Wanna see something eerie?

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A propaganda outlet, Sinclair, using local tv anchors against their will, to put out propaganda that is extremely dangerous to any democracy and their first message is to try to paint every other news outlet as what Sinclair Broadcasting is.

This IS Goebbels 101 propaganda for the fascist state.

It begins in earnest.
MSM News people complaining about social media news outlets and story checking? That's rich.....
What? Do you have Tourettes Syndrome, or something? This thread is about the creepy script handed down by Sinclair.

Left wing media....

You think Sinclair is left wing media?

The media is in place to mold your brain...looks as if it's working on you.....

Truly, this is probably the 20th thread on this.

Did you ever think they have a main newsroom that writes the script for their stations on national news? It would be dumb if they didn’t. The fact you guys just are realizing it is nuts.

Unless you honestly believe each has their own research team for identical stories, you are fooling yourselves. I am sure if someone took the time to analyze other owner stations you would find the same.

It seems like its a message from corporate to me. I dont understand the outrage.
Against their will? Truth is dangerous?

Maybe it’s about time you realize that there are many in this country that want truth, not what you call truth.

A propaganda outlet, Sinclair, using local tv anchors against their will, to put out propaganda that is extremely dangerous to any democracy and their first message is to try to paint every other news outlet as what Sinclair Broadcasting is.

This IS Goebbels 101 propaganda for the fascist state.

It begins in earnest.
I am not obsessive compulsive like the left is, when it comes to crap like this and will not take the time to find examples for you. You want to prove it wrong, then go find it and post it. But I will gander you will find it to be the same.

Truly, this is probably the 20th thread on this.

Did you ever think they have a main newsroom that writes the script for their stations on national news? It would be dumb if they didn’t. The fact you guys just are realizing it is nuts.

Unless you honestly believe each has their own research team for identical stories, you are fooling yourselves. I am sure if someone took the time to analyze other owner stations you would find the same.

I am not obsessive compulsive like the left is, when it comes to crap like this and will not take the time to find examples for you. You want to prove it wrong, then go find it and post it. But I will gander you will find it to be the same.

Truly, this is probably the 20th thread on this.

Did you ever think they have a main newsroom that writes the script for their stations on national news? It would be dumb if they didn’t. The fact you guys just are realizing it is nuts.

Unless you honestly believe each has their own research team for identical stories, you are fooling yourselves. I am sure if someone took the time to analyze other owner stations you would find the same.


So you got nothing. That's what I thought.
Corporations...a legal person...who doesn't breath.
An artificial person created by law to carry on business as a single individual It can sue or be sued in the corporate name

Do you know what year I remember that from Probably before you were born hehe
But you are very correct Doris! There is an older documentary (2002?) called "The Corporation" produced by a Canadian company. It was one of the first things I saw that really started me thinking about the world around me. It's a long watch but very interesting if you get the chance.
Corporations...a legal person...who doesn't breath.
An artificial person created by law to carry on business as a single individual It can sue or be sued in the corporate name

Do you know what year I remember that from Probably before you were born hehe
But you are very correct Doris! There is an older documentary (2002?) called "The Corporation" produced by a Canadian company. It was one of the first things I saw that really started me thinking about the world around me. It's a long watch but very interesting if you get the chance.

I'll believe corporations are people when Texas executes one.
Corporations...a legal person...who doesn't breath.
An artificial person created by law to carry on business as a single individual It can sue or be sued in the corporate name

Do you know what year I remember that from Probably before you were born hehe
But you are very correct Doris! There is an older documentary (2002?) called "The Corporation" produced by a Canadian company. It was one of the first things I saw that really started me thinking about the world around me. It's a long watch but very interesting if you get the chance.

I'll believe corporations are people when Texas executes one.
Elab please.
Corporations...a legal person...who doesn't breath.
An artificial person created by law to carry on business as a single individual It can sue or be sued in the corporate name

Do you know what year I remember that from Probably before you were born hehe
But you are very correct Doris! There is an older documentary (2002?) called "The Corporation" produced by a Canadian company. It was one of the first things I saw that really started me thinking about the world around me. It's a long watch but very interesting if you get the chance.

I'll believe corporations are people when Texas executes one.
Elab please.

If you don't understand a statement that simple, I can't help you.
OPs require some original content along with video. Closed.
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