Walmart on Welfare: We support their employees so they don't have to.

Wait, I think I get why the democrat/liberal/progressives don't understand why Walmart isn't responsible for their employees having to be on welfare....

Walmart is an employer...they have a job that needs to be done and they determine they can afford a certain salary to get that job done...if no one asks to be hired to do the job at that rate...they either raise the rate or the job doesn't get filled...

that is how a regular person sees the employer/employee dynamic...

Both the employee and employer have freedom of action....

Now liberals/democrats/progressives/leftists suffer from liberal dyslexia...they see most things in life backwards, as a dyslexic sees words reversed...

So here is their problem...they think Walmart is a slave master...and not a free business, and that the employees are slaves...not free human beings...that is why they think Walmart is responsible for every aspect of the lives of their employees...a slave owner must care for every need of its slaves...including food and healthcare...hence their confusion....

You can't blame them really...they used to own slaves,back in the days when the democrat party ran the Southern slave states...the trauma of having the Republicans force them to free their slaves has effected them to this day...probably caused the onset of lefty dyslexia...

so...because they think Walmart owns their employees, it is easier to see why they think Walmart has to take care of every detail of their employees lives...

With some good help...some long counseling sessions and intervention, maybe one day they can shed their slave owning belief system and join us in the 21st century....not likely but there is always hope...
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Walmart pays what the market dictates they pay. It's that simple. If people won't work for the wages they offer they'll have a shortage of workers and will be forced to pay more. They are not obligated to pay anyone what you think they should be paid. That is how the free market works, Komrade.

WalMart pays what they can get away with. It's that simple.

Then why doesn't Costco pay what they can get away with? Fail.
Because Costco's managers are kind hearted Democrat types that care about their workers.
Nah, I'm kidding. Costco has a different model that allows them to pay more to attract better workers which is part of their business plan. If they didnt, their shareholders would be screaming at the low returns the company makes.
Walmart pays what the market dictates they pay. It's that simple. If people won't work for the wages they offer they'll have a shortage of workers and will be forced to pay more. They are not obligated to pay anyone what you think they should be paid. That is how the free market works, Komrade.

WalMart pays what they can get away with. It's that simple.

There's too much freedom going on here. LOL!
Needs? Lets see, how about providing people with a wage they can live off of and not just above the poverty threshold and arrogant elitist? Me? No I put the needs of others very highly, I work and I pay taxes and I don't mind paying those taxes, it goes to the government which provides basic services and welfare to the community Get rid of public schools? You have clearly lost it, public schools have been around for a very long time and sure there are problems that need to be addressed but having access to education has been part of our society for a very long time. You told me some story about a guy who mad 350k a year and had to shut down his place of business for two weeks and didnt let the employees know until the very last minute, I have no idea what other story you are referring too.

No. I told that story.

I have done exactly that. I live in a small town, a personal friend (used to be anyway) owns the McDonalds. One day last year he was forced by McD corporate to remodel, he had to close for two weeks to do so. He waited until the day before closing to inform his employees that they wold be closed for two weeks and that none of them would be receiving a paycheck , not one penny. Now, this guy made somewhere around $350K in profits on that store last year, it certainly wouldn't have killed him to pay his workers for those two weeks, and I didn't think it was fair at all. I told him so , and told him that he lost my business over it. Things got heated and eventually about 200 other people told him the same thing.

Now see, I have no problem with that. Just like you said, if customers wish to apply pressure with the power of their feet... that's fine.

But he did nothing 'wrong'.

First... you might be right.... He might be earning $350K.... but.... you should know that $350K, is how much the owner of a major McDonald's in a prime location makes. The average owner take home net profit, is $200K. That's all Mcdonalds, from largest most busy, to small town low sales McDonalds.

I would guess that his real take home net profit, assuming he's in a 'small town' as you put it, would be under $200K. But... maybe you are right. I don't know. Maybe that $350K is gross profits (sales minus cost of goods sold), before overhead, property maintenance and so on?

And while it may seem like he's swimming in cash... maybe you should consider this...

A Tour Inside McDonald s Big 550 000-Per-Store Renovations - Business Insider

The average remodel cost on a McDonald's store..... $550K. Low end is $400K, and the high end is $700K. A store rebuild, either complete repair, or replacement (demolition and rebuilt), can cost $2.2 Million plus.

McDonald's is only paying out 40% of that cost. The other 60%, the store owner eats. Just money out of his pocket.

That could be $240K to over a million.

On top of that, McDonald requires that franchise owners pay no less than $750K in non-borrowed personal cash interest.

It can take an owner 5 years to break even. Now once he's broken even, then you have a gravy train. Until you pay for the remodel or rebuilt. Then it's years before you break even again.

I'm always skeptical when people say "oh this guy is awash in cash"... no... not necessarily. Now he might end up with money coming out his ears... but don't assume that so quickly. Unless you have insider info... I don't rush to judgement.

As I said, he was a close personal friend, I know EXACTLY how much he made the year previous out of that store, unless he lied to me.. Yes we're a small town, but he's the only McD in about a 40 square mile area and is located next to the only Wal Mart Super Center in the same area. The guy is doing alright.

And I didn't say he did anything wrong per se, just unethical, and I didn't like it. So did I go to the government and complain? No, I registered my complaint at his cash register.
You seem to be making the government out to be this evil ent
As has been stated, Costco pays much more than a minimum wage and makes a substantial profit.
Absolutely! 100% Costco is what Wal-Mart could be if it really cared.
Walmart pays what the market dictates they pay. It's that simple. If people won't work for the wages they offer they'll have a shortage of workers and will be forced to pay more. They are not obligated to pay anyone what you think they should be paid. That is how the free market works, Komrade.

WalMart pays what they can get away with. It's that simple.

Then why doesn't Costco pay what they can get away with? Fail.
Because Costco's managers are kind hearted Democrat types that care about their workers.
Nah, I'm kidding. Costco has a different model that allows them to pay more to attract better workers which is part of their business plan. If they didnt, their shareholders would be screaming at the low returns the company makes.
Walmart pays what the market dictates they pay. It's that simple. If people won't work for the wages they offer they'll have a shortage of workers and will be forced to pay more. They are not obligated to pay anyone what you think they should be paid. That is how the free market works, Komrade.

WalMart pays what they can get away with. It's that simple.

Then why doesn't Costco pay what they can get away with? Fail.
Because Costco's managers are kind hearted Democrat types that care about their workers.
Nah, I'm kidding. Costco has a different model that allows them to pay more to attract better workers which is part of their business plan. If they didnt, their shareholders would be screaming at the low returns the company makes.
Costco is in the same business as Wal-Mart and is a much better company to work for than Wal-Mart, stop trying to justify Wal-Marts low pay and crap hours for most of its workers.
Walmart pays what the market dictates they pay. It's that simple. If people won't work for the wages they offer they'll have a shortage of workers and will be forced to pay more. They are not obligated to pay anyone what you think they should be paid. That is how the free market works, Komrade.

WalMart pays what they can get away with. It's that simple.

Then why doesn't Costco pay what they can get away with? Fail.
Because Costco's managers are kind hearted Democrat types that care about their workers.
Nah, I'm kidding. Costco has a different model that allows them to pay more to attract better workers which is part of their business plan. If they didnt, their shareholders would be screaming at the low returns the company makes.
Costco is in the same business as Wal-Mart and is a much better company to work for than Wal-Mart, stop trying to justify Wal-Marts low pay and crap hours for most of its workers.
They are not the same business at all.
This is the problem with stupid people: two things that look sort of the same are the same. They perceive the similarities but not the differences.
In fact Costco charges a fee to its members and sells higher end goods and caters to a wealthier crowd.
Walmart pays what the market dictates they pay. It's that simple. If people won't work for the wages they offer they'll have a shortage of workers and will be forced to pay more. They are not obligated to pay anyone what you think they should be paid. That is how the free market works, Komrade.

WalMart pays what they can get away with. It's that simple.

Then why doesn't Costco pay what they can get away with? Fail.
Because Costco's managers are kind hearted Democrat types that care about their workers.
Nah, I'm kidding. Costco has a different model that allows them to pay more to attract better workers which is part of their business plan. If they didnt, their shareholders would be screaming at the low returns the company makes.
Costco is in the same business as Wal-Mart and is a much better company to work for than Wal-Mart, stop trying to justify Wal-Marts low pay and crap hours for most of its workers.
They are not the same business at all.
This is the problem with stupid people: two things that look sort of the same are the same. They perceive the similarities but not the differences.
In fact Costco charges a fee to its members and sells higher end goods and caters to a wealthier crowd.
You must think I do not know anything about Costco, I have had relatives who have worked for Costco for years and the workplace there is ten times better than Wal- Mart and you can make a wage that people can live off of. Costco sells in bulk a little different than Wal-Mart but you can get most of the exact same goods at Costco as you can at Wal-Mart, all your cereals all your meats all yourveggies, everything and yes you pay a membership fee for Costco but its worth it its savings are as good as if not better than Wal-Mart you just buy your items in bulk is the difference.
Walmart pays what the market dictates they pay. It's that simple. If people won't work for the wages they offer they'll have a shortage of workers and will be forced to pay more. They are not obligated to pay anyone what you think they should be paid. That is how the free market works, Komrade.

WalMart pays what they can get away with. It's that simple.

Then why doesn't Costco pay what they can get away with? Fail.
Because Costco's managers are kind hearted Democrat types that care about their workers.
Nah, I'm kidding. Costco has a different model that allows them to pay more to attract better workers which is part of their business plan. If they didnt, their shareholders would be screaming at the low returns the company makes.
Costco is in the same business as Wal-Mart and is a much better company to work for than Wal-Mart, stop trying to justify Wal-Marts low pay and crap hours for most of its workers.
They are not the same business at all.
This is the problem with stupid people: two things that look sort of the same are the same. They perceive the similarities but not the differences.
In fact Costco charges a fee to its members and sells higher end goods and caters to a wealthier crowd.
You must think I do not know anything about Costco, I have had relatives who have worked for Costco for years and the workplace their is ten times better than Wal- Mart and you can make a wage that people can live off of. Costco sells in bulk a little different than Wal-Mart but you can get most of the exact same goods at Costco as you can at Wal-Mart, all your cereals all your meats all yourveggies, everything and yes you pay a membership fee for Costco but its worth it its savings are as good as if not better than Wal-Mart you just buy your items in bulk is the difference.
You had a relative who worked there so you know all about their business? Please, I can't stop laughing. You're killing me with this. ROFLMFAO!!!!!
Walmart pays what the market dictates they pay. It's that simple. If people won't work for the wages they offer they'll have a shortage of workers and will be forced to pay more. They are not obligated to pay anyone what you think they should be paid. That is how the free market works, Komrade.

WalMart pays what they can get away with. It's that simple.

Then why doesn't Costco pay what they can get away with? Fail.
Because Costco's managers are kind hearted Democrat types that care about their workers.
Nah, I'm kidding. Costco has a different model that allows them to pay more to attract better workers which is part of their business plan. If they didnt, their shareholders would be screaming at the low returns the company makes.
Costco is in the same business as Wal-Mart and is a much better company to work for than Wal-Mart, stop trying to justify Wal-Marts low pay and crap hours for most of its workers.
They are not the same business at all.
This is the problem with stupid people: two things that look sort of the same are the same. They perceive the similarities but not the differences.
In fact Costco charges a fee to its members and sells higher end goods and caters to a wealthier crowd.
You must think I do not know anything about Costco, I have had relatives who have worked for Costco for years and the workplace their is ten times better than Wal- Mart and you can make a wage that people can live off of. Costco sells in bulk a little different than Wal-Mart but you can get most of the exact same goods at Costco as you can at Wal-Mart, all your cereals all your meats all yourveggies, everything and yes you pay a membership fee for Costco but its worth it its savings are as good as if not better than Wal-Mart you just buy your items in bulk is the difference.
You had a relative who worked there so you know all about their business? Please, I can't stop laughing. You're killing me with this. ROFLMFAO!!!!!
No relatives as in more than one or do you not read? Yes knowing people who work there gives me a little more insight on the company and workplace than some dimwitted asshole.
Walmart pays what the market dictates they pay. It's that simple. If people won't work for the wages they offer they'll have a shortage of workers and will be forced to pay more. They are not obligated to pay anyone what you think they should be paid. That is how the free market works, Komrade.

WalMart pays what they can get away with. It's that simple.

Then why doesn't Costco pay what they can get away with? Fail.
Because Costco's managers are kind hearted Democrat types that care about their workers.
Nah, I'm kidding. Costco has a different model that allows them to pay more to attract better workers which is part of their business plan. If they didnt, their shareholders would be screaming at the low returns the company makes.
Costco is in the same business as Wal-Mart and is a much better company to work for than Wal-Mart, stop trying to justify Wal-Marts low pay and crap hours for most of its workers.
They are not the same business at all.
This is the problem with stupid people: two things that look sort of the same are the same. They perceive the similarities but not the differences.
In fact Costco charges a fee to its members and sells higher end goods and caters to a wealthier crowd.
You must think I do not know anything about Costco, I have had relatives who have worked for Costco for years and the workplace their is ten times better than Wal- Mart and you can make a wage that people can live off of. Costco sells in bulk a little different than Wal-Mart but you can get most of the exact same goods at Costco as you can at Wal-Mart, all your cereals all your meats all yourveggies, everything and yes you pay a membership fee for Costco but its worth it its savings are as good as if not better than Wal-Mart you just buy your items in bulk is the difference.
You had a relative who worked there so you know all about their business? Please, I can't stop laughing. You're killing me with this. ROFLMFAO!!!!!
No relatives as in more than one or do you not read? Yes knowing people who work there gives me a little more insight on the company and workplace than some dimwitted asshole.
Oh, wow. Sorry. You had TWO relatives who worked at Costco at some unspecified time for some unspecified period. That must make you an expert on their operations.
LOL! I cant believe you expect to be taken seriously. SMH.
Your just going to continue to discredit everything I have to say that does not go along with your thinking. Don't talk bad about me or my family you piece of shit and yes I have been a member of Costco for years and have family who have worked there so yes I know a little more than you do on the matter, never claimed to be an expert what I said was I have a little more insight on the matter than most people stop putting words in my mouth fuckin dick.
The Republican Party does have a real problem. Most in the Party feel compelled to defend everything Corporations do. It's become a knee-jerk defense for them. American Workers don't feel the Party cares about them anymore. It's forsaken them in favor of Corporations like Walmart. I'm not completely sure why so many feel compelled to defend them. I think it's that they feel it's about defending Capitalism or something. But you can be a Capitalist and defend workers.

Doing the right thing goes beyond Republican/Democrat, or whether you call yourself a Conservative or Liberal. The Republican Party needs to do better in supporting American Workers. Otherwise they risk losing the Worker-Vote for good.
Look, Walmart does represent the 'Evil Corporation' perfectly. They pay their employees like shite and treat them like shite. They fund and support the Slave Labor in Asia that produces the vast majority of products on their shelves. They also brutally crushed the little guy. And they enjoy absurd Tax Breaks as well.

There are reasons why Walmart can offer products at such low prices. I just pointed out a few of em. So it is fair to criticize them, and even despise them. The Republican Party needs to get passed the knee-jerk defense of Corporations approach. They need to help the workers out a bit more. Most People see the Party as the Party that doesn't giving a rat's balls about American Workers. And i have to say, they have earned that reputation. All you have to do is scroll through this thread and observe so many of em vigorously defending Walmart. It's actually pretty sad.
Walmart pays what the market dictates they pay. It's that simple. If people won't work for the wages they offer they'll have a shortage of workers and will be forced to pay more. They are not obligated to pay anyone what you think they should be paid. That is how the free market works, Komrade.

WalMart pays what they can get away with. It's that simple.

Then why doesn't Costco pay what they can get away with? Fail.
Because Costco's managers are kind hearted Democrat types that care about their workers.

NEITHER choice is right or wrong

Incorrect, Costco is an ENTIRELY different business model.

First of all, at a MINIMUM you must pay $55 a year just to shop there.

Then once there, Costco's prices are at a minimum slightly higher than Wal Mart's.

For instance, look at these two pages

32 and Below

VIZIO TVs TV Video -

Same EXACT TV's $10-$20 cheaper at Wal Mat. That may not sound like much, but added up for thousands of items each sold thousands of times a day and you are talking a significantly different business plan.

Those two links unequivocally prove that Wal Mart is making less per TV than Costco, and so obviously need to spend less per TV sold to make the same profit. That's called economics.

It's also called CHOICE. YOU have a choice, spend more for the same product, and feel good knowing you helped COSTCO employees make a little more, or pay less and let Wal Mart employees worry about themselves.
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Walmart pays what the market dictates they pay. It's that simple. If people won't work for the wages they offer they'll have a shortage of workers and will be forced to pay more. They are not obligated to pay anyone what you think they should be paid. That is how the free market works, Komrade.

WalMart pays what they can get away with. It's that simple.

Then why doesn't Costco pay what they can get away with? Fail.
Because Costco's managers are kind hearted Democrat types that care about their workers.
Nah, I'm kidding. Costco has a different model that allows them to pay more to attract better workers which is part of their business plan. If they didnt, their shareholders would be screaming at the low returns the company makes.
Costco is in the same business as Wal-Mart and is a much better company to work for than Wal-Mart, stop trying to justify Wal-Marts low pay and crap hours for most of its workers.
They are not the same business at all.
This is the problem with stupid people: two things that look sort of the same are the same. They perceive the similarities but not the differences.
In fact Costco charges a fee to its members and sells higher end goods and caters to a wealthier crowd.
You must think I do not know anything about Costco, I have had relatives who have worked for Costco for years and the workplace their is ten times better than Wal- Mart and you can make a wage that people can live off of. Costco sells in bulk a little different than Wal-Mart but you can get most of the exact same goods at Costco as you can at Wal-Mart, all your cereals all your meats all yourveggies, everything and yes you pay a membership fee for Costco but its worth it its savings are as good as if not better than Wal-Mart you just buy your items in bulk is the difference.
You had a relative who worked there so you know all about their business? Please, I can't stop laughing. You're killing me with this. ROFLMFAO!!!!!
No relatives as in more than one or do you not read? Yes knowing people who work there gives me a little more insight on the company and workplace than some dimwitted asshole.

I visited France once to, doesn't make me an expert on French foreign policy.
I had a cousin who often went to an Arab restaurant so I know everything about Arab culture.
The Republican Party does have a real problem. Most in the Party feel compelled to defend everything Corporations do. It's become a knee-jerk defense for them. American Workers don't feel the Party cares about them anymore. It's forsaken them in favor of Corporations like Walmart. I'm not completely sure why so many feel compelled to defend them. I think it's that they feel it's about defending Capitalism or something. But you can be a Capitalist and defend workers.

Doing the right thing goes beyond Republican/Democrat, or whether you call yourself a Conservative or Liberal. The Republican Party needs to do better in supporting American Workers. Otherwise they risk losing the Worker-Vote for good.

Likewise, protecting economic liberty goes beyond conservative or liberal, and no party will get my vote that violates it.
Look, Walmart does represent the 'Evil Corporation' perfectly. They pay their employees like shite and treat them like shite. They fund and support the Slave Labor in Asia that produces the vast majority of products on their shelves. They also brutally crushed the little guy. And they enjoy absurd Tax Breaks as well.

There are reasons why Walmart can offer products at such low prices. I just pointed out a few of em. So it is fair to criticize them, and even despise them. The Republican Party needs to get passed the knee-jerk defense of Corporations approach. They need to help the workers out a bit more. Most People see the Party as the Party that doesn't giving a rat's balls about American Workers. And i have to say, they have earned that reputation. All you have to do is scroll through this thread and observe so many of em vigorously defending Walmart. It's actually pretty sad.

of course you could equally say the Democratic party needs to get over its knee jerk reaction of defending , for instance, every minority no matter what they have done. But for purposes of THIS thread, your point stands

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