Want to vote for Biden now?

The only reason Biden won is he was viewed as less fringe than the other leftists democrats running against him. The independents and moderates were begging for someone center-left and these band of bozos couldn’t deliver on a candidate that qualifies as that. It’s really pathetic that the democrats couldn’t field a normal candidate out of everyone in the party. I’m sitting there watching the debates and all I saw was democrats trying to out crazy one another. Sometimes smart people can be really stupid. I’m no genius, but I saw these by certain measures smart people all continuously shooting themselves in the foot. If Harris for instance ran a normal campaign and aligned herself center left she would have beat Biden like a drum.
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Biden is the best solution to four years of lies, misinformation, petty feuds and self admiration

Obama 2.0

That apologist for Groping Joe is new level desperation.

The fucking LIB media will NEVER show this.
Biden is a fucking racist from head to toe.
How many 'plantation negroes' are going to vote for 'MASSA' anyway?
What Biden can't do this time is promise a bunch of "free shit" BONOBO never delivered on.
If you loved MJ and you are black I'm sure you'll enjoy this golden nugget:

Yes absolutely will vote for Biden now. Trumps fumble of this COVID situation makes it painfully obvious that he is in way over his head. Back to the tabloids with Trump and let’s get somebody in there that can start repairing the damage.

You’re not going to convince anybody of sound mind that Obama’s VP for 8 years is a racist. You’re wasting your time.

How does him being Obama’s VP absolve him from being a racist? I’m not going to go as far to call him a racist, but he has said some things that are blatantly racist.
The fucking LIB media will NEVER show this.
Biden is a fucking racist from head to toe.
How many 'plantation negroes' are going to vote for 'MASSA' anyway?
What Biden can't do this time is promise a bunch of "free shit" BONOBO never delivered on.
If you loved MJ and you are black I'm sure you'll enjoy this golden nugget:

Yes absolutely will vote for Biden now. Trumps fumble of this COVID situation makes it painfully obvious that he is in way over his head. Back to the tabloids with Trump and let’s get somebody in there that can start repairing the damage.

You’re not going to convince anybody of sound mind that Obama’s VP for 8 years is a racist. You’re wasting your time.

How does him being Obama’s VP absolve him from being a racist? I’m not going to go as far to call him a racist, but he has said some things that are blatantly racist.

There are people trying to paint the man as a racist and my point is that the factors showing his support for the black community over the years far outweigh the careless statements he has made. And does anybody believe that Obama would really keep a racist as a VP for 8 years?! That’s just nuts. If Biden says something that offends people then he should be called out and he should address it. He did something like this a few months ago when he said your not black if you don’t support Biden. He paid a price for that and apologized.
Last edited:
The fucking LIB media will NEVER show this.
Biden is a fucking racist from head to toe.
How many 'plantation negroes' are going to vote for 'MASSA' anyway?
What Biden can't do this time is promise a bunch of "free shit" BONOBO never delivered on.
If you loved MJ and you are black I'm sure you'll enjoy this golden nugget:

Yes absolutely will vote for Biden now. Trumps fumble of this COVID situation makes it painfully obvious that he is in way over his head. Back to the tabloids with Trump and let’s get somebody in there that can start repairing the damage.

You’re not going to convince anybody of sound mind that Obama’s VP for 8 years is a racist. You’re wasting your time.

How does him being Obama’s VP absolve him from being a racist? I’m not going to go as far to call him a racist, but he has said some things that are blatantly racist.

There are people trying to paint the man as a racist and my point is that the factors showing his support for the black community over the years far outweigh the careless statements he has made. And does anybody believe that Obama would really keep a racist as a VP for 8 years?! That’s just nuts. If Biden says something that offense people then he should be called out and he should address it. He did something like this a few months ago when he said your not black if you don’t support Biden. He paid a price for that and apologized.

Everyone has said things that are out of character, so I’m not going to be so quick to label Biden as a racist, but I don’t believe Obama picking Biden as VP is evidence that Biden is not a racist. Obama would have picked carrot top as his VP if he thought that would garner him the most votes.
The fucking LIB media will NEVER show this.
Biden is a fucking racist from head to toe.
How many 'plantation negroes' are going to vote for 'MASSA' anyway?
What Biden can't do this time is promise a bunch of "free shit" BONOBO never delivered on.
If you loved MJ and you are black I'm sure you'll enjoy this golden nugget:

Yes absolutely will vote for Biden now. Trumps fumble of this COVID situation makes it painfully obvious that he is in way over his head. Back to the tabloids with Trump and let’s get somebody in there that can start repairing the damage.

You’re not going to convince anybody of sound mind that Obama’s VP for 8 years is a racist. You’re wasting your time.

How does him being Obama’s VP absolve him from being a racist? I’m not going to go as far to call him a racist, but he has said some things that are blatantly racist.

There are people trying to paint the man as a racist and my point is that the factors showing his support for the black community over the years far outweigh the careless statements he has made. And does anybody believe that Obama would really keep a racist as a VP for 8 years?! That’s just nuts. If Biden says something that offense people then he should be called out and he should address it. He did something like this a few months ago when he said your not black if you don’t support Biden. He paid a price for that and apologized.

Everyone has said things that are out of character, so I’m not going to be so quick to label Biden as a racist, but I don’t believe Obama picking Biden as VP is evidence that Biden is not a racist. Obama would have picked carrot top as his VP if he thought that would garner him the most votes.

It’s not just the pick it’s the fact that he stayed with him for 8 years and still supports him. You see the two men together and you see a friendship not one politician holding his nose around another for political benefit... which is exactly how Trump/Pence appear
The fucking LIB media will NEVER show this.
Biden is a fucking racist from head to toe.
How many 'plantation negroes' are going to vote for 'MASSA' anyway?
What Biden can't do this time is promise a bunch of "free shit" BONOBO never delivered on.
If you loved MJ and you are black I'm sure you'll enjoy this golden nugget:

Yes absolutely will vote for Biden now. Trumps fumble of this COVID situation makes it painfully obvious that he is in way over his head. Back to the tabloids with Trump and let’s get somebody in there that can start repairing the damage.

You’re not going to convince anybody of sound mind that Obama’s VP for 8 years is a racist. You’re wasting your time.

How does him being Obama’s VP absolve him from being a racist? I’m not going to go as far to call him a racist, but he has said some things that are blatantly racist.

There are people trying to paint the man as a racist and my point is that the factors showing his support for the black community over the years far outweigh the careless statements he has made. And does anybody believe that Obama would really keep a racist as a VP for 8 years?! That’s just nuts. If Biden says something that offense people then he should be called out and he should address it. He did something like this a few months ago when he said your not black if you don’t support Biden. He paid a price for that and apologized.

Everyone has said things that are out of character, so I’m not going to be so quick to label Biden as a racist, but I don’t believe Obama picking Biden as VP is evidence that Biden is not a racist. Obama would have picked carrot top as his VP if he thought that would garner him the most votes.

It’s not just the pick it’s the fact that he stayed with him for 8 years and still supports him. You see the two men together and you see a friendship not one politician holding his nose around another for political benefit... which is exactly how Trump/Pence appear

Obama didn’t support biden in the primaries. He wanted Warren. He even threw subliminal shade at Biden before Biden announced his candidacy. Besides even if they’re friends that still doesn’t mean anything. One of Dylan Roof’s best friends was black.
The fucking LIB media will NEVER show this.
Biden is a fucking racist from head to toe.
How many 'plantation negroes' are going to vote for 'MASSA' anyway?
What Biden can't do this time is promise a bunch of "free shit" BONOBO never delivered on.
If you loved MJ and you are black I'm sure you'll enjoy this golden nugget:

Biden is not perfect, but he's light years ahead of tRump.

"light years" doesn't means what you think it means.

It's literally the distance light travels in a year. Like six trillion miles or something like that. That's how far ahead Joe is intellectually.

Next stupid comment?



Please tell us how many degrees he says he has.
The fucking LIB media will NEVER show this.
Biden is a fucking racist from head to toe.
How many 'plantation negroes' are going to vote for 'MASSA' anyway?
What Biden can't do this time is promise a bunch of "free shit" BONOBO never delivered on.
If you loved MJ and you are black I'm sure you'll enjoy this golden nugget:

Biden is not perfect, but he's light years ahead of tRump.

"light years" doesn't means what you think it means.

Isn’t light years a measure of distance?

True, but if one light year equals 5.88 trillion miles, where Biden would be right now if he's "light years" ahead?


Please remind us how Hillary won too.
The fucking LIB media will NEVER show this.
Biden is a fucking racist from head to toe.
How many 'plantation negroes' are going to vote for 'MASSA' anyway?
What Biden can't do this time is promise a bunch of "free shit" BONOBO never delivered on.
If you loved MJ and you are black I'm sure you'll enjoy this golden nugget:

As two of my very much Republican doctor's have told me in the past two weeks they'd go back and vote for George Bush rather than trump and will vote for Biden. One of the doctor's said yesterday he couldn't figure out how 35% of voters's, referring to trumps base, became so goddamn stupid.

I would start looking for a new physician if I were you.
The fucking LIB media will NEVER show this.
Biden is a fucking racist from head to toe.
How many 'plantation negroes' are going to vote for 'MASSA' anyway?
What Biden can't do this time is promise a bunch of "free shit" BONOBO never delivered on.
If you loved MJ and you are black I'm sure you'll enjoy this golden nugget:

Yes absolutely will vote for Biden now. Trumps fumble of this COVID situation makes it painfully obvious that he is in way over his head. Back to the tabloids with Trump and let’s get somebody in there that can start repairing the damage.

You’re not going to convince anybody of sound mind that Obama’s VP for 8 years is a racist. You’re wasting your time.

How does him being Obama’s VP absolve him from being a racist? I’m not going to go as far to call him a racist, but he has said some things that are blatantly racist.

There are people trying to paint the man as a racist and my point is that the factors showing his support for the black community over the years far outweigh the careless statements he has made. And does anybody believe that Obama would really keep a racist as a VP for 8 years?! That’s just nuts. If Biden says something that offense people then he should be called out and he should address it. He did something like this a few months ago when he said your not black if you don’t support Biden. He paid a price for that and apologized.

Everyone has said things that are out of character, so I’m not going to be so quick to label Biden as a racist, but I don’t believe Obama picking Biden as VP is evidence that Biden is not a racist. Obama would have picked carrot top as his VP if he thought that would garner him the most votes.

It’s not just the pick it’s the fact that he stayed with him for 8 years and still supports him. You see the two men together and you see a friendship not one politician holding his nose around another for political benefit... which is exactly how Trump/Pence appear

Obama didn’t support biden in the primaries. He wanted Warren. He even threw subliminal shade at Biden before Biden announced his candidacy. Besides even if they’re friends that still doesn’t mean anything. One of Dylan Roof’s best friends was black.

Past presidents never weigh in during primaries, they let the process go and then support the nominee. I don’t know why you say he wanted Warren but that didn’t come out of his mouth.

you can go head and spend your energy trying to paint Biden as a racist if you like, I’m just saying it’s not going to go anywhere.
The fucking LIB media will NEVER show this.
Biden is a fucking racist from head to toe.
How many 'plantation negroes' are going to vote for 'MASSA' anyway?
What Biden can't do this time is promise a bunch of "free shit" BONOBO never delivered on.
If you loved MJ and you are black I'm sure you'll enjoy this golden nugget:

As two of my very much Republican doctor's have told me in the past two weeks they'd go back and vote for George Bush rather than trump and will vote for Biden. One of the doctor's said yesterday he couldn't figure out how 35% of voters's, referring to trumps base, became so goddamn stupid.

Interesting story, sooo... what happened when you woke up?
Biden is a STONE-COLD racist pig. BUT, since he is a puppet for the GLOBALIST OLIGARCHY the MSM protects him.

In fact, it was the Obama/Biden Team that brought slavery back to Northern Africa.

According to reports, the business of detention centres is unsupervised in some parts of Libya and stories of torture, rape and forced labour have emerged.

The International Organization for Migration says trade in humans has become so normalised that people are being bought and sold in public for as little as $400.

"As shocking as it seems, it's indeed true," Leonard Doyle from the International Organization for Migration tells Counting the Cost. "The reason it [slave trade] can happen is because there is really no rule of law across much of Libya. Libya is a country as big as France, with a lot of space there. Migrants are coming there ... they see the promise of a new life when they go to their Facebook feed and they think something wonderful is waiting for them in Europe, because a smuggler has abused the system and has sold them that lie."

He explains that when they arrive in Libya, "they get off the bus and they are quickly put into a kind of murder machine, an extortion machine. They are robbed of their possessions, their families are called. They are forced, they are tortured, they give them money. And then they are sold. Unbelievable, but they are sold in open, public auctions: $400 for a labouring man, maybe a bit more for a woman who can be put in the sex trade. And this is what's happening across the country."
Biden is a STONE-COLD racist pig. BUT, since he is a puppet for the GLOBALIST OLIGARCHY the MSM protects him.

In fact, it was the Obama/Biden Team that brought slavery back to Northern Africa.

According to reports, the business of detention centres is unsupervised in some parts of Libya and stories of torture, rape and forced labour have emerged.

The International Organization for Migration says trade in humans has become so normalised that people are being bought and sold in public for as little as $400.

"As shocking as it seems, it's indeed true," Leonard Doyle from the International Organization for Migration tells Counting the Cost. "The reason it [slave trade] can happen is because there is really no rule of law across much of Libya. Libya is a country as big as France, with a lot of space there. Migrants are coming there ... they see the promise of a new life when they go to their Facebook feed and they think something wonderful is waiting for them in Europe, because a smuggler has abused the system and has sold them that lie."

He explains that when they arrive in Libya, "they get off the bus and they are quickly put into a kind of murder machine, an extortion machine. They are robbed of their possessions, their families are called. They are forced, they are tortured, they give them money. And then they are sold. Unbelievable, but they are sold in open, public auctions: $400 for a labouring man, maybe a bit more for a woman who can be put in the sex trade. And this is what's happening across the country."
Youre not expecting to be taken seriously are you?
Biden is the best solution to four years of lies, misinformation, petty feuds and self admiration

Obama 2.0

Sanders was. The (D)'s weren't interested in the best solution. They again went with the corporate "solution".

Sanders is the craziest of them all. I can se why you support him.

It sure would suck for the wars to end and for everyone to have health care wouldn't it?

What wars?
Everyone already has healthcare.

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