Walter Reed doctor slams Trump for putting 'lives at risk' for 'political theater

Trump doesn't take kindly to criticism. let alone harsh, constant criticism.

it makes him defensive and angry.

which is his default expression when he speaks in public

which is his problem to begin with
even though i love Trump to death, he sometimes makes me want to tear my hair out

hence why i'm conflicted
So is this doc claiming it can spread through closed quarters to outsiders? Or he failed to realize these are the same secret service already quarantined with him? Lol
If they get sick, joy riding with the pres, he will just say, send me some more healthy lackeys. They get paid to take a bullet so they shouldn't mind sharing my sometimes deadly disease. If they have family, tough for them.

One, if they're perfectly healthy, they are at a minimal chance of adverse effects. And two, the SS agents may have already had it and recovered. The fact is you commies are making stupid assumptions again with zero facts.

BTW, he was wearing a mask, isn't that supposed to protect others from you?

Keep telling yourself that and hope you never get it. Heck, I hope you never get it.

Keep telling myself what exactly. Also I may have already had it, I had a tough case of pneumonia back in Feb, but I haven't been tested. We have a lot of Chinese in the Houston metro area, so ya never know.

I got it flying in to Dallas/Ft Worth. You can keep telling yourself that if you think you are healthy you have minimal chance of bad outcome, but it may or may not be true. If you had pneumonia this year since Feb, I would get the anti-body blood test. I did get that through my primary care clinic. That got me sent back into quarantine and and another swab up the nose that said I did not have an active case at that time, so I was not back in quarrantine the full 14 days that time. After the positive LabCorp Anti-body test, I ordered a cool T-shirt online, with a picture of the virus and saying Covid-19, Been There, Done That, Got The Anti-bodies written around it, to commemorate the year. BTW, I have since had another Anti-body test that says I no longer have the anti-bodies. My primary told me at the time I tested positive, I should keep taking precautions as they do not last.
I thought he had gotten out of the Hospital. I didn't know it was just a joy ride, to wave at people and expose perfectly health secret service protective detail personnel to Covid-19 in closed bullet proof SUV with all the windows closed. He is back in the hospital now. Good grief! What a uncaring Jerk!
'This is insanity': Walter Reed doctor slams Trump for putting 'lives at risk' for 'political theater' after the president greets fans in a drive-by staffed by Secret Service agents outside hospital

  • One Walter Reed doctor voiced the anger many felt, calling it 'unnecessary' and 'insanity'
  • Dr James Phillips said: 'They might get sick. They may die. For political theater'
Not Trump. It's his double. Trump is flat on his back ventilated.

Wishful thinking there commie?

I would rather be a commie, which I'm not, than some dumbass Texan.

Good to see you got your rathers there child. One of these days you might grow up and get a fucking clue.

Poor dumb Texan has such a big mouth and such a little brain.

Well commie, at least I have a brain. LMAO

You can bleep out talking points like the best of them, but you still don't have that "clue" you talk about.
I thought he had gotten out of the Hospital. I didn't know it was just a joy ride, to wave at people and expose perfectly health secret service protective detail personnel to Covid-19 in closed bullet proof SUV with all the windows closed. He is back in the hospital now. Good grief! What a uncaring Jerk!
'This is insanity': Walter Reed doctor slams Trump for putting 'lives at risk' for 'political theater' after the president greets fans in a drive-by staffed by Secret Service agents outside hospital

  • One Walter Reed doctor voiced the anger many felt, calling it 'unnecessary' and 'insanity'
  • Dr James Phillips said: 'They might get sick. They may die. For political theater'

WE need to treat him just like someone that knows they have Aids having open and unprotected sex with an unknowing person.
Yep. Sounds like a intentional criminal act, to me.

ROFLMAO, do you seriously think the people around him didn't know he has covid? You and Tweedledum aren't too bright.

Who said they didn't. Eight from the super spreader event at the white house came down with it. Don't you get the news?

You are once again making assumptions with zero evidence. Your problem is you believe the MSM, which has no relationship with facts.

What assumptions? I can pull up a list of the people that popped positive since being at the event, only Saturday, a week ago, including Potus, Flotus, Hicks, two people on the Senate judiciary Committe, including the chairman, and others, I cannot name that have made statements of being tested positive and entering quarantine. You are sitting in front of a computer. Look it up.
I thought he had gotten out of the Hospital. I didn't know it was just a joy ride, to wave at people and expose perfectly health secret service protective detail personnel to Covid-19 in closed bullet proof SUV with all the windows closed. He is back in the hospital now. Good grief! What a uncaring Jerk!
'This is insanity': Walter Reed doctor slams Trump for putting 'lives at risk' for 'political theater' after the president greets fans in a drive-by staffed by Secret Service agents outside hospital

  • One Walter Reed doctor voiced the anger many felt, calling it 'unnecessary' and 'insanity'
  • Dr James Phillips said: 'They might get sick. They may die. For political theater'

Dr. Phillips, a Democrat, is unhappy clearly.

Doctors are working on patients all day who have the virus. What does he want people to do? it's a virus, it's not an automatic death sentence. As long as people take the necessary steps to protect themselves, aren't they safe? That's according to CNN and others.
He should want them to stay in quarantine, not needlessly taking chances with people on orders under him. That would be a responsible attitude.

I appreciate your perspective. I'm just suggesting that this is part of what is happening all day long, with many people, in and out. By the way, there is danger for him as a patient too, for what's it's worth.

In the end, he took a chopper there, multiple vehicle rides, he's surrounded by a team of doctors. They aren't concerned with instant death from this. Nor are the secret service who have ridden with him and been by his side the entire time. They take necessary precautions, it's not infaillable.

Also of note, did the protesters/rioters or CNN care about the health of police who put themselves at risk when they took to the streets!??!
You do not know what the secret service think of having to go for a joy ride with an infectious Commander and Chief. Getting him to the hospital is a given. When release, after these experimental treatments, another given. Riding him around to breath in a closed in bullet proof care with the windows closed with trump knowingly infectious, ain't in the job description. Remember him saying all you have to do is breath the air?

Uhm it is in the job description
by becoming president, Trump has everything a narcissist wants, including being beloved by the masses who worship his feet, quality medical care, and quality security protection, to name a few
So is this doc claiming it can spread through closed quarters to outsiders? Or he failed to realize these are the same secret service already quarantined with him? Lol
If they get sick, joy riding with the pres, he will just say, send me some more healthy lackeys. They get paid to take a bullet so they shouldn't mind sharing my sometimes deadly disease. If they have family, tough for them.

One, if they're perfectly healthy, they are at a minimal chance of adverse effects. And two, the SS agents may have already had it and recovered. The fact is you commies are making stupid assumptions again with zero facts.

BTW, he was wearing a mask, isn't that supposed to protect others from you?

Keep telling yourself that and hope you never get it. Heck, I hope you never get it.

Keep telling myself what exactly. Also I may have already had it, I had a tough case of pneumonia back in Feb, but I haven't been tested. We have a lot of Chinese in the Houston metro area, so ya never know.

I got it flying in to Dallas/Ft Worth. You can keep telling yourself that if you think you are healthy you have minimal chance of bad outcome, but it may or may not be true. If you had pneumonia this year since Feb, I would get the anti-body blood test. I did get that through my primary care clinic. That got me sent back into quarantine and and another swab up the nose that said I did not have an active case at that time, so I was not back in quarrantine the full 14 days that time. After the positive LabCorp Anti-body test, I ordered a cool T-shirt online, with a picture of the virus and saying Covid-19, Been There, Done That, Got The Anti-bodies written around it, to commemorate the year. BTW, I have since had another Anti-body test that says I no longer have the anti-bodies. My primary told me at the time I tested positive, I should keep taking precautions as they do not last.

The fact is, if there is early intervention with therapeutics almost anyone is capable of a good outcome. Unfortunately very few get the same treatment the president gets. The advanced therapeutics he received will probably have him testing negative within 8-10 days.

I thought he had gotten out of the Hospital. I didn't know it was just a joy ride, to wave at people and expose perfectly health secret service protective detail personnel to Covid-19 in closed bullet proof SUV with all the windows closed. He is back in the hospital now. Good grief! What a uncaring Jerk!
'This is insanity': Walter Reed doctor slams Trump for putting 'lives at risk' for 'political theater' after the president greets fans in a drive-by staffed by Secret Service agents outside hospital

  • One Walter Reed doctor voiced the anger many felt, calling it 'unnecessary' and 'insanity'
  • Dr James Phillips said: 'They might get sick. They may die. For political theater'

WE need to treat him just like someone that knows they have Aids having open and unprotected sex with an unknowing person.
Yep. Sounds like a intentional criminal act, to me.

ROFLMAO, do you seriously think the people around him didn't know he has covid? You and Tweedledum aren't too bright.

Who said they didn't. Eight from the super spreader event at the white house came down with it. Don't you get the news?

You are once again making assumptions with zero evidence. Your problem is you believe the MSM, which has no relationship with facts.

What assumptions? I can pull up a list of the people that popped positive since being at the event, only Saturday, a week ago, including Potus, Flotus, Hicks, two people on the Senate judiciary Committe, including the chairman, and others, I cannot name that have made statements of being tested positive and entering quarantine. You are sitting in front of a computer. Look it up.

And you or anyone else doesn't know exactly when those folks were infected. Reports that you are referring to are pure speculation. BTW the chairman of the judiciary, Lindsey Graham, has NOT tested positive.

So to recap. A leftwing doctor that reports on CNN disagreed with the President, and his word is truth and correct to all the lefties. MEANWHILE Trumps TEAM of doctors stated FOR the record on Camera to MILLIONS of people that Trump was out with THEIR permission and of course to these same lying lefties those doctors are Lying. Trump wears a mask which according to the haters stops the spread and everyone should but somehow Trump is different and his mask doesn't work, right lefties?
Walter Reed Hospital has many employees (doctors, nurses, orderlies, custodians, etc.).

I have no doubt that some (many?) of them "dislike" President Trump.

For his safety, I hope that he can return to the Executive Mansion as soon as it is possible.

He might be safer there, although no doubt some of the employees there are not thrilled with him, either.

Because of the irrational "dislike" that has been whipped up against him for four solid years, I worry about his personal safety.

Maybe his likely defeat on November 3 will be a "good" thing for him & his family.

If there is any justice in this world (and, of course, there is NOT), the Dems & the media will surely someday and in some way get their comeuppance.
Hard to prove with so many dead people, that were live people before it got here. So you figure trump lied to Woodward on tape, not the American people and his followers the whole time he has played it down?
Trump had to play it down, it would have been a tragedy if there was a panic on the market that would have caused it to crash.
Wall Street reacted sharply and then recovered. I do not think the American public nearly as panicky as the pres makes out. He chose poorly. He should have played it straight and used positive leadership to mobilize the people, instead of pitting his followers against modern public health and scientific community. They are right, a whole lot more often than wrong. Fatalism is stupid.
Trump did what he could. He even came up with cures for Coronavirus.
No. He did not. There are very view trump supporters that believe in mask, distancing, following the conservative self protective guidelines. You see it at the rallies, hear it on the news, read it here on the board. Due to his leadership or lack there of, many like Herman Cain are dead and many others have been sickened. That is negative leadership inspiring blind followership. It is one of the primary reasons the United States leads the world in confirmed cases and death. Surely you don't think we just have shittier healthcare, right? Do you have a different theory as to why we lead the planet by such a margin?

The Virus is RACIST-----it has been hitting blacks harder and more often than other races.
Going for a 10 minute drive is "insanity"? :dunno:

Lighten up doc.
Makes me angry, he would have such wanton disregard for other people's health and that of their families.
“You just breathe the air and that’s how it’s passed,” Trump said in a Feb. 7 call with Woodward. “And so that’s a very tricky one. That’s a very delicate one. It’s also more deadly than even your strenuous flu.”
“This is deadly stuff,” the president repeated for emphasis.
Trump told Woodward on March 19 that he deliberately minimized the danger. “I wanted to always play it down,” the president said.
Except we know far more now than we did back in March.

It’s not “deadly” for young healthy people.
A 28 year old teacher here in Tennessee started coming down with it on a Thursday and died on the following Monday. Seems to effect different people differently. I got it in the winter, over 65 then, and pack a day smoker. It was a bad flue, but I never had to go to hospital. Didn't know it was Covid, coming back on the plane. No telling who caught it from me. Seems almost like an autoimmune thing were some people's systems react far worse to it than others. Reminds me of allergies. Amazing what all people are allergic to now days, where when I was a kid, allergies were mostly about hay fever, now people develop reactions to the damnedest things. Heck, we are suppressing my dog's autoimmune system right now. My dog, for goodness sake! I'm 66, had them all my life, mostly living outside and now have a German Shepard that may be allergic to grass of all things. Covid's a real deal. I gave CPR back in early spring to a 31 year old, who fell dead in the front yard next door two weeks after coming back from Detroit, when they were at their height of spread. I got ordered to 14 day quarantine and testing, but turned out I had the antibodies. Be careful dude. You do not know if you are made of steel, til the rust gets in your lungs. No picnic.

I think you mean Demi Bannister of SC (Richland 2 schools) .......the virus is hitting people in her race harder than others.
...His Secret Service aren’t made up of snowflakes.

His Secret Service agents have no administrative nor biological defense against a superior who stupidly and callously and needlessly puts them in harm's way.

All fixed.
Trump insists those around him agree to risk infection

He berated them for wearing masks and now insists they share a car with him while he is infected
The word for him is Evil.
Did you say the same with Pelosi illegally walking through a hair salon without a mask?
Do you think that the virus is eating only the evil part of his brain and when he recovers, if he does, will he be anything better than the moron he is?
Best president in our history.
Trump insists those around him agree to risk infection

He berated them for wearing masks and now insists they share a car with him while he is infected
The word for him is Evil.
Did you say the same with Pelosi illegally walking through a hair salon without a mask?
Why not? She illegally went there and illegally didn't wear a mask. I see, if you agree with them. They can affect and kill as many people they want.
She didn't/doesn't have the virus like Chairman Trump. Don't think that is the case huh?
She didn't know if she did or not. She wouldn't let mandatory testing for congress.
Does everyone in this fucked up world have to both have an opinion AND share it to the world???

Shut the fuck up, Doctor.
I think it is called freedom of speech.
Yeah and under obama, you were a racist if you did the same.
Great "what about Obama" reply.:abgg2q.jpg:
Yeah, under obama. You didn't have free speech. If you disagreed with him.
Wouldn't know. I was busy working and not hanging out watching. What is it he is running for that prompted you to bring him up, as if it was relevant?
Lol, but you have time now to whine about Trump on here daily?
So is this doc claiming it can spread through closed quarters to outsiders? Or he failed to realize these are the same secret service already quarantined with him? Lol
If they get sick, joy riding with the pres, he will just say, send me some more healthy lackeys. They get paid to take a bullet so they shouldn't mind sharing my sometimes deadly disease. If they have family, tough for them.
You do realize, everyone has a 99% survival rate?
What a rightarded thing to say. According to you, a 90 year old person has the same chance of surviving as a 20 year old. :cuckoo:
They have a better chance than what is being reported.
Trump insists those around him agree to risk infection

He berated them for wearing masks and now insists they share a car with him while he is infected
The word for him is Evil.
Did you say the same with Pelosi illegally walking through a hair salon without a mask?
Why not? She illegally went there and illegally didn't wear a mask. I see, if you agree with them. They can affect and kill as many people they want.
You are lying. She was invited by the owner, with a mask in her neck after they shampooed her hair. The owner Kious purposely set her up back up by the hair stylist. Then the bastard owner went to Fox News.

She called for an appointment, defying her own rules. There wasn't a mask in sight on the video I saw.

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