WaPo: Trump “possibly violated a federal directive” by tweeting about jobs report before its release

Vast Russian democrat Party conspiracy

Nah, it's the deep state (Brennan) that came up with it, the psycho princess and the corrupt DNC happily went along with it because it provided a nice excuse for their incredible screwup of the selections

Why should I argue? As I understand it, the story is correct.

So arrest him. Do something about it, instead of just flinging poo.

Do you ever get tired of that, by the way?

Stormy Mac gets so upset when people make fun of his hero.
Friend, I wouldn't be siding with the far right anti-government freaks that thinks anything left of Genghis Khan is part of that deep state...Why? Because a socialist like you will be flashed down the same toilet if they get their way.

Oh, I know

But I consider the deep state to be a much bigger danger than the insane orange saviour in chief and his make murica great again cult

It's a case of the deplorable enemy of my enemy is my 'friend'

The MSM has lost their collective minds with Trump Derangement Syndrome. As a result, must of the left citzenry has too.

This thread is another proof of their mental illness. If only they would concentrate on the important stuff, but that would require thinking. So, not possible.
"Trump, like past presidents, is given a preview of the sensitive report before its official release, but a 1985 directive issued by the Reagan administration requires that the executive branch not comment on the information until an hour after it is made public."

This is one more instance of corruption in the Trump administration. Reagan sought to prevent insider trading and politization:

The rule governing comment on the jobs data was put in place for at least two reasons. First, financial markets respond immediately to the monthly report, and a premature release could lead to insider trading or market manipulation.

Second, there has been a strong effort to insulate this information from political leaders, as advance discussion of the data could make it seem politicized. During the Obama administration, Trump routinely said that the numbers in the jobs report had been tampered with to bolster Democrats’ political prospects.

Trump breaks with decades of protocol with tweet before release of jobs report
The MSM has lost their collective minds due to Trump Derangement Syndrome. As a consequence, many citizens on the left have too.

This thread is yet another proof of this mental illness. If only they would concentrate on the important stuff, rather than the made up BS. Just goes to show how easily the MSM can still dupe many Americans.
"Trump, like past presidents, is given a preview of the sensitive report before its official release, but a 1985 directive issued by the Reagan administration requires that the executive branch not comment on the information until an hour after it is made public."

This is one more instance of corruption in the Trump administration. Reagan sought to prevent insider trading and politization:

The rule governing comment on the jobs data was put in place for at least two reasons. First, financial markets respond immediately to the monthly report, and a premature release could lead to insider trading or market manipulation.

Second, there has been a strong effort to insulate this information from political leaders, as advance discussion of the data could make it seem politicized. During the Obama administration, Trump routinely said that the numbers in the jobs report had been tampered with to bolster Democrats’ political prospects.

Trump breaks with decades of protocol with tweet before release of jobs report

We got him this time!! Part 875,209
Note that CrusaderFrank is not contradicting WaPo’s claim. He’s instead using the following strawman: “Trump will not be impeached for this!”.
Thank you.

WaPost is a fucking joke. It's Bezos Dear Diary. Nobody pays attention to it or Carlos Slims Dear Diary either
If Trump does not express anticipation for seeing the jobs numbers on July 6th at 7:30 am, will it serve as a signal to the market?
If Trump does not express anticipation for seeing the jobs numbers on July 6th at 7:30 am, will it serve as a signal to the market?
So you really think merely saying your looking forward to seeing the jobs numbers, will move the market???

Come on LL, I know you aren't really this stupid.
If Trump does not express anticipation for seeing the jobs numbers on July 6th at 7:30 am, will it serve as a signal to the market?
So you really think merely saying your looking forward to seeing the jobs numbers, will move the market???

Come on LL, I know you aren't really this stupid.

Question. Did you see that tweet before 8:30 am yesterday?
“Looking forward to seeing the employment numbers at 8:30 this morning,”

Stop the far left presses, he said he was looking forward to reading something!
There's a federal directive that makes that a crime, dontcha know lolol.
“Looking forward to seeing the employment numbers at 8:30 this morning,”

Stop the far left presses, he said he was looking forward to reading something!
There's a federal directive that makes that a crime, dontcha know lolol.

Now if Trump forwarded to his private email server at his house then...wait no that's no longer a crime either. :10:
If Trump does not express anticipation for seeing the jobs numbers on July 6th at 7:30 am, will it serve as a signal to the market?
So you really think merely saying your looking forward to seeing the jobs numbers, will move the market???

Come on LL, I know you aren't really this stupid.

Question. Did you see that tweet before 8:30 am yesterday?
Irrelevant. He stated nothing that mattered. Stop being a dupe to DNC media.

I know, right? If I had a nickel for every time Trump’s opposition is sure he’s about to go down... well, I’d be rich as fuck!

"Trump, like past presidents, is given a preview of the sensitive report before its official release, but a 1985 directive issued by the Reagan administration requires that the executive branch not comment on the information until an hour after it is made public."

This is one more instance of corruption in the Trump administration. Reagan sought to prevent insider trading and politization:

The rule governing comment on the jobs data was put in place for at least two reasons. First, financial markets respond immediately to the monthly report, and a premature release could lead to insider trading or market manipulation.

Second, there has been a strong effort to insulate this information from political leaders, as advance discussion of the data could make it seem politicized. During the Obama administration, Trump routinely said that the numbers in the jobs report had been tampered with to bolster Democrats’ political prospects.

Trump breaks with decades of protocol with tweet before release of jobs report

We got him this time!! Part 875,209
If Trump does not express anticipation for seeing the jobs numbers on July 6th at 7:30 am, will it serve as a signal to the market?
So you really think merely saying your looking forward to seeing the jobs numbers, will move the market???

Come on LL, I know you aren't really this stupid.

Question. Did you see that tweet before 8:30 am yesterday?
Irrelevant. He stated nothing that mattered. Stop being a dupe to DNC media.

Well, I did. And my first thought was that the report was going to be good.

If I dealt in bonds, I'd have made a phone call....as so many did.

It was an improper thing to do. Your failure to acknowledge that fact is puzzling to a normal person.
"Trump, like past presidents, is given a preview of the sensitive report before its official release, but a 1985 directive issued by the Reagan administration requires that the executive branch not comment on the information until an hour after it is made public."

This is one more instance of corruption in the Trump administration. Reagan sought to prevent insider trading and politization:

The rule governing comment on the jobs data was put in place for at least two reasons. First, financial markets respond immediately to the monthly report, and a premature release could lead to insider trading or market manipulation.

Second, there has been a strong effort to insulate this information from political leaders, as advance discussion of the data could make it seem politicized. During the Obama administration, Trump routinely said that the numbers in the jobs report had been tampered with to bolster Democrats’ political prospects.

Trump breaks with decades of protocol with tweet before release of jobs report

Lol. Yeah, sure.

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