Wanted kuwaiti terrorist recruits, trains western jihadists


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
I wonder how many converts to Islam will join up with this group to become Jihadists since we are already aware that so many converts become terrorists.


Fadhli In Syria With Qaeda Nusra

KUWAIT CITY, March 21:

Mohsin Al-Fadhli, a Kuwaiti citizen who is wanted by Kuwaiti, Saudi Arabian and American security authorities due to his involvement in several terror operations, is the de facto leader of ‘al-Qaeda’ in Syria and is a personal representative of the group’s world leader Ayman Al-Zawahri, informed sources say. They explained that Al-Fadhli, who is among the most dangerous terrorists in the world, had moved from Iran to Syria in mid of 2013. He played a prominent role in Al-Zawahri siding with Al-Nusra Front under the leadership of Abu Mohammad Al-Jaulani in the dispute with ‘The Islamic State of Iran and Levant’ (Da’esh) under the leadership of Abubakar Al-Baghdadi. The fact that the group is the official wing of al-Qaeda in Syria affirms that Al-Fadhli is Al-Zawahri’s right hand man in Syria and his confidante. Sources revealed that the Mohsin Al-Fadhli’s full name is Mohsin Fadi Ayad Al-Fadhli. In USA’s terrorist list, he is listed as ‘Mohsin Al-Fadhli’.

He was the leader of al-Qaeda in Iran between 2011 and 2012. When the Iranian authorities placed him under house arrest during his term, Ezuludeen Abdulaziz Khaleel a.k.a. Yasin Al-Surri was in-charge of al-Qaeda in Iran. Eventually, the Iranian authorities also placed Yasin Al-Surri under house arrest due to the valuable information he possessed and especially after the American authorities issued a bounty of US $ 10 million in late 2011 to anyone with information leading to Al-Surri arrest. Reportedly, after Mohsin Al- Fadhli reached Syria, the Iranian authorities released Yasin Al-Surri from house arrest and allowed him to return to his leadership position of al-Qaeda group in Iran to succeed Al-Fadhli.

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Islamist Militants Are Setting Off to Wage Jihad by Boarding Cruise Ships...

Would-be ISIS militants on cruise ships to Syria
Friday, 7 November 2014 ~ Would-be jihadist fighters are increasingly booking tickets on cruise ships to join extremists in battle zones in Syria and Iraq, hoping to bypass stepped-up efforts to thwart them in neighboring Turkey, Interpol officials have told The Associated Press.
This is one of the reasons why the international police body is preparing to expand a pilot program known as I-Checkit, under which airlines bounce passenger information off Interpol's databases - in hopes that one day the system could expand to include cruise operators, banks, hotels and other private-sector partners. Turkey, with its long and often porous border with Syria, has been a major thoroughfare for many of the thousands of foreign fighters seeking to join extremists like the Islamic State group, which has captured territory across Iraq and Syria. Speaking in Monaco, where Interpol is holding its general assembly this week, outgoing chief Ronald Noble confirmed that Turkey was a destination, but declined to identify any others. He also refused to indicate how many people might be involved, but called on countries to step up screening at all transportation hubs - "airports and, more and more, cruise lines." Turkish authorities say they have set up teams to nab suspected foreign fighters in airports and bus stations, and have deported hundreds in recent months.

Pierre St. Hilaire, director of counterterrorism at Interpol, suggested that the Turkish crackdown has shown results in recent months, and so some would-be jihadis are making alternative travel plans. “Because they know the airports are monitored more closely now, there’s a use of cruise ships to travel to those areas,” he told the AP on Thursday. “There is evidence that the individuals, especially in Europe, are traveling mostly to Izmit and other places to engage in this type of activity,” he said, referring to a Turkish coastal town. The phenomenon is relatively new, within the past three months or so, said other Interpol officials. “Originally, our concern about people on cruise ships - dangerous people on cruise ships - really focused on the classic sort of rapist, burglar, or violent criminal,” Noble said. “But as we’ve gathered data, we’ve realized that there are more and more reports that people are using cruise ships in order to get to launch pads, if you will - sort of closer to the conflict zones - of Syria and Iraq.”

Cruise ships, which often make repeated stops, offer an added benefit by allowing would-be jihadist to hop off undetected at any number of ports - making efforts to track them more difficult. St. Hilaire said it wasn't exactly clear yet how many would-be foreign fighters were traveling by cruise ship to reach Syria, and added that there were other options as well: to avoid passing through airports, some people have driven all the way from their homes in Europe to the Syrian border. He was quick to caution that Europe is by no means the only or even the main source of foreign fighters for Syria. “It’s a global threat - 15,000 fighters or more from 81 countries traveling to one specific conflict zone,” he said, noting that that there are some 300 from China alone. “In order to prevent their travel and identify them, there needs to be greater information-sharing among the region, among national security agencies.”

Elinore Boeke, director of public affairs for the Cruise Lines International Association, the world’s largest cruise industry trade association denied security, at least in the U.S., was any more lax than other means of transportation. “Cruise lines take security as seriously as the airlines, and security procedures are very similar. U.S.-based cruise lines share passenger manifests with U.S. authorities who check against official databases,” Boeke said in an email. Many European governments have expressed concern that home-grown jihadist who self-radicalize online and then travel to Syria will return home with skills to carry out terror attacks. Frenchman Mehdi Nemmouche, who allegedly spent a year in Syria and fought with Islamic State, is the chief suspect in a May attack on the Jewish Museum of Brussels that killed four people.


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