Walmart on Welfare: We support their employees so they don't have to.

I know. Those right wingers having all those drop outs. It's a real drag on the country.

I'll bet you right now that is it almost 50/50 split among conservative/liberals who receives welfare. You are a joke, blaming everything on conservatives and Republicans.

Well... that depends on who you define the groups. Conservative, and Liberal, have different meanings to different people. Depends on who you talk to about what issue.

The politics and demographics of food stamp recipients Pew Research Center

Overall, a Pew Research Center survey conducted late last year found that about one-in-five Americans (18%) has participated in the food stamp program, formally known as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. About a quarter (26%) lives in a household with a current or former food stamp recipient.
Of these, about one-in-five (22%) of Democrats say they had received food stamps compared with 10% of Republicans. About 17% of political independents say they have received food stamps.

The share of food stamp beneficiaries swells even further when respondents are asked if someone else living in their household had ever received food stamps. According to the survey, about three in ten Democrats (31%) and about half as many Republicans (17%) say they or someone in their household has benefitted from the food stamp program.

Why this would be surprising to anyone, is beyond me. The whole point of these programs, is not to help people. It's to gain votes for the promoters of the programs. And... it's working.
Abolish Welfare.
Abolish SNAP.
Abolish the minimum wage.
I appreciate an honest Republican

Better than those who pretend they care about struggling Americans

The people who pretend to care are the ones who want to force others to pay their bills.
I am willing to help people who need is the American way

You are willing to say..."let em die" is the republican way
You' re willing to volunteer to raise other people's taxes to pay out more to keep people dependent on the government.
Just so we're clear here.
The reason they are "dependent on government" is because the lower end wage scale has not kept up with inflation

We need to fix that
Rabbi Rules #2!

Of course the conservatives would rather make the taxpayer make up for low wages than dare to ask the employer

Better yet......fuckem

You mean you want to force the to pay whatever arbitrary wage you choose, don't you? The word "ask" isn't in the liberal vocabulary.
Having just left Wal-Mart, being helped and greeted by smiling employees, it hardly came across as the slave labor sweatshop that many here would have you believe. No one is forced to work for any company and has the freedom in America to better themselves, switch jobs, whatever. That is freedom and how a market works. Wages go up when there is a shortage of labor, and to this point in time despite how many new stores Wal-Mart opens they have not reached that shortage of labor. When wages are mandated by government outside of market forces more will be unemployed and taking even larger benefits from taxpayers. As a previous poster stated pages ago, low cost goods also help those with lower incomes.

Great thing about freedom also, if you believe that Wal-Mart is this evil Corporation you are free to not shop there.

You make a good point. There is a surplus of available labor. It is keeping wages down. Employers like it that way. Low cost workers who are afraid to lose their jobs mean profits

Problem is that those workers need to apply for public assistance because the wages are so low. They can't "go out and get a better job" because they aren't out there

So, as taxpayers, we can go on supplementing the income of these workers, or we can make the employer do it

I ask again though - and you have avoided this question three times previous - do you agree that it isn't right to allow people who are on welfare to continue collecting more welfare as they have kids that they can't afford?
Difficult choice there

Who do you punish, the mother or the child?
Well... that depends on who you define the groups. Conservative, and Liberal, have different meanings to different people. Depends on who you talk to about what issue.

The politics and demographics of food stamp recipients Pew Research Center

Overall, a Pew Research Center survey conducted late last year found that about one-in-five Americans (18%) has participated in the food stamp program, formally known as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. About a quarter (26%) lives in a household with a current or former food stamp recipient.
Of these, about one-in-five (22%) of Democrats say they had received food stamps compared with 10% of Republicans. About 17% of political independents say they have received food stamps.

The share of food stamp beneficiaries swells even further when respondents are asked if someone else living in their household had ever received food stamps. According to the survey, about three in ten Democrats (31%) and about half as many Republicans (17%) say they or someone in their household has benefitted from the food stamp program.

Why this would be surprising to anyone, is beyond me. The whole point of these programs, is not to help people. It's to gain votes for the promoters of the programs. And... it's working.

Ding Ding Ding we have a winner.
On the other hand, you have to admit that it isn't right that people who are working for minimum wage choose to just keep spitting out more kids to collect more welfare. I mean you have to know that isn't fair to the taxpayers. The system should be changed so that you aren't rewarded for having children you can't afford.

I hear shit like this and I have to wonder if you know any poor people.

You really think there are people out there who are having kids because they ant to collect a welfare check? Really?
You' re willing to volunteer to raise other people's taxes to pay out more to keep people dependent on the government.
Just so we're clear here.


And you guys created that dependency for us. You were in such a hurry to dismantle the Middle class you created the government dependency you hate.

Good job.

Proving that leftists are not able to do math.

Do tell... how exactly have we dismantled the middle class? Is it even possible, using 'math' to eliminate the middle class? Think for yourself for once, before making statements that prove your stupidity.
On the other hand, you have to admit that it isn't right that people who are working for minimum wage choose to just keep spitting out more kids to collect more welfare. I mean you have to know that isn't fair to the taxpayers. The system should be changed so that you aren't rewarded for having children you can't afford.

I hear shit like this and I have to wonder if you know any poor people.

You really think there are people out there who are having kids because they ant to collect a welfare check? Really?

No, I think there are poor people out there who don't give a fuck if they can afford their kids or not, because the government will up their welfare if they have more kids.
Having just left Wal-Mart, being helped and greeted by smiling employees, it hardly came across as the slave labor sweatshop that many here would have you believe. No one is forced to work for any company and has the freedom in America to better themselves, switch jobs, whatever. That is freedom and how a market works. Wages go up when there is a shortage of labor, and to this point in time despite how many new stores Wal-Mart opens they have not reached that shortage of labor. When wages are mandated by government outside of market forces more will be unemployed and taking even larger benefits from taxpayers. As a previous poster stated pages ago, low cost goods also help those with lower incomes.

Great thing about freedom also, if you believe that Wal-Mart is this evil Corporation you are free to not shop there.

You make a good point. There is a surplus of available labor. It is keeping wages down. Employers like it that way. Low cost workers who are afraid to lose their jobs mean profits

Problem is that those workers need to apply for public assistance because the wages are so low. They can't "go out and get a better job" because they aren't out there

So, as taxpayers, we can go on supplementing the income of these workers, or we can make the employer do it

I ask again though - and you have avoided this question three times previous - do you agree that it isn't right to allow people who are on welfare to continue collecting more welfare as they have kids that they can't afford?
Difficult choice there

Who do you punish, the mother or the child?

First of all, you didn't actually answer the question. Do YOU agree that it isn't right?

Second of all, I don't believe punishment is the answer. I believe that part of any welfare should include birth control, and if you end up pregnant (or for the guys impregnate someone) while on welfare, you are off welfare.
On the other hand, you have to admit that it isn't right that people who are working for minimum wage choose to just keep spitting out more kids to collect more welfare. I mean you have to know that isn't fair to the taxpayers. The system should be changed so that you aren't rewarded for having children you can't afford.

I hear shit like this and I have to wonder if you know any poor people.

You really think there are people out there who are having kids because they ant to collect a welfare check? Really?

Yes, actually. I know of one. She worked at the company I work for currently, and she walked around trying to sell her EBT card to people at the work place. She specifically popped out kids to collect more welfare. She said so. The owner of my company got so ticked off about it, he called up the temp agency, to tell them to never send her to his company again.

By the way... it's people like that, that are the reason everyone now uses temp agencies, instead of hiring people. Democraps screw everyone over, not just the poor lady who has ruined her life to collect government assistance.
You' re willing to volunteer to raise other people's taxes to pay out more to keep people dependent on the government.
Just so we're clear here.


And you guys created that dependency for us. You were in such a hurry to dismantle the Middle class you created the government dependency you hate.

Good job.

Proving that leftists are not able to do math.

Do tell... how exactly have we dismantled the middle class? Is it even possible, using 'math' to eliminate the middle class? Think for yourself for once, before making statements that prove your stupidity.


Now perhaps you'd like to argue WHY those numbers rose and fell when they did, but there is no arguing that they HAVE rose and fallen, mostly fallen.

Isn't it interesting however that the highest high was when a Rep was in the WH and the lowest low was when a Dem was in the WH.
Having just left Wal-Mart, being helped and greeted by smiling employees, it hardly came across as the slave labor sweatshop that many here would have you believe. No one is forced to work for any company and has the freedom in America to better themselves, switch jobs, whatever. That is freedom and how a market works. Wages go up when there is a shortage of labor, and to this point in time despite how many new stores Wal-Mart opens they have not reached that shortage of labor. When wages are mandated by government outside of market forces more will be unemployed and taking even larger benefits from taxpayers. As a previous poster stated pages ago, low cost goods also help those with lower incomes.

Great thing about freedom also, if you believe that Wal-Mart is this evil Corporation you are free to not shop there.

You make a good point. There is a surplus of available labor. It is keeping wages down. Employers like it that way. Low cost workers who are afraid to lose their jobs mean profits

Problem is that those workers need to apply for public assistance because the wages are so low. They can't "go out and get a better job" because they aren't out there

So, as taxpayers, we can go on supplementing the income of these workers, or we can make the employer do it

I ask again though - and you have avoided this question three times previous - do you agree that it isn't right to allow people who are on welfare to continue collecting more welfare as they have kids that they can't afford?
Difficult choice there

Who do you punish, the mother or the child?

First of all, you didn't actually answer the question. Do YOU agree that it isn't right?

Second of all, I don't believe punishment is the answer. I believe that part of any welfare should include birth control, and if you end up pregnant (or for the guys impregnate someone) while on welfare, you are off welfare.

Better yet, just not have welfare. Problem solved.

Here's the problem... the girl gets a job, end up pregnant, and then collects welfare.

How would you even enforce that system? What do you think government has? Spies all over the US? You think the USDA has enough people, throughout the entire country, to do pregnancy tests on 47 Million people?
Proving that leftists are not able to do math.

Do tell... how exactly have we dismantled the middle class? Is it even possible, using 'math' to eliminate the middle class? Think for yourself for once, before making statements that prove your stupidity.

What, are you fucking retarded?

Let's see now.
1) Free Trade Treaties that made it easier to move factories overseas.
2) Right to Work Laws that got rid of union representation.
3) At-Will Employment laws that let companies fire employees and hire cheaper ones.

Again, great work.
You' re willing to volunteer to raise other people's taxes to pay out more to keep people dependent on the government.
Just so we're clear here.


And you guys created that dependency for us. You were in such a hurry to dismantle the Middle class you created the government dependency you hate.

Good job.

Proving that leftists are not able to do math.

Do tell... how exactly have we dismantled the middle class? Is it even possible, using 'math' to eliminate the middle class? Think for yourself for once, before making statements that prove your stupidity.


Now perhaps you'd like to argue WHY those numbers rose and fell when they did, but there is no arguing that they HAVE rose and fallen, mostly fallen.

Isn't it interesting however that the highest high was when a Rep was in the WH and the lowest low was when a Dem was in the WH.

Clinton cooperated with Gingrich on welfare reform, that's why welfare dropped during his term.

Obama refuses to work with Congress.

Yes, actually. I know of one. She worked at the company I work for currently, and she walked around trying to sell her EBT card to people at the work place. She specifically popped out kids to collect more welfare. She said so. The owner of my company got so ticked off about it, he called up the temp agency, to tell them to never send her to his company again.

By the way... it's people like that, that are the reason everyone now uses temp agencies, instead of hiring people. Democraps screw everyone over, not just the poor lady who has ruined her life to collect government assistance.

Hmmmm. This story sounds suspicious. So how long did she work there before your boss got "ticked off"?

And, no, the reason why companies use temp agencies is because they can lord it over the employee. Scumfuckers.
Proving that leftists are not able to do math.

Do tell... how exactly have we dismantled the middle class? Is it even possible, using 'math' to eliminate the middle class? Think for yourself for once, before making statements that prove your stupidity.

What, are you fucking retarded?

Let's see now.
1) Free Trade Treaties that made it easier to move factories overseas.
2) Right to Work Laws that got rid of union representation.
3) At-Will Employment laws that let companies fire employees and hire c
Again, great work.

1. Clinton a Dem signed NAFTA
2. Right to work laws didn't get rid of unions
3. Oh God forbid both a company and a employee can choose to end a contract any time they wish
You' re willing to volunteer to raise other people's taxes to pay out more to keep people dependent on the government.
Just so we're clear here.


And you guys created that dependency for us. You were in such a hurry to dismantle the Middle class you created the government dependency you hate.

Good job.

Proving that leftists are not able to do math.

Do tell... how exactly have we dismantled the middle class? Is it even possible, using 'math' to eliminate the middle class? Think for yourself for once, before making statements that prove your stupidity.


Now perhaps you'd like to argue WHY those numbers rose and fell when they did, but there is no arguing that they HAVE rose and fallen, mostly fallen.

Isn't it interesting however that the highest high was when a Rep was in the WH and the lowest low was when a Dem was in the WH.

Clinton cooperated with Gingrich on welfare reform, that's why welfare dropped during his term.

Obama refuses to work with Congress.

One of the reasons I was willing to vote for Hillary. the clintons know how to compromise. Obviously Obama and his bunch have no idea what the word means, and sadly Republicans are no better as can be seen in this thread.

However, the graph you quoted is discussing the REAL hourly wage of employees, and obviously during CLinton's time that was the lowest in 5 decades, probably because of NAFTA

Better yet, just not have welfare. Problem solved.

Here's the problem... the girl gets a job, end up pregnant, and then collects welfare.

How would you even enforce that system? What do you think government has? Spies all over the US? You think the USDA has enough people, throughout the entire country, to do pregnancy tests on 47 Million people?

Yup, these dastardly women are out there to cheat us out of $152.00 a week.

Someone's got issues with women.
Proving that leftists are not able to do math.

Do tell... how exactly have we dismantled the middle class? Is it even possible, using 'math' to eliminate the middle class? Think for yourself for once, before making statements that prove your stupidity.

What, are you fucking retarded?

Let's see now.
1) Free Trade Treaties that made it easier to move factories overseas.
2) Right to Work Laws that got rid of union representation.
3) At-Will Employment laws that let companies fire employees and hire c
Again, great work.

1. Clinton a Dem signed NAFTA
2. Right to work laws didn't get rid of unions
3. Oh God forbid both a company and a employee can choose to end a contract any time they wish

Clinton signed the treaty Bush-41 wrote. He shouldn't have.
Right to work makes it impossible for unions to operate. That's the whole point.
If you fire an employee, you should have a reason. and if you laid them off, those are the people you should rehire when things get better.
Saying that if these people were not employed by Walmart that the government would have to pay more in welfare and to thank Walmart for how it treats its employees and the low wages they pay to a majority of their employees is ridiculous! Walmart employs a large number of Americans and the Walton family has done quite well for itself at the behest of the American taxpayers subsidizing them. As one of the nations largest employers they should act accordingly and own up to their responsibilities to their employees and to the country to provide a fair and living wage and provide regular schedules their employees can count on and full time work for their employees and a lot more advancement opportunities than currently exist. The only people Walmart shows any responsibility and loyalty to are the shareholders and the Walton family's putting more money in their pockets at the expense of the employees of the company.

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