Wanting Their Cake And To Eat It, Too


I pondered getting a doctorate in accounting but was too lazy.

My employer paid, 100% with no strings attached. I figured I'd be a fool not to take advantage of it. IT coupled with APICS makes me a powerful asset for the organization.

I published as part of a team of 5 in the American Journal of Industrial and Business Management.
What is worse: Trump indirectly got help from a Russia hack OR Clinton using a private server in order to evade any freedom of information requests, in effect allowing classified, sensitive documents to fall into the hands of hackers who exposed many of her, the DNC and other Democratic operatives unscrupulous activities?

I think the answer is clear!

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You posted they hacked the election then claimed you weren't talking about hacking the election... soooooo....
I posted they hacked a political party during a Presidential campaign. You screwed with my words to make your own quote and I could report you for it, so if I were you, I would STFU.


You posted this in post #103:

"I believe the experts and the members of the Senate who HAVE seen the evidence--they believe Russia hacked the election."

Then you posted this in post #105:

"I wasn't talking about the election"

Go ahead, report me.
All this twisting and turning without answering my question, do you accept that Russia hacked the Podesta and DNC emails? That is all this about.

I accept that they may have. If they did, it just shows the Dems can't even be trusted with e-mails.

Now, the point of all of this is that the Russians influenced the elections which of course is utter nonsense and without merit.
If the only point of all this was that the Russians influenced the elections, I'd not bother arguing about it. What is scary to me is folks like jc who are actually denying that the Russians were involved at all, or if they were, what's the big deal--we do it too. It is not good when a chunk of the people don't believe the newspapers and nightly news and now don't believe the FBI and intelligence agencies. I can't see anything good coming from such cynicism.
whoa little lady, I think you're grouping me into some group that ain't quite right.

I deny there is evidenc
e to suggest that the russians hacked into anything. Did they? I have no fking idea and neither do you. Can they? sure I'm confident of that, but it has no merit here since the issue is whether the russians hacked the DNC and Podesta. The reports that came out on the 30th did not state russia hacked anything. It was more of an explanation of how they would if they did. then they discussed the phishing mechanism that was on Podesta's email and he replied. OOPs.

Phishing is not hacking and I get it on my computers all the fking time.

The thing you have to do is prove it was russia. no one has yet. There is but a story and a narrative to make it look like they did to use as an excuse for the Donald's win.
Seems to me the pseudocons want it both ways.

On the one hand, they were cheering and hooting and hollering at the devastating impact of the DNC email leaks at the time they were in the news.

"Stick a fork in her!" "Hitlery is toast!" Et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.

Clinton's lead shrank from 12 points to zero as the leaks came out, and as Comey did his spastic little dance all over the front page.

Now these very same pseudocons are trying to claim the Russian hacks had no impact on our election at all! Not only that, they are trying, futilely, to deny there were any hacks by the Russians to begin with!

Trump is well known for repeating every conspiracy theory on the internet, and for retweeting them. The man hasn't a critical thinking cell in his head. If the dumb fuck sees something on the internet, he immediately parrots it without question. This is even more true among his Chumps.

"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"

But when it comes to THIS particular FACT, Trump and Chumps deny it. And the sole reason is because Trump's fragile ego can't handle the fact he got some help from Putin in winning the office.

Me, personally, I have no idea how much of a difference the email leaks had on the outcome of the election. And no one will ever know if they made a difference between winning and losing for Trump.

But it is undeniable he had help from Putin, and Trump is going to be haunted by that fact forever.

It is fascinating that after all the manufactured bullshit these pseudocons have consumed, after watching them get themselves into a rabid lather over someone saying "Happy Holidays", they are not the slightest bit concerned or angry that a foreign power directly intervened in our democratic process.

These people have ZERO integrity, ZERO foundations to their bleef system, and ZERO intelligence.

Now these very same pseudocons are trying to claim the Russian hacks had no impact on our election at all!

Exposure of the DNC's and Hillary's corruption had an impact on the election?

That's awful! Those facts should have remained hidden from the American people. Forever, eh?
I knew you'd say that. I'd held out hope that you wouldn't resort to that, but alas....Oh, well, you answered my question, even the one I opted not to ask. Thank you.
Resort to what? The truth? What answer did you want me to give?

I pondered getting a doctorate in accounting but was too lazy.

My employer paid, 100% with no strings attached. I figured I'd be a fool not to take advantage of it. IT coupled with APICS makes me a powerful asset for the organization.

I published as part of a team of 5 in the American Journal of Industrial and Business Management.

My Ph.D. would have been paid for as well, but we'd just had a baby, I was working hard at my job, and I wasn't sure how it would benefit my career.

Now, I realize that I could have bragged about it on the Internet!

I knew you'd say that. I'd held out hope that you wouldn't resort to that, but alas....Oh, well, you answered my question, even the one I opted not to ask. Thank you.
Resort to what? The truth? What answer did you want me to give?

I didn't have any desired answer. I knew only what answer I was hoping you'd not deign to give. I thought you were better than. I'm just disappointed. I will get over it, however.
....Now these very same pseudocons are trying to claim the Russian hacks had no impact on our election at all! Not only that, they are trying, futilely, to deny there were any hacks by the Russians to begin with!....
Who are the "pseudocons"? Names and/or political positions, please.

Sure, I've seen some far Righties make similar claims, but I've also seen many far Lefties claim "The Russians hacked the election". An equally false statement.

It's been in the news for some time that Russia hacked our election. What cave have you been living in?

Did the Russians hack into the emails of the DNC and RNC? Yes.

Did they seek to influence the election by releasing only evidence of Democrat corruption and cronyism? Yes.

Did that influence win the election for Trump? Impossible to say, but it probably helped Trump win. It certainly didn't hurt.

Will Democrats and Republicans flip-flop on their positions about Russian hacking when the Republican emails are released? $20 says they will!
I didn't have any desired answer. I knew only what answer I was hoping you'd not deign to give. I thought you were better than. I'm just disappointed. I will get over it, however.
Now you are lying. I had hoped you'd be honest and forthright about this, but you've chosen to act otherwise. Your choice.
Seems to me the pseudocons want it both ways.

On the one hand, they were cheering and hooting and hollering at the devastating impact of the DNC email leaks at the time they were in the news.

"Stick a fork in her!" "Hitlery is toast!" Et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.

Clinton's lead shrank from 12 points to zero as the leaks came out, and as Comey did his spastic little dance all over the front page.

Now these very same pseudocons are trying to claim the Russian hacks had no impact on our election at all! Not only that, they are trying, futilely, to deny there were any hacks by the Russians to begin with!

Trump is well known for repeating every conspiracy theory on the internet, and for retweeting them. The man hasn't a critical thinking cell in his head. If the dumb fuck sees something on the internet, he immediately parrots it without question. This is even more true among his Chumps.

"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"

But when it comes to THIS particular FACT, Trump and Chumps deny it. And the sole reason is because Trump's fragile ego can't handle the fact he got some help from Putin in winning the office.

Me, personally, I have no idea how much of a difference the email leaks had on the outcome of the election. And no one will ever know if they made a difference between winning and losing for Trump.

But it is undeniable he had help from Putin, and Trump is going to be haunted by that fact forever.

It is fascinating that after all the manufactured bullshit these pseudocons have consumed, after watching them get themselves into a rabid lather over someone saying "Happy Holidays", they are not the slightest bit concerned or angry that a foreign power directly intervened in our democratic process.

These people have ZERO integrity, ZERO foundations to their bleef system, and ZERO intelligence.

How did Russia interfere in the process? There's been zero evidence, hell, zero reliable voices who have even claimed that there is evidence, of any election machines being hacked by the Russians. The only thing people are even claiming that they did was hack Podesta and the DNC (neither of which are "the democratic process", hell, neither of which are official government entities) and release unclassified, but private information. If the release of stolen, private info of a presidential candidate is tantamount to interfering in the democratic process, and such a serious offense that the United States should respond with open hostility toward a foreign state that's also a nuclear power, then how severely should we punish the New York Times for their treasonous release of Trump's '95 tax returns?
....Now these very same pseudocons are trying to claim the Russian hacks had no impact on our election at all! Not only that, they are trying, futilely, to deny there were any hacks by the Russians to begin with!....
Who are the "pseudocons"? Names and/or political positions, please.

Sure, I've seen some far Righties make similar claims, but I've also seen many far Lefties claim "The Russians hacked the election". An equally false statement.

It's been in the news for some time that Russia hacked our election. What cave have you been living in?

Did the Russians hack into the emails of the DNC and RNC? Yes.

Did they seek to influence the election by releasing only evidence of Democrat corruption and cronyism? Yes.

Did that influence win the election for Trump? Impossible to say, but it probably helped Trump win. It certainly didn't hurt.

Will Democrats and Republicans flip-flop on their positions about Russian hacking when the Republican emails are released? $20 says they will!
For what it's worth, when asked, assange said he had email from the RNC and nothing there.

But why let facts spoil fake news

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