Walter Scott Hadn't Paid Child Support since 2012 but was Buying a Mercedes

OK, the cop shouldn't have shot him as he was running away and i hope the cop sends time in prison.

Why is it this guy was buying a Mercedes but hadn't paid child support in 4 years?

It's a 190 E. Not exactly an expensive car.

It does not matter what it was.

If he had paid his child support, he would not have thought he needed to run.

If he had not run, he would be alive.

"What difference – at this point, what difference does it make?"

If the cop hadn't been bloodthirsty and not able to control himself the man would be alive today as well.
Outrageous exageration.

How can murder be exaggerated even a little?
OK, the cop shouldn't have shot him as he was running away and i hope the cop sends time in prison.

Why is it this guy was buying a Mercedes but hadn't paid child support in 4 years?

It's a 190 E. Not exactly an expensive car.

It does not matter what it was.

If he had paid his child support, he would not have thought he needed to run.

If he had not run, he would be alive.

"What difference – at this point, what difference does it make?"

If the cop hadn't been bloodthirsty and not able to control himself the man would be alive today as well.
Outrageous exageration.

How can murder be exaggerated even a little?
"Murder" was exaggerated in Zimmerman certainly. That's why he walked.
Because the BLM brought guns to the party first. The Bundy's responded to a gross government overreach. I don't like the Bundy's in the slightest, but the government broke the law by taking their cattle without a warrant, and the government further engaged in wanton destruction for the sake of vandalism. The BLM was wholly in the wrong in that case.

The cattle were on BLM's land.

So let me get this straight. A bunch of crazy white bigots show up with guns to support a rich guy who isn't paying his fair usage fees. A couple of these asshole who showed up to support him went on to execute two cops who were having their lunch.

You wingnuts turn Bundy into a folk hero. At least until he gets caught on tape saying a bunch of racist shit.

MEANWHILE- Trayvon and Mike Brown and Walter Scott get shot over minor offenses or even no offense at all, and man, you can't get out there and defend the shooters fast enough.
OK, the cop shouldn't have shot him as he was running away and i hope the cop sends time in prison.

Why is it this guy was buying a Mercedes but hadn't paid child support in 4 years?
2015-2012=3 years. Dunno maybe he had the car BEFORE he stopped paying it....
One guy had not paid his child support.
Another guy did a bad shoot.
The guy who filmed it has NINE drug busts.

Remember in the movie when the man said "It's a giant shit sandwich and everybody gets a bite"? Well the plates up.

Nine drug busts?

Well, I guess the cop didn't shoot the black guy then.
One guy had not paid his child support.
Another guy did a bad shoot.
The guy who filmed it has NINE drug busts.

Remember in the movie when the man said "It's a giant shit sandwich and everybody gets a bite"? Well the plates up.
:lol: Now the guy who shot the video is under scrutiny...for simply witnessing an event and sharing a video that reveals the truth. How fucking pathetic you hate filled teapers are.

Yeah not only to they comb through the victims past as "just the facts" but then they go after anyone who saw it, videos it anything.

you have to realize that you wouldnt need to smear ANYONE if facts were on your side.
What the hell did you jerks do to Joe the Plumber? Entire east and west coast newspaper staffs researched for dirt on him. So STFU about us wanting to know the background of the officer's accusers. Criminals in their own right.

And what was Plumber Hoe the victim of that put him in the spotlight?

Answer: nothing.

See the difference. You might want to re read it and notice I said "victim"
Joe said something that embarrassed Obutthole and so he had to be punished by the lapdogs.

Glad you see the difference
OK, the cop shouldn't have shot him as he was running away and i hope the cop sends time in prison.

Why is it this guy was buying a Mercedes but hadn't paid child support in 4 years?

Maybe the mosther of those children was jerking him around on visitation.

It doesn't matter.

Here's a better question. Why was it okay for Cliven Bundy to threaten feds with guns for not paying his grazing fees, but you guys think that we should let the cops brutalize Walter Scott for alimony.

Damn you are stupid.

He got shot because he ran.

Cop has been arrested, jailed, charged, held without bail.

Meanwhile, dumbass that ran is still dead.

Darwin in action.
Because the BLM brought guns to the party first. The Bundy's responded to a gross government overreach. I don't like the Bundy's in the slightest, but the government broke the law by taking their cattle without a warrant, and the government further engaged in wanton destruction for the sake of vandalism. The BLM was wholly in the wrong in that case.

The cattle were on BLM's land.

So let me get this straight. A bunch of crazy white bigots show up with guns to support a rich guy who isn't paying his fair usage fees. A couple of these asshole who showed up to support him went on to execute two cops who were having their lunch.

You wingnuts turn Bundy into a folk hero. At least until he gets caught on tape saying a bunch of racist shit.

MEANWHILE- Trayvon and Mike Brown and Walter Scott get shot over minor offenses or even no offense at all, and man, you can't get out there and defend the shooters fast enough.
Bundy should have been handled properly; but like everything in this administration, it was fucked up, and the government backed down.

Like it backed down to Assad, Putin, ISIS, mullahs, et al.
The cop tried to stage the event, just like Hillary is trying to stage her involvement in Benghazi. The only difference is that essentially, Hillary got her hands on the video and destroyed it
Because the BLM brought guns to the party first. The Bundy's responded to a gross government overreach. I don't like the Bundy's in the slightest, but the government broke the law by taking their cattle without a warrant, and the government further engaged in wanton destruction for the sake of vandalism. The BLM was wholly in the wrong in that case.

The cattle were on BLM's land.

So let me get this straight. A bunch of crazy white bigots show up with guns to support a rich guy who isn't paying his fair usage fees. A couple of these asshole who showed up to support him went on to execute two cops who were having their lunch.

You wingnuts turn Bundy into a folk hero. At least until he gets caught on tape saying a bunch of racist shit.

MEANWHILE- Trayvon and Mike Brown and Walter Scott get shot over minor offenses or even no offense at all, and man, you can't get out there and defend the shooters fast enough.

It doesn't matter. The BLM should have gone to a judge and had a tax lien placed on the Bundy's. That way whenever they tried to sell their cattle the money would have automatically gone to the Feds. Instead, they tried to pull a Waco to make themselves look good and they got bitch slapped for it. The BLM ended up breaking even more laws than the Bundy's ever had.

The two assholes you speak of were kicked off of Bundy's land and no surprise here were Occupy Wallstreet assholes (like you are, funnily enough) and no one but extremists (like you) turned Bundy into a hero. The BLM stepped in the poo due to gross incompetence and no surprise here, fools like you support them.
Would have, could have, should have...doesn't change the fact that the teapers exposed themselves as terrorists when they threatened to use women as human shields.
OK, the cop shouldn't have shot him as he was running away and i hope the cop sends time in prison.

Why is it this guy was buying a Mercedes but hadn't paid child support in 4 years?

Maybe the mosther of those children was jerking him around on visitation.

It doesn't matter.

Here's a better question. Why was it okay for Cliven Bundy to threaten feds with guns for not paying his grazing fees, but you guys think that we should let the cops brutalize Walter Scott for alimony.

Because the BLM brought guns to the party first. The Bundy's responded to a gross government overreach. I don't like the Bundy's in the slightest, but the government broke the law by taking their cattle without a warrant, and the government further engaged in wanton destruction for the sake of vandalism. The BLM was wholly in the wrong in that case.

The BLM brought guns the same way, for the same reasons, and with the same authority that police bring guns to their encounters. They did have judicial approval, and a warrant. Bundy just didn't want to recognize the government's authority for any of it. He is just another typical right wing moocher..
OK, the cop shouldn't have shot him as he was running away and i hope the cop sends time in prison.

Why is it this guy was buying a Mercedes but hadn't paid child support in 4 years?

Maybe the mosther of those children was jerking him around on visitation.

It doesn't matter.

Here's a better question. Why was it okay for Cliven Bundy to threaten feds with guns for not paying his grazing fees, but you guys think that we should let the cops brutalize Walter Scott for alimony.

Because the BLM brought guns to the party first. The Bundy's responded to a gross government overreach. I don't like the Bundy's in the slightest, but the government broke the law by taking their cattle without a warrant, and the government further engaged in wanton destruction for the sake of vandalism. The BLM was wholly in the wrong in that case.

The BLM brought guns the same way, for the same reasons, and with the same authority that police bring guns to their encounters. They did have judicial approval, and a warrant. Bundy just didn't want to recognize the government's authority for any of it. He is just another typical right wing moocher..
Sure, Bundy's a moocher. A moocher that produces the food bought with food stamps, everything from hot dogs to sirloin and keeps the rest of America that pays for it fed.
OK, the cop shouldn't have shot him as he was running away and i hope the cop sends time in prison.

Why is it this guy was buying a Mercedes but hadn't paid child support in 4 years?

Maybe the mosther of those children was jerking him around on visitation.

It doesn't matter.

Here's a better question. Why was it okay for Cliven Bundy to threaten feds with guns for not paying his grazing fees, but you guys think that we should let the cops brutalize Walter Scott for alimony.

Because the BLM brought guns to the party first. The Bundy's responded to a gross government overreach. I don't like the Bundy's in the slightest, but the government broke the law by taking their cattle without a warrant, and the government further engaged in wanton destruction for the sake of vandalism. The BLM was wholly in the wrong in that case.

The BLM brought guns the same way, for the same reasons, and with the same authority that police bring guns to their encounters. They did have judicial approval, and a warrant. Bundy just didn't want to recognize the government's authority for any of it. He is just another typical right wing moocher..
Sure, Bundy's a moocher. A moocher that produces the food bought with food stamps, everything from hot dogs to sirloin and keeps the rest of America that pays for it fed.

So laws and legal obligations should be suspended for anyone working in the food industry? Get real.
OK, the cop shouldn't have shot him as he was running away and i hope the cop sends time in prison.

Why is it this guy was buying a Mercedes but hadn't paid child support in 4 years?

Maybe the mosther of those children was jerking him around on visitation.

It doesn't matter.

Here's a better question. Why was it okay for Cliven Bundy to threaten feds with guns for not paying his grazing fees, but you guys think that we should let the cops brutalize Walter Scott for alimony.

Because the BLM brought guns to the party first. The Bundy's responded to a gross government overreach. I don't like the Bundy's in the slightest, but the government broke the law by taking their cattle without a warrant, and the government further engaged in wanton destruction for the sake of vandalism. The BLM was wholly in the wrong in that case.

The BLM brought guns the same way, for the same reasons, and with the same authority that police bring guns to their encounters. They did have judicial approval, and a warrant. Bundy just didn't want to recognize the government's authority for any of it. He is just another typical right wing moocher..
Sure, Bundy's a moocher. A moocher that produces the food bought with food stamps, everything from hot dogs to sirloin and keeps the rest of America that pays for it fed.

So laws and legal obligations should be suspended for anyone working in the food industry? Get real.
And Bundy is special...he shouldn't have to pay taxes like every other rancher. :lol: These teapers zealots are fucking idiots.
OK, the cop shouldn't have shot him as he was running away and i hope the cop sends time in prison.

Why is it this guy was buying a Mercedes but hadn't paid child support in 4 years?

Maybe the mosther of those children was jerking him around on visitation.

It doesn't matter.

Here's a better question. Why was it okay for Cliven Bundy to threaten feds with guns for not paying his grazing fees, but you guys think that we should let the cops brutalize Walter Scott for alimony.

Because the BLM brought guns to the party first. The Bundy's responded to a gross government overreach. I don't like the Bundy's in the slightest, but the government broke the law by taking their cattle without a warrant, and the government further engaged in wanton destruction for the sake of vandalism. The BLM was wholly in the wrong in that case.

The BLM brought guns the same way, for the same reasons, and with the same authority that police bring guns to their encounters. They did have judicial approval, and a warrant. Bundy just didn't want to recognize the government's authority for any of it. He is just another typical right wing moocher..
Sure, Bundy's a moocher. A moocher that produces the food bought with food stamps, everything from hot dogs to sirloin and keeps the rest of America that pays for it fed.

So laws and legal obligations should be suspended for anyone working in the food industry? Get real.
Of course not. It was your comment on moocher. This guy actually produces nothing less than the food Americans eat, even those who get it free through his taxes. Tell me he's avoiding paying taxes and then you may have a point, though debatable.
Maybe the mosther of those children was jerking him around on visitation.

It doesn't matter.

Here's a better question. Why was it okay for Cliven Bundy to threaten feds with guns for not paying his grazing fees, but you guys think that we should let the cops brutalize Walter Scott for alimony.

Because the BLM brought guns to the party first. The Bundy's responded to a gross government overreach. I don't like the Bundy's in the slightest, but the government broke the law by taking their cattle without a warrant, and the government further engaged in wanton destruction for the sake of vandalism. The BLM was wholly in the wrong in that case.

The BLM brought guns the same way, for the same reasons, and with the same authority that police bring guns to their encounters. They did have judicial approval, and a warrant. Bundy just didn't want to recognize the government's authority for any of it. He is just another typical right wing moocher..
Sure, Bundy's a moocher. A moocher that produces the food bought with food stamps, everything from hot dogs to sirloin and keeps the rest of America that pays for it fed.

So laws and legal obligations should be suspended for anyone working in the food industry? Get real.
Of course not. It was your comment on moocher. This guy actually produces nothing less than the food Americans eat, even those who get it free through his taxes. Tell me he's avoiding paying taxes and then you may have a point, though debatable.

He sells cattle for a profit and doesn't pay for what it costs to produce those cattle. That's a moocher.

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