Walmart on Welfare: We support their employees so they don't have to.

It is not 400 posts it is one post, this post! You can't read the replies and see what was said? Why would I waste my time answering a question I already answered? Stop trolling and say something intelligent, read the entire post and the information provided before opening your mouth.

No, you did not answer my question in this post.
Try again?

Why don't you tell me specifically with points and highlights how I did not answer this question about the costs of welfare and Walmarts policies in previous replies. Come back with a detailed, articulated answer and I will address your points.

I don't care if you answered my question somewhere else in the thread.
If you want to discuss my post further, answer my question again.
Here it is. Highlighted even.
Those poor underpaid workers should quit and stay home.
If they did, would the government spend more or less on foodstamps and other programs for the poor?

Or else run away, Sir Robin.
You don't care that is great, you are lazy. I do not support companies that contribute to economic hardships Americans face, companies like Walmart can afford to pay more, employ more, give their workers more hours and make plenty of profit which it seems to me is that the Walton Family's 150 billion dollar combined worth is what you are really concerned about. Here is a link to an article by Fortune which i posted earlier which explains why Walmart can afford to pay its workers more.

Why Wal-Mart can afford to give its workers a 50% raise.
Why Wal-Mart can afford to give its workers a 50 raise - Fortune

WalMart's net income last year was less than 3.5% of sales.
What would a fair percentage be?

The Walton Family owns over 50% of the shares of Walmart and has a combined worth of over 150 billion dollars. Don't talk to me about them wanting for anything. Did you read the article on why Wal-Mart can afford to pay its workers more? The journalist who wrote the article consulted with renowned economists when writing his article and this article come from Fortune magazine not some left wing liberal paper so keep that in mind as well.

I don't care what the Waltons own, or what their net worth is.

Hint.... Warren Buffet being worth $64 Billion, doesn't mean you are.

The only reason why someone, or anyone, cares how much someone else is worth, is because they are greedy and envious.

If it wasn't for the Walton's, 2.2 million people wouldn't have jobs at all. Is that better? If it wasn't for the Walton's, millions of people across this entire country would not be able to afford they goods they can, because Walmart has lower, more affordable prices.

Yes, I did read the article. That guy is a complete and total idiot.

No I do not mention the Waltons worth because I am greedy or envious, I cite it to show that they are not hurting for money and to show the inequality which exists, Wal - Mart can afford to pay their workers more, give them regular schedules and full time work instead of part time. Just because Wal-Mart is one of the largest employers in the country does not mean that somehow we should be thankful to them for supporting low wages part time hours and little advancement opportunities for their workforce, quite the contrary. They have a responsibility to their communities and to the country to be a good corporate citizen and treat their workers fairly with dignity and respect in hours and pay and advancement opportunities.

Their responsibility is to run a successful company. What brainwashed little dweebs like you NEVER understand is that the WMT stock is widely held in pension and mutual funds which middle class people rely on for retirement.

WMT is already "doing good" by employing people, providing competitively priced goods in many communities, by creating shareholder value, and paying boatloads of taxes (although this last one is a rather dubious good considering how much money our politicians waste).
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My point is the government is a proper avenue for redress, the government exists to represent the needs and interests of the people and provide security and safeguard our rights.

Redress, implies they are wronged. They are not wronged. You are not entitled to ANYTHING. You have the right to negotiate for how much you can sell your labor. That's it.

What you and your employer agree to, is what you are entitled to. Nothing more. You are not entitled to anyone else's stuff.

When I was working a job that paid me $12K for the whole year, I went to my boss and asked him for more money. No demands, no entitlement. I negotiated for higher pay.

He explained that he could not pay me more, because customers were not willing to pay more. He showed me the invoices, and the numbers. Based on what I saw... he was right. Most of the people who worked there were either retired, or were doing this as a part time job.

So... what did I do? Become a leftist, and start screaming about 'redress'? No. I simply applied for jobs which paid more. Got a job where the labor I was doing was worth more, and thus I as paid more. Almost doubled my income.

I was not wronged. I was not treated unfairly. I was paid what I had negotiated, which turned out to be not enough for me. So, I went and negotiated with someone else.

What you call redress, is nothing more than you demanding stuff that is not your to demand. That's all there is to it.
No not really, the government is a legitimate avenue for people to communicate their needs to. Whether it is a road with potholes or a school that needs to be renovated or increasing the size of a police force or the tax rate or ensuring fair business practices and labor laws are followed. The government exists to serve the people and the community, from what you had said to me about what happened in your community this guy really screwed some people over and I do feel the government absolutely has a right to get involved when people are being screwed over. Don't put words in my mouth and tell me what redress means to you. These people were financially wronged by this person and the government is in every aspect of our lives and they serve us and represent us and YES they have a say!
No not really, the government is a legitimate avenue for people to communicate their needs to. Whether it is a road with potholes or a school that needs to be renovated or increasing the size of a police force or the tax rate or ensuring fair business practices and labor laws are followed. The government exists to serve the people and the community, from what you had said to me about what happened in your community this guy really screwed some people over and I do feel the government absolutely has a right to get involved when people are being screwed over. Don't put words in my mouth and tell me what redress means to you. These people were financially wronged by this person and the government is in every aspect of our lives and they serve us and represent us and YES they have a say!
Wow the illogic is stunning.
Government provides some services like roads, schools, and police protection. So when those are substandard it makes sense to go to the provider and complain.
A job in private industry is not provided by the government. Ergo you dont go to the government when you feel wronged. You can go to court, but that's not really the same thing.
People generally arent being screwed over. Except by government. And then where do you go?
No not really, the government is a legitimate avenue for people to communicate their needs to. Whether it is a road with potholes or a school that needs to be renovated or increasing the size of a police force or the tax rate or ensuring fair business practices and labor laws are followed. The government exists to serve the people and the community, from what you had said to me about what happened in your community this guy really screwed some people over and I do feel the government absolutely has a right to get involved when people are being screwed over. Don't put words in my mouth and tell me what redress means to you. These people were financially wronged by this person and the government is in every aspect of our lives and they serve us and represent us and YES they have a say!
Wow the illogic is stunning.
Government provides some services like roads, schools, and police protection. So when those are substandard it makes sense to go to the provider and complain.
A job in private industry is not provided by the government. Ergo you dont go to the government when you feel wronged. You can go to court, but that's not really the same thing.
People generally arent being screwed over. Except by government. And then where do you go?
That is not "illogic", the government is involved in every aspect of our lives,including the economy, from the fed to trade agreements to tax rates or tax zones to fees and licenses and regulations. The government is already heavily involved in the economy and I do feel is obligated to make sure people are not being wronged or screwed over.
No not really, the government is a legitimate avenue for people to communicate their needs to. Whether it is a road with potholes or a school that needs to be renovated or increasing the size of a police force or the tax rate or ensuring fair business practices and labor laws are followed. The government exists to serve the people and the community, from what you had said to me about what happened in your community this guy really screwed some people over and I do feel the government absolutely has a right to get involved when people are being screwed over. Don't put words in my mouth and tell me what redress means to you. These people were financially wronged by this person and the government is in every aspect of our lives and they serve us and represent us and YES they have a say!
Wow the illogic is stunning.
Government provides some services like roads, schools, and police protection. So when those are substandard it makes sense to go to the provider and complain.
A job in private industry is not provided by the government. Ergo you dont go to the government when you feel wronged. You can go to court, but that's not really the same thing.
People generally arent being screwed over. Except by government. And then where do you go?
That is not "illogic", the government is involved in every aspect of our lives,including the economy, from the fed to trade agreements to tax rates or tax zones to fees and licenses and regulations. The government is already heavily involved in the economy and I do feel is obligated to make sure people are not being wronged or screwed over.
Yes, the courts are part of the government 100% and have had a say in the economy and labor laws for a long time.
You obviously do not understand how inequality affects everyone and society at large, it is a major factor in economic decisions and market decisions and is a major factor for unrest and civil strife.

It does cause strife and unrest. But that doesn't mean it's bad economically. Again, the poorest people in our country, live better than 99% of the world.

Strife and unrest is due to Americans being spoiled brats. The standard of living today is better than it has ever been. I wouldn't trade today for the 90s, or the 80s, or worse the 70s. No one would. So why are people all bent? Because they are spoiled brats. Nothing is good enough, and all they can do is find something to complain about, even while people are willing to risk death to get to this life they are b!tching about.
The standard of living and peoples buying power was much higher in the past when our country had much more progressive policies and that is a fact, look it up.

Not true. I have looked it up. It's not true.
Oh, is that so? Have you really looked it up? Here is one of many articles which validate my claims that the standard of living has indeed dropped significantly.

A long, steep drop for Americans' standard of living
A long steep drop for Americans standard of living -

Yes, the article makes the claim. But just making a claim, isn't the same as validating the claim.

By any measure, it's not true.

Now, when you say 'progressive policies', I can only assume you mean the 1970s, or earlier.

How exactly do you define "standard of living"? Quality of homes? Are you seriously suggesting that the quality of homes today, is lower than that of the 1970s? Consider the percentage of A/C available in rentals and homes today, compared to the 1970s. No comparison.

Quality of automobiles? No comparison. We get far better gas milage, far fewer problems and break downs, far more options and features.

Quality and quantity of appliances. You think washers, driers, microwaves, refrigerators, TVs, stoves ovens, and such is comparable to the 1970s?

Computers? Cell phones? Remember when 'cordless' phones were the rage? I can still remember explaining to my grand mother, that she didn't have to sit in the kitchen anymore, where her only phone was. She could actually walk around with it.

Services? How many TV channels were there in the 1970s? What's this "cable ready" mean on the TV set? High speed internet? Skype? Cell phones? Smart Phones?

You are telling me, that the standard of living today, is worse, than in the 1970s? I see people who are unemployed, on food stamps and welfare, with 30" flat screen TV, an Iphone, nationwide coverage, and data plan..... and you are telling me that a similar lady in the 1970s was better off?

Based on what measure of 'standard of living' are you using to say it has fallen? I wager it isn't the Mustang II, or the Pacer, or the Chevette.


Growing up, I actually had a TV almost exactly like this. 1970s fake wood TV set.

Now I will grant you that Wonder Woman TV series did go off the air in 1979, and our standard of living TV programming, has greatly suffered ever since....


The other problem with complaints that the standard of living has fallen, is that it's based largely on cash wages.

Now some point to net worth. On that I actually agree. Net worth of Americans has fallen. Because our stupid, idiotic, left wing government has pushed a pro-debt society. People borrow on their cars. Borrow on their homes. Second mortgages on their homes. They borrow on credit cards. Borrow on their future paychecks even.

Yeah, when you are up to your eye balls in debt, and paying 1/3rd of your income in payments because "I want it now, and I can afford the payment"... yeah.... doofus... you are not going to have a positive net worth! How obvious is that?

Yes, in the 1970s, people had a higher net-worth, because people actually thought borrowing was morally wrong. They actually believed that borrowing was bad.

I owe no one anywhere, anything. I have zero debt. I don't owe on my car, my home, and I have zero credit cards. If I don't have the cold hard cash to buy something.... I don't.

Shockingly, unlike most people in my income bracket... I have something called "money".

However, the other problem is that of income. Most people when they 'income has not increased like it did in the 1970s', fail to grasp that people's income has risen. It just hasn't been in cash compensation.

Take my job for example. I get 4 weeks of paid time off every year. 160 hours of paid time off. But I don't earn a ton of money.

Hello.... the two are connected. The more benefits you have, the lower your wages are going to be. Companies don't have magic money trees in the back yard. If you get $10,000 in benefits, that's coming out of you getting $10,000 less in pay.

Government programs lower pay. Take Social Security. The government forces the company to pay 7.6% tax, on the employer, for every dollar the employer pays you. The employer pays you the employee less... in order to pay that tax. Same with unemployment compensation. Same with Workers Compensation Insurance.

All of these additional costs, are factored in when determining how much to pay an employee. Every business operates this way. They look at the "total cost of employment". How much does it cost the business to hire an employee?

If you have $30,000 set aside for a given job, and it costs you $10,000 in all those other government fees, and benefit expenses... how much do you pay the employee? $20,000.

According to the Onin Group, the cost of a $8/hr employee, is now almost $12/hr.

How Much is Your Employee Costing You

CNN ran this one, saying that a person making $30K, is costing the employer $44K.

You make 70k but cost your boss 88k - Feb. 28 2013

And today, Obama Care has drastically driven up the cost of health insurance, and then you complain wages are stagnant or fallen? Hello? Connection between the two?

And then when you include all the subsidies, welfare, section 8 housing, food stamps, medicaid, and so on....

Wages have not fallen. The standard of living has not fallen. It's simply not true.

When you look at the share of income after tax, plus benefits and health care, and government transfers... the change is actually better today.


This is information straight from the researching economist.


When you look at income, after the tax, after benefits and government transfers... income as increased 18% from 1979. When you adjust that for household size, it's 37%.

Yes, tons and tons of people make the claim. But you can't actually back those claims. The evidence doesn't support it.
No not really, the government is a legitimate avenue for people to communicate their needs to. Whether it is a road with potholes or a school that needs to be renovated or increasing the size of a police force or the tax rate or ensuring fair business practices and labor laws are followed. The government exists to serve the people and the community, from what you had said to me about what happened in your community this guy really screwed some people over and I do feel the government absolutely has a right to get involved when people are being screwed over. Don't put words in my mouth and tell me what redress means to you. These people were financially wronged by this person and the government is in every aspect of our lives and they serve us and represent us and YES they have a say!

"needs". Define need? "I want more money" is not a 'need'. That's a want.

The solution, is to increase the value of your labor. Either do something that is worth more, or learn something that is worth more.

"ensuring fair business practices and labor laws are followed" is nothing but a code. It's a code for "demanding something I have no right to".

Getting pot holes fixed, and a police force, costs a tiny tiny fraction of the budget. I was would jump up and down, screaming for joy, if I only had to pay enough taxes for pot holes and police. You could cut taxes by 90% and fund pot hole repair and police.

Schools.... are crap. Your public schools are absolute trash. When you compare public education out comes, and costs, to other countries... it's down right embarrassing. Many spend a tiny fraction as much much as we do, and yet we have terrible education outcomes.

We should enact the Chilean system, and privatize the schools. Prices would fall, and education results would go up.

from what you had said to me about what happened in your community this guy really screwed some people over and I do feel the government absolutely has a right to get involved when people are being screwed over. Don't put words in my mouth and tell me what redress means to you. These people were financially wronged by this person

This is exactly the arrogance I'm talking about. These people loved their job. They told me so. In fact, some couldn't understand why I quit. They still work there, and love it.

But you, being the arrogant elitist leftist that you are, you think you know better than me, and better than them, who is being screwed over.

If that guy increased his wages, he would go out of business. Then all those people who loved that job, would end up unemployed.

That's exactly what you leftists do all the time. You claim to support the lower and middle class, but all you really do is screw them over. That guy didn't screw them over, but you given the chance, will.

What I really need, is a redress from you leftists, and your brutally oppressive policies.
Needs? Lets see, how about providing people with a wage they can live off of and not just above the poverty threshold and arrogant elitist? Me? No I put the needs of others very highly, I work and I pay taxes and I don't mind paying those taxes, it goes to the government which provides basic services and welfare to the community Get rid of public schools? You have clearly lost it, public schools have been around for a very long time and sure there are problems that need to be addressed but having access to education has been part of our society for a very long time. You told me some story about a guy who mad 350k a year and had to shut down his place of business for two weeks and didnt let the employees know until the very last minute, I have no idea what other story you are referring too.
No not really, the government is a legitimate avenue for people to communicate their needs to. Whether it is a road with potholes or a school that needs to be renovated or increasing the size of a police force or the tax rate or ensuring fair business practices and labor laws are followed. The government exists to serve the people and the community, from what you had said to me about what happened in your community this guy really screwed some people over and I do feel the government absolutely has a right to get involved when people are being screwed over. Don't put words in my mouth and tell me what redress means to you. These people were financially wronged by this person and the government is in every aspect of our lives and they serve us and represent us and YES they have a say!
Wow the illogic is stunning.
Government provides some services like roads, schools, and police protection. So when those are substandard it makes sense to go to the provider and complain.
A job in private industry is not provided by the government. Ergo you dont go to the government when you feel wronged. You can go to court, but that's not really the same thing.
People generally arent being screwed over. Except by government. And then where do you go?
That is not "illogic", the government is involved in every aspect of our lives,including the economy, from the fed to trade agreements to tax rates or tax zones to fees and licenses and regulations. The government is already heavily involved in the economy and I do feel is obligated to make sure people are not being wronged or screwed over.

Congrats... you just provided the exact justification that every brutal tyrant has used.

This right here, is exactly why every leftist government ends up a brutal authoritarian regime.

Yes, government is involved heavily in our economy, and it is exactly those areas it is most heavily involved in, that have the most problems.

We have the most heavily regulated and controlled banking system in the world. Anyone remember 2008?

We have massive controls in health care, and health insurance. No problems there, right?

Want to know some of the least regulated aspects of our economy? Technology. Man, of only we had better computers, and cell phones, and high speed internet access. We clearly need government to step in and fix all those problems. Practically no one can get a smart phone, or computers with 4 Terabyte hard drives, 3x Core 3.1 Ghz computers, with 50 fps 2300x2100 3d-rendering graphics card, and 24" flat screens... you know... like the one I'm sitting in front of.

We clearly need government to help this struggling depressed high tech industry.... and fix it.... like health care and banking.... right?
Needs? Lets see, how about providing people with a wage they can live off of and not just above the poverty threshold and arrogant elitist? Me? No I put the needs of others very highly, I work and I pay taxes and I don't mind paying those taxes, it goes to the government which provides basic services and welfare to the community Get rid of public schools? You have clearly lost it, public schools have been around for a very long time and sure there are problems that need to be addressed but having access to education has been part of our society for a very long time. You told me some story about a guy who mad 350k a year and had to shut down his place of business for two weeks and didnt let the employees know until the very last minute, I have no idea what other story you are referring too.

No. I told that story.
Needs? Lets see, how about providing people with a wage they can live off of and not just above the poverty threshold and arrogant elitist? Me? No I put the needs of others very highly, I work and I pay taxes and I don't mind paying those taxes, it goes to the government which provides basic services and welfare to the community Get rid of public schools? You have clearly lost it, public schools have been around for a very long time and sure there are problems that need to be addressed but having access to education has been part of our society for a very long time. You told me some story about a guy who mad 350k a year and had to shut down his place of business for two weeks and didnt let the employees know until the very last minute, I have no idea what other story you are referring too.

I lived off of $12K for the whole year. False claim.

That must have been a different poster.

Private schools routinely do a better job. Public schools are terrible. We spend more money on education than any other country in the world, and yet are students come out stupid.
No not really, the government is a legitimate avenue for people to communicate their needs to. Whether it is a road with potholes or a school that needs to be renovated or increasing the size of a police force or the tax rate or ensuring fair business practices and labor laws are followed. The government exists to serve the people and the community, from what you had said to me about what happened in your community this guy really screwed some people over and I do feel the government absolutely has a right to get involved when people are being screwed over. Don't put words in my mouth and tell me what redress means to you. These people were financially wronged by this person and the government is in every aspect of our lives and they serve us and represent us and YES they have a say!
Wow the illogic is stunning.
Government provides some services like roads, schools, and police protection. So when those are substandard it makes sense to go to the provider and complain.
A job in private industry is not provided by the government. Ergo you dont go to the government when you feel wronged. You can go to court, but that's not really the same thing.
People generally arent being screwed over. Except by government. And then where do you go?
That is not "illogic", the government is involved in every aspect of our lives,including the economy, from the fed to trade agreements to tax rates or tax zones to fees and licenses and regulations. The government is already heavily involved in the economy and I do feel is obligated to make sure people are not being wronged or screwed over.

Congrats... you just provided the exact justification that every brutal tyrant has used.

This right here, is exactly why every leftist government ends up a brutal authoritarian regime.

Yes, government is involved heavily in our economy, and it is exactly those areas it is most heavily involved in, that have the most problems.

We have the most heavily regulated and controlled banking system in the world. Anyone remember 2008?

We have massive controls in health care, and health insurance. No problems there, right?

Want to know some of the least regulated aspects of our economy? Technology. Man, of only we had better computers, and cell phones, and high speed internet access. We clearly need government to step in and fix all those problems. Practically no one can get a smart phone, or computers with 4 Terabyte hard drives, 3x Core 3.1 Ghz computers, with 50 fps 2300x2100 3d-rendering graphics card, and 24" flat screens... you know... like the one I'm sitting in front of.

We clearly need government to help this struggling depressed high tech industry.... and fix it.... like health care and banking.... right?
Surely you do not know what we are talking about because the government has built the infrastructure and researched the technologies which private companies are making massive profits off of today. Internet? GPS? The next frontier in private investment in space NASA has been at the forefront of space since the beginning. Hybrid and electric vehicles and renewable technologies? The government has had a big hand in that, agriculture and farming? The government has been involved in that for years and no not every heavily regulated gsociety turns into an authoritarian regime. Most developed nations of the world are much more heavily regulated than ours, Great Britian, France, Japan, Australia, Denmark, Norway, Sweden. People in these countries are much higher educated and have much less poverty and violence than here and none of them are communists, fascists, dictatorships or authoritarian.
Needs? Lets see, how about providing people with a wage they can live off of and not just above the poverty threshold and arrogant elitist? Me? No I put the needs of others very highly, I work and I pay taxes and I don't mind paying those taxes, it goes to the government which provides basic services and welfare to the community Get rid of public schools? You have clearly lost it, public schools have been around for a very long time and sure there are problems that need to be addressed but having access to education has been part of our society for a very long time. You told me some story about a guy who mad 350k a year and had to shut down his place of business for two weeks and didnt let the employees know until the very last minute, I have no idea what other story you are referring too.

I lived off of $12K for the whole year. False claim.

That must have been a different poster.

Private schools routinely do a better job. Public schools are terrible. We spend more money on education than any other country in the world, and yet are students come out stupid.
and yet in all of Europe and the rest of the industrialized first nation world they provide education for their citizens, how does that work exactly? Look at statistics, plenty of statistics including the MIT living wage calculator show what is considered a wage someone can live off of by the people who are professionals in their fields.
Surely you do not know what we are talking about because the government has built the infrastructure and researched the technologies which private companies are making massive profits off of today. Internet? GPS? The next frontier in private investment in space NASA has been at the forefront of space since the beginning. Hybrid and electric vehicles and renewable technologies? The government has had a big hand in that, agriculture and farming? The government has been involved in that for years and no not every heavily regulated gsociety turns into an authoritarian regime. Most developed nations of the world are much more heavily regulated than ours, Great Britian, France, Japan, Australia, Denmark, Norway, Sweden. People in these countries are much higher educated and have much less poverty and violence than here and none of them are communists, fascists, dictatorships or authoritarian.

And yet, when the entire power of government is brought to bare on building a web site....they fuck it up.

[QUOTE="Progressivedude2014, post: 9721913, member: 50823]
Surely you do not know what we are talking about because the government has built the infrastructure and researched the technologies which private companies are making massive profits off of today. Internet? GPS? The next frontier in private investment in space NASA has been at the forefront of space since the beginning. Hybrid and electric vehicles and renewable technologies? The government has had a big hand in that, agriculture and farming? The government has been involved in that for years and no not every heavily regulated gsociety turns into an authoritarian regime. Most developed nations of the world are much more heavily regulated than ours, Great Britian, France, Japan, Australia, Denmark, Norway, Sweden. People in these countries are much higher educated and have much less poverty and violence than here and none of them are communists, fascists, dictatorships or authoritarian.

And yet, when the entire power of government is brought to bare on building a web site....they fuck it up.


Actually, that was a private company that fucked the website up. The government merely supplied and paid for it.

Which SHOULD tell you that if the government paid for private schooling, that would get fucked up to , and it would.

Public schools are bad because they have to take ALL students in, no exceptions, whereas private schools only take the kids who actually want to learn.

Same in Europe or Asia, they kick your ass to the curb if you don't want to learn. Here , we educate the dopes, or rather we try, shit we'll even bankrupt a school to "educate" a child who has some major disease which prevents them from EVERY learning. I feel sorry for those kids , but having them in a school costs hundreds of kids , maybe thousands a better education.

The problem with schools is NOT that they are government ran because public schools MUST by law have a balanced budget. So the government can't even fuck that up.
And yet, when the entire power of government is brought to bare on building a web site....they fuck it up.


Actually, that was a private company that fucked the website up. The government merely supplied and paid for it.

Which SHOULD tell you that if the government paid for private schooling, that would get fucked up to , and it would.

Public schools are bad because they have to take ALL students in, no exceptions, whereas private schools only take the kids who actually want to learn.

Same in Europe or Asia, they kick your ass to the curb if you don't want to learn. Here , we educate the dopes, or rather we try, shit we'll even bankrupt a school to "educate" a child who has some major disease which prevents them from EVERY learning. I feel sorry for those kids , but having them in a school costs hundreds of kids , maybe thousands a better education.

The problem with schools is NOT that they are government ran because public schools MUST by law have a balanced budget. So the government can't even fuck that up.

You cant blame it on a private company. HHS was it's own general contractor.

Nice try though.
And yet, when the entire power of government is brought to bare on building a web site....they fuck it up.


Actually, that was a private company that fucked the website up. The government merely supplied and paid for it.

Which SHOULD tell you that if the government paid for private schooling, that would get fucked up to , and it would.

Public schools are bad because they have to take ALL students in, no exceptions, whereas private schools only take the kids who actually want to learn.

Same in Europe or Asia, they kick your ass to the curb if you don't want to learn. Here , we educate the dopes, or rather we try, shit we'll even bankrupt a school to "educate" a child who has some major disease which prevents them from EVERY learning. I feel sorry for those kids , but having them in a school costs hundreds of kids , maybe thousands a better education.

The problem with schools is NOT that they are government ran because public schools MUST by law have a balanced budget. So the government can't even fuck that up.

You cant blame it on a private company. HHS was it's own general contractor.

Nice try though.

sure you can blame it on the private contractor. Yes HHS approved the shitty website, but the private company built it.
And yet, when the entire power of government is brought to bare on building a web site....they fuck it up.


Actually, that was a private company that fucked the website up. The government merely supplied and paid for it.

Which SHOULD tell you that if the government paid for private schooling, that would get fucked up to , and it would.

Public schools are bad because they have to take ALL students in, no exceptions, whereas private schools only take the kids who actually want to learn.

Same in Europe or Asia, they kick your ass to the curb if you don't want to learn. Here , we educate the dopes, or rather we try, shit we'll even bankrupt a school to "educate" a child who has some major disease which prevents them from EVERY learning. I feel sorry for those kids , but having them in a school costs hundreds of kids , maybe thousands a better education.

The problem with schools is NOT that they are government ran because public schools MUST by law have a balanced budget. So the government can't even fuck that up.

You cant blame it on a private company. HHS was it's own general contractor.

Nice try though.

sure you can blame it on the private contractor. Yes HHS approved the shitty website, but the private company built it.

No, HHS built it. Do you know what a general contractor is?


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