Want universal background checks? A question....

Yoy would have to register the guns first. First off, it's illegal. But second, it is ineffective. Canada tried registering guns and it was a complete failure because people resisted, rightly. The US would be much worse.

Liberals failing to think beyond Stage One. Wow, newsflash.

And yet Canada hasn't abandoned it's registry has it? What is your evidence that it "hasn't worked"? How is registering a firearm "illegal"? That seems almost a silly statement on its face.
Canada Tried Registering Long Guns -- And Gave Up - Forbes
How do you like your crow cooked?
Register the serial number of the gun and provide a title, just like an automobile.

We're told by gun lovers that cars are just as dangerous, just as lethal as cars. If we accept this premise, then guns should be registered and titled.
Another idiot who doesnt get it.
What criminal is going to register his guns?
Hell, most honest gun owners wont register them either. It will be a bigger failure than Obamacare.
If you support imposing universal background checks on all gun sales, whether through a dealer or not, I have a question for you.

Say I meet up with Turtledude; he and I buy a gun off each other, get a beer, and go home.

How does the government prove that background checks were not run before we sold the guns?

You should be made to buy through a registered dealer. I dunno, make dealers register with the government so that the gov is aware of who buys what and when and where.
do you even have a fucking clue as to what "...shall not be infringed" means ?

stay the fuck out of this you are a foreigner who has no say in our Constitutional rights....... :fu: ............ :asshole:
One more very angry lunatic ^^^ who should be prevented by law from ever owning, possessing or having in his custody or control a gun. If a person cannot have a civil discussion on the issues of gun control, why can we expect they have the necessary self control to own a gun?
Please show what Wildman's criminal record it.

You are too stupid to engage in discussion, reverting to ad homs when you've clearly lost. Does that mean you shouldn't have the right to vote? Probably. But things done work that way in this country, as much as you'd like to see it,comrade.
A criminal record is not necessarily a reason to provent someone from owning, possessing, etc. a gun. A crime of violence is; as is a mental condition wherein a person has a demonstrated history of little or no self control, or has a history of substance abuse.

Consider the most recent mass murderers were not criminals until they entered a school or movie theater or political rally with a gun and began shooting. A BGC is much more than simply looking at a history of arrests.

[Before hiring LEO's we would look at the entire record of the candidate, including civil judgments, credit reports, marriage history, residence stability, job stability, school records, military records and FI cards (police field interviews) of police agencies in all city/towns wherein the candidate lived, and review refernces with neighbors, teachers, coaches and family members as well as state and federal arrest/detention records. Plus, a written and two interviews with a psychologist and at least two interviews with command staff.]

So what's the big deal about BGC's for civilians seeking to purchase a gun. If the buyer wants a gun, and has no nefarious plans why wouldn't the buyer be as willing to undergo a BGC? BTW, there is no right to privacy nor is their funding sufficient to carry out an extensive BGC for all civilians who want to buy a gun.

We could start now, and require all new purchases of guns to include a BGC. Thus all the gun lovers can keep their guns safe and secure from government oversight; at least until they violate laws restricting the sale of guns, commit an act of violence, demonstrate a lack of self control, are detained as a danger to themselves or others or have been determined to be a drug or alcohol abuser.
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But they haven't and I just provided you the link to the registry.

On April 5, 2012, Bill C-19, the Ending the Long-gun Registry Act, came into effect. The key changes are as follows:

  • Removal of the requirement to register non-restricted firearms
  • Destruction of the existing non-restricted firearms registration records
  • Allowing the transferor of a non-restricted firearm to obtain confirmation of a transferee's firearms acquisition licence prior to the transfer being finalized
Registration of Firearms individuals - Royal Canadian Mounted Police
A criminal record is not necessarily a reason to provent someone from owning, possessing, etc. a gun. A crime of violence is; as is a mental condition wherein a person has a demonstrated history of little or no self control, or has a history of substance abuse.

Consider the most recent mass murderers were not criminals until they entered a school or movie theater or political rally with a gun and began shooting. A BGC is much more than simply looking at a history of arrests.

[Before hiring LEO's we would look at the entire record of the candidate, including civil judgments, credit reports, marriage history, residence stability, job stability, school records, military records and FI cards (police field interviews) of police agencies in all city/towns wherein the candidate lived, and review refernces with neighbors, teachers, coaches and family members as well as state and federal arrest/detention records. Plus, a written and two interviews with a psychologist and at least two interviews with command staff.]

So what's the big deal about BGC's for civilians seeking to purchase a gun. If the buyer wants a gun, and has no nefarious plans why wouldn't the buyer be as willing to undergo a BGC? BTW, there is no right to privacy nor is their funding sufficient to carry out an extensive BGC for all civilians who want to buy a gun.

We could start now, and require all new purchases of guns to include a BGC. Thus all the gun lovers can keep their guns safe and secure from government oversight; at least until they violate laws restricting the sale of guns, commit an act of violence, demonstrate a lack of self control, are detained as a danger to themselves or others or have been determined to be a drug or alcohol abuser.

pretty intrusive

good luck with that
Register the serial number of the gun and provide a title, just like an automobile.

We're told by gun lovers that cars are just as dangerous, just as lethal as cars. If we accept this premise, then guns should be registered and titled.
Another idiot who doesnt get it.
What criminal is going to register his guns?
Hell, most honest gun owners wont register them either. It will be a bigger failure than Obamacare.

What criminal is going to register his guns?

constitutionally he is not required to register a firearm

failing to do so is not a crime for the felon

registration laws are only aimed at the legal gun owner
A criminal record is not necessarily a reason to provent someone from owning, possessing, etc. a gun. A crime of violence is; as is a mental condition wherein a person has a demonstrated history of little or no self control, or has a history of substance abuse.

Consider the most recent mass murderers were not criminals until they entered a school or movie theater or political rally with a gun and began shooting. A BGC is much more than simply looking at a history of arrests.

[Before hiring LEO's we would look at the entire record of the candidate, including civil judgments, credit reports, marriage history, residence stability, job stability, school records, military records and FI cards (police field interviews) of police agencies in all city/towns wherein the candidate lived, and review refernces with neighbors, teachers, coaches and family members as well as state and federal arrest/detention records. Plus, a written and two interviews with a psychologist and at least two interviews with command staff.]

So what's the big deal about BGC's for civilians seeking to purchase a gun. If the buyer wants a gun, and has no nefarious plans why wouldn't the buyer be as willing to undergo a BGC? BTW, there is no right to privacy nor is their funding sufficient to carry out an extensive BGC for all civilians who want to buy a gun.

We could start now, and require all new purchases of guns to include a BGC. Thus all the gun lovers can keep their guns safe and secure from government oversight; at least until they violate laws restricting the sale of guns, commit an act of violence, demonstrate a lack of self control, are detained as a danger to themselves or others or have been determined to be a drug or alcohol abuser.
It inst that you dont know anything. It's that what you know isnt true.
For starters: a misdemeanor of simple possession will disqualify a person for one year. So will renouncing your citizenship, which is not a crime at all.
Hiring someone is not the same as allowing someone to buy a gun. They arent comparable in any way at all. For starters, the departiment or company is liable for any actions by their employees on the job.
Perhaps the buyer doesnt want the government to know what he's doing. The old "if you have nothing to hide then why not submit to a search" has been discredited fro the McCarthy Era.
There is certainly a right to privacy. How do you think Roe got voted on?
Register the serial number of the gun and provide a title, just like an automobile.

We're told by gun lovers that cars are just as dangerous, just as lethal as cars. If we accept this premise, then guns should be registered and titled.
Another idiot who doesnt get it.
What criminal is going to register his guns?
Hell, most honest gun owners wont register them either. It will be a bigger failure than Obamacare.

What criminal is going to register his guns?

constitutionally he is not required to register a firearm

failing to do so is not a crime for the felon

registration laws are only aimed at the legal gun owner
With every system there will be those who do not comply. Let me repeat that for clarity's sake. WITH EVERY SYSTEM THERE WILL BE THOSE WHO DO NOT COMPLY.

I wonder if that means every system is worthless?
Register the serial number of the gun and provide a title, just like an automobile.

We're told by gun lovers that cars are just as dangerous, just as lethal as cars. If we accept this premise, then guns should be registered and titled.
Another idiot who doesnt get it.
What criminal is going to register his guns?
Hell, most honest gun owners wont register them either. It will be a bigger failure than Obamacare.

What criminal is going to register his guns?

constitutionally he is not required to register a firearm

failing to do so is not a crime for the felon

registration laws are only aimed at the legal gun owner
With every system there will be those who do not comply. Let me repeat that for clarity's sake. WITH EVERY SYSTEM THERE WILL BE THOSE WHO DO NOT COMPLY.

I wonder if that means every system is worthless?
No, but it means this one is.
Because the very people who will not comply are also the very people causing the problem. The people who will comply are also the very people who will not cause a problem.
So what have you solved?
A criminal record is not necessarily a reason to provent someone from owning, possessing, etc. a gun. A crime of violence is; as is a mental condition wherein a person has a demonstrated history of little or no self control, or has a history of substance abuse.

Consider the most recent mass murderers were not criminals until they entered a school or movie theater or political rally with a gun and began shooting. A BGC is much more than simply looking at a history of arrests.

[Before hiring LEO's we would look at the entire record of the candidate, including civil judgments, credit reports, marriage history, residence stability, job stability, school records, military records and FI cards (police field interviews) of police agencies in all city/towns wherein the candidate lived, and review refernces with neighbors, teachers, coaches and family members as well as state and federal arrest/detention records. Plus, a written and two interviews with a psychologist and at least two interviews with command staff.]

So what's the big deal about BGC's for civilians seeking to purchase a gun. If the buyer wants a gun, and has no nefarious plans why wouldn't the buyer be as willing to undergo a BGC? BTW, there is no right to privacy nor is their funding sufficient to carry out an extensive BGC for all civilians who want to buy a gun.

We could start now, and require all new purchases of guns to include a BGC. Thus all the gun lovers can keep their guns safe and secure from government oversight; at least until they violate laws restricting the sale of guns, commit an act of violence, demonstrate a lack of self control, are detained as a danger to themselves or others or have been determined to be a drug or alcohol abuser.

pretty intrusive

good luck with that

Time will tell. Intrusive, yeah I suppose. Less so then sending your 6 year old to school alive and having LE inform you your child was murdered, or having your teen go off to a movie and end up in a body bag. I'd find the latter examples much more instrusive; that you don't is sick.
Register the serial number of the gun and provide a title, just like an automobile.

We're told by gun lovers that cars are just as dangerous, just as lethal as cars. If we accept this premise, then guns should be registered and titled.
Another idiot who doesnt get it.
What criminal is going to register his guns?
Hell, most honest gun owners wont register them either. It will be a bigger failure than Obamacare.

What criminal is going to register his guns?

constitutionally he is not required to register a firearm

failing to do so is not a crime for the felon

registration laws are only aimed at the legal gun owner
With every system there will be those who do not comply. Let me repeat that for clarity's sake. WITH EVERY SYSTEM THERE WILL BE THOSE WHO DO NOT COMPLY.

I wonder if that means every system is worthless?
No, but it means this one is.
Because the very people who will not comply are also the very people causing the problem. The people who will comply are also the very people who will not cause a problem.
So what have you solved?

Do you drive 50 MPH in a 25 mile per hour zone? Likely not, but in your case ... anyway, most don't, and one reason for not doing so is to avoid a ticket. Of course some of us don't because it's unsafe and we understand people, property and pets would be put at risk.

Some people don't care about those things, they only think of themselves [most of us do think of these things, because we are socialized]. Those who don't should be punished. Don't you agree?

Of course the fringe conservatives hold to an ideology based on supporting laws which punish others, but never themselves. Laws which they don't like they feel they have the right to ignore. Isn't Nullification a core principle for the fringe?
Register the serial number of the gun and provide a title, just like an automobile.

We're told by gun lovers that cars are just as dangerous, just as lethal as cars. If we accept this premise, then guns should be registered and titled.
Another idiot who doesnt get it.
What criminal is going to register his guns?
Hell, most honest gun owners wont register them either. It will be a bigger failure than Obamacare.

What criminal is going to register his guns?

constitutionally he is not required to register a firearm

failing to do so is not a crime for the felon

registration laws are only aimed at the legal gun owner
With every system there will be those who do not comply. Let me repeat that for clarity's sake. WITH EVERY SYSTEM THERE WILL BE THOSE WHO DO NOT COMPLY.

I wonder if that means every system is worthless?
No, but it means this one is.
Because the very people who will not comply are also the very people causing the problem. The people who will comply are also the very people who will not cause a problem.
So what have you solved?
If we agree that there will always be scoff laws and no system is airtight due to non-compliance, I ask again; aren't all systems worthless as a result?

The problems you describe are the problems I just cited. But, if on the other hand, automobile registration helps prevent theft and fraud, why won't it work for the far less lethal and much safer firearm? If cars kill more than guns and they are registered, why not something as benign as a lethal weapon like a firearm?

But they haven't and I just provided you the link to the registry.
Your own link says they eliminated the long gun registry.
Try again. Take some responsibility for your own failures.
If you were to take responsibility for your actions you would admit to lying by omission. Of course I know you're a liar, among your other negative character flaws. Thus I will never trust anything you post.
Register the serial number of the gun and provide a title, just like an automobile.

We're told by gun lovers that cars are just as dangerous, just as lethal as cars. If we accept this premise, then guns should be registered and titled.

I would also require insurance for that gun. Everyone who owns a gun should have to take out insurance to cover any damage or death caused by that gun.
Register the serial number of the gun and provide a title, just like an automobile.

We're told by gun lovers that cars are just as dangerous, just as lethal as cars. If we accept this premise, then guns should be registered and titled.
Another idiot who doesnt get it.
What criminal is going to register his guns?
Hell, most honest gun owners wont register them either. It will be a bigger failure than Obamacare.

What criminal is going to register his guns?

constitutionally he is not required to register a firearm

failing to do so is not a crime for the felon

registration laws are only aimed at the legal gun owner
With every system there will be those who do not comply. Let me repeat that for clarity's sake. WITH EVERY SYSTEM THERE WILL BE THOSE WHO DO NOT COMPLY.

I wonder if that means every system is worthless?
No, but it means this one is.
Because the very people who will not comply are also the very people causing the problem. The people who will comply are also the very people who will not cause a problem.
So what have you solved?
If we agree that there will always be scoff laws and no system is airtight due to non-compliance, I ask again; aren't all systems worthless as a result?

The problems you describe are the problems I just cited. But, if on the other hand, automobile registration helps prevent theft and fraud, why won't it work for the far less lethal and much safer firearm? If cars kill more than guns and they are registered, why not something as benign as a lethal weapon like a firearm?
First off there is no evidence registration prevents theft or fraud.
Second, an automobile is not a gun. You cannot conceal an automobile. If you have one, everyone knows it.
Again, the people who are the problems are the very people who will not comply So your incremental argument ("if it saves just one person") is wrong. It will not do anything to prevent any crime whatsoever. The opposite: it will discourage law abiding people from owning guns, the very people you'd want to have them. It will do nothjing to discourage criminals from having guns, the very people you want to discourage.

But they haven't and I just provided you the link to the registry.
Your own link says they eliminated the long gun registry.
Try again. Take some responsibility for your own failures.
If you were to take responsibility for your actions you would admit to lying by omission. Of course I know you're a liar, among your other negative character flaws. Thus I will never trust anything you post.
How did I lie? Seabytch's own link showed they discontinued the registry due to non compliance. You are a cocksucker for sure.
Register the serial number of the gun and provide a title, just like an automobile.

We're told by gun lovers that cars are just as dangerous, just as lethal as cars. If we accept this premise, then guns should be registered and titled.

I would also require insurance for that gun. Everyone who owns a gun should have to take out insurance to cover any damage or death caused by that gun.
Do we require insurance to own a ladder? To own a swimming pool? To own narcotics or cleaning agents? Because all those things cause more deaths than guns.
Such a law would fall most heavily on the poor, who suffer from crime disproportianally.
Another lib unable to think beyond Stage One.

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