Walmart on Welfare: We support their employees so they don't have to.

The only way you can get a good job paying a living wage is through education. And we know what Republicans think about education.

What are you talking about? How much fucking education do you need to flip burgers? And guess what? We'll always need burger flippers. so the argument that education will solve everything is equally stupid whether made by a liberal or a conservative.

Fast-Food Wages Come With a 7 Billion Side of Public Assistance - Businessweek

You think "flipping burgers" is a "good job"?????
and what are current govt policies regarding inflation???? Inflation is good according to them so who has really impoverished them......
Abolish Welfare.
Abolish SNAP.
Abolish the minimum wage.
I appreciate an honest Republican

Better than those who pretend they care about struggling Americans

The people who pretend to care are the ones who want to force others to pay their bills.

That's an interesting notion.

So, um, how can you expect others to "Pay their bills" if you keep letting the 1%ers screw them at every opportunity.

This is where you conservatives are kind of retarded. You keep creating more dependency by eliminating people's ability to support themselves, and then wonder why the vote for more government.

On the other hand, you have to admit that it isn't right that people who are working for minimum wage choose to just keep spitting out more kids to collect more welfare. I mean you have to know that isn't fair to the taxpayers. The system should be changed so that you aren't rewarded for having children you can't afford.

I know. Those right wingers having all those drop outs. It's a real drag on the country.
This is why I believe the Republicans should push for a $10/hr minimum wage and tell the liberals to shut the fuck up. $7.25 an hour is NOT a reasonable wage, it just isn't. But this "living wage" crap is ridiculous.

Of course if you bump the minimum wage to $10 an hour you better be ready to see all the low skilled barely do enough to get by employees get let go. Companies will not pay that for employees who aren't worth it.

A machine sweeps, mops and scrubs away a dirty mess all by its lonesome. No, it’s not the plot to Wall-E 2. Instead it’s what will soon be a real life scenario for the Gov. Mifflin High School in Shillington, Pa. The Berks County school recently bought a robot, yes, a robot, to clean its floors.

The Gov. Mifflin School Board approved the $25,350 purchase during a 6-3 vote last week, according to the Reading Eagle.
Berks County School Buys Robot Janitor NBC 10 Philadelphia

So let's see the economics at work:
Janitor at this school making $15.00 Plus school pays additional SS/Medicare 7.25% or
Janitor hourly rate: $16/hour 40 hours per week 52 weeks or $33,462. Every year the janitor works.
hmmm... Janitor $33,462
robot janitor $25,350..
Savings first year $8,000.
Next 5 years: $165,000 for janitor... $0.00 for robot...

Yea, and whoever designed, built and maintains that robot needed an education. Republicans think robots and people came from the same "magical creation".
The only way you can get a good job paying a living wage is through education. And we know what Republicans think about education.

What are you talking about? How much fucking education do you need to flip burgers? And guess what? We'll always need burger flippers. so the argument that education will solve everything is equally stupid whether made by a liberal or a conservative.

Fast-Food Wages Come With a 7 Billion Side of Public Assistance - Businessweek

You think "flipping burgers" is a "good job"?????

Of course not, that's why I went to college. But there are two realities (at least) that you are ignoring

A) Not everyone can , or even should, go to college. There are a lot of people out there who aren't suited to do anything more than sweep streets, flip burgers, etc etc.

B) We will ALWAYS need those jobs filled so even if every person in America had a Doctorate degree, we would have doctors flipping burgers, and sweeping streets.

Those two things are realities RDean. The difference between you and I is that I don't look down my nose at those people and scream that someone else is keeping them from being educated enough to get a "real" job. Instead, I think they should be recognized as filling a need and that they should be compensated fairly.

If you could turn off your "blame the Republicans" for a moment, you would see that I am entirely correct.
Abolish Welfare.
Abolish SNAP.
Abolish the minimum wage.
I appreciate an honest Republican

Better than those who pretend they care about struggling Americans

The people who pretend to care are the ones who want to force others to pay their bills.

That's an interesting notion.

So, um, how can you expect others to "Pay their bills" if you keep letting the 1%ers screw them at every opportunity.

This is where you conservatives are kind of retarded. You keep creating more dependency by eliminating people's ability to support themselves, and then wonder why the vote for more government.

On the other hand, you have to admit that it isn't right that people who are working for minimum wage choose to just keep spitting out more kids to collect more welfare. I mean you have to know that isn't fair to the taxpayers. The system should be changed so that you aren't rewarded for having children you can't afford.

I know. Those right wingers having all those drop outs. It's a real drag on the country.

I'll bet you right now that is it almost 50/50 split among conservative/liberals who receives welfare. You are a joke, blaming everything on conservatives and Republicans.
The only way you can get a good job paying a living wage is through education. And we know what Republicans think about education.

What are you talking about? How much fucking education do you need to flip burgers? And guess what? We'll always need burger flippers. so the argument that education will solve everything is equally stupid whether made by a liberal or a conservative.

Fast-Food Wages Come With a 7 Billion Side of Public Assistance - Businessweek

You think "flipping burgers" is a "good job"?????

75% of McDonald's franchises are owned by people who started off as burger flippers.

If you show up late, and leave early, and call off sick every other Friday, and never work hard, never take the free training, and never attempt to work your way up..... yeah burger flipping is a bad job.... mainly because you are a bad employee.

I know a guy who lost his job at a bank during the 2009 crash, and ended up working at a fast food joint, just to make ends meet. He worked hard. So hard, the store manager noticed, and asked him why he was there. After explaining, the store manager called corporate, and got him a job as district maintenance director.

The difference between that dude, and you leftards, is that you sit on your butt, and squeal about the minimum wage, instead of working your butt off to advance.
Abolish Welfare.
Abolish SNAP.
Abolish the minimum wage.
I appreciate an honest Republican

Better than those who pretend they care about struggling Americans

The people who pretend to care are the ones who want to force others to pay their bills.

That's an interesting notion.

So, um, how can you expect others to "Pay their bills" if you keep letting the 1%ers screw them at every opportunity.

This is where you conservatives are kind of retarded. You keep creating more dependency by eliminating people's ability to support themselves, and then wonder why the vote for more government.
One little fact you seem to forget...

Walmart has 2 million employees at an measly $10/hour Walmart pays IN addition to the
$10.00 another $.72 /hour in Medicare/SS.
Let's just get rid of 1 million Walmart employees and model after that great pinnacle of modern largesse Costco... and go to all self service at Walmart.
That means then $10.72 X 40 X 2,000 hours or $2 billion a year in employee paychecks gone.
BUT that also means 1 million more UNEMPLOYMENT benefits to be paid out!
The only way you can get a good job paying a living wage is through education. And we know what Republicans think about education.

What are you talking about? How much fucking education do you need to flip burgers? And guess what? We'll always need burger flippers. so the argument that education will solve everything is equally stupid whether made by a liberal or a conservative.

Fast-Food Wages Come With a 7 Billion Side of Public Assistance - Businessweek

You think "flipping burgers" is a "good job"?????

75% of McDonald's franchises are owned by people who started off as burger flippers.

If you show up late, and leave early, and call off sick every other Friday, and never work hard, never take the free training, and never attempt to work your way up..... yeah burger flipping is a bad job.... mainly because you are a bad employee.

I know a guy who lost his job at a bank during the 2009 crash, and ended up working at a fast food joint, just to make ends meet. He worked hard. So hard, the store manager noticed, and asked him why he was there. After explaining, the store manager called corporate, and got him a job as district maintenance director.

The difference between that dude, and you leftards, is that you sit on your butt, and squeal about the minimum wage, instead of working your butt off to advance.

Those sort of stories, while inspiring, are rare.

The reality being ignored here is that MANY people in this country are NOT capable of doing more than these menial type jobs and never will be. It's not that they aren't trying, it's that they aren't capable. Yes there are plenty of losers who simply don't try, but they are a minority just like the guy who's at McD when he should be at some better job is a minority. The VAST majority of these people are good people who simply aren't capable of achieving more.

Not being able to achieve more is no reason to degrade them, nor is it reason to tell them "too bad, fucking starve"

I actually applaud the millions who choose every day to go to one of these menial jobs rather than just signing up for full time welfare like so many do.

$10 an hour is $400 a week before taxes. That takes that employee out of being eligible for welfare and frankly if you can't as an employer afford $400 a week for your employee what the hell are you even doing with employees, your business is failing.....

Yes yes, that $400 is more like $600 after social security and insurances and such. The point still stands.
Having just left Wal-Mart, being helped and greeted by smiling employees, it hardly came across as the slave labor sweatshop that many here would have you believe. No one is forced to work for any company and has the freedom in America to better themselves, switch jobs, whatever. That is freedom and how a market works. Wages go up when there is a shortage of labor, and to this point in time despite how many new stores Wal-Mart opens they have not reached that shortage of labor. When wages are mandated by government outside of market forces more will be unemployed and taking even larger benefits from taxpayers. As a previous poster stated pages ago, low cost goods also help those with lower incomes.

Great thing about freedom also, if you believe that Wal-Mart is this evil Corporation you are free to not shop there.
Abolish Welfare.
Abolish SNAP.
Abolish the minimum wage.
I appreciate an honest Republican

Better than those who pretend they care about struggling Americans

The people who pretend to care are the ones who want to force others to pay their bills.
I am willing to help people who need is the American way

You are willing to say..."let em die" is the republican way
You' re willing to volunteer to raise other people's taxes to pay out more to keep people dependent on the government.
Just so we're clear here.
The reason they are "dependent on government" is because the lower end wage scale has not kept up with inflation

We need to fix that
Rabbi Rules #2!
Let's see, they supply around $5 billion just in payroll a year- not including fica, payroll taxes, etc. To our economy, yet they are the bad guys? Let's see them disappear and then you can see what effect they have on the economy.

'Too big to Fail?' Ha, wouldn't surprise me if ole Walmart tries that one someday. They have crushed just about all competition at this point. Becoming the only option. They may be able to use that one at some point. 'We're too big to fail, we needs us a Bailout.'
Are you also down on Target, Costco, or what about Kroger, the largest grocery store chain?

Somewhat, but not as much as i am Walmart. They've crushed the little guy and have thrived off abusing American Workers. And don't be surprised if one day they do cry 'We're too big to fail. We need a Bailout.'
Oh, please. You seriously haven't a clue. Tell me what benefits they offer their employees.
Abolish Welfare.
Abolish SNAP.
Abolish the minimum wage.
I appreciate an honest Republican

Better than those who pretend they care about struggling Americans

The people who pretend to care are the ones who want to force others to pay their bills.

That's an interesting notion.

So, um, how can you expect others to "Pay their bills" if you keep letting the 1%ers screw them at every opportunity.

This is where you conservatives are kind of retarded. You keep creating more dependency by eliminating people's ability to support themselves, and then wonder why the vote for more government.
One little fact you seem to forget...

Walmart has 2 million employees at an measly $10/hour Walmart pays IN addition to the
$10.00 another $.72 /hour in Medicare/SS.
Let's just get rid of 1 million Walmart employees and model after that great pinnacle of modern largesse Costco... and go to all self service at Walmart.
That means then $10.72 X 40 X 2,000 hours or $2 billion a year in employee paychecks gone.
BUT that also means 1 million more UNEMPLOYMENT benefits to be paid out!

Speaking of facts, let's actually use some shall we.

Wal Mart's average pay for a cashier is $8.57 an hour.
Walmart Salaries Glassdoor

As I said, they are a poor example of poor paying company. Raising the minimum wage to $10 an hour would barely affect them.


Crew member hourly . $7.78 an hour

McDonald s Salaries Glassdoor

would be hurt much more.

ESPECIALLY when you consider that most WM employees are full time (30 hours is considered full time for purposes of this discussion) and most McD employees are not.
Abolish Welfare.
Abolish SNAP.
Abolish the minimum wage.
I appreciate an honest Republican

Better than those who pretend they care about struggling Americans

The people who pretend to care are the ones who want to force others to pay their bills.

That's an interesting notion.

So, um, how can you expect others to "Pay their bills" if you keep letting the 1%ers screw them at every opportunity.

This is where you conservatives are kind of retarded. You keep creating more dependency by eliminating people's ability to support themselves, and then wonder why the vote for more government.
Joe, do you ever think about what you post? Because if you did you'd kill yourself in shame.
How are the 1%ers screwing anybody? I realize you're angry at the world because somene somewhere has stymied your ambitions in life to be a neurosurgean but let's face it: people make their own destinies.
If you set up a system of government dependence that penalizes getting off it, you'll get more dependence. Whcih is where you are.
Having just left Wal-Mart, being helped and greeted by smiling employees, it hardly came across as the slave labor sweatshop that many here would have you believe. No one is forced to work for any company and has the freedom in America to better themselves, switch jobs, whatever. That is freedom and how a market works. Wages go up when there is a shortage of labor, and to this point in time despite how many new stores Wal-Mart opens they have not reached that shortage of labor. When wages are mandated by government outside of market forces more will be unemployed and taking even larger benefits from taxpayers. As a previous poster stated pages ago, low cost goods also help those with lower incomes.

Great thing about freedom also, if you believe that Wal-Mart is this evil Corporation you are free to not shop there.

You make a good point. There is a surplus of available labor. It is keeping wages down. Employers like it that way. Low cost workers who are afraid to lose their jobs mean profits

Problem is that those workers need to apply for public assistance because the wages are so low. They can't "go out and get a better job" because they aren't out there

So, as taxpayers, we can go on supplementing the income of these workers, or we can make the employer do it
Having just left Wal-Mart, being helped and greeted by smiling employees, it hardly came across as the slave labor sweatshop that many here would have you believe. No one is forced to work for any company and has the freedom in America to better themselves, switch jobs, whatever. That is freedom and how a market works. Wages go up when there is a shortage of labor, and to this point in time despite how many new stores Wal-Mart opens they have not reached that shortage of labor. When wages are mandated by government outside of market forces more will be unemployed and taking even larger benefits from taxpayers. As a previous poster stated pages ago, low cost goods also help those with lower incomes.

Great thing about freedom also, if you believe that Wal-Mart is this evil Corporation you are free to not shop there.

You make a good point. There is a surplus of available labor. It is keeping wages down. Employers like it that way. Low cost workers who are afraid to lose their jobs mean profits

Problem is that those workers need to apply for public assistance because the wages are so low. They can't "go out and get a better job" because they aren't out there

So, as taxpayers, we can go on supplementing the income of these workers, or we can make the employer do it

McD corporate policy is to let an employee go if you find out they are looking for another job. That's what they teach their store managers
Abolish Welfare.
Abolish SNAP.
Abolish the minimum wage.
I appreciate an honest Republican

Better than those who pretend they care about struggling Americans

The people who pretend to care are the ones who want to force others to pay their bills.
I am willing to help people who need is the American way

You are willing to say..."let em die" is the republican way
You' re willing to volunteer to raise other people's taxes to pay out more to keep people dependent on the government.
Just so we're clear here.
The reason they are "dependent on government" is because the lower end wage scale has not kept up with inflation

We need to fix that
Rabbi Rules #2!

Of course the conservatives would rather make the taxpayer make up for low wages than dare to ask the employer

Better yet......fuckem
Having just left Wal-Mart, being helped and greeted by smiling employees, it hardly came across as the slave labor sweatshop that many here would have you believe. No one is forced to work for any company and has the freedom in America to better themselves, switch jobs, whatever. That is freedom and how a market works. Wages go up when there is a shortage of labor, and to this point in time despite how many new stores Wal-Mart opens they have not reached that shortage of labor. When wages are mandated by government outside of market forces more will be unemployed and taking even larger benefits from taxpayers. As a previous poster stated pages ago, low cost goods also help those with lower incomes.

Great thing about freedom also, if you believe that Wal-Mart is this evil Corporation you are free to not shop there.

I like our wal mart. I mean I live in a small town, so they are the only local option for a lot of things, but the store is clean, they do a pretty good job of keeping items stocked, most of the employees seem happy with their job. I just don't see Wal Mart as the appropriate bogeyman here.
Having just left Wal-Mart, being helped and greeted by smiling employees, it hardly came across as the slave labor sweatshop that many here would have you believe. No one is forced to work for any company and has the freedom in America to better themselves, switch jobs, whatever. That is freedom and how a market works. Wages go up when there is a shortage of labor, and to this point in time despite how many new stores Wal-Mart opens they have not reached that shortage of labor. When wages are mandated by government outside of market forces more will be unemployed and taking even larger benefits from taxpayers. As a previous poster stated pages ago, low cost goods also help those with lower incomes.

Great thing about freedom also, if you believe that Wal-Mart is this evil Corporation you are free to not shop there.

You make a good point. There is a surplus of available labor. It is keeping wages down. Employers like it that way. Low cost workers who are afraid to lose their jobs mean profits

Problem is that those workers need to apply for public assistance because the wages are so low. They can't "go out and get a better job" because they aren't out there

So, as taxpayers, we can go on supplementing the income of these workers, or we can make the employer do it
Actually in my state MN and over in ND there is a shortage of labor. I work in residential construction and things are booming. We can't find any skilled labor and have been working long hours to keep up. Wages are rising far better than service sector jobs, but every entry level employee we train washes out because it is very demanding work that requires a very high work ethic. As with all entry level positions you start at the bottom and work your way up as I did. Too many believe they are owed a higher wage without proving themselves even when entry level will start them a couple dollars above the new Fed. minimum of $10.10. I can only agree with Rabbi that people choose there own destiny.
Having just left Wal-Mart, being helped and greeted by smiling employees, it hardly came across as the slave labor sweatshop that many here would have you believe. No one is forced to work for any company and has the freedom in America to better themselves, switch jobs, whatever. That is freedom and how a market works. Wages go up when there is a shortage of labor, and to this point in time despite how many new stores Wal-Mart opens they have not reached that shortage of labor. When wages are mandated by government outside of market forces more will be unemployed and taking even larger benefits from taxpayers. As a previous poster stated pages ago, low cost goods also help those with lower incomes.

Great thing about freedom also, if you believe that Wal-Mart is this evil Corporation you are free to not shop there.

You make a good point. There is a surplus of available labor. It is keeping wages down. Employers like it that way. Low cost workers who are afraid to lose their jobs mean profits

Problem is that those workers need to apply for public assistance because the wages are so low. They can't "go out and get a better job" because they aren't out there

So, as taxpayers, we can go on supplementing the income of these workers, or we can make the employer do it

I ask again though - and you have avoided this question three times previous - do you agree that it isn't right to allow people who are on welfare to continue collecting more welfare as they have kids that they can't afford?

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