Want universal background checks? A question....

If you sell your car and don't have a bill of sale and don't notify DMV a parking ticket will be your responsiblity, any hit and run, you are the suspect and will need to prove you weren't the driver.
Apples and Oranges
The car is required to be registered in your name if used on public roads. Guns in most areas are not required to be registered
If you sell your car and don't have a bill of sale and don't notify DMV a parking ticket will be your responsiblity, any hit and run, you are the suspect and will need to prove you weren't the driver.
Apples and Oranges
The car is required to be registered in your name if used on public roads. Guns in most areas are not required to be registered
Unless removed from the home and carried onto the commons.
If you sell your car and don't have a bill of sale and don't notify DMV a parking ticket will be your responsiblity, any hit and run, you are the suspect and will need to prove you weren't the driver.
Cars have titles and registration. Guns dont.
Maybe they should!
Lame, even for you.
IN Canada they tried registering guns. The program was such a failure because of widespread disobedience that they dropped it. It will be even worse here.
If you sell your car and don't have a bill of sale and don't notify DMV a parking ticket will be your responsiblity, any hit and run, you are the suspect and will need to prove you weren't the driver.
Apples and Oranges
The car is required to be registered in your name if used on public roads. Guns in most areas are not required to be registered
Unless removed from the home and carried onto the commons.
And you'll know that, how?
If you support imposing universal background checks on all gun sales, whether through a dealer or not, I have a question for you.

Say I meet up with Turtledude; he and I buy a gun off each other, get a beer, and go home.

How does the government prove that background checks were not run before we sold the guns?

By showing that one or both of you could not have passed a properly run background check.

uh that means that someone is going to be charged as a felon in possession etc.

If I know I cannot pass a background check and I try to sell a gun, the fifth amendment shields me from being prosecuted for failing to incriminate myself

If you sell your car and don't have a bill of sale and don't notify DMV a parking ticket will be your responsiblity, any hit and run, you are the suspect and will need to prove you weren't the driver.
Cars have titles and registration. Guns dont.

Cars have titles and registration. Guns don't.

and by the grace of GOD, we need to keep it that way forever.
private guns sales should be illegal for exactly that reason.

If you sell a gun without a background check, you go to the big house.

Problem solved.
That does not answer the question from the OP, How will you or the Gov know the transaction occurred? Its simple, the gun is not registered therefore you won't
Lawful gun owners secure their guns making theft nearly impossible. Have a gun safe, if you feel you need the gun under your pillow at night, do so, but lock it up in the morning, or keep it on your person at home. You will then know it was stolen, or taken to school by your kid.
Wrong. The majority of gun owners do not keep their weapons locked up at all times. I know for me personally the majority that are in my safe are basically Safe Queens and the main reason for them being there is to protect from Fire. These are weapons that I know cannot be replaced mainly because of their sentimental value (Family Heirlooms)

Also if you think the vast majority of guns safes that you see commercially available will prevent theft your mistaken

Really? How many gun safes have you been able to burglarize? But, the point is a gun stored in a gun safe is much is more difficult to steal or be played with by a child, than a gun kept in the night stand.

So we see again one more poster so in love with his gun(s) s/he cannot see outside the box. And one more reason why gun owners ought to be culpable civilly, and maybe criminally in egregious cases, for being irresponsible when their gun harms others.
If you support imposing universal background checks on all gun sales, whether through a dealer or not, I have a question for you.

Say I meet up with Turtledude; he and I buy a gun off each other, get a beer, and go home.

How does the government prove that background checks were not run before we sold the guns?

private guns sales should be illegal for exactly that reason.

If you sell a gun without a background check, you go to the big house.

Problem solved.
"If you sell a gun without a background check, you go to the big house."
quite surprising coming from a Shitcago thug
You should be made to buy through a registered dealer. I dunno, make dealers register with the government so that the gov is aware of who buys what and when and where.

You don't need a registered dealer, just registered weapons. We manage to make private sales of vehicles all the time with the proper paperwork. Private gun sales could work the same way as vehicles.
Lawful gun owners secure their guns making theft nearly impossible. Have a gun safe, if you feel you need the gun under your pillow at night, do so, but lock it up in the morning, or keep it on your person at home. You will then know it was stolen, or taken to school by your kid.
Wrong. The majority of gun owners do not keep their weapons locked up at all times. I know for me personally the majority that are in my safe are basically Safe Queens and the main reason for them being there is to protect from Fire. These are weapons that I know cannot be replaced mainly because of their sentimental value (Family Heirlooms)

Also if you think the vast majority of guns safes that you see commercially available will prevent theft your mistaken

Really? How many gun safes have you been able to burglarize? But, the point is a gun stored in a gun safe is much is more difficult to steal or be played with by a child, than a gun kept in the night stand.

So we see again one more poster so in love with his gun(s) s/he cannot see outside the box. And one more reason why gun owners ought to be culpable civilly, and maybe criminally in egregious cases, for being irresponsible when their gun harms others.
It certainly happens that gun safes are opened. But much more common is there is no gun safe and the guns are stolen.
What was your point again?
You should be made to buy through a registered dealer. I dunno, make dealers register with the government so that the gov is aware of who buys what and when and where.

You don't need a registered dealer, just registered weapons. We manage to make private sales of vehicles all the time with the proper paperwork. Private gun sales could work the same way as vehicles.
Yoy would have to register the guns first. First off, it's illegal. But second, it is ineffective. Canada tried registering guns and it was a complete failure because people resisted, rightly. The US would be much worse.

Liberals failing to think beyond Stage One. Wow, newsflash.
If you sell your car and don't have a bill of sale and don't notify DMV a parking ticket will be your responsiblity, any hit and run, you are the suspect and will need to prove you weren't the driver.
Cars have titles and registration. Guns dont.
Maybe they should!
Lame, even for you.
IN Canada they tried registering guns. The program was such a failure because of widespread disobedience that they dropped it. It will be even worse here.

Let's eliminate the law for driving under the influence, it is a failure because of widespread disobedience.

I can remember when spousal abuse was a divertable offense, that means, put the abuser into a counseling program and dismiss the charge upon his or her (rarely her) completion of treatment.

After many many homicides the leigislature began to change this law, and rightly so. Today, in CA, any police response to a domestic dispute ends in an arrest. Someone will go to jail, sometimes both, and when both go to jail, the minor kids go to CPS (emegency foster care).

Yes Rabbi, the law is a living instrument, something Neanderthals (my apology to those who have Neanderthal DNA who may feel slighted) simply don't understand.
Yoy would have to register the guns first. First off, it's illegal. But second, it is ineffective. Canada tried registering guns and it was a complete failure because people resisted, rightly. The US would be much worse.

Liberals failing to think beyond Stage One. Wow, newsflash.

And yet Canada hasn't abandoned it's registry has it? What is your evidence that it "hasn't worked"? How is registering a firearm "illegal"? That seems almost a silly statement on its face.
Register the serial number of the gun and provide a title, just like an automobile.

We're told by gun lovers that cars are just as dangerous, just as lethal as cars. If we accept this premise, then guns should be registered and titled.
If you support imposing universal background checks on all gun sales, whether through a dealer or not, I have a question for you.

Say I meet up with Turtledude; he and I buy a gun off each other, get a beer, and go home.

How does the government prove that background checks were not run before we sold the guns?

You should be made to buy through a registered dealer. I dunno, make dealers register with the government so that the gov is aware of who buys what and when and where.
do you even have a fucking clue as to what "...shall not be infringed" means ?

stay the fuck out of this you are a foreigner who has no say in our Constitutional rights....... :fu: ............ :asshole:
One more very angry lunatic ^^^ who should be prevented by law from ever owning, possessing or having in his custody or control a gun. If a person cannot have a civil discussion on the issues of gun control, why can we expect they have the necessary self control to own a gun?
If you sell your car and don't have a bill of sale and don't notify DMV a parking ticket will be your responsiblity, any hit and run, you are the suspect and will need to prove you weren't the driver.
Cars have titles and registration. Guns dont.
Maybe they should!
Lame, even for you.
IN Canada they tried registering guns. The program was such a failure because of widespread disobedience that they dropped it. It will be even worse here.

Let's eliminate the law for driving under the influence, it is a failure because of widespread disobedience.

I can remember when spousal abuse was a divertable offense, that means, put the abuser into a counseling program and dismiss the charge upon his or her (rarely her) completion of treatment.

After many many homicides the leigislature began to change this law, and rightly so. Today, in CA, any police response to a domestic dispute ends in an arrest. Someone will go to jail, sometimes both, and when both go to jail, the minor kids go to CPS (emegency foster care).

Yes Rabbi, the law is a living instrument, something Neanderthals (my apology to those who have Neanderthal DNA who may feel slighted) simply don't understand.
Reductio ad absurdum fallacy!
Rabbi Rules!

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