Walmart shooter reportedly lived with stack of Bibles, no furniture. Why isn't he a terrorist?

The Crusades did actually insist CONVERT OR DIE to Muslims.
Some did, sure, just as there are violent fanatics in every religion today.

But the Crusader established Christian kingdoms mostly did not do such things. I dont think that 'convert or die' typifies the Crusaders.
Dylan Roof`s shooting of 9 black church goers in Charleston was his attempt to start a race war. A purely political act. Are we allowed to call him a terrorist?
Roof was a terrorist, a racist Democrat terrorist in a long line of racist Democrat terrorists.


OMG, what a grossly uncomfortable chair!

It has to be a torture device under the Geneva Convention.

If a crime committed by a Muslim is ‘terrorism,’ and Islam a ‘terrorist’ religion, then crimes committed by Christians are likewise acts of terrorism, and Christianity a terrorist religion.

Or, if conservatives believe that the criminal act of a Christian is not representative of Christianity and all Christians, then likewise a criminal act committed by a Muslim is not representative of all Muslims, and not representative of Islam.

The bigoted right can’t have it both ways
These arguments that Christians are the same as Islamic terrorists is intellectual laziness. When there is a story about a Muslim father killing his daughter for nothing more than wearing lipstick or committing some sort of Sharia "crime, show an example of it being classified as terrorism.

Your argument falls flat.
LOL, you fundies are hilarious (and an embarrassment to religion). You will twist yourself into any absurdity with your explanations and your dispensations and who knows what all just to keep clinging to that fucking blood-soaked primitive ignorant pig vomit you call the Old Testament. Even (and this is the really stunning part), even though you claim to worship a guy who was killed for trying to liberate his people from it (and the vermin rabbis). And you STILL cart that nonsense (it's not even good literature) back and forth to church every Sunday. You do much harm to religion and the message of Christ with your idiotic stubborn superstitious insistence that the Old Testament is "God's Word".

Go back and reread Deut 13:7 and then tell me again God was "speaking" to the government. What a buffoon.
Moron, Deuteronomy is a collection of LEGAL CODE FOR ISRAEL, not moral guidelines for the individual.

You leftwing morons are so Gawd damned hilarious!
There is a thousand times more evidence that there's no god. .
ROFLMAO, what concept of 'god' are you talking about dude and whereis this evidence?

No one with a fucking brain is a hard atheist any more; the facts are just completely against such nonsense.
Roof was a terrorist, a racist Democrat terrorist in a long line of racist Democrat terrorists.
And your proof that Roof is a registered Democrat is where?

1. He had photos of burning the American flag, a favorite past time of the Democratic Party.

2. He was an unemployed dope smoking no DL loser. The kind of loser Democrats want to have voting.

3. His family had multiple divorces and he had no moral instruction; that screams Democrat.

4. He was trying to start a race war in America, an apparent goal of race-baiting Identity Politics Democrats everywhere.

5. He was in favor of segregation, a position historically pretty much only favored by Democrats.

Who is Dylann Roof? - CNN

I never said he was a registered Democrat, the guy was too stupid to achieve that much in his loser life.
LOL, you fundies are hilarious (and an embarrassment to religion). You will twist yourself into any absurdity with your explanations and your dispensations and who knows what all just to keep clinging to that fucking blood-soaked primitive ignorant pig vomit you call the Old Testament. Even (and this is the really stunning part), even though you claim to worship a guy who was killed for trying to liberate his people from it (and the vermin rabbis). And you STILL cart that nonsense (it's not even good literature) back and forth to church every Sunday. You do much harm to religion and the message of Christ with your idiotic stubborn superstitious insistence that the Old Testament is "God's Word".

Go back and reread Deut 13:7 and then tell me again God was "speaking" to the government. What a buffoon.
Moron, Deuteronomy is a collection of LEGAL CODE FOR ISRAEL, not moral guidelines for the individual.

You leftwing morons are so Gawd damned hilarious!
If it's a LEGAL CODE FOR ISRAEL, douchebag, why the fuck do you cart it back and forth to church every Sunday? In case you happen upon a dispute between two Israelis?

And, btw, I voted for Trump, numbskull.
Ding. Dong. Nobody was discussing Islam or LGBTs here. Apparently, from the article, this guy lived surrounded by literature from his religion and then went out to kill people who were not of his ethnic background. Sounds like a terrorist. He killed people and wanted to kill more.
Is that his stated goal to force people to collect bibles?

The police are looking for motive. This guy is alive, but I haven't heard that he has done any talking, so they are on their own. All they can do is nose through his stuff. Usually people only have one or two bibles. The fact that he had enough of them that people have remarked on it could indicate a motive. I hope that the cops have his hard drive. The Law Vegas shooter destroyed his.

Unfortunately, all of the major religions today have a violent faction. Unfortunately, there are radical groups here in the U.S. who somehow have married Christian beliefs with racial and religious hatreds. This guy could be one. If it comes out that he is a Christian and his murder spree was motivated by his interpretation of his faith, then he is a Christian terrorist or a radical Christianist terrorist.

There really is no point to playing these word games. No one can undo an attack. The only thing that society can do is be more watchful. The only good that these labels do is to is to raise awareness of who might pose a threat. Nobody's going to go out and corral all the Methodists.
Moron, Deuteronomy is a collection of LEGAL CODE FOR ISRAEL, not moral guidelines for the individual.

You leftwing morons are so Gawd damned hilarious!
If it's a LEGAL CODE FOR ISRAEL, douchebag, why the fuck do you cart it back and forth to church every Sunday? In case you happen upon a dispute between two Israelis?

I guess it is difficult for you to grasp, but it is still part of the Holy Bible, duh.

Though we are not bound by it we still honor and revere it for what it is.

And, btw, I voted for Trump, numbskull.

Why do you assume that no leftwing morons voted for Trump?

Thus I never implied that you did not vote for Trump or Mother Magoo either.
A stack of bibles? A cbs report said their reporter saw a sweatshirt. Then they added a sentence saying there was a bible. Not a stack of bibles, or even that they investigator said there was a bible. The way it was written is as though the writer may have just inserted it.

“Crime scene investigators searched Ostrem’s third floor apartment. From a doorway, CBS4 could see a sweatshirt from the roofing company where Ostrem quit on Wednesday. There was also a bible.”

And he did not walk into the Walmart and yell “in the name of Jesus” before or after he shot anyone.

Does it sound like a hate crime ? Yes. Because he claimed it in the name of Christianity? No.
No authentic Christian that knows the New Testament would ever do such.

And here is a photo of his apartment, no stack of bibles anywhere.
Suspect's Neighbors React To Thornton Walmart Shooting
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Southern democratic KKK from the 1950s and southern republican KKK today are ultra conservative terrorists.

"Deuteronomy is a collection of LEGAL CODE FOR ISRAEL, not moral guidelines for the individual" or for society today.

Homosexuality is not condemned by God for the modern world is the logic of the quoted material above.
Southern democratic KKK from the 1950s and southern republican KKK today are ultra conservative terrorists.

"Deuteronomy is a collection of LEGAL CODE FOR ISRAEL, not moral guidelines for the individual" or for society today.

Homosexuality is not condemned by God for the modern world is the logic of the quoted material above.

Homosexuality is very minor issue in the Christian faith, if it is indeed an issue at all. The proper treatment of persons with a same-sex orientation is covered by the general requirements that one love his/her neighbor, treat others the way that one would like to be treated, be humble, embrace your fellow Christians as your sisters and brothers (this includes LGBTs who are Christian) and care for the strangers who walk among you.

Around 600, C.E., the Roman church leadership compiled a list of cardinal sins: they are pride, greed, lust, wrath, gluttony, envy, and sloth. Under the sin of lust, adultery is a big deal. It even made the Ten Commandments. Yet adultery is quite popular among the people who today call themselves Christians. When's that lightening bolt going to hit newt or trump? They don't have a wedding ring, they've got a whole collection of them.

The hyped-up strutting that some modern-day Christians are doing in order to get away with discriminating against LGBTs is absolute bullshit in terms of the Christian faith. They are trying to cloak their psychological issues using religion.

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