Want to enact more gun control? Convince me.

It would be if it were true.

It isn't.


What advanced socities have more gun deaths?


Which ones? Names please.


It would be if it were true.
It isn't.
What advanced socities have more gun deaths?
You've read the OP -- lay out your argumnet.
Be sure to hit all five required points.

1: Define the additional gun control measures you seek
2: Show the necessity for these measures
3: Show that these measures will meet the need you described
4: Show that these measures do not infringe upon the rights of the law abiding
5: Do all of this without arguing from emotion, ignorance, dishonesty or any other logical fallacies.
Chirp chirp chirp
Amazing, nobody can name an advanced country with more killings at the end of a barrel than ours. Surely there must be some advanced nation somewhere that has more gun deaths than ours; right?
Amazing, nobody can name an advanced country with more killings at the end of a barrel than ours. Surely there must be some advanced nation somewhere that has more gun deaths than ours; right?
Thank you for supporting the premise that anti-gun loons can only argue from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.
Silence, from the anti-gun loons.
Who knew all you had to do to shut them up was to force them to defend their postions like adults!
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Amazing, nobody can name an advanced country with more killings at the end of a barrel than ours. Surely there must be some advanced nation somewhere that has more gun deaths than ours; right?

Facts are stubborn things; nobody can name an advanced society with more shootings and killings than ours. It's a sad fact that proponents ignore this over and over again. We of course know why...they can't say anything to the contrary. Fact, we have the most gun deaths of any advanced society.

More guns means more death; it's as simple as that.
Amazing, nobody can name an advanced country with more killings at the end of a barrel than ours. Surely there must be some advanced nation somewhere that has more gun deaths than ours; right?

Facts are stubborn things; nobody can name an advanced society with more shootings and killings than ours. It's a sad fact that proponents ignore this over and over again. We of course know why...they can't say anything to the contrary. Fact, we have the most gun deaths of any advanced society.

More guns means more death; it's as simple as that.
Thank you for supporting the premise that anti-gun loons can only argue from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.
Hello darkness my old friend....
Anti-gun loons embarassed again....
None of them can step up to the plate...
None can muster an argument better than fourth rate...
Facts are stubborn things; nobody can name an advanced society with more shootings and killings than ours. It's a sad fact that proponents ignore this over and over again. We of course know why...they can't say anything to the contrary. Fact, we have the most gun deaths of any advanced society.

More guns means more death; it's as simple as that.
Facts are stubborn things; nobody can name an advanced society with more shootings and killings than ours. It's a sad fact that proponents ignore this over and over again. We of course know why...they can't say anything to the contrary. Fact, we have the most gun deaths of any advanced society.

More guns means more death; it's as simple as that.
Thank you for supporting the premise that anti-gun loons can only argue from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.
I take it as most gun advocates did not watch any Disney movie cartoons as a child, as these were intended to prepare your for the future so that you can conform.
Seriously, why do you need a gun, it is not going to do you any good.

Now some gun clingers will say:
I love my guns because I can use them to protect my family from tyranny.

Your children (family) will be taken way from you for their own safety from YOUR GUNS.
Now if you just give up the guns ...................... your children can stay with you, as tough times approach, your children will need you, and you must be their for them.

Other gun clingers will say:
Gosh dernet ...... Im a-gona shoot anyone trys to take my kids away.
Well maybe so ................ but the moral of my post here is this:
If you get stupid and defensive with your guns, you will be punished, as the Disney movies & cartoons should have prepared you for this, you just need to watch them again.

Now lets start with a clip from the movie Dumbo, Miss Jumbo overreacts and attacks thinking she is protecting her young, but she soon realizes that she will pay dearly for her actions, not to mention, she will never see her baby again, as you will see the tears fall from poor Dumbo's face, his mother harmed Dumbo most of all.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nxm6avJHTWc"] Conforming Education [/ame]

Now after watching this video, if you would like help, and for me to show you the light to conformity, just post below on any questions.
To make this run more smoothly, just go buy or rent all the Disney cartoon movies and have a family get together and watch them, you will feel so much better when you have.
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I take it as most gun advocates did not watch any Disney movie cartoons as a child, as these were intended to prepare your for the future so that you can conform.
Seriously, why do you need a gun, it is not going to do you any good.

Now some gun clingers will say:
I love my guns because I can use them to protect my family from tyranny.

Your children (family) will be taken way from you for their own safety from YOUR GUNS.
Now if you just give up the guns ...................... your children can stay with you, as tough times approach, your children will need you, and you must be their for them.

Other gun clingers will say:
Gosh dernet ...... Im a-gona shoot anyone trys to take my kids away.
Well maybe so ................ but the moral of my post here is this:
If you get stupid and defensive with your guns, you will be punished, as the Disney movies & cartoons should have prepared you for this, you just need to watch them again.

Now lets start with a clip from the movie Dumbo, Miss Jumbo overreacts and attacks thinking she is protecting her young, but she soon realizes that she will pay dearly for her actions, not to mention, she will never see her baby again, as you will see the tears fall from poor Dumbo's face, his mother harmed Dumbo most of all.

Now after watching this video, if you would like help, and for me to show you the light to conformity, just post below on any questions.
To make this run more smoothly, just go buy or rent all the Disney cartoon movies and have a family get together and watch them, you will feel so much better when you have.
Thank you for supporting the premise that anti-gun loons can only argue from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.
I take it as most gun advocates did not watch any Disney movie cartoons as a child, as these were intended to prepare your for the future so that you can conform.
Seriously, why do you need a gun, it is not going to do you any good.

Now some gun clingers will say:
I love my guns because I can use them to protect my family from tyranny.

Your children (family) will be taken way from you for their own safety from YOUR GUNS.
Now if you just give up the guns ...................... your children can stay with you, as tough times approach, your children will need you, and you must be their for them.

Other gun clingers will say:
Gosh dernet ...... Im a-gona shoot anyone trys to take my kids away.
Well maybe so ................ but the moral of my post here is this:
If you get stupid and defensive with your guns, you will be punished, as the Disney movies & cartoons should have prepared you for this, you just need to watch them again.

Now lets start with a clip from the movie Dumbo, Miss Jumbo overreacts and attacks thinking she is protecting her young, but she soon realizes that she will pay dearly for her actions, not to mention, she will never see her baby again, as you will see the tears fall from poor Dumbo's face, his mother harmed Dumbo most of all.

Conforming Education

Now after watching this video, if you would like help, and for me to show you the light to conformity, just post below on any questions.
To make this run more smoothly, just go buy or rent all the Disney cartoon movies and have a family get together and watch them, you will feel so much better when you have.

Are you stoned or stupid, boy?
I take it as most gun advocates did not watch any Disney movie cartoons as a child, as these were intended to prepare your for the future so that you can conform.
Seriously, why do you need a gun, it is not going to do you any good.

Now some gun clingers will say:
I love my guns because I can use them to protect my family from tyranny.

Your children (family) will be taken way from you for their own safety from YOUR GUNS.
Now if you just give up the guns ...................... your children can stay with you, as tough times approach, your children will need you, and you must be their for them.

Other gun clingers will say:
Gosh dernet ...... Im a-gona shoot anyone trys to take my kids away.
Well maybe so ................ but the moral of my post here is this:
If you get stupid and defensive with your guns, you will be punished, as the Disney movies & cartoons should have prepared you for this, you just need to watch them again.

Now lets start with a clip from the movie Dumbo, Miss Jumbo overreacts and attacks thinking she is protecting her young, but she soon realizes that she will pay dearly for her actions, not to mention, she will never see her baby again, as you will see the tears fall from poor Dumbo's face, his mother harmed Dumbo most of all.

Now after watching this video, if you would like help, and for me to show you the light to conformity, just post below on any questions.
To make this run more smoothly, just go buy or rent all the Disney cartoon movies and have a family get together and watch them, you will feel so much better when you have.

Facts are stubborn things; nobody can name an advanced society with more shootings and killings than ours. It's a sad fact that proponents ignore this over and over again. We of course know why...they can't say anything to the contrary. Fact, we have the most gun deaths of any advanced society.

More guns means more death; it's as simple as that.

When the ghettos and high crime areas turn in all their guns or someone removes them, then we will talk. :razz:
Amazing, nobody can name an advanced country with more killings at the end of a barrel than ours. Surely there must be some advanced nation somewhere that has more gun deaths than ours; right?

Facts are stubborn things; nobody can name an advanced society with more shootings and killings than ours. It's a sad fact that proponents ignore this over and over again. We of course know why...they can't say anything to the contrary. Fact, we have the most gun deaths of any advanced society.

More guns means more death; it's as simple as that.
Do you believe that fewer guns means less death? Granted, it may mean less GUN death...but everywhere it's been tried, there is just as much violent crime.

...or are people killed by guns MORE dead than people killed with other weapons?
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=6nf1OgV449g]Why Switzerland Has The Lowest Crime Rate In The World - YouTube[/ame]

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