Want gun control? Fight smart.

You sick pos want to strip the guns
strip the free speech
no due process
no constitution leaving us the only right we have left is to DIE why you are pathetic losers so freaking dumbed down and moronic you can see this
Chip away, chip away, chip away.


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Your post is exactly what my post is talking against. Take your poisonous rhetoric to another thread, please.
The general response is, yes, you can hunt with an AR15, but as we get talking, no one I've talked to actually uses one for hunting. That is all I'm saying.

I don't care if one can or cannot hunt with an AR-15 (and its variants). I know one can fatally shoot lots of people with one, even if one can't kill anything else with an AR-15, and judging by the weapons actually used in mass shootings since 2012 or so, it's the firearm of choice among the wackos who commit such crimes. Why is it that wackos so often use/have AR-15-like firearms to commit their crimes? I don't know; presumably for the same reason(s) AR-15 and its variants are America's most popular rifle in the U.S.
When Bill Cinton banned the AR-15 columbine high school shooting happened. Didn't do squat. Of course Columbine was a gun free zone, but alas stupid people actually believe that EVIL people wont bring their guns there. In my area, schools don't have to worry about people with guns and teachers are allowed to carry. Feeling lucky punk!!!!

I would love to know what law would have stopped that kid from shooting up the school.
Am I to understand that because a law won't stop anyone running a red light there should not be such a law? That is a logical implication of your request.
"more gun laws and this wouldnt have happened"
What fucking laws would have stopped him from shooting up the school? If no law would have curbed it, why restrict everyone elses freedoms?
Comparing traffic laws to constitutional rights is absurd.
Traffic laws set limits, "regulate" travel in order to keep the public safe on the roadways. I don't see why limits/regulation on firearms is different. Rights come with responsibilities, TN. Don't they teach that anymore?
Of course they do!
Why is it that wackos so often use/have AR-15-like firearms to commit their crimes? I don't know; presumably for the same reason(s) AR-15 and its variants are America's most popular rifle in the U.S.
I'd suggest it is because it will quickly and reliably fire large magazines of easily obtainable cheap ammunition.
So will handguns. Do you know how long it takes me to change magazines on my 9mm?

5 seconds....or less
When you boil it down to what it is, you see that we are really just trapped in a bloody, cynical capitalist scheme where gun makers seek to broaden their customer base to include crazies, wife beaters, and terrorists because they want to achieve profits. So they give money to the NRA who then lobbies politicians to weaken gun laws, and if a few wife beaters, crazies, and terrorists get guns, so be it...capitalism by blood. Then when those wife beaters, crazies, and terrorists go on a rampage, the gun makers and the NRA use them to stoke fear for personal safety and/or government confiscation, sending "responsible gun owners" scurrying to their closest arms dealer to buy another gun or five.

Every single gun owner is caught in this scheme.
Remember when that racist ran over that girl at a NAZI rally? Do you remember people blamed him and his group and not the car? JW
What fucking laws would have stopped him from shooting up the school? If no law would have curbed it, why restrict everyone elses freedoms?
What law would have stopped him from running a red light. If no law would have stopped it, why curb every bodies' freedoms?
You do realize that calling for gun bans is curbing the rights of people who do not commit crimes with guns don't you?
Why is it that wackos so often use/have AR-15-like firearms to commit their crimes? I don't know; presumably for the same reason(s) AR-15 and its variants are America's most popular rifle in the U.S.
I'd suggest it is because it will quickly and reliably fire large magazines of easily obtainable cheap ammunition.
So will handguns. Do you know how long it takes me to change magazines on my 9mm?

5 seconds....or less

Protests all across the nation calling for congress and the government to pass gun control legislation / laws in the wake of recent events. But are guns really the problem? Or is society the problem? #notonemore #guncontrolnow
Why is it that wackos so often use/have AR-15-like firearms to commit their crimes? I don't know; presumably for the same reason(s) AR-15 and its variants are America's most popular rifle in the U.S.
I'd suggest it is because it will quickly and reliably fire large magazines of easily obtainable cheap ammunition.
So will handguns. Do you know how long it takes me to change magazines on my 9mm?

5 seconds....or less

Yeah the hubby can do it lightening fast.
When you boil it down to what it is, you see that we are really just trapped in a bloody, cynical capitalist scheme where gun makers seek to broaden their customer base to include crazies, wife beaters, and terrorists because they want to achieve profits. So they give money to the NRA who then lobbies politicians to weaken gun laws, and if a few wife beaters, crazies, and terrorists get guns, so be it...capitalism by blood. Then when those wife beaters, crazies, and terrorists go on a rampage, the gun makers and the NRA use them to stoke fear for personal safety and/or government confiscation, sending "responsible gun owners" scurrying to their closest arms dealer to buy another gun or five.

Every single gun owner is caught in this scheme.
I have heard that the NRA used to be a safety-first gun organization that was actually helpful to gun owners and those of us who live around them. But I hear they got "bought out" by the gun manufacturers somewhere down the line, who of course had the profit motive alone on their minds. The NRA was romanced by the money the manufacturers brought to the organization's coffers. I see how it might have happened.

Whoever said that money (greed) is the root of all evil was sure as hell right. But as humans, we'll never get around it.
yes, you can hunt with an AR15, but as we get talking, no one I've talked to actually uses one for hunting.
No surprise that. On several hunting enthusiast sites one finds lists of the editors' top pics for deer hunting.
Of all the rifles mentioned, only once is an AR-15 variant cited as among the best rifles for hunting deer.

I also checked a few sites/listings focused on big game hunting. Again, the AR-15 ilk of guns didn't appear.
So while one may or may not be able to use an AR-15-like rifle for hunting, there are plenty of alternatives up and down the the price spectrum.
Im not part of the NRA but they have fought for our liberties well. And i damn sure appreciate that.
Hey guys the ACLU and 20 other orgs railed against obama and his bullshit rule. Go get em! They killed those kids!
Gun Control Laws Should Be Fair

Protests all across the nation calling for congress and the government to pass gun control legislation / laws in the wake of recent events. But are guns really the problem? Or is society the problem? #notonemore #guncontrolnow

There ARE calls for solutions other than gun control. Gun control alone will solve nothing. I agree with you there.

You realize, of course, that hunting has frak all to do with the 2nd Amendment.
Try reading all of the remarks. I'm responding to OP's assertion that nobody hunts with an AR15.
The general response is, yes, you can hunt with an AR15, but as we get talking, no one I've talked to actually uses one for hunting. That is all I'm saying.
Yes. A tiny number of hunters you spoke with don't happen to choose an AR15 to hunt with means pretty much nothing.
To be fair, there isnt much logic at all being applied to the gun debate.

It depends what degree he/she had..Very little time on psychology/ looks like no education on addiction here is the link..I will look later on the social workers crediticials who saw him..I am busy today.
This is for Texas..so I will also look for florida requirements.

Degree Requirements – Steve Hicks School of Social Work – University of Texas

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