WAPO admits Hunter Biden's Burisma board membership 'should have been a scandal' when his dad was VPWAPO


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
WaPo admits Hunter Biden's Burisma board membership 'should have been a scandal' when his dad was VP

Hunter Biden was hired by Ukrainian firm Burisma despite

no experience in the energy sector in 2014

13 Dec 2023 ~~ By Jeffery Clark

The Washington Post editorial board admitted that the Justice Department has a "strong criminal case" against Hunter Biden, President Joe Biden's son, and argued that Hunter's involvement in Burisma was a scandal.
"The Justice Department has strong criminal cases against Hunter Biden for allegedly failing to pay federal taxes, claiming false deductions and lying about his drug use on paperwork to buy a gun," the editorial board argued. "Congress, by contrast, lacks any reasonable basis for moving forward with impeachment against President Biden over his son’s dubious business dealings and personal conduct."
The editorial board criticized Hunter for his involvement in Burisma, a Ukrainian energy company, that hired him in 2014 despite no experience in the energy sector.
"That should have been a scandal when Joe Biden was vice president," the editorial board wrote. "It was also a mistake, albeit an understandable one, for the older Mr. Biden to insist later that his son had done ‘nothing wrong’ when he clearly has behaved so grossly — personally and professionally. Nor should the president have falsely claimed in October 2020 that his son 'has not made money' in China."
Hunter has appeared defiant as an investigation into him has continued. In a conversation on the Moby Pod podcast, Hunter bashed Republicans for trying to "kill" him.
House Speaker Mike Johnson on Tuesday defended a vote scheduled this week to formalize the impeachment inquiry into President Biden, arguing that unlike what Democrats did with the "sham impeachment" of former President Trump, Republicans are committed to the "rule of law."
The Biden crime family wasn’t just active then, it has been in increasingly activity since, and Congress most certainly does have “reasonable basis for moving forward with impeachment against President Biden over his son’s dubious business dealings and personal conduct.” Nothing stopped then, everything accelerated. Neither the Bidens nor the editorial board of the criminal accomplice WaPo have a leg to stand on here, not in credibility, history, or evidential fact.
Has WaPo received its instructions from the DNCCP?
Funny isn't it, Democrats impeached "45" over a phone call to find out what Biden was doing , which we know now was justified.
However, the DOJ/FBI, along with the Quisling Media that includes WaPo, covered up and excused Hunter’s actions in order to protect the Obama/Biden administration. They continue to do that to this day.
The truth is that the evidence obtained by Committee Republicans reveals Joe Biden lied to the American people about his involvement in his family’s business schemes. The Biden family business model is built on Joe Biden’s political career and connections with Joe Biden as the ‘chairman of the board.’ Biden family members sold access for profit around the world to the detriment of American interests. If President Biden is compromised by deals with foreign adversaries and they are impacting his decision making, this is a threat to national security. The American people deserve transparency and accountability about the Biden family’s influence peddling. With the new Republican majority, Oversight Committee Republicans will continue pressing for answers to inform legislative solutions to prevent this abuse of power.
Devon Archer explained it well.
Meanwhile the DNCCP, their fellow travelers and low IQ sheep will attempt to tell us there is no evidence in this politically treasonous criminal family dealings.
Other than tax fraud by Hunter Biden….most of this article is MAGA projection of stuff the Trump Crime Family was accused of (and was substantiated): influence peddling, millions from foreign entities, etc. The Trump Crime Family tax fraud should have been a scandal long ago too, but hey it’s one of the perks of wealth. Tax laws don’t apply when you have enough wealth and power to sweep it under the rug.
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WaPo admits Hunter Biden's Burisma board membership 'should have been a scandal' when his dad was VP

Hunter Biden was hired by Ukrainian firm Burisma despite

no experience in the energy sector in 2014

13 Dec 2023 ~~ By Jeffery Clark

The Washington Post editorial board admitted that the Justice Department has a "strong criminal case" against Hunter Biden, President Joe Biden's son, and argued that Hunter's involvement in Burisma was a scandal.
"The Justice Department has strong criminal cases against Hunter Biden for allegedly failing to pay federal taxes, claiming false deductions and lying about his drug use on paperwork to buy a gun," the editorial board argued. "Congress, by contrast, lacks any reasonable basis for moving forward with impeachment against President Biden over his son’s dubious business dealings and personal conduct."
The editorial board criticized Hunter for his involvement in Burisma, a Ukrainian energy company, that hired him in 2014 despite no experience in the energy sector.
"That should have been a scandal when Joe Biden was vice president," the editorial board wrote. "It was also a mistake, albeit an understandable one, for the older Mr. Biden to insist later that his son had done ‘nothing wrong’ when he clearly has behaved so grossly — personally and professionally. Nor should the president have falsely claimed in October 2020 that his son 'has not made money' in China."
Hunter has appeared defiant as an investigation into him has continued. In a conversation on the Moby Pod podcast, Hunter bashed Republicans for trying to "kill" him.
House Speaker Mike Johnson on Tuesday defended a vote scheduled this week to formalize the impeachment inquiry into President Biden, arguing that unlike what Democrats did with the "sham impeachment" of former President Trump, Republicans are committed to the "rule of law."
The Biden crime family wasn’t just active then, it has been in increasingly activity since, and Congress most certainly does have “reasonable basis for moving forward with impeachment against President Biden over his son’s dubious business dealings and personal conduct.” Nothing stopped then, everything accelerated. Neither the Bidens nor the editorial board of the criminal accomplice WaPo have a leg to stand on here, not in credibility, history, or evidential fact.
Has WaPo received its instructions from the DNCCP?
Funny isn't it, Democrats impeached "45" over a phone call to find out what Biden was doing , which we know now was justified.
However, the DOJ/FBI, along with the Quisling Media that includes WaPo, covered up and excused Hunter’s actions in order to protect the Obama/Biden administration. They continue to do that to this day.
The truth is that the evidence obtained by Committee Republicans reveals Joe Biden lied to the American people about his involvement in his family’s business schemes. The Biden family business model is built on Joe Biden’s political career and connections with Joe Biden as the ‘chairman of the board.’ Biden family members sold access for profit around the world to the detriment of American interests. If President Biden is compromised by deals with foreign adversaries and they are impacting his decision making, this is a threat to national security. The American people deserve transparency and accountability about the Biden family’s influence peddling. With the new Republican majority, Oversight Committee Republicans will continue pressing for answers to inform legislative solutions to prevent this abuse of power.
Devon Archer explained it well.
Meanwhile the DNCCP, their fellow travelers and low IQ sheep will attempt to tell us there is no evidence in this politically treasonous criminal family dealings.

Hunter Biden being on the board of Burisma WAS a scandal when his father was in office. I guess you failed to notice it, just like you failed to notice that the entire EU, World Bank, IMF, NATO and the US Government sent Joe Biden to the Ukraine to fire the corrupt prosecutor,

I love it when you play telephone. You link to the FOX News spun edition of what the Washington Post. The problem being that what FOX is telling you isn't what WAPO said at all.

You clowns can't read the REAL sources of the any story without running them through a spin cycle or two on right wing media.
I wonder why you left this part out?

Opinion: The Hunter Biden indictment is sound. The Joe Biden impeachment inquiry is not.

The Justice Department has strong criminal cases against Hunter Biden for allegedly failing to pay federal taxes, claiming false deductions and lying about his drug use on paperwork to buy a gun. Congress, by contrast, lacks any reasonable basis for moving forward with impeachment against President Biden over his son’s dubious business dealings and personal conduct.

House Republicans are poised to vote Wednesday on authorizing an impeachment inquiry despite the lack of meaningful evidence that the president personally profited from his son’s overseas adventures. This major step is retaliation for the two impeachments of President Donald Trump, both of which had legitimate grounding, and a play to make Mr. Biden appear as tainted as Mr. Trump ahead of the 2024 election.

At this point I'd like to remind you colossal bags of shit that Hunter Biden is not running for office and has never held a publicly elected position or any position in government.

But someone has...........

Six months after leaving the White House, Jared Kushner secured a $2 billion investment from a fund led by the Saudi crown prince, a close ally during the Trump administration, despite objections from the fund’s advisers about the merits of the deal.

A panel that screens investments for the main Saudi sovereign wealth fund cited concerns about the proposed deal with Mr. Kushner’s newly formed private equity firm, Affinity Partners, previously undisclosed documents show.

Those objections included: “the inexperience of the Affinity Fund management”; the possibility that the kingdom would be responsible for “the bulk of the investment and risk”; due diligence on the fledgling firm’s operations that found them “unsatisfactory in all aspects”; a proposed asset management fee that “seems excessive”; and “public relations risks” from Mr. Kushner’s prior role as a senior adviser to his father-in-law, former President Donald J. Trump, according to minutes of the panel’s meeting last June 30.

But days later the full board of the $620 billion Public Investment Fund — led by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, Saudi Arabia’s de facto ruler and a beneficiary of Mr. Kushner’s support when he worked as a White House adviser — overruled the panel.


Isn't the guy walking with Jared the one who had Jamal Khashoggi hacked up in to little pieces?
Hunter Biden being on the board of Burisma WAS a scandal when his father was in office. I guess you failed to notice it, just like you failed to notice that the entire EU, World Bank, IMF, NATO and the US Government sent Joe Biden to the Ukraine to fire the corrupt prosecutor,

I love it when you play telephone. You link to the FOX News spun edition of what the Washington Post. The problem being that what FOX is telling you isn't what WAPO said at all.

You clowns can't read the REAL sources of the any story without running them through a spin cycle or two on right wing media.
In near everything to destroy people, Progressives have taken a lead. And more than that, they put the issues on a stage. Hunter did a walk around as he prepared to emote his lawyer induced prepared speech on his stage.
In near everything to destroy people, Progressives have taken a lead.
Even as you wrote that Ruby Moss and her daughter are celebrating the decision to hold the POS known as Rudy responsible for defaming them and destroying their lives. And the many people in the justice system who Trump has defamed are dealing with death threats from his mob. Hunter Biden, a private citizen, has been dragged through the mud for years. Virtually every Repub in the public arena who has denounced Trump has been reputationally attacked. Ray Epps had to go in to hiding in fear of retribution from MAGAists. So sit the fuck down.
But, but, HUNTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ask yourself if it is a coincidence, after Trump's corruption is laid out in plain sight,

that he calls Biden "Crooked Joe" while RWM and congressional Repubs have spent years in the futile pursuit of finding evidence of Joe's corruption.

Ask yourself if it is a coincidence, even as Trump speaks openly about the specific ways he will violate constitutional norms in a second term,

that Repubs accuse Biden of being an authoritarian.

The next time you hear an accusation being made by Trump, RWM, or a member of The Following ask yourself if the reason it is being made is to deflect attention away from the very thing Trump and or Repubs are doing.
WaPo admits Hunter Biden's Burisma board membership 'should have been a scandal' when his dad was VP

Hunter Biden was hired by Ukrainian firm Burisma despite

no experience in the energy sector in 2014

13 Dec 2023 ~~ By Jeffery Clark

The Washington Post editorial board admitted that the Justice Department has a "strong criminal case" against Hunter Biden, President Joe Biden's son, and argued that Hunter's involvement in Burisma was a scandal.
"The Justice Department has strong criminal cases against Hunter Biden for allegedly failing to pay federal taxes, claiming false deductions and lying about his drug use on paperwork to buy a gun," the editorial board argued. "Congress, by contrast, lacks any reasonable basis for moving forward with impeachment against President Biden over his son’s dubious business dealings and personal conduct."
The editorial board criticized Hunter for his involvement in Burisma, a Ukrainian energy company, that hired him in 2014 despite no experience in the energy sector.
"That should have been a scandal when Joe Biden was vice president," the editorial board wrote. "It was also a mistake, albeit an understandable one, for the older Mr. Biden to insist later that his son had done ‘nothing wrong’ when he clearly has behaved so grossly — personally and professionally. Nor should the president have falsely claimed in October 2020 that his son 'has not made money' in China."
Hunter has appeared defiant as an investigation into him has continued. In a conversation on the Moby Pod podcast, Hunter bashed Republicans for trying to "kill" him.
House Speaker Mike Johnson on Tuesday defended a vote scheduled this week to formalize the impeachment inquiry into President Biden, arguing that unlike what Democrats did with the "sham impeachment" of former President Trump, Republicans are committed to the "rule of law."
The Biden crime family wasn’t just active then, it has been in increasingly activity since, and Congress most certainly does have “reasonable basis for moving forward with impeachment against President Biden over his son’s dubious business dealings and personal conduct.” Nothing stopped then, everything accelerated. Neither the Bidens nor the editorial board of the criminal accomplice WaPo have a leg to stand on here, not in credibility, history, or evidential fact.
Has WaPo received its instructions from the DNCCP?
Funny isn't it, Democrats impeached "45" over a phone call to find out what Biden was doing , which we know now was justified.
However, the DOJ/FBI, along with the Quisling Media that includes WaPo, covered up and excused Hunter’s actions in order to protect the Obama/Biden administration. They continue to do that to this day.
The truth is that the evidence obtained by Committee Republicans reveals Joe Biden lied to the American people about his involvement in his family’s business schemes. The Biden family business model is built on Joe Biden’s political career and connections with Joe Biden as the ‘chairman of the board.’ Biden family members sold access for profit around the world to the detriment of American interests. If President Biden is compromised by deals with foreign adversaries and they are impacting his decision making, this is a threat to national security. The American people deserve transparency and accountability about the Biden family’s influence peddling. With the new Republican majority, Oversight Committee Republicans will continue pressing for answers to inform legislative solutions to prevent this abuse of power.
Devon Archer explained it well.
Meanwhile the DNCCP, their fellow travelers and low IQ sheep will attempt to tell us there is no evidence in this politically treasonous criminal family dealings.
You mean Biden's Justice Department?
WaPo admits Hunter Biden's Burisma board membership 'should have been a scandal' when his dad was VP

Hunter Biden was hired by Ukrainian firm Burisma despite

no experience in the energy sector in 2014

13 Dec 2023 ~~ By Jeffery Clark

The Washington Post editorial board admitted that the Justice Department has a "strong criminal case" against Hunter Biden, President Joe Biden's son, and argued that Hunter's involvement in Burisma was a scandal.
"The Justice Department has strong criminal cases against Hunter Biden for allegedly failing to pay federal taxes, claiming false deductions and lying about his drug use on paperwork to buy a gun," the editorial board argued. "Congress, by contrast, lacks any reasonable basis for moving forward with impeachment against President Biden over his son’s dubious business dealings and personal conduct."
The editorial board criticized Hunter for his involvement in Burisma, a Ukrainian energy company, that hired him in 2014 despite no experience in the energy sector.
"That should have been a scandal when Joe Biden was vice president," the editorial board wrote. "It was also a mistake, albeit an understandable one, for the older Mr. Biden to insist later that his son had done ‘nothing wrong’ when he clearly has behaved so grossly — personally and professionally. Nor should the president have falsely claimed in October 2020 that his son 'has not made money' in China."
Hunter has appeared defiant as an investigation into him has continued. In a conversation on the Moby Pod podcast, Hunter bashed Republicans for trying to "kill" him.
House Speaker Mike Johnson on Tuesday defended a vote scheduled this week to formalize the impeachment inquiry into President Biden, arguing that unlike what Democrats did with the "sham impeachment" of former President Trump, Republicans are committed to the "rule of law."
The Biden crime family wasn’t just active then, it has been in increasingly activity since, and Congress most certainly does have “reasonable basis for moving forward with impeachment against President Biden over his son’s dubious business dealings and personal conduct.” Nothing stopped then, everything accelerated. Neither the Bidens nor the editorial board of the criminal accomplice WaPo have a leg to stand on here, not in credibility, history, or evidential fact.
Has WaPo received its instructions from the DNCCP?
Funny isn't it, Democrats impeached "45" over a phone call to find out what Biden was doing , which we know now was justified.
However, the DOJ/FBI, along with the Quisling Media that includes WaPo, covered up and excused Hunter’s actions in order to protect the Obama/Biden administration. They continue to do that to this day.
The truth is that the evidence obtained by Committee Republicans reveals Joe Biden lied to the American people about his involvement in his family’s business schemes. The Biden family business model is built on Joe Biden’s political career and connections with Joe Biden as the ‘chairman of the board.’ Biden family members sold access for profit around the world to the detriment of American interests. If President Biden is compromised by deals with foreign adversaries and they are impacting his decision making, this is a threat to national security. The American people deserve transparency and accountability about the Biden family’s influence peddling. With the new Republican majority, Oversight Committee Republicans will continue pressing for answers to inform legislative solutions to prevent this abuse of power.
Devon Archer explained it well.
Meanwhile the DNCCP, their fellow travelers and low IQ sheep will attempt to tell us there is no evidence in this politically treasonous criminal family dealings.
The Nancy Pelosi and the Crazy Klanocats impeached Trump for just asking a question about Joe Biden's corruption in Ukraine.
WaPo admits Hunter Biden's Burisma board membership 'should have been a scandal' when his dad was VP

Hunter Biden was hired by Ukrainian firm Burisma despite

no experience in the energy sector in 2014

13 Dec 2023 ~~ By Jeffery Clark

The Washington Post editorial board admitted that the Justice Department has a "strong criminal case" against Hunter Biden, President Joe Biden's son, and argued that Hunter's involvement in Burisma was a scandal.
"The Justice Department has strong criminal cases against Hunter Biden for allegedly failing to pay federal taxes, claiming false deductions and lying about his drug use on paperwork to buy a gun," the editorial board argued. "Congress, by contrast, lacks any reasonable basis for moving forward with impeachment against President Biden over his son’s dubious business dealings and personal conduct."
The editorial board criticized Hunter for his involvement in Burisma, a Ukrainian energy company, that hired him in 2014 despite no experience in the energy sector.
"That should have been a scandal when Joe Biden was vice president," the editorial board wrote. "It was also a mistake, albeit an understandable one, for the older Mr. Biden to insist later that his son had done ‘nothing wrong’ when he clearly has behaved so grossly — personally and professionally. Nor should the president have falsely claimed in October 2020 that his son 'has not made money' in China."
Hunter has appeared defiant as an investigation into him has continued. In a conversation on the Moby Pod podcast, Hunter bashed Republicans for trying to "kill" him.
House Speaker Mike Johnson on Tuesday defended a vote scheduled this week to formalize the impeachment inquiry into President Biden, arguing that unlike what Democrats did with the "sham impeachment" of former President Trump, Republicans are committed to the "rule of law."
The Biden crime family wasn’t just active then, it has been in increasingly activity since, and Congress most certainly does have “reasonable basis for moving forward with impeachment against President Biden over his son’s dubious business dealings and personal conduct.” Nothing stopped then, everything accelerated. Neither the Bidens nor the editorial board of the criminal accomplice WaPo have a leg to stand on here, not in credibility, history, or evidential fact.
Has WaPo received its instructions from the DNCCP?
Funny isn't it, Democrats impeached "45" over a phone call to find out what Biden was doing , which we know now was justified.
However, the DOJ/FBI, along with the Quisling Media that includes WaPo, covered up and excused Hunter’s actions in order to protect the Obama/Biden administration. They continue to do that to this day.
The truth is that the evidence obtained by Committee Republicans reveals Joe Biden lied to the American people about his involvement in his family’s business schemes. The Biden family business model is built on Joe Biden’s political career and connections with Joe Biden as the ‘chairman of the board.’ Biden family members sold access for profit around the world to the detriment of American interests. If President Biden is compromised by deals with foreign adversaries and they are impacting his decision making, this is a threat to national security. The American people deserve transparency and accountability about the Biden family’s influence peddling. With the new Republican majority, Oversight Committee Republicans will continue pressing for answers to inform legislative solutions to prevent this abuse of power.
Devon Archer explained it well.
Meanwhile the DNCCP, their fellow travelers and low IQ sheep will attempt to tell us there is no evidence in this politically treasonous criminal family dealings.
WaPo is not well educated. When did Hunter Biden found Metabiota along with Nathan Wolfe (of WEF Young Leaders)? Why did Hunter Biden introduce Metabiota, a virus-collecting enterprise) to Burisma (an energy company)?
In near everything to destroy people, Progressives have taken a lead. And more than that, they put the issues on a stage. Hunter did a walk around as he prepared to emote his lawyer induced prepared speech on his stage.

If it were up to conservatives, the world would still be ruled by kings and queens ruling by Divine Right.

Of course you love Putin, who is taking Russia backwards trying to recreate the Russian Empire. The world can never go backwards. That's what's making you crazy.
The Nancy Pelosi and the Crazy Klanocats impeached Trump for just asking a question about Joe Biden's corruption in Ukraine.

Just because you failed to read the news in 2016 and completely failed to hear anything about the entire Western World demanding Shokin's resignation, and Biden being a hero to everyone, except Burisma, who got rid of the corrupt prosecutor, please keep your ignorance on this matter to yourself.

You really look like a complete idiot every time you repeat Trump's lies.
WaPo admits Hunter Biden's Burisma board membership 'should have been a scandal' when his dad was VP

Hunter Biden was hired by Ukrainian firm Burisma despite

no experience in the energy sector in 2014

13 Dec 2023 ~~ By Jeffery Clark

The Washington Post editorial board admitted that the Justice Department has a "strong criminal case" against Hunter Biden, President Joe Biden's son, and argued that Hunter's involvement in Burisma was a scandal.
"The Justice Department has strong criminal cases against Hunter Biden for allegedly failing to pay federal taxes, claiming false deductions and lying about his drug use on paperwork to buy a gun," the editorial board argued. "Congress, by contrast, lacks any reasonable basis for moving forward with impeachment against President Biden over his son’s dubious business dealings and personal conduct."
The editorial board criticized Hunter for his involvement in Burisma, a Ukrainian energy company, that hired him in 2014 despite no experience in the energy sector.
"That should have been a scandal when Joe Biden was vice president," the editorial board wrote. "It was also a mistake, albeit an understandable one, for the older Mr. Biden to insist later that his son had done ‘nothing wrong’ when he clearly has behaved so grossly — personally and professionally. Nor should the president have falsely claimed in October 2020 that his son 'has not made money' in China."
Hunter has appeared defiant as an investigation into him has continued. In a conversation on the Moby Pod podcast, Hunter bashed Republicans for trying to "kill" him.
House Speaker Mike Johnson on Tuesday defended a vote scheduled this week to formalize the impeachment inquiry into President Biden, arguing that unlike what Democrats did with the "sham impeachment" of former President Trump, Republicans are committed to the "rule of law."
The Biden crime family wasn’t just active then, it has been in increasingly activity since, and Congress most certainly does have “reasonable basis for moving forward with impeachment against President Biden over his son’s dubious business dealings and personal conduct.” Nothing stopped then, everything accelerated. Neither the Bidens nor the editorial board of the criminal accomplice WaPo have a leg to stand on here, not in credibility, history, or evidential fact.
Has WaPo received its instructions from the DNCCP?
Funny isn't it, Democrats impeached "45" over a phone call to find out what Biden was doing , which we know now was justified.
However, the DOJ/FBI, along with the Quisling Media that includes WaPo, covered up and excused Hunter’s actions in order to protect the Obama/Biden administration. They continue to do that to this day.
The truth is that the evidence obtained by Committee Republicans reveals Joe Biden lied to the American people about his involvement in his family’s business schemes. The Biden family business model is built on Joe Biden’s political career and connections with Joe Biden as the ‘chairman of the board.’ Biden family members sold access for profit around the world to the detriment of American interests. If President Biden is compromised by deals with foreign adversaries and they are impacting his decision making, this is a threat to national security. The American people deserve transparency and accountability about the Biden family’s influence peddling. With the new Republican majority, Oversight Committee Republicans will continue pressing for answers to inform legislative solutions to prevent this abuse of power.
Devon Archer explained it well.
Meanwhile the DNCCP, their fellow travelers and low IQ sheep will attempt to tell us there is no evidence in this politically treasonous criminal family dealings.
Was it illegal?

Will the former 1-term fuckups offspring be judged equally.
If it were up to conservatives, the world would still be ruled by kings and queens ruling by Divine Right.

Of course you love Putin, who is taking Russia backwards trying to recreate the Russian Empire. The world can never go backwards. That's what's making you crazy.

Other than tax fraud by Hunter Biden….most of this article is MAGA projection of stuff the Trump Crime Family was accused of (and was substantiated): influence peddling, millions from foreign entities, etc. The Trump Crime Family tax fraud should have been a scandal long ago too, but hey it’s one of the perks of wealth. Tax laws don’t apply when you have enough wealth and power to sweep it under the rug.
Where will you move when Trump is elected America hater?
Other than tax fraud by Hunter Biden….most of this article is MAGA projection of stuff the Trump Crime Family was accused of (and was substantiated): influence peddling, millions from foreign entities, etc. The Trump Crime Family tax fraud should have been a scandal long ago too, but hey it’s one of the perks of wealth. Tax laws don’t apply when you have enough wealth and power to sweep it under the rug.
Difference between someone in international business and a lifetime political grifter.
Other than tax fraud by Hunter Biden….most of this article is MAGA projection of stuff the Trump Crime Family was accused of (and was substantiated): influence peddling, millions from foreign entities, etc. The Trump Crime Family tax fraud should have been a scandal long ago too, but hey it’s one of the perks of wealth. Tax laws don’t apply when you have enough wealth and power to sweep it under the rug.

There is no evidence of tax fraud by Hunter Biden. He paid the taxes and the penalties. This is a malicious prosecution.

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