Walter Reed doctor slams Trump for putting 'lives at risk' for 'political theater

Trump had to play it down, it would have been a tragedy if there was a panic on the market that would have caused it to crash.
You mean like when the markets plunge because of uncertainty? Uncertainty like, hmmmm, conflicting reports about a presidents health during a pandemic? Or a president who won’t commit to leaving office peacefully if he looses? The truth is the markets don’t react that much because who the president is or what party they belong to. Investors just want certainty. No one, not even the Prez himself, have any idea what this guy will do or say from one minute to the next....and watch the markets “soar”. I‘m pretty certain that PhD in economics from Trump U is in the mail.
I'd go to Trump University before I'd go to a college full of liberal professors where they indoctrinate the students.
Proves that you are a real sucker.
I thought he had gotten out of the Hospital. I didn't know it was just a joy ride, to wave at people and expose perfectly health secret service protective detail personnel to Covid-19 in closed bullet proof SUV with all the windows closed. He is back in the hospital now. Good grief! What a uncaring Jerk!
'This is insanity': Walter Reed doctor slams Trump for putting 'lives at risk' for 'political theater' after the president greets fans in a drive-by staffed by Secret Service agents outside hospital

  • One Walter Reed doctor voiced the anger many felt, calling it 'unnecessary' and 'insanity'
  • Dr James Phillips said: 'They might get sick. They may die. For political theater'
OMG. Some doctor said something whatever shall I do?
If he is your doctor you should listen, unlike your dumb assed leader.
His doctor’s approved it. See post 51 above. Quit your faux outrage. Sorry to burst your bubble.
His doctor’s approval? Like his doctors press conference in front of Reed hospital? Absolutely.

I’ve been in this very long and I can tell you that his doctors are lying for the sake of Trump.

There’s no way in right mind that a doctor will allow a Covid-19 patients going around just for the sake of photo op. That is just absolutely very stupid. Unless you are going (AMA) against medical advice.
I thought he had gotten out of the Hospital. I didn't know it was just a joy ride, to wave at people and expose perfectly health secret service protective detail personnel to Covid-19 in closed bullet proof SUV with all the windows closed. He is back in the hospital now. Good grief! What a uncaring Jerk!
'This is insanity': Walter Reed doctor slams Trump for putting 'lives at risk' for 'political theater' after the president greets fans in a drive-by staffed by Secret Service agents outside hospital

  • One Walter Reed doctor voiced the anger many felt, calling it 'unnecessary' and 'insanity'
  • Dr James Phillips said: 'They might get sick. They may die. For political theater'

Fuck man, PROGS so desperate for a story.
Trump had to play it down, it would have been a tragedy if there was a panic on the market that would have caused it to crash.
You mean like when the markets plunge because of uncertainty? Uncertainty like, hmmmm, conflicting reports about a presidents health during a pandemic? Or a president who won’t commit to leaving office peacefully if he looses? The truth is the markets don’t react that much because who the president is or what party they belong to. Investors just want certainty. No one, not even the Prez himself, have any idea what this guy will do or say from one minute to the next....and watch the markets “soar”. I‘m pretty certain that PhD in economics from Trump U is in the mail.
I'd go to Trump University before I'd go to a college full of liberal professors where they indoctrinate the students.
That explains why you b'lieve a disease that's killed over a million people, and counting, is no worse than the sniffles. :cuckoo:
Hard to prove with so many dead people, that were live people before it got here. So you figure trump lied to Woodward on tape, not the American people and his followers the whole time he has played it down?
Trump had to play it down, it would have been a tragedy if there was a panic on the market that would have caused it to crash.
Wall Street reacted sharply and then recovered. I do not think the American public nearly as panicky as the pres makes out. He chose poorly. He should have played it straight and used positive leadership to mobilize the people, instead of pitting his followers against modern public health and scientific community. They are right, a whole lot more often than wrong. Fatalism is stupid.
Trump did what he could. He even came up with cures for Coronavirus.
No. He did not. There are very view trump supporters that believe in mask, distancing, following the conservative self protective guidelines. You see it at the rallies, hear it on the news, read it here on the board. Due to his leadership or lack there of, many like Herman Cain are dead and many others have been sickened. That is negative leadership inspiring blind followership. It is one of the primary reasons the United States leads the world in confirmed cases and death. Surely you don't think we just have shittier healthcare, right? Do you have a different theory as to why we lead the planet by such a margin?
I thought he had gotten out of the Hospital. I didn't know it was just a joy ride, to wave at people and expose perfectly health secret service protective detail personnel to Covid-19 in closed bullet proof SUV with all the windows closed. He is back in the hospital now. Good grief! What a uncaring Jerk!
'This is insanity': Walter Reed doctor slams Trump for putting 'lives at risk' for 'political theater' after the president greets fans in a drive-by staffed by Secret Service agents outside hospital

  • One Walter Reed doctor voiced the anger many felt, calling it 'unnecessary' and 'insanity'
  • Dr James Phillips said: 'They might get sick. They may die. For political theater'

Fuck man, PROGS so desperate for a story.
You're such a retard. It matters not where they lived, COVID-19 was not just the sniffles.
If Trump can whip Covid's butt, why couldn't all those other people?
Ok, I get you. You are either just some lonely guy trolling in between screaming at your mom for something to eat and jerking off, OR you really just have no understanding of how viruses work.
I thought he had gotten out of the Hospital. I didn't know it was just a joy ride, to wave at people and expose perfectly health secret service protective detail personnel to Covid-19 in closed bullet proof SUV with all the windows closed. He is back in the hospital now. Good grief! What a uncaring Jerk!
'This is insanity': Walter Reed doctor slams Trump for putting 'lives at risk' for 'political theater' after the president greets fans in a drive-by staffed by Secret Service agents outside hospital

  • One Walter Reed doctor voiced the anger many felt, calling it 'unnecessary' and 'insanity'
  • Dr James Phillips said: 'They might get sick. They may die. For political theater'

Yeah, because we know that healthy individuals like Secret Service Agents are keeling over and dying from Covid all the time! What a drama queen that doctor is! I know you on the left WANT Trump to be deathly ill and stay in the hospital for weeks but I've got a feeling he's going to disappoint you once again! Just saying...
Secret service is like everybody else, except mostly in better physical condition. I am aware there was a multiple outbreak at their academy back in the summer and multiple people on detail and advance teams have popped positive. It can be serious and has proven serious or the pres would not have said it was serious on tape, call a reporter. I do not think the doctor is any kind of "drama queen". I suspect he is just a good doctor, that knows the score. I will not be disappointed at the outcome of donnie's covid experience, any way it goes. I have a pretty strict policy of not bothering to give a damn about people who do not give a damn about themselves, others or how they present themselves to others. You do not seem concerned about Covid. I hope you do not have to become concerned due to personal or family infection. I care more for your well being, than I do trump's.
I'm not concerned about Covid. I don't smoke. I'm not obese. I have no underlying medical conditions. To be honest...I've never been concerned for myself when it comes to only worry is that I might give it to someone who is too compromised to fight it.
Pretty good way to be. I take precautions, but obviously not enough or I wouldn't have been certified with the anti-bodies. Still I take precaution, as I don't count on being among the lucky ones forever and my wife did not come down with it, as she was not on the trip when I got it, and does not have the antibodies. She might fare worse. We don't go crazy about or preach at people in stores, but we observe the recommendations, to support ourselves and our community.
I didn't change anything in my life really. I had no choice but to wear a mask in the corporate establishments that forced everyone to do just that and that's about it. It was a really bad wasn't wasn't AIDS!
For many it had the same effect, slower than aids but in some cases about as fast as Ebola. Doesn't bother me to put on a mask before going into a store. TN is somewhere around #10 in the country after it caught on. Mask requirements were lifted Saturday, a week ago, though it is still recommended. Most down here know people that have died. Most still mask.
Did you really just claim that Covid 19 had the same effect as Aids and Ebola? Come on...don't make an ass of yourself!
Dead is dead. That is what it caused for over 214,000 Americans. Which 9 month period did aids and ebola kill as many Americans?
Trump did what he could. He even came up with cures for Coronavirus.
No. He did not. There are very view trump supporters that believe in mask, distancing, following the conservative self protective guidelines. You see it at the rallies, hear it on the news, read it here on the board. Due to his leadership or lack there of, many like Herman Cain are dead and many others have been sickened. That is negative leadership inspiring blind followership. It is one of the primary reasons the United States leads the world in confirmed cases and death. Surely you don't think we just have shittier healthcare, right? Do you have a different theory as to why we lead the planet by such a margin?
The rallies are an important part of Democracy.
Hard to prove with so many dead people, that were live people before it got here. So you figure trump lied to Woodward on tape, not the American people and his followers the whole time he has played it down?
Trump had to play it down, it would have been a tragedy if there was a panic on the market that would have caused it to crash.
Wall Street reacted sharply and then recovered. I do not think the American public nearly as panicky as the pres makes out. He chose poorly. He should have played it straight and used positive leadership to mobilize the people, instead of pitting his followers against modern public health and scientific community. They are right, a whole lot more often than wrong. Fatalism is stupid.
The only thing he was worried about was himself and his businesses that are tanking plus those heavy loans that are due to paid.
You left out the election and the possibility of prosecution after office.:)
Going for a 10 minute drive is "insanity"? :dunno:

Lighten up doc.
Makes me angry, he would have such wanton disregard for other people's health and that of their families.
“You just breathe the air and that’s how it’s passed,” Trump said in a Feb. 7 call with Woodward. “And so that’s a very tricky one. That’s a very delicate one. It’s also more deadly than even your strenuous flu.”
“This is deadly stuff,” the president repeated for emphasis.
Trump told Woodward on March 19 that he deliberately minimized the danger. “I wanted to always play it down,” the president said.
Except we know far more now than we did back in March.

It’s not “deadly” for young healthy people.
So is this doc claiming it can spread through closed quarters to outsiders? Or he failed to realize these are the same secret service already quarantined with him? Lol
If they get sick, joy riding with the pres, he will just say, send me some more healthy lackeys. They get paid to take a bullet so they shouldn't mind sharing my sometimes deadly disease. If they have family, tough for them.

One, if they're perfectly healthy, they are at a minimal chance of adverse effects. And two, the SS agents may have already had it and recovered. The fact is you commies are making stupid assumptions again with zero facts.

BTW, he was wearing a mask, isn't that supposed to protect others from you?

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I thought he had gotten out of the Hospital. I didn't know it was just a joy ride, to wave at people and expose perfectly health secret service protective detail personnel to Covid-19 in closed bullet proof SUV with all the windows closed. He is back in the hospital now. Good grief! What a uncaring Jerk!
'This is insanity': Walter Reed doctor slams Trump for putting 'lives at risk' for 'political theater' after the president greets fans in a drive-by staffed by Secret Service agents outside hospital

  • One Walter Reed doctor voiced the anger many felt, calling it 'unnecessary' and 'insanity'
  • Dr James Phillips said: 'They might get sick. They may die. For political theater'
Not Trump. It's his double. Trump is flat on his back ventilated.

Wishful thinking there commie?

What a moron

Is he stupid or just doesn’t care if he infects others
Has it occurred to you idiots that his Secret Service is already exposed to him everyday because it’s their job to stay close to him and protect him?
So even when he's both sick and a disease-carrier the Orange Orifice can't resist putting others at-risk for the sake of his image-enhancement?

Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ-on-a-Crutch... what an irresponsible, despicable, self-centered a$$hole.
His Secret Service aren’t made up of snowflakes.
I thought he had gotten out of the Hospital. I didn't know it was just a joy ride, to wave at people and expose perfectly health secret service protective detail personnel to Covid-19 in closed bullet proof SUV with all the windows closed. He is back in the hospital now. Good grief! What a uncaring Jerk!
'This is insanity': Walter Reed doctor slams Trump for putting 'lives at risk' for 'political theater' after the president greets fans in a drive-by staffed by Secret Service agents outside hospital

  • One Walter Reed doctor voiced the anger many felt, calling it 'unnecessary' and 'insanity'
  • Dr James Phillips said: 'They might get sick. They may die. For political theater'
Unless he is faking the whole thing for politics. . . is that physician that slammed him in on it?


. . . or it could just be a case of partisans have different standards for folks on their side, and very short memories to boot.

View attachment 397296
I don't think he is faking it. They get caught at just about everything. People talk. His own people have ratted him out to the papers, congress, publishers, and anybody that would listen, since he got there. No way he could cover that kind of lie, right up to the election. He is not smart enough, organized enough, or in control enough to pull it off.
No. He did not. There are very view trump supporters that believe in mask, distancing, following the conservative self protective guidelines. You see it at the rallies, hear it on the news, read it here on the board. Due to his leadership or lack there of, many like Herman Cain are dead and many others have been sickened. That is negative leadership inspiring blind followership. It is one of the primary reasons the United States leads the world in confirmed cases and death. Surely you don't think we just have shittier healthcare, right? Do you have a different theory as to why we lead the planet by such a margin?
Herman Cain was old.

Look, we can't save everybody's grandpa. We have to reopen the economy and some old people who catch it can't be saved.
Dead is dead. That is what it caused for over 214,000 Americans. Which 9 month period did aids and ebola kill as many Americans?
AIDS didn't get me, probably because I don't s*** d***.
You found it necessary to tell us that, out of the blue? It had not occurred to me, until your jumped out there with a denial statement. Is this suggested about you a lot?

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