Walmart on Welfare: We support their employees so they don't have to.

Damn those rich people for buying high end housing in which I primarily work on. Damn them for keeping me too busy and making a decent life for myself. Damn them for spending money they don't deserve and keeping other people employed. CURSE YOU 1% for allowing me the opportunity to leave a service sector job when I was young and accumulating skills that led me to a better life. Life is soooooooo unfair.
Socialism and communism are two completely different animals.

You are so naive.

Socialism and communism are both just different flavors of collectivism which puts the individual in a subservient relationship to the state.
Thank You, am also getting bored with the tired arguments. Both systems require a large centralized government that squashes human spirit and productivity. Redistribution of wealth is what it really comes down to. There is no incentive in any collective system to better your future or get ahead when the governing body will just take what you earn.
There needs to be a redistribution of wealth when economic inequality is at an all time high and gets worse every day. The tax policies of the country were a lot more socialists in our past and the rich were taxed at a much higher rate and the economic inequality between the classes was much less. Some inequality is good it is what drives people to do better and incentivises them to improve their lives. The level of inequality which exists today is unacceptable and will lead to the breakdown of society and democracy. We have a huge welfare system in place for the rich, just look at how much Wal-Mart is subsidized and the tax rates of the wealthy. By supporting the current system you are in fact supporting policies which benefit the rich and welfare for the rich.

Do you buy any chance work at Noodles Restaurant?

The journalist who wrote the article consulted with renowned economists when writing his article and this article come from Fortune magazine not some left wing liberal paper so keep that in mind as well.

Idiots who work for Fortune and consult with idiot economists are still idiots.
He wants WalMart to give low-skill employees another $15.4 billion in raises, when their net income was $16.5 billion.
He's an idiot.

A lot of economists and media people hate profit, so that math makes perfect sense to them.
Idiot economist who have no idea what they are talking about right? Forget their years of education and experience and credentials in their field, you are the expert right? You must be.
The journalist who wrote the article consulted with renowned economists when writing his article and this article come from Fortune magazine not some left wing liberal paper so keep that in mind as well.

Idiots who work for Fortune and consult with idiot economists are still idiots.
He wants WalMart to give low-skill employees another $15.4 billion in raises, when their net income was $16.5 billion.
He's an idiot.

A lot of economists and media people hate profit, so that math makes perfect sense to them.
Idiot economist who have no idea what they are talking about right? Forget their years of education and experience and credentials in their field, you are the expert right? You must be.

You really are a brainwashed little tool. Education, Experience and Credentials from Leftwing institutions mean that they are highly adept at promoting progressive agendas.
The journalist who wrote the article consulted with renowned economists when writing his article and this article come from Fortune magazine not some left wing liberal paper so keep that in mind as well.

Idiots who work for Fortune and consult with idiot economists are still idiots.
He wants WalMart to give low-skill employees another $15.4 billion in raises, when their net income was $16.5 billion.
He's an idiot.

A lot of economists and media people hate profit, so that math makes perfect sense to them.
Idiot economist who have no idea what they are talking about right? Forget their years of education and experience and credentials in their field, you are the expert right? You must be.

You really are a brainwashed little tool. Education, Experience and Credentials from Leftwing institutions mean that they are highly adept at promoting progressive agendas.

I'm the little tool? Says the dimwitted spectator with little or nothing intelligent to say. *JOKE OF THE DAY!* TOO FUNNY!
The journalist who wrote the article consulted with renowned economists when writing his article and this article come from Fortune magazine not some left wing liberal paper so keep that in mind as well.

Idiots who work for Fortune and consult with idiot economists are still idiots.
He wants WalMart to give low-skill employees another $15.4 billion in raises, when their net income was $16.5 billion.
He's an idiot.

A lot of economists and media people hate profit, so that math makes perfect sense to them.
Idiot economist who have no idea what they are talking about right? Forget their years of education and experience and credentials in their field, you are the expert right? You must be.

You really are a brainwashed little tool. Education, Experience and Credentials from Leftwing institutions mean that they are highly adept at promoting progressive agendas.

I'm the little tool? Says the dimwitted spectator with little or nothing intelligent to say. *JOKE OF THE DAY!* TOO FUNNY!

I call 'em like I see 'em. The evidence presented so far is that you are brainwashed leftwing tool.

All that's left is for you to post an rdeanesque "94% of Economists agree..'" bit of nonsense.
Very intelligent remark, congrats.

I've quoted the only intelligent thing you've posted so far.
Your either not very good at reading people or are choosing to play games and judging by your latest comment I can tell you are playing games.

I've got your number, pal.
You have my number? Like my phone number? Ha ha oh yeah? How did you get that? You hitting on me or something, trying to take me out on a date? You have my number, I feel so special!
You certainly don't understand slang, do you bub?
It is not 400 posts it is one post, this post! You can't read the replies and see what was said? Why would I waste my time answering a question I already answered? Stop trolling and say something intelligent, read the entire post and the information provided before opening your mouth.

No, you did not answer my question in this post.
Try again?

Why don't you tell me specifically with points and highlights how I did not answer this question about the costs of welfare and Walmarts policies in previous replies. Come back with a detailed, articulated answer and I will address your points.

I don't care if you answered my question somewhere else in the thread.
If you want to discuss my post further, answer my question again.
Here it is. Highlighted even.
Those poor underpaid workers should quit and stay home.
If they did, would the government spend more or less on foodstamps and other programs for the poor?

Or else run away, Sir Robin.
You don't care that is great, you are lazy. I do not support companies that contribute to economic hardships Americans face, companies like Walmart can afford to pay more, employ more, give their workers more hours and make plenty of profit which it seems to me is that the Walton Family's 150 billion dollar combined worth is what you are really concerned about. Here is a link to an article by Fortune which i posted earlier which explains why Walmart can afford to pay its workers more.

Why Wal-Mart can afford to give its workers a 50% raise.
Why Wal-Mart can afford to give its workers a 50 raise - Fortune

WalMart's net income last year was less than 3.5% of sales.
What would a fair percentage be?

The Walton Family owns over 50% of the shares of Walmart and has a combined worth of over 150 billion dollars. Don't talk to me about them wanting for anything. Did you read the article on why Wal-Mart can afford to pay its workers more? The journalist who wrote the article consulted with renowned economists when writing his article and this article come from Fortune magazine not some left wing liberal paper so keep that in mind as well.
What business is the walton family's wealth to you? WHy is it relevant to what they can "afford" to pay their workers? If they pay more,t hey have to pay someone else less. Whom do you suggest?
The journalist who wrote the article consulted with renowned economists when writing his article and this article come from Fortune magazine not some left wing liberal paper so keep that in mind as well.

Idiots who work for Fortune and consult with idiot economists are still idiots.
He wants WalMart to give low-skill employees another $15.4 billion in raises, when their net income was $16.5 billion.
He's an idiot.

A lot of economists and media people hate profit, so that math makes perfect sense to them.
Idiot economist who have no idea what they are talking about right? Forget their years of education and experience and credentials in their field, you are the expert right? You must be.

You really are a brainwashed little tool. Education, Experience and Credentials from Leftwing institutions mean that they are highly adept at promoting progressive agendas.

I'm the little tool? Says the dimwitted spectator with little or nothing intelligent to say. *JOKE OF THE DAY!* TOO FUNNY!

I call 'em like I see 'em. The evidence presented so far is that you are brainwashed leftwing tool.

All that's left is for you to post an rdeanesque "94% of Economists agree..'" bit of nonsense.

You call em like you see em.. yeah.. you sound so intelligent right now, no really, you really do!
The journalist who wrote the article consulted with renowned economists when writing his article and this article come from Fortune magazine not some left wing liberal paper so keep that in mind as well.

Idiots who work for Fortune and consult with idiot economists are still idiots.
He wants WalMart to give low-skill employees another $15.4 billion in raises, when their net income was $16.5 billion.
He's an idiot.

A lot of economists and media people hate profit, so that math makes perfect sense to them.
Idiot economist who have no idea what they are talking about right? Forget their years of education and experience and credentials in their field, you are the expert right? You must be.

You really are a brainwashed little tool. Education, Experience and Credentials from Leftwing institutions mean that they are highly adept at promoting progressive agendas.
It's the tyranny of credentialism. SOmeone with a PhD is suddenly an expert on everything. Feh.
The journalist who wrote the article consulted with renowned economists when writing his article and this article come from Fortune magazine not some left wing liberal paper so keep that in mind as well.

Idiots who work for Fortune and consult with idiot economists are still idiots.
He wants WalMart to give low-skill employees another $15.4 billion in raises, when their net income was $16.5 billion.
He's an idiot.

A lot of economists and media people hate profit, so that math makes perfect sense to them.
Idiot economist who have no idea what they are talking about right? Forget their years of education and experience and credentials in their field, you are the expert right? You must be.

You really are a brainwashed little tool. Education, Experience and Credentials from Leftwing institutions mean that they are highly adept at promoting progressive agendas.
It's the tyranny of credentialism. SOmeone with a PhD is suddenly an expert on everything. Feh.
More like the tyranny of rednecks who don't want to listen or consider those with knowledge on the matter, just bathe in their own ignorance.
The journalist who wrote the article consulted with renowned economists when writing his article and this article come from Fortune magazine not some left wing liberal paper so keep that in mind as well.

Idiots who work for Fortune and consult with idiot economists are still idiots.
He wants WalMart to give low-skill employees another $15.4 billion in raises, when their net income was $16.5 billion.
He's an idiot.

A lot of economists and media people hate profit, so that math makes perfect sense to them.
Idiot economist who have no idea what they are talking about right? Forget their years of education and experience and credentials in their field, you are the expert right? You must be.

You really are a brainwashed little tool. Education, Experience and Credentials from Leftwing institutions mean that they are highly adept at promoting progressive agendas.
It's the tyranny of credentialism. SOmeone with a PhD is suddenly an expert on everything. Feh.
More like the tyranny of rednecks who don't want to listen or consider those with knowledge on the matter, just bathe in their own ignorance.
Ironic post is ironic.
Youv'e already demonstrated little knowledge. What was your point again?
This guy who works for this company is not completely wrong in his discussion. There is nothing wrong with unions, I am very pro union. They have done a lot of good for this country and workers do deserve a say in their work conditions and wages and hours. Decisions such as how to increase business and manage a business are the responsibility of management but again workers do have a say.

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