Walmart shooter reportedly lived with stack of Bibles, no furniture. Why isn't he a terrorist?

Anybody who says Americans are defending Islamic terrorism are trying to overthrow America.
If it's a LEGAL CODE FOR ISRAEL, douchebag, why the fuck do you cart it back and forth to church every Sunday?

Because it's part of some bibles. There are many bibles that have just the new testament since that is the part of the bible that Christians are to live by. The old testament is before Christ died for our sins. It's not instruction on how to live as a Christian. That would be the new testament.

If you are a Christian then you believe that Christ died for our sins and thus you live by the new testament, stating "thou shall not kill." So you CANNOT kill someone in the name of Christianity.

Repeating my words, here, but I think they are still relevant.

As to the reasons for this phenomenon, I would say there are many, not the least of which involves the following.

1 -- an oppositional defiant disorder based upon lack of self worth. These numb nuts don't know what they stand for, only what they are against, and their self hatred leads them to identify with Islamists in their nihilistic need to destroy their own culture.

2 -- utter conformism. They are the left's equivalent of the extreme religious fundies of the right, as they don't ever ask WHY they should believe in something, only that they are expected to do so. It acts as a conditioned response where unintelligent people react to positive reinforcement from their peers if they support Islam and negative if they don't.

3 -- post colonial guilt. Several decades worth of hammering home themes that all the world's ills are the result of the west has led to a mind set where the very reversal of the old cultural chauvinism now holds sway. People have lost the ability to see any merits whatsoever to their own liberal western cultures and have elevated the primitivism of other cultures to be beyond reproach.

4 -- fear. In a strange sort of projection, those who feed the crocodile hoping it will eat hem last call anybody who doesn't want that to happen the fearful ones. These people are actually so fearful that they refuse to learn anything about Islam while they live in their world of platitudes and ignorant group think. In an Orwellian expression of the maxim that ignorance is strength, anybody who DOES know a thing or two about Islam is automatically assaulted as being "racist", "Islamophobic", "Bigoted" or........, gasp! -- the ultimate bogey man -- a "right winger" It doesn't make any difference to these extraordinarily stupid people that it is actually Islam that represents the most extreme conservatism imaginable as they haven't the foggiest notion what the terms even mean. They are just so frightened of being called the very names they call others that they lend themselves to the very agenda that represents the very worst bigotry on the face of the planet.

I swear, it's like watching some sort of group psychosis in action it is so absolutely moronic.
I often talk about the "Oppressed/Oppressor" template under which the Left operates, and this topic is a perfect example. They immediately determine the "Oppressed" group, and then proceed to spin and deflect and minimize and lower standards and make excuses for that group at every possible opportunity, no matter what, no matter what the consequence.

We all know the answer to this question, but I'll ask it anyway: What are you setting up when you constantly spin and deflect and minimize and lower standards and make excuses for someone, for anyone? You're enabling their worst behaviors.
That's not a big secret. We all know that.

This is how the "Oppressed/Oppressor" template fits so perfectly with Identity Politics: We're all divided up into the smallest possible groups so that the Oppressed and Oppressor can be easily identified. Then the Oppressor is demonized, no matter what, and the the Oppressed is defended, no matter what.

You'll see on this thread that the Regressives are pretending that they're being accused of defending terrorism. That isn't the case, not directly, not consciously. They're doing what they always do: They've identified the Oppressed group (Muslims, in this case) and are defending the entire group, which just happens to contain jihadists. And they'll do it, No. Matter. What.

A few examples of this relationship:

Whites/Certain Minorities
America/Planet Earth
America/Other Countries

... on and on.
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Walmart shooter reportedly lived with stack of Bibles, no furniture. Why isn't he a terrorist?
By Walter Einenkel at Daily Kos

Walmart shooter reportedly lived with stack of Bibles, no furniture. Why isn't he a terrorist?

Teresa Muniz says she gets a chill when she realizes her neighbor was on his way to commit America’s next horrific shooting. The “angry guy upstairs” drove to a nearby Walmart where witnesses say he walked in, calmly took out his handgun, and shot and killed three people waiting in line to pay. Neighbors described Ostrem as a bizarre, angry man who lived alone in an apartment with a stack of Bibles and virtually no furniture.


Hispanic residents said he was especially mean to them.

“He wouldn’t say nothing to us, but he talked to the only white couple who lives here,” Muniz said. “I don’t understand where that hatred comes from.”

There’s also this from ABC News.

Killed were Pamela Marques, 52, of Denver; Carlos Moreno, 66, of Thornton; and Victor Vasquez, 26, of Denver.

None were Walmart employees, and all were Hispanic.


Yep, ban all religious people from immigrating.

Because he's white. When you're white you can't be a terrorist. Only mentally ill.
Walmart shooter reportedly lived with stack of Bibles, no furniture. Why isn't he a terrorist?
By Walter Einenkel at Daily Kos

Walmart shooter reportedly lived with stack of Bibles, no furniture. Why isn't he a terrorist?

Teresa Muniz says she gets a chill when she realizes her neighbor was on his way to commit America’s next horrific shooting. The “angry guy upstairs” drove to a nearby Walmart where witnesses say he walked in, calmly took out his handgun, and shot and killed three people waiting in line to pay. Neighbors described Ostrem as a bizarre, angry man who lived alone in an apartment with a stack of Bibles and virtually no furniture.


Hispanic residents said he was especially mean to them.

“He wouldn’t say nothing to us, but he talked to the only white couple who lives here,” Muniz said. “I don’t understand where that hatred comes from.”

There’s also this from ABC News.

Killed were Pamela Marques, 52, of Denver; Carlos Moreno, 66, of Thornton; and Victor Vasquez, 26, of Denver.

None were Walmart employees, and all were Hispanic.


Yep, ban all religious people from immigrating.

Because he's white. When you're white you can't be a terrorist. Only mentally ill.

It's part of the cowboys 'n' injuns effect.

The cowboys were the good guys, committing genocide and ethnic cleansing, the injuns were the bad guys, defending their homeland from invasion.

The "we're always the good guys no matter what" and our enemies are always the bad guys, no matter what.
If it's a LEGAL CODE FOR ISRAEL, douchebag, why the fuck do you cart it back and forth to church every Sunday?

Because it's part of some bibles. There are many bibles that have just the new testament since that is the part of the bible that Christians are to live by. The old testament is before Christ died for our sins. It's not instruction on how to live as a Christian. That would be the new testament.

If you are a Christian then you believe that Christ died for our sins and thus you live by the new testament, stating "thou shall not kill." So you CANNOT kill someone in the name of Christianity.
Ten Commandments are Old Testament

Repeating my words, here, but I think they are still relevant.

As to the reasons for this phenomenon, I would say there are many, not the least of which involves the following.

1 -- an oppositional defiant disorder based upon lack of self worth. These numb nuts don't know what they stand for, only what they are against, and their self hatred leads them to identify with Islamists in their nihilistic need to destroy their own culture.

2 -- utter conformism. They are the left's equivalent of the extreme religious fundies of the right, as they don't ever ask WHY they should believe in something, only that they are expected to do so. It acts as a conditioned response where unintelligent people react to positive reinforcement from their peers if they support Islam and negative if they don't.

3 -- post colonial guilt. Several decades worth of hammering home themes that all the world's ills are the result of the west has led to a mind set where the very reversal of the old cultural chauvinism now holds sway. People have lost the ability to see any merits whatsoever to their own liberal western cultures and have elevated the primitivism of other cultures to be beyond reproach.

4 -- fear. In a strange sort of projection, those who feed the crocodile hoping it will eat hem last call anybody who doesn't want that to happen the fearful ones. These people are actually so fearful that they refuse to learn anything about Islam while they live in their world of platitudes and ignorant group think. In an Orwellian expression of the maxim that ignorance is strength, anybody who DOES know a thing or two about Islam is automatically assaulted as being "racist", "Islamophobic", "Bigoted" or........, gasp! -- the ultimate bogey man -- a "right winger" It doesn't make any difference to these extraordinarily stupid people that it is actually Islam that represents the most extreme conservatism imaginable as they haven't the foggiest notion what the terms even mean. They are just so frightened of being called the very names they call others that they lend themselves to the very agenda that represents the very worst bigotry on the face of the planet.

I swear, it's like watching some sort of group psychosis in action it is so absolutely moronic.

You really don't know squat about other people, do you? Your theories are really, really far out. Sounds like that phony pseudo-scientific banter that right-wing crazies come up with. I don't know of any person who defends "Islamic terrorism." No one defends terrorism of any other sort, either.

I am sure you are entirely too stupid to understand the meaning of a tu quoque fallacy, but it is essentially a defense of one thing by offering a childish "well, THEY do it TOO" argument. This entire thread is predicated on exactly that sort of argument, and yes it IS a defense of Islamic terrorism. Otherwise, why the creation of the false moral equivalency?

Like, DUH

You should have one of the older kids teach you how to construct an argument some day, but these attempts to equate Islam with Christianity are entirely specious, ESPECIALLY when one tries to equate the actions of a lone individual who is not engaging in an act to spread an ideology with the actions of interconnected networks of those who are. If you are too stupid to understand the difference, you have no business engaging in debate.

Repeating my words, here, but I think they are still relevant.

As to the reasons for this phenomenon, I would say there are many, not the least of which involves the following.

1 -- an oppositional defiant disorder based upon lack of self worth. These numb nuts don't know what they stand for, only what they are against, and their self hatred leads them to identify with Islamists in their nihilistic need to destroy their own culture.

2 -- utter conformism. They are the left's equivalent of the extreme religious fundies of the right, as they don't ever ask WHY they should believe in something, only that they are expected to do so. It acts as a conditioned response where unintelligent people react to positive reinforcement from their peers if they support Islam and negative if they don't.

3 -- post colonial guilt. Several decades worth of hammering home themes that all the world's ills are the result of the west has led to a mind set where the very reversal of the old cultural chauvinism now holds sway. People have lost the ability to see any merits whatsoever to their own liberal western cultures and have elevated the primitivism of other cultures to be beyond reproach.

4 -- fear. In a strange sort of projection, those who feed the crocodile hoping it will eat hem last call anybody who doesn't want that to happen the fearful ones. These people are actually so fearful that they refuse to learn anything about Islam while they live in their world of platitudes and ignorant group think. In an Orwellian expression of the maxim that ignorance is strength, anybody who DOES know a thing or two about Islam is automatically assaulted as being "racist", "Islamophobic", "Bigoted" or........, gasp! -- the ultimate bogey man -- a "right winger" It doesn't make any difference to these extraordinarily stupid people that it is actually Islam that represents the most extreme conservatism imaginable as they haven't the foggiest notion what the terms even mean. They are just so frightened of being called the very names they call others that they lend themselves to the very agenda that represents the very worst bigotry on the face of the planet.

I swear, it's like watching some sort of group psychosis in action it is so absolutely moronic.
I often talk about the "Oppressed/Oppressor" template under which the Left operates, and this topic is a perfect example. They immediately determine the "Oppressed" group, and then proceed to spin and deflect and minimize and lower standards and make excuses for that group at every possible opportunity, no matter what, no matter what the consequence.

We all know the answer to this question, but I'll ask it anyway: What are you setting up when you constantly spin and deflect and minimize and lower standards and make excuses for someone, for anyone? You're enabling their worst behaviors.
That's not a big secret. We all know that.

This is how the "Oppressed/Oppressor" template fits so perfectly with Identity Politics: We're all divided up into the smallest possible groups so that the Oppressed and Oppressor can be easily identified. Then the Oppressor is demonized, no matter what, and the the Oppressed is defended, no matter what.

You'll see on this thread that the Regressives are pretending that they're being accused of defending terrorism. That isn't the case, not directly, not consciously. They're doing what they always do: They've identified the Oppressed group (Muslims, in this case) and are defending the entire group, which just happens to contain jihadists. And they'll do it, No. Matter. What.

A few examples of this relationship:

Whites/Certain Minorities
America/Planet Earth
America/Other Countries

... on and on.

......and, I might add, that they feel this sense of identification because they live deeply unfulfilling lives. Rather than making anything of themselves, they simply lash out by blaming their entire culture for their deep lack of self esteem. They are disgruntled, they begrudge the success of others, and they are forever stuck in that acting out stage in their life where they blame everybody else instead of themselves for their many failings.

Repeating my words, here, but I think they are still relevant.

As to the reasons for this phenomenon, I would say there are many, not the least of which involves the following.

1 -- an oppositional defiant disorder based upon lack of self worth. These numb nuts don't know what they stand for, only what they are against, and their self hatred leads them to identify with Islamists in their nihilistic need to destroy their own culture.

2 -- utter conformism. They are the left's equivalent of the extreme religious fundies of the right, as they don't ever ask WHY they should believe in something, only that they are expected to do so. It acts as a conditioned response where unintelligent people react to positive reinforcement from their peers if they support Islam and negative if they don't.

3 -- post colonial guilt. Several decades worth of hammering home themes that all the world's ills are the result of the west has led to a mind set where the very reversal of the old cultural chauvinism now holds sway. People have lost the ability to see any merits whatsoever to their own liberal western cultures and have elevated the primitivism of other cultures to be beyond reproach.

4 -- fear. In a strange sort of projection, those who feed the crocodile hoping it will eat hem last call anybody who doesn't want that to happen the fearful ones. These people are actually so fearful that they refuse to learn anything about Islam while they live in their world of platitudes and ignorant group think. In an Orwellian expression of the maxim that ignorance is strength, anybody who DOES know a thing or two about Islam is automatically assaulted as being "racist", "Islamophobic", "Bigoted" or........, gasp! -- the ultimate bogey man -- a "right winger" It doesn't make any difference to these extraordinarily stupid people that it is actually Islam that represents the most extreme conservatism imaginable as they haven't the foggiest notion what the terms even mean. They are just so frightened of being called the very names they call others that they lend themselves to the very agenda that represents the very worst bigotry on the face of the planet.

I swear, it's like watching some sort of group psychosis in action it is so absolutely moronic.
I often talk about the "Oppressed/Oppressor" template under which the Left operates, and this topic is a perfect example. They immediately determine the "Oppressed" group, and then proceed to spin and deflect and minimize and lower standards and make excuses for that group at every possible opportunity, no matter what, no matter what the consequence.

We all know the answer to this question, but I'll ask it anyway: What are you setting up when you constantly spin and deflect and minimize and lower standards and make excuses for someone, for anyone? You're enabling their worst behaviors.
That's not a big secret. We all know that.

This is how the "Oppressed/Oppressor" template fits so perfectly with Identity Politics: We're all divided up into the smallest possible groups so that the Oppressed and Oppressor can be easily identified. Then the Oppressor is demonized, no matter what, and the the Oppressed is defended, no matter what.

You'll see on this thread that the Regressives are pretending that they're being accused of defending terrorism. That isn't the case, not directly, not consciously. They're doing what they always do: They've identified the Oppressed group (Muslims, in this case) and are defending the entire group, which just happens to contain jihadists. And they'll do it, No. Matter. What.

A few examples of this relationship:

Whites/Certain Minorities
America/Planet Earth
America/Other Countries

... on and on.

The 'moral equivalency' rubbish is a socialist kulturekampf debating tactic from the 1950's. It's an attempt at deflecting from the obvious fact that some cultures and political ideologies, and people as well do indeed deserve being oppressed, very much so, and being part of some minority group doesn't automatically endow anybody with hapless innocence and some sort of moral absolution for bad acts and destructive activities harmful to the general public and the nation. This sort of logical fallacy only appeals to those easily misled by semantic games and false 'logic.

"NAMBLA" logic - an extreme absolutist position which demands that for logical consistencies sake that certain gross crimes be allowed, in order that no one might feel restrained." Stirling S. Newberry

Some people take Intro To Logic as an elective, learn the names of a few fallacies, but never take Logic 102, Informal Logic, wherein they learn formal logic is ultimately just circular reasoning, and there are such things as valid ad hom arguments and the like after all, for instance; some people really are stupid.

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