for once, before making statements that prove your stupidity.

What, are you fucking retarded?

Let's see now.
1) Free Trade Treaties that made it easier to move factories overseas.
2) Right to Work Laws that got rid of union representation.
3) At-Will Employment laws that let companies fire employees and hire c
Again, great work.

1. Clinton a Dem signed NAFTA
2. Right to work laws didn't get rid of unions
3. Oh God forbid both a company and a employee can choose to end a contract any time they wish

Clinton signed the treaty Bush-41 wrote. He shouldn't have.
Right to work makes it impossible for unions to operate. That's the whole point.
If you fire an employee, you should have a reason. and if you laid them off, those are the people you should rehire when things get better.

Dude, if you hire me to roof your house.... are you telling me that you have to have a reason to fire me? If you hire me to mow your lawn, you have to have a reason to fire me?

See you would never agree to this, if it was YOUR money. But because you have never run anything in your life.... pretty easy to claim others shouldn't be allowed to fire anyone without some sort of just cause.

The result of this stupidity, is companies make up crap. They fire you for being 13.5 seconds late, for not cleaning your table in the lunch room, and all kinds of crap.

That makes it harder for you to find a new job, because now they find out you were fired for cause. Now they can't tell them what the cause was.... but they can tell them you were fired with cause.

I would much rather they just lay me off because they don't want me anymore. That's far better on the references. But no no, you leftards again, screwing over the lower class "for our benefit".
Socialism and communism are two completely different animals.

You are so naive.

Socialism and communism are both just different flavors of collectivism which puts the individual in a subservient relationship to the state.

I am naive? I have taken political science classes and know the different forms of governments that exists.

Here is a link to a page which highlights the many differences that exists between Communism and Socialism.

Communism vs Socialism - Communism vs Socialism - Difference and Comparison Diffen

I highlighted your problem in your post. You took some (likely highly leftwing biased) PoliSci classes.

There's more to knowledge than what your leftwing professors teach you, kiddo.
Yup, another one who has been Indoctrinated. Might be time to go comment on the Cute Kitties thread:lol:
It is not 400 posts it is one post, this post! You can't read the replies and see what was said? Why would I waste my time answering a question I already answered? Stop trolling and say something intelligent, read the entire post and the information provided before opening your mouth.

No, you did not answer my question in this post.
Try again?

Why don't you tell me specifically with points and highlights how I did not answer this question about the costs of welfare and Walmarts policies in previous replies. Come back with a detailed, articulated answer and I will address your points.

I don't care if you answered my question somewhere else in the thread.
If you want to discuss my post further, answer my question again.
Here it is. Highlighted even.
Those poor underpaid workers should quit and stay home.
If they did, would the government spend more or less on foodstamps and other programs for the poor?

Or else run away, Sir Robin.
You don't care that is great, you are lazy. I do not support companies that contribute to economic hardships Americans face, companies like Walmart can afford to pay more, employ more, give their workers more hours and make plenty of profit which it seems to me is that the Walton Family's 150 billion dollar combined worth is what you are really concerned about. Here is a link to an article by Fortune which i posted earlier which explains why Walmart can afford to pay its workers more.

Why Wal-Mart can afford to give its workers a 50% raise.
Why Wal-Mart can afford to give its workers a 50 raise - Fortune

WalMart's net income last year was less than 3.5% of sales.
What would a fair percentage be?

The Walton Family owns over 50% of the shares of Walmart and has a combined worth of over 150 billion dollars. Don't talk to me about them wanting for anything. Did you read the article on why Wal-Mart can afford to pay its workers more? The journalist who wrote the article consulted with renowned economists when writing his article and this article come from Fortune magazine not some left wing liberal paper so keep that in mind as well.

The Walton Family owns over 50% of the shares of Walmart and has a combined worth of over 150 billion dollars.

Yes they do. So what?
WalMart's net income last year was less than 3.5% of sales.
What would a fair percentage be?

Or is this another question you're going to run away from?
The journalist who wrote the article consulted with renowned economists when writing his article and this article come from Fortune magazine not some left wing liberal paper so keep that in mind as well.

Idiots who work for Fortune and consult with idiot economists are still idiots.
He wants WalMart to give low-skill employees another $15.4 billion in raises, when their net income was $16.5 billion.
He's an idiot.
Socialism and communism are two completely different animals.

You are so naive.

Socialism and communism are both just different flavors of collectivism which puts the individual in a subservient relationship to the state.
Thank You, am also getting bored with the tired arguments. Both systems require a large centralized government that squashes human spirit and productivity. Redistribution of wealth is what it really comes down to. There is no incentive in any collective system to better your future or get ahead when the governing body will just take what you earn.
There needs to be a redistribution of wealth when economic inequality is at an all time high and gets worse every day. The tax policies of the country were a lot more socialists in our past and the rich were taxed at a much higher rate and the economic inequality between the classes was much less. Some inequality is good it is what drives people to do better and incentivises them to improve their lives. The level of inequality which exists today is unacceptable and will lead to the breakdown of society and democracy. We have a huge welfare system in place for the rich, just look at how much Wal-Mart is subsidized and the tax rates of the wealthy. By supporting the current system you are in fact supporting policies which benefit the rich and welfare for the rich.
The journalist who wrote the article consulted with renowned economists when writing his article and this article come from Fortune magazine not some left wing liberal paper so keep that in mind as well.

Idiots who work for Fortune and consult with idiot economists are still idiots.
He wants WalMart to give low-skill employees another $15.4 billion in raises, when their net income was $16.5 billion.
He's an idiot.

A lot of economists and media people hate profit, so that math makes perfect sense to them.

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