WaPo provides today's example of 45's supporters being the dumbest people alive


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
WaPo provides today's example of 45's supporters being the dumbest people alive
Whom to trust when it comes to health-care reform? Trump supporters put their faith in him.

NASHVILLE — Soon after Charla McComic’s son lost his job, his health-insurance premium dropped from $567 per month to just $88, a “blessing from God” that she believes was made possible by President Trump.

“I think it was just because of the tax credit,” said McComic, 52, a former first-grade teacher who traveled to Trump’s Wednesday night rally in Nashville from Lexington, Tenn., with her daughter, mother, aunt and cousin.

His supporters are indeed as stupid as we think they are. The linked article is possibly the most depressing thing you will read today concerning life in America nowadays.

The suffering and the slap in the face of cold water hitting these people in the face will be truly epic! Maybe in 2018 and 2020 some of these people will finally wake up and vote democrat after they get fucked hard by loserterianism.
WaPo provides today's example of 45's supporters being the dumbest people alive
Whom to trust when it comes to health-care reform? Trump supporters put their faith in him.

NASHVILLE — Soon after Charla McComic’s son lost his job, his health-insurance premium dropped from $567 per month to just $88, a “blessing from God” that she believes was made possible by President Trump.

“I think it was just because of the tax credit,” said McComic, 52, a former first-grade teacher who traveled to Trump’s Wednesday night rally in Nashville from Lexington, Tenn., with her daughter, mother, aunt and cousin.

His supporters are indeed as stupid as we think they are. The linked article is possibly the most depressing thing you will read today concerning life in America nowadays.

The suffering and the slap in the face of cold water hitting these people in the face will be truly epic! Maybe in 2018 and 2020 some of these people will finally wake up and vote democrat after they get fucked hard by loserterianism.


WaPo provides today's example of 45's supporters being the dumbest people alive
Whom to trust when it comes to health-care reform? Trump supporters put their faith in him.

NASHVILLE — Soon after Charla McComic’s son lost his job, his health-insurance premium dropped from $567 per month to just $88, a “blessing from God” that she believes was made possible by President Trump.

“I think it was just because of the tax credit,” said McComic, 52, a former first-grade teacher who traveled to Trump’s Wednesday night rally in Nashville from Lexington, Tenn., with her daughter, mother, aunt and cousin.

His supporters are indeed as stupid as we think they are. The linked article is possibly the most depressing thing you will read today concerning life in America nowadays.

The suffering and the slap in the face of cold water hitting these people in the face will be truly epic! Maybe in 2018 and 2020 some of these people will finally wake up and vote democrat after they get fucked hard by loserterianism.

I am one of those people that has no use for this corporate entity that has pulled the wool over the eyes of stupid commie pieces of shit such as yourself that worships at the feet of "da gubermint" that believes that it should solve all your problems. I can't relate to a limp-wristed pussy like you on any level because you simply lack even the faintest clue...there is no common ground to be found because the chasm is simply too deep and too wide. On one hand I pity you..... on the other hand, I want to watch you sitting on the curb with your little head in your hand when the system collapses waiting for your beloved "gubermint" to come along and save you because it's not gonna happen. As I have said MANY times before...I would slit the throat of a leftist before I would EVER consider touting their ideals or supporting one and you can eytch that in stone, Mattie.

Grow a pair and learn how to stand on your own two feet because no one owes you anything........
WaPo provides today's example of 45's supporters being the dumbest people alive
Whom to trust when it comes to health-care reform? Trump supporters put their faith in him.

NASHVILLE — Soon after Charla McComic’s son lost his job, his health-insurance premium dropped from $567 per month to just $88, a “blessing from God” that she believes was made possible by President Trump.

“I think it was just because of the tax credit,” said McComic, 52, a former first-grade teacher who traveled to Trump’s Wednesday night rally in Nashville from Lexington, Tenn., with her daughter, mother, aunt and cousin.

His supporters are indeed as stupid as we think they are.

Well, they are not the ones buying the Washington Post as a source of reality.
WaPo provides today's example of 45's supporters being the dumbest people alive
Whom to trust when it comes to health-care reform? Trump supporters put their faith in him.

NASHVILLE — Soon after Charla McComic’s son lost his job, his health-insurance premium dropped from $567 per month to just $88, a “blessing from God” that she believes was made possible by President Trump.

“I think it was just because of the tax credit,” said McComic, 52, a former first-grade teacher who traveled to Trump’s Wednesday night rally in Nashville from Lexington, Tenn., with her daughter, mother, aunt and cousin.

His supporters are indeed as stupid as we think they are.

Well, they are not the ones buying the Washington Post as a source of reality.

Indeed. That rag has less than zero credibility, and has no interest in ever regaining any.

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