WAPO:Donna Brazile claims she feared for her life after Seth Rich murder. Kept blinds closed.

. . . or a comrade.
if russia was the fear, why did she write this? From Careful's post #23

"Brazile writes that she was haunted by the still-unsolved murder of DNC data staffer Seth Rich and feared for her own life, shutting the blinds to her office window so snipers could not see her and installing surveillance cameras at her home. She wonders whether Russians had placed a listening device in plants in the DNC executive suite."
Read your last sentence, comrade.
Donna knows what happens if you cross the Clintons.

Hillary supporters should be very careful about personally attacking a black woman. You don’t want to be racist and misogynist.

Donna Brazile: I considered replacing Clinton with Biden as 2016 Democratic nominee

“Brazile writes that she was haunted by the still-unsolved murder of DNC data staffer Seth Rich and feared for her own life, shutting the blinds to her office window so snipers could not see her and installing surveillance cameras at her home. “
She's a retard.

When Clinton had pneumonia, Brazile told her to see an acupuncturist.

That's how retarded this ratfucker is.

She probably hides under her bed during thunderstorms.
dude, why was Brazile haunted by Seth Rich's death? please answer that. From post #23:

"Brazile writes that she was haunted by the still-unsolved murder of DNC data staffer Seth Rich and feared for her own life, shutting the blinds to her office window so snipers could not see her and installing surveillance cameras at her home. She wonders whether Russians had placed a listening device in plants in the DNC executive suite."
. . . or a comrade.
if russia was the fear, why did she write this? From Careful's post #23

"Brazile writes that she was haunted by the still-unsolved murder of DNC data staffer Seth Rich and feared for her own life, shutting the blinds to her office window so snipers could not see her and installing surveillance cameras at her home. She wonders whether Russians had placed a listening device in plants in the DNC executive suite."
Read your last sentence, comrade.
I did. I asked you about Seth Rich? what did the russians have to do with him?
Brazile is obviously as stupid as the pseudocon rubes on this forum.

Watching the pseudocon rubes trying to make something out of another retard's claims is first class entertainment.
. . . or a comrade.
if russia was the fear, why did she write this? From Careful's post #23

"Brazile writes that she was haunted by the still-unsolved murder of DNC data staffer Seth Rich and feared for her own life, shutting the blinds to her office window so snipers could not see her and installing surveillance cameras at her home. She wonders whether Russians had placed a listening device in plants in the DNC executive suite."
Read your last sentence, comrade.
I did. I asked you about Seth Rich? what did the russians have to do with him?
Comrade jc456, the issue is with your Russian master. Read the last sentence, slowly and out loud if you must, to understand she was afraid of Russians.
So that is the answer? Donna Brazile is a right wing conspiracy theory nut job

Dumbass, how many times does it have to repeated that Donna was fearing Russians not Hillary?

Congratulations on pushing yet another piece of rw bullshit.
so the russians killed seth rich?
That's what the idiot Brazile thought. And she thought the Russian were bugging her office.
why would she think that? the guy at wikileaks Assange told the world rich gave him the dirt on hitlery? He, Seth Rich, did them, the Russians, a favor since they, the Russians, were supposedly in it for trump? so something there has no logic at all. Assange is still alive.
Yea...the RUSSIANS were mad that Seth Rich leaked the DNC e-mails to WIKILEAKS?

PUTIN KILLED SETH RICH? :alcoholic::alcoholic::alcoholic::alcoholic::alcoholic::alcoholic::alcoholic::alcoholic::alcoholic::alcoholic:

Fucking morons.
Oh, man. The irony of this post is gut bustingly awesome!
then why did the russians kill seth rich? Didn't he do them a favor? your logic is failing bigly.
Comrade, your logic is failing bigly. Tell us who did Donna fear. It was not the Clintons. It was the Russians and people like you.
So that is the answer? Donna Brazile is a right wing conspiracy theory nut job

Dumbass, how many times does it have to repeated that Donna was fearing Russians not Hillary?

Congratulations on pushing yet another piece of rw bullshit.
so the russians killed seth rich?
That's what the idiot Brazile thought. And she thought the Russian were bugging her office.
why would she think that?
For the same reason you tards thought the Clintons killed him.

Because you are all stupid.
Yea...the RUSSIANS were mad that Seth Rich leaked the DNC e-mails to WIKILEAKS?

PUTIN KILLED SETH RICH? :alcoholic::alcoholic::alcoholic::alcoholic::alcoholic::alcoholic::alcoholic::alcoholic::alcoholic::alcoholic:

Fucking morons.
Oh, man. The irony of this post is gut bustingly awesome!
then why did the russians kill seth rich? Didn't he do them a favor? your logic is failing bigly.
Comrade, your logic is failing bigly. Tell us who did Donna fear. It was not the Clintons. It was the Russians and people like you.
dude did she make the comment about Seth Rich or not? the answer is obvious since I quoted it for you yes. Now what logic would there need to be here that Seth Rich was killed by the russians? He gave Assange the dirt on clinton. the russians would love that if they were in it for trump. right? so they killed the hero? really, how fking stupid are you?
So that is the answer? Donna Brazile is a right wing conspiracy theory nut job

Dumbass, how many times does it have to repeated that Donna was fearing Russians not Hillary?

Congratulations on pushing yet another piece of rw bullshit.
so the russians killed seth rich?
That's what the idiot Brazile thought. And she thought the Russian were bugging her office.
why would she think that?
For the same reason you tards thought the Clintons killed him.

Because you are all stupid.
but wait. Assange has already confirmed he got the dirt from Seth Rich. Why would the russians who supposedly backed trump kill the guy that gave trump the white house? Dude, it's funny you can't think logically can you?

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