Wanting Their Cake And To Eat It, Too

That is a direct and deliberate lie.

Per the FBI;

“None of this new data constitutes a smoking gun that can clearly frame Russia as the culprit behind the almost unprecedented hacking campaign that has hit the DNC and several other targets somewhat connected to the U.S. presidential campaign.”

You clearly do not know what you are talking about, yet there you are talking anyway. (Click the link. Read the first sentence.

From your own link;

{However, we are not now in a position to attribute this activity to the Russian Government. The USIC and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) assess that it would be extremely difficult for someone, including a nation-state actor, to alter actual ballot counts or election results by cyber attack or intrusion.}

I get it, you're butthurt.

Someone told the truth, and that is the worst thing that can happen to a democrat.

Find a safe space, snowflake.

BTW, I'm still waiting on your answer to may question. Just to refresh your memory, I asked:
Are you one of the white male, poorly educated people who supported Trump?
If you aren't going to answer it, at least be adult enough to just so.
That is a direct and deliberate lie.

Per the FBI;

“None of this new data constitutes a smoking gun that can clearly frame Russia as the culprit behind the almost unprecedented hacking campaign that has hit the DNC and several other targets somewhat connected to the U.S. presidential campaign.”

You clearly do not know what you are talking about, yet there you are talking anyway. (Click the link. Read the first sentence.

From your own link;

{However, we are not now in a position to attribute this activity to the Russian Government. The USIC and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) assess that it would be extremely difficult for someone, including a nation-state actor, to alter actual ballot counts or election results by cyber attack or intrusion.}

I get it, you're butthurt.

Someone told the truth, and that is the worst thing that can happen to a democrat.

Find a safe space, snowflake.

No "butt hurt,' baby. You conveniently failed to include the sentence that precedes the one you did include.

From the same paragraph:
Some states have also recently seen scanning and probing of their election-related systems, which in most cases originated from servers operated by a Russian company. However, we are not now in a position to attribute this activity to the Russian Government.
This is now the second time in an hour or so that someone has put their ignorance against my knowledge. I'm telling you now, as I did them before, that dog won't hunt.
what is all of this nonsense? you saying you have more information on a hack than the POTUS?

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BTW, I'm still waiting on your answer to may question. Just to refresh your memory, I asked:
Are you one of the white male, poorly educated people who supported Trump?
If you aren't going to answer it, at least be adult enough to just so.

Asslips, is that you?

If so, you know full well I have a Ph.D.

What I love about the left is this pretense of intellect. :lmao: IF you are here long enough, you will discover that the conservative element is far better educated than are the leftists.
That is a direct and deliberate lie.

Per the FBI;

“None of this new data constitutes a smoking gun that can clearly frame Russia as the culprit behind the almost unprecedented hacking campaign that has hit the DNC and several other targets somewhat connected to the U.S. presidential campaign.”

You clearly do not know what you are talking about, yet there you are talking anyway. (Click the link. Read the first sentence.

From your own link;

{However, we are not now in a position to attribute this activity to the Russian Government. The USIC and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) assess that it would be extremely difficult for someone, including a nation-state actor, to alter actual ballot counts or election results by cyber attack or intrusion.}

I get it, you're butthurt.

Someone told the truth, and that is the worst thing that can happen to a democrat.

Find a safe space, snowflake.

BTW, I'm still waiting on your answer to may question. Just to refresh your memory, I asked:
Are you one of the white male, poorly educated people who supported Trump?
If you aren't going to answer it, at least be adult enough to just so.
why is it necessary that he owes you an answer to that garbage?

No "butt hurt,' baby. You conveniently failed to include the sentence that precedes the one you did include.

From the same paragraph:
Some states have also recently seen scanning and probing of their election-related systems, which in most cases originated from servers operated by a Russian company. However, we are not now in a position to attribute this activity to the Russian Government.
This is now the second time in an hour or so that someone has put their ignorance against my knowledge. I'm telling you now, as I did them before, that dog won't hunt.

Essentially, WikiLeaks played the role of an actual free press. This angers you and your corrupt party. You seek to control what information the American people have access to. WikiLeaks provided America with the truth, which will crush the democrats every time.

You know I'm not going to respond to any of that. It has nothing to do with this thread's topic.
That is a direct and deliberate lie.

Per the FBI;

“None of this new data constitutes a smoking gun that can clearly frame Russia as the culprit behind the almost unprecedented hacking campaign that has hit the DNC and several other targets somewhat connected to the U.S. presidential campaign.”

You clearly do not know what you are talking about, yet there you are talking anyway. (Click the link. Read the first sentence.

From your own link;

{However, we are not now in a position to attribute this activity to the Russian Government. The USIC and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) assess that it would be extremely difficult for someone, including a nation-state actor, to alter actual ballot counts or election results by cyber attack or intrusion.}

I get it, you're butthurt.

Someone told the truth, and that is the worst thing that can happen to a democrat.

Find a safe space, snowflake.

No "butt hurt,' baby. You conveniently failed to include the sentence that precedes the one you did include.

From the same paragraph:
Some states have also recently seen scanning and probing of their election-related systems, which in most cases originated from servers operated by a Russian company. However, we are not now in a position to attribute this activity to the Russian Government.
This is now the second time in an hour or so that someone has put their ignorance against my knowledge. I'm telling you now, as I did them before, that dog won't hunt.
what is all of this nonsense? you saying you have more than the POTUS?

No, I'm not saying that at all. I don't see anything that so much as suggests I said that, let alone my actually having said it.

Did you read my post? If you did, you should know what I did and did not not say. It's not as though it was hard to read, at least not for graduates of the eighth grade, "taxi driver."
That is a direct and deliberate lie.

Per the FBI;

“None of this new data constitutes a smoking gun that can clearly frame Russia as the culprit behind the almost unprecedented hacking campaign that has hit the DNC and several other targets somewhat connected to the U.S. presidential campaign.”

You clearly do not know what you are talking about, yet there you are talking anyway. (Click the link. Read the first sentence.

From your own link;

{However, we are not now in a position to attribute this activity to the Russian Government. The USIC and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) assess that it would be extremely difficult for someone, including a nation-state actor, to alter actual ballot counts or election results by cyber attack or intrusion.}

I get it, you're butthurt.

Someone told the truth, and that is the worst thing that can happen to a democrat.

Find a safe space, snowflake.

BTW, I'm still waiting on your answer to may question. Just to refresh your memory, I asked:
Are you one of the white male, poorly educated people who supported Trump?
If you aren't going to answer it, at least be adult enough to just so.
why is it necessary that he owes you an answer to that garbage?

Who said it is? I sure didn't. It's only you who's assumed that someone else may think it necessary he answer the question.
You posted they hacked the election then claimed you weren't talking about hacking the election... soooooo....
I posted they hacked a political party during a Presidential campaign. You screwed with my words to make your own quote and I could report you for it, so if I were you, I would STFU.


You posted this in post #103:

"I believe the experts and the members of the Senate who HAVE seen the evidence--they believe Russia hacked the election."

Then you posted this in post #105:

"I wasn't talking about the election"

Go ahead, report me.
All this twisting and turning without answering my question, do you accept that Russia hacked the Podesta and DNC emails? That is all this about.

I accept that they may have. If they did, it just shows the Dems can't even be trusted with e-mails.

Now, the point of all of this is that the Russians influenced the elections which of course is utter nonsense and without merit.
If the only point of all this was that the Russians influenced the elections, I'd not bother arguing about it. What is scary to me is folks like jc who are actually denying that the Russians were involved at all, or if they were, what's the big deal--we do it too. It is not good when a chunk of the people don't believe the newspapers and nightly news and now don't believe the FBI and intelligence agencies. I can't see anything good coming from such cynicism.

Fair enough.
No, I'm not saying that at all. I don't see anything that so much as suggests I said that, let alone my actually having said it.

Did you read my post? If you did, you should know what I did and did not not say. It's not as though it was hard to read, at least not for graduates of the eighth grade, "taxi driver."

Your posts make allegations of election tampering by Russia. There is zero evidence of this, and your own sources state that not only does the evidence not support the narrative, that it is virtually impossible given the decentralized nature of our elections.

Bottom line, you're butthurt that WikiLeaks released email from your party that exposed the outrageous corruption that defines it.
BTW, I'm still waiting on your answer to may question. Just to refresh your memory, I asked:
Are you one of the white male, poorly educated people who supported Trump?
If you aren't going to answer it, at least be adult enough to just so.

Asslips, is that you?

If so, you know full well I have a Ph.D.

What I love about the left is this pretense of intellect. :lmao: IF you are here long enough, you will discover that the conservative element is far better educated than are the leftists.


What is you Ph.D. in?
No, I'm not saying that at all. I don't see anything that so much as suggests I said that, let alone my actually having said it.

Did you read my post? If you did, you should know what I did and did not not say. It's not as though it was hard to read, at least not for graduates of the eighth grade, "taxi driver."

Your posts make allegations of election tampering by Russia. There is zero evidence of this, and your own sources state that not only does the evidence not support the narrative, that it is virtually impossible given the decentralized nature of our elections.

Bottom line, you're butthurt that WikiLeaks released email from your party that exposed the outrageous corruption that defines it.

If that's what you think, you don't read well enough to have a conversation in writing with me. Bye.
BTW, I'm still waiting on your answer to may question. Just to refresh your memory, I asked:
Are you one of the white male, poorly educated people who supported Trump?
If you aren't going to answer it, at least be adult enough to just so.

Asslips, is that you?

If so, you know full well I have a Ph.D.

What I love about the left is this pretense of intellect. :lmao: IF you are here long enough, you will discover that the conservative element is far better educated than are the leftists.


What is you Ph.D. in?

Supply and production chain management. (SPCM) My particular research focus was time fences (Goldblatt's theory) to ensure optimal production flow both in dock to stock as well as up and downstream.
BTW, I'm still waiting on your answer to may question. Just to refresh your memory, I asked:
Are you one of the white male, poorly educated people who supported Trump?
If you aren't going to answer it, at least be adult enough to just so.

Asslips, is that you?

If so, you know full well I have a Ph.D.

What I love about the left is this pretense of intellect. :lmao: IF you are here long enough, you will discover that the conservative element is far better educated than are the leftists.


What is you Ph.D. in?

I know the answer to that question: stupidity. His PhD is the kind that stands for "Stupidity Piled higher and Deeper.."

If he's got one, ask him for its title and year of publication.
If that's what you think, you don't read well enough to have a conversation in writing with me. Bye.

A lack of integrity on your part, does not equate to reading comprehension issues on mine....

It is thus neither a stretch nor inaccurate to say, as I did before, that ".all 17 organs of the U.S. intelligence community unanimously agree that the Russians did it." [1] It is not because to date, not one of the organizations in the USIC has expressed one iota of dissent with the statement the DHS and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) issued on behalf of the USIC. Nothing prevented the heads of one or more USIC agencies/departments from doing so. None did so.


As the entire board can see, you did indeed make allegations of tampering by the Russians.
BTW, I'm still waiting on your answer to may question. Just to refresh your memory, I asked:
Are you one of the white male, poorly educated people who supported Trump?
If you aren't going to answer it, at least be adult enough to just so.

Asslips, is that you?

If so, you know full well I have a Ph.D.

What I love about the left is this pretense of intellect. :lmao: IF you are here long enough, you will discover that the conservative element is far better educated than are the leftists.


What is you Ph.D. in?

Supply and production chain management. (SPCM) My particular research focus was time fences (Goldblatt's theory) to ensure optimal production flow both in dock to stock as well as up and downstream.


I pondered getting a doctorate in accounting but was too lazy.
....Out of curiosity, on what basis do you "strongly doubt" that personnel at each of the USIC units have not reviewed enough (it's the rare individual that reads all of the information gathered by the USIC).....
Because classified information is compartmentalized on a need-to-know basis. It's highly unlikely that a majority of the 17 different agencies, much less all 17 of them, would have access to intel on how the US knows the Russians were behind the hacking and release of emails.

If you've even held a security clearance above Confidential and worked with classified material, then you'll know what I mean. Additionally, if you review the list of 17 separate agencies, you should also be able to see what I mean.
BTW, I'm still waiting on your answer to may question. Just to refresh your memory, I asked:
Are you one of the white male, poorly educated people who supported Trump?
If you aren't going to answer it, at least be adult enough to just so.
why is it necessary that he owes you an answer to that garbage?
Agreed. It's a logical fallacy: Loaded question.
"A question with a false, disputed, or question-begging presupposition."

People who ask them are either stupid or trolling.

In this case, if the answer is "No", then the troll person asking the question will say "Oh, so you didn't vote for Trump?" If the answer is "Yes", then the answerer is accepting the premise that they are a poorly educated white male. Just the sort of person Democrats hate, amirite?
....Out of curiosity, on what basis do you "strongly doubt" that personnel at each of the USIC units have not reviewed enough (it's the rare individual that reads all of the information gathered by the USIC).....
Because classified information is compartmentalized on a need-to-know basis. It's highly unlikely that a majority of the 17 different agencies, much less all 17 of them, would have access to intel on how the US knows the Russians were behind the hacking and release of emails.

If you've even held a security clearance above Confidential and worked with classified material, then you'll know what I mean. Additionally, if you review the list of 17 separate agencies, you should also be able to see what I mean.

I knew you'd say that. I'd held out hope that you wouldn't resort to that, but alas....Oh, well, you answered my question, even the one I opted not to ask. Thank you.


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