Want gun control? Fight smart.

I would love to know what law would have stopped that kid from shooting up the school.
Well there was one law back during Jimmy Carters regime, and that was to allow insane people back into society. That right there started the closing of asylums that would of kept people who want to hurt themselves and others.

Jimmy Carter: Mental Health Systems Legislation Message to the Congress Transmitting the Proposed Legislation.
I am today submitting to Congress the Mental Health Systems Act. This proposed legislation establishes a new partnership between the federal government and the states in the planning 'and provision of mental health services. It seeks to assure that the chronically mentally ill no longer face the cruel alternative of unnecessary institutionalization or inadequate care in the community.
When these sick people were allowed out of the institution, soon there were razor blades in apples and needles in candy bars at Halloween. And the rest is history....Liberal compassion ends up killing people...
Mental health laws wouldnt have stopped this guy either. He was apparently OKd by the FBI (or did they just forget?) AND the state welfare office. The childrens office deemed him perfectly sane.
WRONG! The FBI does not legislate.....welfare workers do not legislate....it takes the gov't to legislate mental illness as a reason to deny their gun purchase.
ERPO's would help.
Extreme Risk Protection Order - Wikipedia

That won't work on me.
No one, including my wife know's how many firearms I own.
I've considered that. Hopefully, if a family member made the call, MOST would know where the guns are stored. Or the warrant would allow a search. If they can find a THC laden piece of tinfoil in the garbage, they should be able to find guns.
I would love to know what law would have stopped that kid from shooting up the school.
Well there was one law back during Jimmy Carters regime, and that was to allow insane people back into society. That right there started the closing of asylums that would of kept people who want to hurt themselves and others.

Jimmy Carter: Mental Health Systems Legislation Message to the Congress Transmitting the Proposed Legislation.
I am today submitting to Congress the Mental Health Systems Act. This proposed legislation establishes a new partnership between the federal government and the states in the planning 'and provision of mental health services. It seeks to assure that the chronically mentally ill no longer face the cruel alternative of unnecessary institutionalization or inadequate care in the community.
When these sick people were allowed out of the institution, soon there were razor blades in apples and needles in candy bars at Halloween. And the rest is history....Liberal compassion ends up killing people...
Mental health laws wouldnt have stopped this guy either. He was apparently OKd by the FBI (or did they just forget?) AND the state welfare office. The childrens office deemed him perfectly sane.
WRONG! The FBI does not legislate.....welfare workers do not legislate....it takes the gov't to legislate mental illness as a reason to deny their gun purchase.
ERPO's would help.
Extreme Risk Protection Order - Wikipedia

That won't work on me.
No one, including my wife know's how many firearms I own.
I bet you have more than 1....Like me, I could care less if I have over 20 weapons, not one "YET" has been used against a very large squirrel..

I would love to know what law would have stopped that kid from shooting up the school.
Am I to understand that because a law won't stop anyone running a red light there should not be such a law? That is a logical implication of your request.
"more gun laws and this wouldnt have happened"
What fucking laws would have stopped him from shooting up the school? If no law would have curbed it, why restrict everyone elses freedoms?
Comparing traffic laws to constitutional rights is absurd.
I would love to know what law would have stopped that kid from shooting up the school.
Am I to understand that because a law won't stop anyone running a red light there should not be such a law? That is a logical implication of your request.
"more gun laws and this wouldnt have happened"
What fucking laws would have stopped him from shooting up the school? If no law would have curbed it, why restrict everyone elses freedoms?
Comparing traffic laws to constitutional rights is absurd.

You keep asking that question and the left seems a little flummoxed
I would love to know what law would have stopped that kid from shooting up the school.
Am I to understand that because a law won't stop anyone running a red light there should not be such a law? That is a logical implication of your request.
Yet even with the red light, law breakers will run the light. So ban all guns yet illegal guns will be used against innocent unarmed people....
I would love to know what law would have stopped that kid from shooting up the school.
The law that says a person can't buy a hand gun until they are 21, should have included semi automatics like the AR15.
That's fine with me but then we should change the age of majority to 21 across the board.

It's beyond stupid that an 18 year old is deemed to be old enough to fight kill and die in the service, enter legal contracts, get married etc but id not old enough to buy liquor or a firearm
I would love to know what law would have stopped that kid from shooting up the school.
The law that says a person can't buy a hand gun until they are 21, should have included semi automatics like the AR15.
That's fine with me but then we should change the age of majority to 21 across the board.

It's beyond stupid that an 18 year old is deemed to be old enough to fight kill and die in the service, enter legal contracts, get married etc but id not old enough to buy liquor or a firearm
They shouldnt be voting! :p
I would love to know what law would have stopped that kid from shooting up the school.
Well there was one law back during Jimmy Carters regime, and that was to allow insane people back into society. That right there started the closing of asylums that would of kept people who want to hurt themselves and others.

Jimmy Carter: Mental Health Systems Legislation Message to the Congress Transmitting the Proposed Legislation.
I am today submitting to Congress the Mental Health Systems Act. This proposed legislation establishes a new partnership between the federal government and the states in the planning 'and provision of mental health services. It seeks to assure that the chronically mentally ill no longer face the cruel alternative of unnecessary institutionalization or inadequate care in the community.
When these sick people were allowed out of the institution, soon there were razor blades in apples and needles in candy bars at Halloween. And the rest is history....Liberal compassion ends up killing people...
Mental health laws wouldnt have stopped this guy either. He was apparently OKd by the FBI (or did they just forget?) AND the state welfare office. The childrens office deemed him perfectly sane.
WRONG! The FBI does not legislate.....welfare workers do not legislate....it takes the gov't to legislate mental illness as a reason to deny their gun purchase.
ERPO's would help.
Extreme Risk Protection Order - Wikipedia
I actually like that law at face value. Then i remember that an accused person has to earn their rights back. That irks me. But it seems like it would help in some areas.
It shouldn't be easy to take away someone's rights. I agree with that and hope if it were enacted that it would take a lot of evidence to remove someone's guns. The current method, though, is to deem someone high risk and then sit back and wait for them to commit murder. THEN they get arrested.
What fucking laws would have stopped him from shooting up the school? If no law would have curbed it, why restrict everyone elses freedoms?
What law would have stopped him from running a red light. If no law would have stopped it, why curb every bodies' freedoms?
The general response is, yes, you can hunt with an AR15, but as we get talking, no one I've talked to actually uses one for hunting. That is all I'm saying.

I don't care if one can or cannot hunt with an AR-15 (and its variants). I know one can fatally shoot lots of people with one, even if one can't kill anything else with an AR-15, and judging by the weapons actually used in mass shootings since 2012 or so, it's the firearm of choice among the wackos who commit such crimes. Why is it that wackos so often use/have AR-15-like firearms to commit their crimes? I don't know; presumably for the same reason(s) AR-15 and its variants are America's most popular rifle in the U.S.
I would love to know what law would have stopped that kid from shooting up the school.
Am I to understand that because a law won't stop anyone running a red light there should not be such a law? That is a logical implication of your request.
"more gun laws and this wouldnt have happened"
What fucking laws would have stopped him from shooting up the school? If no law would have curbed it, why restrict everyone elses freedoms?
Comparing traffic laws to constitutional rights is absurd.
Traffic laws set limits, "regulate" travel in order to keep the public safe on the roadways. I don't see why limits/regulation on firearms is different. Rights come with responsibilities, TN. Don't they teach that anymore?
But I forgot. The greatest country in the world is helpless. Helpless. To stop anyone running a red light.
You sick pos want to strip the guns
strip the free speech
no due process
no constitution leaving us the only right we have left is to DIE why you are pathetic losers so freaking dumbed down and moronic you can see this
Chip away, chip away, chip away.





The general response is, yes, you can hunt with an AR15, but as we get talking, no one I've talked to actually uses one for hunting. That is all I'm saying.

I don't care if one can or cannot hunt with an AR-15 (and its variants). I know one can fatally shoot lots of people with one, even if one can't kill anything else with an AR-15, and judging by the weapons actually used in mass shootings since 2012 or so, it's the firearm of choice among the wackos who commit such crimes. Why is it that wackos so often use/have AR-15-like firearms to commit their crimes? I don't know; presumably for the same reason(s) AR-15 and its variants are America's most popular rifle in the U.S.
I don't know why their firepower is so popular. At the diner, they say the AR-15's are fun for recreational shooting.

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