Walmart shooter reportedly lived with stack of Bibles, no furniture. Why isn't he a terrorist?

‘Terrorist’ and ‘terrorism’ are overused and abused terms that have reached the point of being meaningless.

Not all acts of violence and crime are ‘terrorism.’

Not all criminals are ‘terrorists.’

Most on the bigoted right, of course, are loathsome abusers of the term, making baseless accusations of ‘terrorism’ in an effort to advance the rightist agenda of fear.
Most on the bigoted right, of course, are loathsome abusers of the term, making baseless accusations of ‘terrorism’ in an effort to advance the rightist agenda of fear.
I'm afraid it's the left that finds the need to label any white crime, "terrorism," as the OP needs to do.

Outside of the comical and overt bias against religion as portrayed by the OP and and his derelict ilk, I see no direct cause that faith had anything to do with this. Demented extremists exist in all faiths, ideologies and organizations and cannot be used to rationally classify an entire group. Yet, as evidenced here, they still sadly persist, like a disease.
The OP is correct to point out that conservatives, for the most part, will be quick to accuse a Muslim of being a ‘terrorist’ when he commits a violent act for no other reason than being Muslim.

In order for conservatives to be consistent, they must apply the same standard to a Christian who commits an act of violence, and condemn that act as ‘terrorism.’

Of course, they do not.

It is true that demented extremists exist in all faiths, and that it’s idiocy to blame an entire faith for the actions of the non-representative few – but that very idiocy is nonetheless practiced by most conservatives.
Most on the bigoted right, of course, are loathsome abusers of the term, making baseless accusations of ‘terrorism’ in an effort to advance the rightist agenda of fear.
I'm afraid it's the left that finds the need to label any white crime, "terrorism," as the OP needs to do.
Terrorism is a crime that is motivated by an individual's devotion to a particular ideology. Yes, it's a crime to go after somebody's wallet and even kill that person in the process. That's called "crime." People who deliberately commit crimes with the desire to kill as many people as possible for ideological reasons are terrorists.
‘Terrorist’ and ‘terrorism’ are overused and abused terms that have reached the point of being meaningless.

Not all acts of violence and crime are ‘terrorism.’

Not all criminals are ‘terrorists.’

Most on the bigoted right, of course, are loathsome abusers of the term, making baseless accusations of ‘terrorism’ in an effort to advance the rightist agenda of fear.

No, we aren't. We are the ones that are comfortable using common dictionary definitions for words.

It is you lefties that find that terribly confining and want to constant redefine words when politically expedient.

Outside of the comical and overt bias against religion as portrayed by the OP and and his derelict ilk, I see no direct cause that faith had anything to do with this. Demented extremists exist in all faiths, ideologies and organizations and cannot be used to rationally classify an entire group. Yet, as evidenced here, they still sadly persist, like a disease.
The OP is correct to point out that conservatives, for the most part, will be quick to accuse a Muslim of being a ‘terrorist’ when he commits a violent act for no other reason than being Muslim.

In order for conservatives to be consistent, they must apply the same standard to a Christian who commits an act of violence, and condemn that act as ‘terrorism.’

Of course, they do not.

It is true that demented extremists exist in all faiths, and that it’s idiocy to blame an entire faith for the actions of the non-representative few – but that very idiocy is nonetheless practiced by most conservatives.

Your barriers to communication are making you say incorrect statements.
Walmart shooter reportedly lived with stack of Bibles, no furniture. Why isn't he a terrorist?
By Walter Einenkel at Daily Kos

Walmart shooter reportedly lived with stack of Bibles, no furniture. Why isn't he a terrorist?

Teresa Muniz says she gets a chill when she realizes her neighbor was on his way to commit America’s next horrific shooting. The “angry guy upstairs” drove to a nearby Walmart where witnesses say he walked in, calmly took out his handgun, and shot and killed three people waiting in line to pay. Neighbors described Ostrem as a bizarre, angry man who lived alone in an apartment with a stack of Bibles and virtually no furniture.


Hispanic residents said he was especially mean to them.

“He wouldn’t say nothing to us, but he talked to the only white couple who lives here,” Muniz said. “I don’t understand where that hatred comes from.”

There’s also this from ABC News.

Killed were Pamela Marques, 52, of Denver; Carlos Moreno, 66, of Thornton; and Victor Vasquez, 26, of Denver.

None were Walmart employees, and all were Hispanic.


Yep, ban all religious people from immigrating.
He is a Christian terrorist.

No such thing.....Jesus did not say, murder and bomb stuff if you believe in me.......
Walmart shooter reportedly lived with stack of Bibles, no furniture. Why isn't he a terrorist?
By Walter Einenkel at Daily Kos

Walmart shooter reportedly lived with stack of Bibles, no furniture. Why isn't he a terrorist?

Teresa Muniz says she gets a chill when she realizes her neighbor was on his way to commit America’s next horrific shooting. The “angry guy upstairs” drove to a nearby Walmart where witnesses say he walked in, calmly took out his handgun, and shot and killed three people waiting in line to pay. Neighbors described Ostrem as a bizarre, angry man who lived alone in an apartment with a stack of Bibles and virtually no furniture.


Hispanic residents said he was especially mean to them.

“He wouldn’t say nothing to us, but he talked to the only white couple who lives here,” Muniz said. “I don’t understand where that hatred comes from.”

There’s also this from ABC News.

Killed were Pamela Marques, 52, of Denver; Carlos Moreno, 66, of Thornton; and Victor Vasquez, 26, of Denver.

None were Walmart employees, and all were Hispanic.


Yep, ban all religious people from immigrating.

Could he be labled a terrorist? sure, but so what. Its of no importance when you look what ISIS and others are doing as an ORGANIZATION, world wide. Do you understand the difference between a concerted effort by these groups to ramp up the killings they are doing now to a much higher level compared to a Loon sleeping with a stack of bibles? I dont think you do. I don't think your smart enough to tell the difference.

Video: How ISIS is trying to recruit young Americans

look at the world and you will see that Islam is at war against every religion they butt up against whether it is Hindu, Bhudists, Coptics in Egypt, any minority religious group that stands in their way, Jews, athiests, gay people, you name it, the radical sects of Islam though a minority still stands in the millions and while you may have a few thousand crazy christians running around, they are not a dedicated network like radical islamists.
So by all means lets just open our borders and let anyone in who says they are a refugee, lets make it so much easier for them to set up their network here, never mind the fact that our FBI and CIA have to work overtime just to keep up with them. Your a genius

Right-Wing Extremists Are a Bigger Threat to America Than ISIS

And that is crap......all 6 right wing extremists were at home during the Walmart shooting......

Outside of the comical and overt bias against religion as portrayed by the OP and and his derelict ilk, I see no direct cause that faith had anything to do with this. Demented extremists exist in all faiths, ideologies and organizations and cannot be used to rationally classify an entire group. Yet, as evidenced here, they still sadly persist, like a disease.
The OP is correct to point out that conservatives, for the most part, will be quick to accuse a Muslim of being a ‘terrorist’ when he commits a violent act for no other reason than being Muslim.

In order for conservatives to be consistent, they must apply the same standard to a Christian who commits an act of violence, and condemn that act as ‘terrorism.’

Of course, they do not.

It is true that demented extremists exist in all faiths, and that it’s idiocy to blame an entire faith for the actions of the non-representative few – but that very idiocy is nonetheless practiced by most conservatives.

Wrong....a muslim shouting Allahu akbar is a terrorist who is supporting the imposition of islam and sharia around the world. This guy is a lone nut. Christians cannot commit acts of violence in the name of their religions since their religion doesn't condone acts of violence.....but islam does, it demands violence to spread the faith.....
The Crusades were self-defense, period. As for putting cities to the sword, that was the usual practice for cities that refused to surrender. No matter how you spin it, the Crusades are no way remotely 'equivalent to Islmao-Vermin imperialism. That's just laughable propaganda.
The Crusades we're Europeans Invading the Levant. Not even close to self-defense.
The Crusades were self-defense, period. As for putting cities to the sword, that was the usual practice for cities that refused to surrender. No matter how you spin it, the Crusades are no way remotely 'equivalent to Islmao-Vermin imperialism. That's just laughable propaganda.
The Crusades we're Europeans Invading the Levant. Not even close to self-defense.

The muslims invaded Europe first, twit....and the Crusades were created to push the muslims out of the Holy Land which they invaded....
The Crusades were self-defense, period. As for putting cities to the sword, that was the usual practice for cities that refused to surrender. No matter how you spin it, the Crusades are no way remotely 'equivalent to Islmao-Vermin imperialism. That's just laughable propaganda.
The Crusades we're Europeans Invading the Levant. Not even close to self-defense.
The muslims invaded Europe first, twit....and the Crusades were created to push the muslims out of the Holy Land which they invaded....
That is selective history.

The Muslims had been in Palestine for several centuries before the Crusaders came a'crusading.
Most on the bigoted right, of course, are loathsome abusers of the term, making baseless accusations of ‘terrorism’ in an effort to advance the rightist agenda of fear.
I'm afraid it's the left that finds the need to label any white crime, "terrorism," as the OP needs to do.
Terrorism is a crime that is motivated by an individual's devotion to a particular ideology. Yes, it's a crime to go after somebody's wallet and even kill that person in the process. That's called "crime." People who deliberately commit crimes with the desire to kill as many people as possible for ideological reasons are terrorists.

The leftists here are not interested in forming opinions based upon any actual principle, however.

.....unless you count the desire to defend Islamic terrorism using any means possible as a principle, that is.

Repeating my words, here, but I think they are still relevant.

As to the reasons for this phenomenon, I would say there are many, not the least of which involves the following.

1 -- an oppositional defiant disorder based upon lack of self worth. These numb nuts don't know what they stand for, only what they are against, and their self hatred leads them to identify with Islamists in their nihilistic need to destroy their own culture.

2 -- utter conformism. They are the left's equivalent of the extreme religious fundies of the right, as they don't ever ask WHY they should believe in something, only that they are expected to do so. It acts as a conditioned response where unintelligent people react to positive reinforcement from their peers if they support Islam and negative if they don't.

3 -- post colonial guilt. Several decades worth of hammering home themes that all the world's ills are the result of the west has led to a mind set where the very reversal of the old cultural chauvinism now holds sway. People have lost the ability to see any merits whatsoever to their own liberal western cultures and have elevated the primitivism of other cultures to be beyond reproach.

4 -- fear. In a strange sort of projection, those who feed the crocodile hoping it will eat hem last call anybody who doesn't want that to happen the fearful ones. These people are actually so fearful that they refuse to learn anything about Islam while they live in their world of platitudes and ignorant group think. In an Orwellian expression of the maxim that ignorance is strength, anybody who DOES know a thing or two about Islam is automatically assaulted as being "racist", "Islamophobic", "Bigoted" or........, gasp! -- the ultimate bogey man -- a "right winger" It doesn't make any difference to these extraordinarily stupid people that it is actually Islam that represents the most extreme conservatism imaginable as they haven't the foggiest notion what the terms even mean. They are just so frightened of being called the very names they call others that they lend themselves to the very agenda that represents the very worst bigotry on the face of the planet.

I swear, it's like watching some sort of group psychosis in action it is so absolutely moronic.

Repeating my words, here, but I think they are still relevant.

As to the reasons for this phenomenon, I would say there are many, not the least of which involves the following.

1 -- an oppositional defiant disorder based upon lack of self worth. These numb nuts don't know what they stand for, only what they are against, and their self hatred leads them to identify with Islamists in their nihilistic need to destroy their own culture.

2 -- utter conformism. They are the left's equivalent of the extreme religious fundies of the right, as they don't ever ask WHY they should believe in something, only that they are expected to do so. It acts as a conditioned response where unintelligent people react to positive reinforcement from their peers if they support Islam and negative if they don't.

3 -- post colonial guilt. Several decades worth of hammering home themes that all the world's ills are the result of the west has led to a mind set where the very reversal of the old cultural chauvinism now holds sway. People have lost the ability to see any merits whatsoever to their own liberal western cultures and have elevated the primitivism of other cultures to be beyond reproach.

4 -- fear. In a strange sort of projection, those who feed the crocodile hoping it will eat hem last call anybody who doesn't want that to happen the fearful ones. These people are actually so fearful that they refuse to learn anything about Islam while they live in their world of platitudes and ignorant group think. In an Orwellian expression of the maxim that ignorance is strength, anybody who DOES know a thing or two about Islam is automatically assaulted as being "racist", "Islamophobic", "Bigoted" or........, gasp! -- the ultimate bogey man -- a "right winger" It doesn't make any difference to these extraordinarily stupid people that it is actually Islam that represents the most extreme conservatism imaginable as they haven't the foggiest notion what the terms even mean. They are just so frightened of being called the very names they call others that they lend themselves to the very agenda that represents the very worst bigotry on the face of the planet.

I swear, it's like watching some sort of group psychosis in action it is so absolutely moronic.

You really don't know squat about other people, do you? Your theories are really, really far out. Sounds like that phony pseudo-scientific banter that right-wing crazies come up with. I don't know of any person who defends "Islamic terrorism." No one defends terrorism of any other sort, either.

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