Walmart on Welfare: We support their employees so they don't have to.

That is a scapegoat answer leaving Walmart without blame for the low wages of its workers. The low wages and part time hours most Walmart employees have is directly the fault of the company's decisions. Putting the blame on the employees for choosing to work there is a false argument as well, the economy is struggling and has been for a long time and in a lot of places around the country there are not a lot of jobs available. That argument is assuming people have options in choosing where they work or how much they work for and it is wholly inaccurate. Do you truly think Walmart does not have huge profits? The Waltons own over 50% of the company shares and the Walton family have a combined worth of over 150 billion dollars. Here is a link to another article on why Walmart can afford to give its workers raises and a link to an article on The Walton Family.

Why Wal-Mart can afford to give its workers a 50% raise.
Why Wal-Mart can afford to give its workers a 50 raise - Fortune

The Walton Family: America's New Robber Barons
The Walton Family America s New Robber Barons[/QUOTE
That is a scapegoat answer leaving Walmart without blame for the low wages of its workers. The low wages and part time hours most Walmart employees have is directly the fault of the company's decisions. Putting the blame on the employees for choosing to work there is a false argument as well, the economy is struggling and has been for a long time and in a lot of places around the country there are not a lot of jobs available. That argument is assuming people have options in choosing where they work or how much they work for and it is wholly inaccurate. Do you truly think Walmart does not have huge profits? The Waltons own over 50% of the company shares and the Walton family have a combined worth of over 150 billion dollars. Here is a link to another article on why Walmart can afford to give its workers raises and a link to an article on The Walton Family.

Why Wal-Mart can afford to give its workers a 50% raise.
Why Wal-Mart can afford to give its workers a 50 raise - Fortune

The Walton Family: America's New Robber Barons
The Walton Family America s New Robber Barons
You must be first in line for the boycott then.

I never shop at Walmart, I don't support low wages, part time hours or buying goods from China of which Walmart is a big contributor to this problem as well.
Well. good luck with that. I will continue to shop at Wal-Mart since as a consumer I enjoy the low prices, the clean stores, and friendly helpful employees(despite Walton's foot on their neck).
Why doesn't Walmart pay a living wage? Answer: because the owners are greedy and want taxpayers to subsidize their employees.

Those poor underpaid workers should quit and stay home.
If they did, would the government spend more or less on foodstamps and other programs for the poor?
Uh.. more obviously, is your comment an educated comment or a reactionary one because Walmart can afford to pay its workers a lot more and give them full time hours and more advancement opportunities. Clearly, this is a reactionary comment because Walmart and The Walton Family have money up the wazoo. Do you support policies which favor the rich and powerful at he expense of the lower classes? Seems like you do Please provide an educated comment next time.
Lets look at this from a right wing defense perspective, you enjoy their low prices huh? How is it they obtain those low prices exactly? By paying their employees low wages and part time hours or by the importation of goods from China? China is a communist government and is increasingly becoming a threat to our security militarily and has been a threat to our economic security for a long time.
Why doesn't Walmart pay a living wage? Answer: because the owners are greedy and want taxpayers to subsidize their employees.

Those poor underpaid workers should quit and stay home.
If they did, would the government spend more or less on foodstamps and other programs for the poor?
Uh.. more obviously, is your comment an educated comment or a reactionary one because Walmart can afford to pay its workers a lot more and give them full time hours and more advancement opportunities. Clearly, this is a reactionary comment because Walmart and The Walton Family have money up the wazoo. Do you support policies which favor the rich and powerful at he expense of the lower classes? Seems like you do Please provide an educated comment next time.

Uh.. more obviously, is your comment an educated comment or a reactionary one

Answer my question and we can discuss it further.
Read my previous posts and the links to pages about income inequality and walmarts profits that I provided, I have already answered that question.
It is not 400 posts it is one post, this post! You can't read the replies and see what was said? Why would I waste my time answering a question I already answered? Stop trolling and say something intelligent, read the entire post and the information provided before opening your mouth.
Lets look at this from a right wing defense perspective, you enjoy their low prices huh? How is it they obtain those low prices exactly? By paying their employees low wages and part time hours or by the importation of goods from China? China is a communist government and is increasingly becoming a threat to our security militarily and has been a threat to our economic security for a long time.
As if Wal-Mart is the only company that sells products from another country. Funny that I found many American products there also for a cheaper price. As for the abused workers, I have made my comments pages ago regarding freedom of choice in America, so I will defer to that. For someone who pushes a Socialist agenda I find it laughable that you would extend the evils of Communism into a post. As of late the Communists seem to have a better grasp of Capitalism in the Eastern Coastal Regions than the current Administration. As I said you have a right not to shop there as I have a right to shop there. Save your breath for your Occupy Wall Street buddies.
It is not 400 posts it is one post, this post! You can't read the replies and see what was said? Why would I waste my time answering a question I already answered? Stop trolling and say something intelligent, read the entire post and the information provided before opening your mouth.

No, you did not answer my question in this post.
Try again?
Socialism and communism are two completely different animals. Do you know the difference? Walmart is not the only company to import goods from China, definitely not but Walmart is a big contributor to the problem which is what I said and is the truth. There is a great documentary on the threat China poses to our country's economic and military security. It is called "Death by China". I will provide a link to a trailer for it, you should watch it sometime.

Death by China -
It is not 400 posts it is one post, this post! You can't read the replies and see what was said? Why would I waste my time answering a question I already answered? Stop trolling and say something intelligent, read the entire post and the information provided before opening your mouth.

No, you did not answer my question in this post.
Try again?

Why don't you tell me specifically with points and highlights how I did not answer this question about the costs of welfare and Walmarts policies in previous replies. Come back with a detailed, articulated answer and I will address your points.
Socialism and communism are two completely different animals.

You are so naive.

Socialism and communism are both just different flavors of collectivism which puts the individual in a subservient relationship to the state.
It is not 400 posts it is one post, this post! You can't read the replies and see what was said? Why would I waste my time answering a question I already answered? Stop trolling and say something intelligent, read the entire post and the information provided before opening your mouth.

No, you did not answer my question in this post.
Try again?

Why don't you tell me specifically with points and highlights how I did not answer this question about the costs of welfare and Walmarts policies in previous replies. Come back with a detailed, articulated answer and I will address your points.

I don't care if you answered my question somewhere else in the thread.
If you want to discuss my post further, answer my question again.
Here it is. Highlighted even.
Those poor underpaid workers should quit and stay home.
If they did, would the government spend more or less on foodstamps and other programs for the poor?

Or else run away, Sir Robin.
It is not 400 posts it is one post, this post! You can't read the replies and see what was said? Why would I waste my time answering a question I already answered? Stop trolling and say something intelligent, read the entire post and the information provided before opening your mouth.

No, you did not answer my question in this post.
Try again?

Why don't you tell me specifically with points and highlights how I did not answer this question about the costs of welfare and Walmarts policies in previous replies. Come back with a detailed, articulated answer and I will address your points.

I don't care if you answered my question somewhere else in the thread.
If you want to discuss my post further, answer my question again.
Here it is. Highlighted even.
Those poor underpaid workers should quit and stay home.
If they did, would the government spend more or less on foodstamps and other programs for the poor?

Or else run away, Sir Robin.
You don't care that is great, you are lazy. I do not support companies that contribute to economic hardships Americans face, companies like Walmart can afford to pay more, employ more, give their workers more hours and make plenty of profit which it seems to me is that the Walton Family's 150 billion dollar combined worth is what you are really concerned about. Here is a link to an article by Fortune which i posted earlier which explains why Walmart can afford to pay its workers more.

Why Wal-Mart can afford to give its workers a 50% raise.
Why Wal-Mart can afford to give its workers a 50 raise - Fortune
Proving that leftists are not able to do math.

Do tell... how exactly have we dismantled the middle class? Is it even possible, using 'math' to eliminate the middle class? Think for yourself for once, before making statements that prove your stupidity.

What, are you fucking retarded?

Let's see now.
1) Free Trade Treaties that made it easier to move factories overseas.
2) Right to Work Laws that got rid of union representation.
3) At-Will Employment laws that let companies fire employees and hire cheaper ones.

Again, great work.

First... again you don't seem to grasp the concept of "math". It is not possible to eliminate the middle class. It's just a fact of 'math'. Learn 'math', and you can figure this out.

Now, back to your claims.

Unions. First, right-to-work laws do not eliminate Union representation. Right to work laws, prevent Unions from FORCING YOU, to be a part of their Union if you don't want to be. So basically you are complaining that people can't be enslaved by the Unions.

But Unions do not benefit the middle class. Look at which companies failed. Union GM and Chrysler, or Non-Union Toyota and Honda?

Union Hostess, or non-Union Little Debbie?

I mentioned this before. When UAW, approached the German Union for VW, to get support in Unionizing VW plants in the US. The German Union, when they learned what UAW was all about, they cut off talks. After that, the VW workers rejected Unionization. Even the German Auto Workers Union, understood that American Union serve only to ruin the companies they infect.

Unions have been ruining the jobs of it's members for ages. It's not a benefit to the middle class. It has been destructive to the middle class, by any measure you can make.

Why is it that Union public schools are routinely out performed, and fiscally under cut by non-Union private schools?

Why is it, after the Teamsters formerly ruled the trucking industry, now the biggest trucking company is non-Union Swift Transportation?

You know Larry Summers? Part of Obama's economic advisers? Crafted the Stimulus bill?

Unemployment The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics Library of Economics and Liberty

Summers wrote this in 2008:

Another cause of long-term unemployment is unionization. High union wages that exceed the competitive market rate are likely to cause job losses in the unionized sector of the economy.

Unions terrible for the middle class. Terrible.

At-Will Employment. I don't even get where you people think you have the right to 'own your job'. Where the heck does that come from? You don't have a right to jack squat to begin with.

If I hire someone to mow my lawn, and then next month he says it's going to be $100 a mow from now on.... I FIRE HIS BUTT. Why? I'm not paying that much. I'll hire someone else who is cheaper. Know what the difference is between me and the mower guy, and me the employee at my company? Nothing. I don't have a 'right' to my employers money, anymore than the mower guy has a 'right' to my money.

It is exactly this type of idiocy, that has given rise to the Temp Agency economy. People have successfully sued in Ohio, which is an at-will state, and won. So guess what has happened? No one hires anyone directly anymore. You could have all the qualification, all the experience, all the references, perfect work history, and they still say "go on down to Tim's Temps, and fill out your paper work there".

Now even the best employees, have to spend two years as a Temp, with little to no benefits at all, because people like *YOU* have screwed us with your stupidity.

Lastly, Trade.

Trade is good. Trade is a benefit to the entire country. No country has engaged in protectionism, and end up with spectacular growth. None.

We trade protectionism in the 1930s. That worked wonders didn't it? Now harm to the middle class during that tiny short lived Great Depression we had, huh? Jobs for everyone during that time.

Jamaica tried protectionism, and it killed their economy.

Venezuela pushed protectionism, and they went from leading Latin American economy, to worst performing.

China and India both tried for protectionism, and with a middle class income of $2 a day, they were flying high.

Most jobs I've had, have depended on international trade. The company I work for right now, if not for trade, would not exist.

Trade creates more jobs than it destroys. The reason you don't know about it, is because there are no Unions screaming about the need for trade to create Union jobs, even though that is exactly the case. Instead they only scream when jobs are lost.
Socialism and communism are two completely different animals.

You are so naive.

Socialism and communism are both just different flavors of collectivism which puts the individual in a subservient relationship to the state.
Thank You, am also getting bored with the tired arguments. Both systems require a large centralized government that squashes human spirit and productivity. Redistribution of wealth is what it really comes down to. There is no incentive in any collective system to better your future or get ahead when the governing body will just take what you earn.
It is not 400 posts it is one post, this post! You can't read the replies and see what was said? Why would I waste my time answering a question I already answered? Stop trolling and say something intelligent, read the entire post and the information provided before opening your mouth.

No, you did not answer my question in this post.
Try again?

Why don't you tell me specifically with points and highlights how I did not answer this question about the costs of welfare and Walmarts policies in previous replies. Come back with a detailed, articulated answer and I will address your points.

I don't care if you answered my question somewhere else in the thread.
If you want to discuss my post further, answer my question again.
Here it is. Highlighted even.
Those poor underpaid workers should quit and stay home.
If they did, would the government spend more or less on foodstamps and other programs for the poor?

Or else run away, Sir Robin.

Scuze me, but isn't it Brave Sir Robin?

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