Wanting Their Cake And To Eat It, Too

Trump unleashes his schoolgirl crush toward Putin in 2013. He drops to his knees and fellates Putin for his work mass murdering innocents in Syria. He claims to have a conversational relationship with the KGB thug. So it is not beyond the scope of possibility that the fanboi colluded with his hero to interfere in our election:

Q: Do you have a relationship with Vladimir Putin? A conversational relationship, or anything that you feel you have sway or influence over his government?

TRUMP: I do have a relationship, and I can tell you that he's very interested in what we're doing here today. He's probably very interested in what you and I are saying today, and I'm sure he's going to be seeing it in some form. But I do have a relationship with him, and I think it's very interesting to see what's happened. Look, he's done a very brilliant job in terms of what he represents and who he's representing. If you look at what he's done with Syria, if you look at so many of the different things (sniff), he has really eaten our President's lunch. Let's not kid ourselves. He's done an amazing job. He's put himself, really, a lot of people would say he's put himself at the forefront of the world as a leader.
The pseudocons are trying to throw up smoke.

They steadfastly refuse to look at any evidence Russia interfered in our election. This means they condone it.

We see the bizarre schizophrenia which simultaneously gloats over the impact of the leaked emails while denying they had any impact. This is how we know the pseudocons know deep down inside Russia was behind the hacking. Otherwise, they would not be putting out such conflicting signals.

You leftards have no evidence they hacked the election yet you ramble on about how they hacked the DNC. Is it your claim the DNC runs the election?

That could be a problem.
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Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing. - Vladimir Trump
Really? Given what has been made available to date, that's your best retort?

No, the intelligence community has not released it's full reporting of how they know the Russians hacked Podesta and others.

The Russians didn't hack Podesta.

That retard Podesta ran into a common Honey Trap, but had no security on his machine (a common theme among the DNC retards.) The MORON sent his password.

How Podesta got hacked: 'Password' email revealed in WikiLeaks dump

What they have released indicates that it is more plausible that the Russians did it than did any of the other actors who may reasonably be thought to have done it.

Even if the Russians had hacked Podesta, so what? That is NOT direct interference in our election, merely revealing the truth about the corrupt. DNC and the Clinton criminal conspiracy.

All 17 organs of the U.S. intelligence community unanimously agree that the Russians did it.

That is a direct and deliberate lie.

Per the FBI;

“None of this new data constitutes a smoking gun that can clearly frame Russia as the culprit behind the almost unprecedented hacking campaign that has hit the DNC and several other targets somewhat connected to the U.S. presidential campaign.”

All 17 of them did not agree that Iraq had WMDs back in 2002. These are people whose job it is to know. This is not the sales clerk at your local Walmart, or the hair bender with the "inside line," or the all knowing taxi driver (see my signature line) sharing whatever dumbass hypothesis crossed their mind.

You're argument boils down to "WAHHHHH, THEY TOLD THE TRUTH ABOUT US..."
Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing. - Vladimir Trump
I agree with that statement. not sure what exactly you think it says other than if you did hack the emails maybe let the public here see the 30K emails. I'd have said exactly the same thing.
Russia interfered in our election process. Fact.

Donald Trump worships Putin. Fact.

Donald Trump asked Russia to hack Clinton's emails. Fact.

So, in accordance with the pseudocon methods and practices, it is now okay to state as a fact that Donald Trump colluded with Vladimir Putin to rig our election and that this is grounds to demand his impeachment.
Russia interfered in our election process. Fact.

Donald Trump worships Putin. Fact.

Donald Trump asked Russia to hack Clinton's emails. Fact.

So, in accordance with the pseudocon methods and practices, it is now okay to state as a fact that Donald Trump colluded with Vladimir Putin to rig our election and that this is grounds to demand his impeachment.

How did they meddle in the process? Voting machines? Mind control? Laser beams?

Here's your sign G...


No, I do not agree that "no evidence" of hacking has been presented. I think you think that because its what you wrote. It's not at all what I wrote.

Revealing the corruption of the DNC is NOT directly affecting an election. WikiLeaks provided Americans with factual information, much to the chagrin of the criminal conspiracy that is the democratic party.
Clinton lost, say hello to President Donald J. Trump.

No go cry in your safe spaces Snowflakes.
Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing. - Vladimir Trump
Yes, he said that. He said a lot of shit. That doesn't mean he was "complicit" in the Russian hacking of both the DNC and RNC.
In otherwords, tl;dr?
You asked for evidence. Now read it.

I read it. No where does it say in anyway that the Russians hacked the election.
I wasn't talking about the election. See, this is why it's impossible to have a sensible discussion about this. We're hollering about two different things. The Russians hacked one of our political parties. Will you accept that?

I'll accept that hey may have hacked the DNC.

Then why did you post this?

"I believe the experts and the members of the Senate who HAVE seen the evidence--they believe Russia hacked the election."

Are you mentally ill or drunk?
Neither. That is not what I posted. I'm not senile, either.

You posted they hacked the election then claimed you weren't talking about hacking the election... soooooo....
I posted they hacked a political party during a Presidential campaign. You screwed with my words to make your own quote and I could report you for it, so if I were you, I would STFU.
Russia interfered in our election process. Fact.

Donald Trump worships Putin. Fact.

Donald Trump asked Russia to hack Clinton's emails. Fact.

So, in accordance with the pseudocon methods and practices, it is now okay to state as a fact that Donald Trump colluded with Vladimir Putin to rig our election and that this is grounds to demand his impeachment.
what is your definition of rig? what did Putin do in your view?
Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing. - Vladimir Trump
Yes, he said that. He said a lot of shit. That doesn't mean he was "complicit" in the Russian hacking of both the DNC and RNC.
well since hitlery criminally deleted the emails after receipt of a subpoena, he took a shot at finding those emails for the FBI. It was what was the intent of the subpoena, so not sure how this is news other than the hitlery committed a crime for violating the subpoena. Right?
I read it. No where does it say in anyway that the Russians hacked the election.
I wasn't talking about the election. See, this is why it's impossible to have a sensible discussion about this. We're hollering about two different things. The Russians hacked one of our political parties. Will you accept that?

I'll accept that hey may have hacked the DNC.

Then why did you post this?

"I believe the experts and the members of the Senate who HAVE seen the evidence--they believe Russia hacked the election."

Are you mentally ill or drunk?
Neither. That is not what I posted. I'm not senile, either.

You posted they hacked the election then claimed you weren't talking about hacking the election... soooooo....
I posted they hacked a political party during a Presidential campaign. You screwed with my words to make your own quote and I could report you for it, so if I were you, I would STFU.


You posted this in post #103:

"I believe the experts and the members of the Senate who HAVE seen the evidence--they believe Russia hacked the election."

Then you posted this in post #105:

"I wasn't talking about the election"

Go ahead, report me.
lets bring up Benghazi, and piss and moan about more irrelevant horseshit.

Looking forward to you Drumpfsters getting just what you deserve with his election.

ME TOO our country strong, vibrant and safe from the shit the last eight years have brought about. It will be great to see the dimshitscum shot down and shown for the scum traitors they are. I just hope the ignorant crap that worship and ass kiss them as gods go on to hell with them. If not I am sure it can be fixed easily with the people that they have pissed off, The cops, the military, the NORMALS, the UNCLE TOMS, the RACIST, the HOMOPHOBES, the ISLAMAPHOBES, THE SEXIST, AND MOST of all the WEALTHIEST 1% be funny if a cockette that refused to perform at the inauguration of a president wanted to buy a house or car and could not get a loan, or could not get on a plane because they were suddenly on a no fly list huh? Turn about, and payback can be a REALLY BAD MOFO huh.

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