War and Peace With The Indians

12. Far too often the source of American children's knowledge is communist'teachers', such as Howard Zinn:

"...Howard Zinn saying European Colonialism killed 100 million people, with other sources saying it was 2 million.... the total number of lucky people who had their hearts cut out and sacrificed by the Aztecs is unknown. But historians are pretty sure that the number is somewhere between 300,000 and 1,500,000. "The Death Toll Comparison Breakdown - Wait But Why

Well....let's add some more fuel to that fire:

"...there is certainly no need to vilify them as "savages."
Sure about that????
The answer is both clear and indisputable: nothing could be more savage than the cultures we are discussing.

a. Craig Childs wrote in the NYTimes “A Past That Makes Us Squirm,” (http://www.nytimes.com/2007/01/02/opinion/02childs.html?_r=0) “...children killed the same way, human sacrifices to an ancient water deity, their bodies buried under pre-Columbian ball courts or at the foot of pillars in important rooms,”...

“archaeological record of the Americas read like a war-crimes indictment, with charred skeletons stacked like cordwood and innumerable human remains missing heads, legs and arms. In the American Southwest, which is my area of research, human tissue has been found cooked to the insides of kitchen jars and stained into a ceramic serving ladle. A grinding stone was found full of crushed human finger bones. A sample of human feces came up containing the remains of a cannibal’s meal.”

Childs also refers to the accuracy of “ Mel Gibson’s movie ‘Apocalypto.’ “ How do we rectify the age-old perception of noble and peaceful native America with the reality that at times violence was coordinated on a scale never before witnessed by humanity? The answer is simple. We don’t.”

b. The Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago had a new permanent exhibit of pre-Columbian North America, "The Ancient Americas,’ which embodies the current themes of political correctness. P.J. O’Rourke, in the Weekly Standard, utterly destroys the simpletons who attempt to venerate the savages.... This brings us to the Maya and their abominable customs, nicely glossed.

.”. sacrifice has played a role in the religious beliefs of many people throughout history and in all parts of the world. ….

Some societies in the ancient Americas, like the Maya, practiced bloodletting or human sacrifice as part of their ceremonies or spiritual beliefs. Why? Anthropologists don't fully know.

The loathsome Aztecdevoted most of their energy to human sacrifices, horrifying in extent and gruesome in technique. The Ancient Americas treats this in a moving-right-along manner.

From mild bloodletting to violent death, sacrifice offered thanks to the gods while maintaining the natural order of the world. The Spanish often emphasized accounts of bloodthirsty sacrifice to justify conquering the Aztec people.

Here, we reflect on the magnitude of loss inflicted on America's Indigenous peoples by European invasion. The exhibit points out thatdisease was the chief cause of suffering after European contact.Therefore, the horrors that beset The Ancient Americas following 1492 would have happened if theNiña, thePinta, and theSanta Maríahad been manned by Jimmy Carter, the Dalai Lama, and Bono." When Worlds Collide

c. .... the total number of lucky people who hadtheir hearts cut out and sacrificed by the Aztecsis unknown. But historians are pretty sure that the number is somewherebetween 300,000 and 1,500,000. " The Death Toll Comparison Breakdown - Wait But Why

I hope this ends the absurdity of placing the American Indians on a pedestal, of attempting to ennoble them with attributes and titles which they don't deserve.

Of course it won't...as long as the myth serves the Liberal purpose.
Cut + Paste= zzzzzzz

I see you've provided a description of your educational career.

Many thanks.
The indigenous peoples were just fighting against the interference of big government, right?
12. Far too often the source of American children's knowledge is communist'teachers', such as Howard Zinn:

"...Howard Zinn saying European Colonialism killed 100 million people, with other sources saying it was 2 million.... the total number of lucky people who had their hearts cut out and sacrificed by the Aztecs is unknown. But historians are pretty sure that the number is somewhere between 300,000 and 1,500,000. "The Death Toll Comparison Breakdown - Wait But Why

Well....let's add some more fuel to that fire:

"...there is certainly no need to vilify them as "savages."
Sure about that????
The answer is both clear and indisputable: nothing could be more savage than the cultures we are discussing.

a. Craig Childs wrote in the NYTimes “A Past That Makes Us Squirm,” (http://www.nytimes.com/2007/01/02/opinion/02childs.html?_r=0) “...children killed the same way, human sacrifices to an ancient water deity, their bodies buried under pre-Columbian ball courts or at the foot of pillars in important rooms,”...

“archaeological record of the Americas read like a war-crimes indictment, with charred skeletons stacked like cordwood and innumerable human remains missing heads, legs and arms. In the American Southwest, which is my area of research, human tissue has been found cooked to the insides of kitchen jars and stained into a ceramic serving ladle. A grinding stone was found full of crushed human finger bones. A sample of human feces came up containing the remains of a cannibal’s meal.”

Childs also refers to the accuracy of “ Mel Gibson’s movie ‘Apocalypto.’ “ How do we rectify the age-old perception of noble and peaceful native America with the reality that at times violence was coordinated on a scale never before witnessed by humanity? The answer is simple. We don’t.”

b. The Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago had a new permanent exhibit of pre-Columbian North America, "The Ancient Americas,’ which embodies the current themes of political correctness. P.J. O’Rourke, in the Weekly Standard, utterly destroys the simpletons who attempt to venerate the savages.... This brings us to the Maya and their abominable customs, nicely glossed.

.”. sacrifice has played a role in the religious beliefs of many people throughout history and in all parts of the world. ….

Some societies in the ancient Americas, like the Maya, practiced bloodletting or human sacrifice as part of their ceremonies or spiritual beliefs. Why? Anthropologists don't fully know.

The loathsome Aztecdevoted most of their energy to human sacrifices, horrifying in extent and gruesome in technique. The Ancient Americas treats this in a moving-right-along manner.

From mild bloodletting to violent death, sacrifice offered thanks to the gods while maintaining the natural order of the world. The Spanish often emphasized accounts of bloodthirsty sacrifice to justify conquering the Aztec people.

Here, we reflect on the magnitude of loss inflicted on America's Indigenous peoples by European invasion. The exhibit points out thatdisease was the chief cause of suffering after European contact.Therefore, the horrors that beset The Ancient Americas following 1492 would have happened if theNiña, thePinta, and theSanta Maríahad been manned by Jimmy Carter, the Dalai Lama, and Bono." When Worlds Collide

c. .... the total number of lucky people who hadtheir hearts cut out and sacrificed by the Aztecsis unknown. But historians are pretty sure that the number is somewherebetween 300,000 and 1,500,000. " The Death Toll Comparison Breakdown - Wait But Why

I hope this ends the absurdity of placing the American Indians on a pedestal, of attempting to ennoble them with attributes and titles which they don't deserve.

Of course it won't...as long as the myth serves the Liberal purpose.
Cut + Paste= zzzzzzz

I see you've provided a description of your educational career.

Many thanks.
Explain how you cut and pasted your way to a Columbia Degree

It obviously didn't take any critical thinking
The indigenous peoples were just fighting against the interference of big government, right?

Do you know what "indigenous" means?

Yeah, the original inhabitants. For instance the Celts are indigenous Europeans, etc.

There were no indigenous people in North America.

Or anywhere outside of East Africa, right? :rolleyes:

Keep it down....Leftwinger is kinda sensitive about that.....he used to date Lucy.
The indigenous peoples were just fighting against the interference of big government, right?

Do you know what "indigenous" means?

Yeah, the original inhabitants. For instance the Celts are indigenous Europeans, etc.

There were no indigenous people in North America.

Or anywhere outside of East Africa, right? :rolleyes:

Keep it down....Leftwinger is kinda sensitive about that.....he used to date Lucy.

No...I used to date her friend Ethel
Do you know what "indigenous" means?

Yeah, the original inhabitants. For instance the Celts are indigenous Europeans, etc.

There were no indigenous people in North America.

Or anywhere outside of East Africa, right? :rolleyes:

Keep it down....Leftwinger is kinda sensitive about that.....he used to date Lucy.

No...I used to date her friend Ethel

Gads....you Liberals are such uneducated dunces.

Here's a pin-up for ya'

"Lucy (Australopithecus)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Catalog number AL 288-1
Common name Lucy
Species Australopithecus afarensis
Age 3.2 million years
Place discovered Afar Depression, Ethiopia
Date discovered November 24, 1974
Discovered by Donald Johanson
Maurice Taieb
Yves Coppens
Tom Gray
Lucy is the common name of AL 288-1, several hundred pieces of bone fossils representing 40 percent of the skeleton of a female of the hominin species Australopithecus afarensis. InEthiopia, the assembly is also known as Dinkinesh, which means "you are marvelous" in theAmharic language. Lucy was discovered in 1974 near the village Hadar in the Awash Valley of the Afar Triangle in Ethiopia by paleoanthropologist Donald Johanson.[1][2]

The Lucy specimen is an early australopithecine and is dated to about 3.2 million years ago. The skeleton presents a small skull akin to that of non-hominin apes, plus evidence of a walking-gait that was bipedal and upright, akin to that of humans (and other hominins); this combination supports the view of human evolution that bipedalism preceded increase in brain size.[3][4]"
Lucy (Australopithecus) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Yeah, the original inhabitants. For instance the Celts are indigenous Europeans, etc.

There were no indigenous people in North America.

Or anywhere outside of East Africa, right? :rolleyes:

Keep it down....Leftwinger is kinda sensitive about that.....he used to date Lucy.

No...I used to date her friend Ethel

Gads....you Liberals are such uneducated dunces.

Here's a pin-up for ya'

"Lucy (Australopithecus)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Catalog number AL 288-1
Common name Lucy
Species Australopithecus afarensis
Age 3.2 million years
Place discovered Afar Depression, Ethiopia
Date discovered November 24, 1974
Discovered by Donald Johanson
Maurice Taieb
Yves Coppens
Tom Gray
Lucy is the common name of AL 288-1, several hundred pieces of bone fossils representing 40 percent of the skeleton of a female of the hominin species Australopithecus afarensis. InEthiopia, the assembly is also known as Dinkinesh, which means "you are marvelous" in theAmharic language. Lucy was discovered in 1974 near the village Hadar in the Awash Valley of the Afar Triangle in Ethiopia by paleoanthropologist Donald Johanson.[1][2]

The Lucy specimen is an early australopithecine and is dated to about 3.2 million years ago. The skeleton presents a small skull akin to that of non-hominin apes, plus evidence of a walking-gait that was bipedal and upright, akin to that of humans (and other hominins); this combination supports the view of human evolution that bipedalism preceded increase in brain size.[3][4]"
Lucy (Australopithecus) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There were no indigenous people in North America.

Or anywhere outside of East Africa, right? :rolleyes:

Keep it down....Leftwinger is kinda sensitive about that.....he used to date Lucy.

No...I used to date her friend Ethel

Gads....you Liberals are such uneducated dunces.

Here's a pin-up for ya'

"Lucy (Australopithecus)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Catalog number AL 288-1
Common name Lucy
Species Australopithecus afarensis
Age 3.2 million years
Place discovered Afar Depression, Ethiopia
Date discovered November 24, 1974
Discovered by Donald Johanson
Maurice Taieb
Yves Coppens
Tom Gray
Lucy is the common name of AL 288-1, several hundred pieces of bone fossils representing 40 percent of the skeleton of a female of the hominin species Australopithecus afarensis. InEthiopia, the assembly is also known as Dinkinesh, which means "you are marvelous" in theAmharic language. Lucy was discovered in 1974 near the village Hadar in the Awash Valley of the Afar Triangle in Ethiopia by paleoanthropologist Donald Johanson.[1][2]

The Lucy specimen is an early australopithecine and is dated to about 3.2 million years ago. The skeleton presents a small skull akin to that of non-hominin apes, plus evidence of a walking-gait that was bipedal and upright, akin to that of humans (and other hominins); this combination supports the view of human evolution that bipedalism preceded increase in brain size.[3][4]"
Lucy (Australopithecus) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Or anywhere outside of East Africa, right? :rolleyes:

Keep it down....Leftwinger is kinda sensitive about that.....he used to date Lucy.

No...I used to date her friend Ethel

Gads....you Liberals are such uneducated dunces.

Here's a pin-up for ya'

"Lucy (Australopithecus)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Catalog number AL 288-1
Common name Lucy
Species Australopithecus afarensis
Age 3.2 million years
Place discovered Afar Depression, Ethiopia
Date discovered November 24, 1974
Discovered by Donald Johanson
Maurice Taieb
Yves Coppens
Tom Gray
Lucy is the common name of AL 288-1, several hundred pieces of bone fossils representing 40 percent of the skeleton of a female of the hominin species Australopithecus afarensis. InEthiopia, the assembly is also known as Dinkinesh, which means "you are marvelous" in theAmharic language. Lucy was discovered in 1974 near the village Hadar in the Awash Valley of the Afar Triangle in Ethiopia by paleoanthropologist Donald Johanson.[1][2]

The Lucy specimen is an early australopithecine and is dated to about 3.2 million years ago. The skeleton presents a small skull akin to that of non-hominin apes, plus evidence of a walking-gait that was bipedal and upright, akin to that of humans (and other hominins); this combination supports the view of human evolution that bipedalism preceded increase in brain size.[3][4]"
Lucy (Australopithecus) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The idea of the American Indian as a "Noble Savage" of the western plains was ingrained into the public by popular literature, and later film, from east coast writers of romantic fiction.

When in reality, the Plains Indians were some of the most savage and vicious people to ever walk the earth. ...... :cool:
They were less savage than rampaging Sunni Muslims dedicated to ISIS today. Massive public torture and murder,enslavement of females, including children for rape. ISIS is far more savage than the indigenous people we refer to as plains Indians.
They were less savage than rampaging Sunni Muslims dedicated to ISIS today. Massive public torture and murder,enslavement of females, including children for rape. ISIS is far more savage than the indigenous people we refer to as plains Indians.
Obviously, you haven't read or researched the history of the plains Indians. ....... :cool:
I agree the 'Noble Savage Myth' is ridiculous it got popular largely because of fantasy 'histories' beginning long ago. My grandmother was a full blood native American, and she didn't have anything good to say about tribe or any of the neighboring tribes there in Ok. She did however respect some of the western tribes like the Navaho, Pueblo, and Hopis. None beyond those three, though.

The idea that just because some group or other eventually lost doesn't automatically make them innocent and hapless victims. If that were the case then why not snivel over the 'poor Nazis' as well?
They were less savage than rampaging Sunni Muslims dedicated to ISIS today. Massive public torture and murder,enslavement of females, including children for rape. ISIS is far more savage than the indigenous people we refer to as plains Indians.
Obviously, you haven't read or researched the history of the plains Indians. ....... :cool:

For once we agree. Apache, Comanche, Kiowa, and numerous other smaller western tribes were more than deserving of being wiped out. They themselves were pretty enthusiastic about wiping out other tribes, and that goes for many of the so-called 'civilized tribes' in the East and Midwest as well.
I agree the 'Noble Savage Myth' is ridiculous it got popular largely because of fantasy 'histories' beginning long ago. My grandmother was a full blood native American, and she didn't have anything good to say about tribe or any of the neighboring tribes there in Ok. She did however respect some of the western tribes like the Navaho, Pueblo, and Hopis. None beyond those three, though.

The idea that just because some group or other eventually lost doesn't automatically make them innocent and hapless victims. If that were the case then why not snivel over the 'poor Nazis' as well?
"Noble Savages" was first used to describe indigenous native Americans by John Dryden in a play named Conquest of Granada in 1672, but the philosophical concept dates back to Greek philosophical concepts of Homer, Pliney and Xenohpon.

They were less savage than rampaging Sunni Muslims dedicated to ISIS today. Massive public torture and murder,enslavement of females, including children for rape. ISIS is far more savage than the indigenous people we refer to as plains Indians.
Obviously, you haven't read or researched the history of the plains Indians. ....... :cool:

For once we agree. Apache, Comanche, Kiowa, and numerous other smaller western tribes were more than deserving of being wiped out. They themselves were pretty enthusiastic about wiping out other tribes, and that goes for many of the so-called 'civilized tribes' in the East and Midwest as well.
Not even those tribes compare to the savagery that occurred in Europe throughout history. Even the early Europeans to this continent used death by burning alive, public torture and employed endless atrocities against natives as well as imported African slaves. To say the atrocities of indigenous Americans compares to lining miles of roads with impaled woman and children in Europe or crucified victims is to escape reality.

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